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Kingmaker's Kill: A RH Paranormal Fantasy Bully Romance (Kingmakers of Kingsbury Book 3)

Page 7

by Rachel Angel

  “Then what is it?”

  I shook my head, uncertain what to say as I took another whiff. It smelled pure, even pleasant.

  “It just seems to be some kind of dense fog.”

  Axel and Avery both pulled in long breaths and nodded their agreement.

  With a little more trepidation than I had anticipated, I entered the cave. My vision was completely obscured by the fog that seemed to only grow denser with every step I took.

  A wet slapping sound caught my attention as a bat flew by.

  “What the hell was that?” Axel said after gasping with fright.

  “Calm down,” I said. “It’s just a bat.”

  “Now that we’re here,” Axel said, “I’m not so sure it was a good idea to remind you about this place. I was only thinking about what you said about this woman healing Violet.”

  “Well,” I said. “We’re here now and we’re going to find this woman and get some answers.”

  I walked on, going deeper and deeper into the white cloud that filled the cave. In the distance, I finally heard the sounds of clinking metal, like coins in a pouch. Then I heard the sounds of a metal spoon scraping against an iron kettle.

  “I think we’re getting closer,” I said.

  A bright yellow light pierced through the dense fog and I followed it, hoping it would lead us to the woman fae. The fog dissipated and we arrived at a large round room with an arched ceiling. The walls of the cave were painted bright yellow and the room was filled with an assortment of pots, kettles and cooking implements.

  “I’ve been expecting you,” the woman said with a cackling voice. The small woman, who was stirring a kettle of steaming liquid, tapped the spoon on the edge of the kettle, tasted the drop that still remained then came out of the shadows to stand before us, spoon in hand. “Perfect. You boys are just in time for a tasty broth.”

  “My apologies,” I said. “We don’t really have time for that.”

  “Pity,” she said.

  “Damn,” Axel let out as he stared at the small woman. “So, this is for real.”

  The old woman chuckled.

  “All my life I’ve heard of these mythical creatures,” Avery added. “But they were just that; mythical.”

  “Oh,” the old woman said. “I am very real. But there is something rather amusing about being considered mythical. I find that it adds a mystic to my aura. Don’t you?”

  “I don’t think I had to opportunity to thank you for all that you did for Violet when we were here,” I said. “You saved her life.”

  “No need to thank me,” the woman said. “I was happy to help her.”

  I nodded. “And I’m hoping you’ll be happy to help her again. She’s been gone for several days now. She’s been out in the forest with two men; Ollie and Reggie.”

  The old woman nodded as if she already knew everything that I was telling her.

  “The moment I discovered the direction she and her princes had taken, I tried to block her path. I had several trees fall, but they went around them. I had a swarm of bees chase them, but they continued on.”

  “Where is she?” I asked, eager for an answer.

  “They took to the peninsula that dips its long tapered finger into the cool waters of Catoma Bay.” She closed her eyes, seemingly following Violet’s journey with her fingers as they walked through the air. “They found what they were looking for in the way of the Monkshood that grow there, but were then taken in to see Chief Waikana.”

  “Chief who?” Avery said.

  The older woman opened her eyes and looked to Avery. “Exactly.”

  Axel, Avery and I exchanged confused glances.

  “I’m sorry,” I said to the older woman. “I don’t understand.”

  “Your friends have been tricked by a paradisiac hallucination.”

  “Tricked?” Axel said. “Tricked how? By who?”

  “Ah,” the old woman said. “By the Trickster Fae. He has lulled them all into a sense of pleasure, security and well-being that will soon render them defenseless. They now believe that they have found paradise on this island.” She looked to me. “Your lady friend is very taken with the village and villagers. She has even stated her desire to stay there forever.”

  “Not if I can help it,” I said.

  “Go to the top of the Borso volcano. In the crater, you will find her with her two princes.”

  I turned to leave.

  “Be on your guard at all times,” the old lady warned. “The trickster has a way of fooling the eye. Of making you see what is not there. Look carefully at everything you see.”

  I nodded.

  “The trickster will not give up his hold on your friend easily. Violet’s eyes’ magic is highly coveted. The trickster knows that it was passed down to her from her mother and he will do anything he can to take it all. When she is weak; when she least expects it, he will strike and he will siphon everything he can from her.”

  “Thank you,” I said with a reverent bow. “I appreciate all that you’ve done for us.”

  I had heard about the possibility of Violet’s mother being a fae who had given Lord Kingsbury his sight that allowed him to see the future. It was also a huge part of the powers that allowed him to be Kingmaker. And if all this was true, if Violet really did have this fae blood and all the magical power that came with it, it would be very coveted indeed.

