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Young, Allyson - Breathe [Running to Love 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Allyson Young

  “What kind of security check?” she asked.

  “I ran your names to see if there was anything in your history that would compromise the club. Alistair would have done the same thing.” Ashley smiled at Rowan’s involuntary start of surprise. “Don’t worry, Rowan. It’s procedure. And conversely, no matter whom you meet here tonight, they won’t know any more about you than you choose to share. Not from me. Not from Alistair. Rules work. We all honor them, or we’re not welcome here.”

  The area began to fill up with assorted individuals. A large blond man walked past with a lovely little brunette on his arm, and Rowan could actually see and feel the electricity and connection between the two. They sat together on a larger couch on the other side of the room and the man took the woman’s face between his big hands and pressed a kiss on her lips that made Rowan’s thighs clench. A tall, attractive, redheaded woman came in behind a massive, handsome individual, and Rowan noted his presence, something that verged upon arrogance, and how the redhead kept her eyes lowered and walked just behind him and to his left. The woman wore a scrap of black fabric that barely covered her bottom and the tops of her breasts, and it didn’t look like she had anything under it. Rowan looked away, not wanting to stare like the veritable newbie. Ashley tensed and bent a nasty look on the redhead, but Rowan chose not to speculate. Instead, she became aware of music, a jazz piece, playing softly from hidden speakers and for a moment could believe that she was at a friend’s home, meeting new friends, enjoying a drink and quiet conversation. Except there was an undercurrent of heat, of sexuality and hormones, much like that of the nightclubs she attended. It just wasn’t as overt. So why did it feel so powerful?

  “Oh my,” Jackie said.

  Rowan looked up to observe newcomers, two men joshing with the guy on the door. They were both tall and broad, but the one nearest the door took her total attention. He wasn’t movie star handsome, although he did resemble some cowboy pinup whose name she couldn’t remember, a villain of the piece, from her childhood memory. His face was rugged, all juts and hard planes and anchored with a strong chin. As if feeling her gaze on him, he turned to scan the room, and their eyes locked. Rowan’s lungs seized. Breathe. He sauntered toward them, long muscular legs in dress pants moving fluidly beneath trim hips and a flat belly, a button-down shirt doing nothing to hide his muscled torso. His hazel eyes, framed by thick black lashes, never left hers, and Rowan wondered if it was possible to hyperventilate while being unable to make her lungs work. Her fingers suddenly itched to touch his head, to see if his very short brown hair would feel like seal fur beneath her touch or if it would rasp like shaving brush bristles. She actually felt her nostrils flare to try and pick up the scent of him, like a bitch in heat.

  “Jace!” Ashley’s pleased acknowledgment snapped the powerful connection, and Rowan dragged air into her lungs, and her brain began to function again on a higher level. It had felt like being immersed in something, something invisible but none the less tangible. She struggled to process it, but Ashley was already introducing them. Rowan had a sinking feeling in her gut. They hadn’t been introduced to anyone else, so this meeting held significance. Was Ashley intending to involve this incredible man in whatever she and Jackie were building up to? Maybe he really hadn’t been looking at her. Maybe she had imagined the connection. Rowan suddenly wanted to claw the other woman’s eyes out, and bearing in mind the way Jackie was looking at this Jace, she wouldn’t be averse to at least considering him. And now she also wanted to smack her best friend.

  “Rowan, this is Jace. Jace, Rowan.”

  Rowan reached to take the large hand he offered, and hers was swallowed up in a firm, warm grasp. Her pulse raced and she wondered if he felt it, too. She managed a smile and a nod.

  “Would you like to move to a different place to sit, Rowan?” His deep voice thrilled her. She felt like one of those bubble-headed debutantes in a historical romance novel. “There’s really no room for Max and me here.” He gestured toward the inadequate seating.

  Max. Who the hell was Max? The man he had come in with was smiling at her. He looked like a Max, blond and blue eyed and Nordic. He reminded her of Zeke, and Rowan gave him a warm smile right back. Jace’s hold tightened, and Rowan was startled. She transferred her gaze to him and saw that his mouth, already a chiseled masterpiece, was set even more firmly. But what he said startled her more.

  “I thought Jackie had the interest in ménage, honey? Was I mistaken?”

  Rowan pulled her hand back as if he were a hot flame. “What?” Even to her ears, she sounded liked an outraged chicken, and Jace’s face relaxed. He reached down to grasp her wrist and gently pulled her to her feet. She felt his considerable strength and without a word followed him to another small couch near the wall. It felt right, and she didn’t spare the energy to question it.

  * * * *

  Holy mother. When Ash had told him that she was bringing two possible recruits to the quarterly meet, Jace’s ears had perked right up. The members had been pairing off with unusual consistency, and the number of available women had been dwindling. He had no problem with hitting the bars and clubs, but vanilla sex really wasn’t his thing. He liked to get laid as much as the next guy, but dominance in the bedroom and any other place he could get a woman to spread for him was his real deal, and he always made it worth their while. It tested his restraint and made him feel that he was proving something to himself. The club provided a place to act on his proclivity, because the women there knew the score and some of them wanted what he could provide. Ash had made it pretty clear that one of the women was hers, and that Max might want to have a gander, because her newest love interest liked men, too. Max did women in any configuration, so he had been in high spirits tonight, real hopeful. It was Ash’s hint that the other recruit had expressed an interest in a “real man” that got Jace’s juices flowing. He welcomed the opportunity to help a gal find her niche so to speak, and if it turned out she was submissive, then all the better. He hadn’t had a relationship in a while, and even if he didn’t ever intend to settle down, couldn’t risk it, working with a new sexual submissive to elicit her total surrender tended to take time, effort, and real control, something he relished. So he had hurried home after his shift to clean up and then made his way to the club. He had never expected to lay his eyes on such a prize, and ignored the unfamiliar pull that went past simple physical attraction. There was something elusive, rare, and intriguing about a woman still discovering herself and willing to take a leap of faith and gift herself to him, as it were.

  This Rowan was tall, above average height, and had the long, graceful body of a model. She was almost lanky, and her breasts were small, compared to what he usually favored, but she drew him like a moth to a flame. Maybe he didn’t have a type. His ears may have perked up earlier, but his cock was now way ahead. It wasn’t likely that he’d be getting any tonight, but he was going to see if he could lay the groundwork, no pun intended, starting immediately, before Greg put Lacey on the cross. If he could feel Rowan out, and if she seemed amenable and trustworthy, then maybe Alistair would give her the go-ahead to accompany him to the other part of the club. The part where the real stuff went down.

  “What brings you here, honey?” he asked, carefully hemming Rowan into the corner of the couch with his body. He was pleased to note that she didn’t look anxious or otherwise concerned at his proximity with no clear avenue of retreat. First step. The dark red of her dress set off her olive skin and he wanted to pull her hair down from its sophisticated style and see how it might look spread across his bed. Well, a bed. His bed seemed presumptive, and he dismissed that transient thought. Her eyes were so dark as to be nearly unfathomable, and Jace wondered how they would appear when she let go, if she let go, and what sounds she would make.

  Rowan was looking at him speculatively and he saw the intelligence flash in those eyes. Ah, she wouldn’t be able to hide from him. She said, “I think you know. Jackie told Ashley and Ashley told you. Th
e question is, did she get it right?” Her eyebrows rose with the implication.

  Jace was nearly speechless at her honesty. He reached out and took her hand in his again, caressing her wrist with his thumb. The silky feel of it against his callused hand, the tiny bones and the tracing of fine blue veins emphasized the difference between them. He felt her pulse flutter and speed up, and his own heart rate began to work in cadence. He decided to reward her with equal disclosure. “Ash said you were looking for a real man. I take that to mean you want a real man in the bedroom because you clearly have your shit together professionally.”

  He watched her face, fascinated, as she flushed. “How do you know that? I thought our identities were private.”

  “Oh, they are, honey. I don’t need to know your last name or what you do for a living to understand that you do well at what you do. You project self-confidence, and calm.” Jace privately believed her demeanor covered a totally different persona as hinted at by her choice in clothing. He would bet that the underwear was hot and seductive, too.

  “All right. You must have learned how to assess people and situations in your job. I know that you’re in some type of security work because this club caters to that profession.”

  “Correct, Rowan. Watching people carefully and assessing the situation is only part of why I do it, part of my job, but I could be a cop, private dick, maybe military. Do you want to know which it is?”

  He again watched her process the information and was amazed at how quickly she made her decision, yet somehow knew it wasn’t made impetuously. This woman was very bright in addition to being lovely and sexy. He hoped for the right answer.

  “I don’t think so. I like the idea of anonymity. I’ve read about clubs like this, although mostly fictional accounts, and the Internet provides so much information that I don’t know what is accurate and what isn’t. But much of what I’ve read, uh, intrigues me, but scares me, too. I wouldn’t want just anyone to know about my interests.”

  Jace decided to push her. Time was marching on, and he needed to make the most of it. He was glad that she had left her drink behind. Alistair wouldn’t let her into the club proper if she’d been drinking. “Interests you intellectually or arouses you? Be specific, honey.”

  Rowan smiled at him, a similar smile to the one she had given Max, a smile that had inexplicably made him want to punch his friend’s lights out when it had been bestowed on him, and caused Jace to want to kiss it right off Rowan’s lovely face. Jace struggled to think for a moment, fearing he’d missed a revelation, but then charged ahead with his plan, letting his sexual interest overrule the message his head was telegraphing.

  “What’s funny?” he asked.

  Rowan shook her head gently. “Nothing. It’s just refreshing to speak so honestly. No beating around the bush, no dancing around. It’s a relief.”

  “What specifically appealed?”

  Her flush deepened, but she clearly wasn’t a coward and was committed to talking, sharing. She nibbled on her bottom lip for a moment, and Jace nearly choked on his tongue, for she looked so sexy. Damn it. She was unsettling him, distracting him. He watched her take a deep breath as if for courage and then she almost blurted her answer.

  “I want to explore my sexuality. Fully. I want to try everything and be taught by someone who knows what they’re doing. I want my choices taken away by someone I can trust not to hurt me. I don’t want my pragmatic, stifled side to put the brakes on.”

  Jace wanted to put his head back and howl. He’d hit the mother lode. He took a deep breath and took her other hand. “Then I’m pretty sure I’m your man, Rowan, although I’m going to be right up front with you now. I’ll be in charge, honey, totally in charge. And I won’t do anything you won’t want and need, but I will push you and push you hard. Still interested?”

  His heart leapt at her solemn nod. “Verbalize it, Rowan. We’ll be communicating a lot.”


  Jace released her hands and stood, noting the disappointed look on her face, and believed he was interpreting it correctly. She thought they were done for the night. He quickly said, “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I need to check and see if you can participate in the club tonight or if you’ll need to wait until tomorrow night.”

  Rowan immediately smiled, but her high forehead also creased. “Participate?”

  “There’s more to the club than this, honey. But we’re careful who we let see it, so I need to talk with Alistair.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Jace shot a glance toward where Ashley and her latest sat with Max. The three were deep in conversation. He had better clear things with Alistair first, but the chances were that Ash wouldn’t be staying here overnight. Although they were equally good that she and Max would be tag teaming the little blonde back at her place. Jace didn’t see the attraction personally, but then he had never shared well with others. Ash used the club socially, and sometimes to meet her partners, and appreciated her fellow officers’ assessments and contributions, as it were, but tended to take her stuff home. She only watched scenes if her partners were interested, and never participated. It also looked like they were having another drink, and that really sealed the deal. He made his way to Alistair’s office.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck are you going on about, Jace?” Alistair was clearly irritable and not interested in Jace’s present deepest wish. He was fussing with the security camera set up on his computer, checking the screens. “This is her first night here. You don’t know anything about her.”

  Without stopping to consider why he felt so desperate, Jace stiffened his resolve and got in Alistair’s face. “I know enough. I’ve found a beautiful woman who needs my skills and experience. I don’t want to take the risk that she’ll look elsewhere.”

  “If she changes her mind between now and tomorrow or next week, then it’s not meant to be, buddy.”

  “’Stair, I’m asking you. She’s ripe and begging for it. I want her to see Greg and Lacey tonight. I could probably take her back to my place but the milieu here is so much better. And her reaction to a scene will give me the answer so much quicker and move things right along.”

  Alistair stared at Jace for so long that the skin between his shoulder blades began to itch. His gut tensed when a huge smile split his friend’s face. “This woman getting to you, Jace? Maybe I should take a look myself. I’m between subs right now.”

  Jace heard himself actually growl at the other man. “Fuck off, dude. I saw her first, and I’m not giving her up. You can stick the scene up your ass. I’ll take her home and we won’t darken your door.”

  Alistair reached out a repentant hand. “Okay, Jace! Just checking. Ashley vetted her pretty well, probably because she’s the best friend of her current deal, Jackie. Have her come to meet me and sign a release and confidentiality agreement.”

  Jace shook off the jolt of adrenaline his possessiveness had caused, and nodded to his friend. He wondered at the strange note of annoyance in Alistair’s voice when he mentioned Rowan’s friend Jackie but had enough of his own stuff to manage tonight to pay only the most desultory attention. He headed out to collect Rowan and bring her back to complete the paperwork.

  Chapter Four

  Rowan waited for Jace to return and wondered at her lack of anxiety. She felt excited, excited and aroused, but didn’t worry that this man would harm her. This club was clearly well run and he seemed well known, so she could, in all probability, expect a positive experience. She recognized her tendency to make things a tad clinical so that she could settle herself, which she really didn’t want to do. Crap, Jace needed to return soon before she got cold feet. She didn’t want to second-guess herself. The lounge area was now quite full, and she wondered that no one had come to sit in the empty chairs adjoining her couch, even though it had become standing room only. Maybe she had been marked in some way. She bristled a little at the idea, and then relaxed. It didn’t feel so bad to be considered Jace’s property,
at least for tonight. He totally drew her, and all of her senses were on high alert. She was back to feeling comfortable with the situation and yet very aroused with anticipation.

  The big blond man had disappeared with his date behind the same door that Jace had gone through and Rowan’s curiosity was piqued. Ashley and Jackie were cuddled up together on the love seat, and Max had both pairs of feet on his lap and was stroking their ankles. It was clearly sexual, but fairly discreet, and Rowan suppressed a smile. Jace came back through the door and straight over to her, offering his hand, and all felt right in her world. She let him pull her to her feet and again willingly followed him when he walked her back that way. To the green door. Rowan’s mind flashed back to the screenplay she once read, and she shivered.

  “Cold?” Jace asked her, slowing to put his arm around her shoulders.

  This man seemed to pay close attention to everything she did. “No. I just had a thought.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I read a lot, and there’s a screenplay, a movie about a green door and what’s behind it.”

  He turned her to face him and stared right into her eyes. She was tall enough in her heels to tilt her head back only a fraction, and it was like he was in her mind with that discerning gaze. “I know it.” He drifted his mouth across hers for an instant and then hurried her down a hallway. Rowan’s senses spun at even such a whisper of a kiss, and she was confused. Was it the anticipation of what he might do to her, with her? Or was it this incredible draw between them? Rowan wished for a moment that she knew, a hint of disquiet coloring her arousal.

  A variety of rooms branched off from the hall, and Rowan was aware of darkness that was spotlit in some areas and filled with what seemed to be odd pieces of furniture in others.


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