  No wonder this Trickster Fae was after her.

  I looked to Axel and Avery. “We need to find her fast.”

  “Don’t forget,” the old woman called out after us. “Question everything that you see. Notice the small details and if something doesn’t make sense, beware. When dealing with the magic of a trickster fae, you need all the human logic that you have. Use it. It will always see through that fae’s tricks.”

  Chapter 11


  I led Axel and Avery back down the mountain and followed the old woman’s directions as we headed to yet another portion of the island that was so isolated and unknown.

  “Are you seeing any tracks left by Violet, Ollie or Reggie?” Avery asked.

  “No. Nothing,” I said as I looked down at the vague path beneath my feet. “It’s as if no one has passed through here in ages.”

  “Maybe that old lady was mistaken,” Axel said. “Or maybe she’s part of the trick this Trickster is playing.”

  I had considered that possibility. But the old woman had been so determined to help save Violet, it was difficult to imagine that she would want to harm her now.

  As we reached a dense patch of bushes, I stopped. There seemed to be no path at all.

  “Which way do we go now?” Axel said, peering through the bushes.

  “Good question.” Discouraged by the impossibility of our endeavor, I looked to the ground and was surprised to see a clear and unmistakable track in the mud. “Hey, guys.”

  “What is it?” Avery said as he came to my side.

  “Look at that.”

  “Wow,” Avery said. “It doesn’t get clearer than that.”

  “Just like that time long ago,” Axel said with a chuckle. “A clear print in the thick mud.”

  Avery also chuckled. “It’s almost as if Violet wanted to leave you a clear sign that she’d passed through here.”

  I smirked at their ridicule of my meager tracking talent. Following the direction of the print, I walked through the dense bushes, my legs getting scraped and scratched with every step I took.

  “It would be a miracle if she made it through this stuff unscathed,” Avery said.

  “She’s a tough girl,” I said, remembering all the times I saw her do things most girls wouldn’t dream of. “If she was determined to find the source of that poison, nothing could stop her.”

  “Look over there,” Axel called out pointing to the left. “Bushes and bushes of monkshood. Aren’t those poisonous?”

  I nodded. Indeed, they were. While the flowers themselves were visually interesting, their nectar was highly toxic. I
diverted from the direction I’d taken and turned to head straight to the monkshood. The closer we got the more I realized that it wasn’t just a patch of bushes, but an entire field of the tiny blue flowers.

  “Damn,” Avery muttered. “There must be enough monkshood here to kill an entire village.”

  I barely heard him. In the distance, around a patch of tall elms, I saw it; the volcano where Violet was staying.

  We’ve made it, I thought.

  Plowing through the field of monkshood, we reached the base of the volcano in barely an hour, but the climb to the rim proved to be considerably more time consuming than that.

  “Are you sure this is the way?” Axel said, dripping in sweat.

  “It’s what that old fae woman said,” I shot back. “We’ll know for certain when we reach the rim.”

  We trudged on, each step bringing us closer, but also draining us of our energy. The sun pounded down on us in a way that I had never felt before. The heat was more intense, and there wasn’t the slightest trace of a refreshing breeze.

  Finally, the end was in sight and we took the last steps up.

  “Holy crap,” Avery let out.

  “I’ll be damned,” Axel said in a hush.

  I simply remained silent as the entirety of the shallow crater came into view.

  Far below us, in the very center of the crater, Violet, Ollie and Reggie were engaged in the most uninhibited sex that I had ever seen.

  “Is this for real?” Avery said.

  I had no idea, but we were sure going to find out. Keeping my eyes on the erotic trio, we made our way down into the crater.

  The closer we got to them, the wilder their sexual acts seemed.

  I’d known Violet for a long time. I’d seen her at play, in training, and in fights. She was fierce, ferocious and fearless. Even when she had tricked Barnaby and Flamish, taking their masculinity into her hands, controlling them as she had, she had shown restraint and control.

  But now, it was as if I had never known her at all. I could never have imagined her in such wild and wanton acts. And, while a part of my sensibilities were shocked by her actions, I was also aroused.

  “I’ve never seen her like this,” Axel muttered, almost offended by the degree of pleasure she now displayed. “Even in the wildest of wild passions, she’d always maintained a degree of control; a subtle amount of reserve.”

  “She’s always been a very passionate woman,” Avery said with an agreeing nod of his head. “But this is like a completely other woman. Does she not care that she can be seen from miles around?”

  “Apparently not,” Axel said.

  As we got closer and closer, the tangle of limbs, of who was who, became clearer.

  Ollie, like a man possessed, picked Violet up, wrapped her legs around his waist, drove his hardened manhood deep inside her. She let out the most erotic cry of pleasure and I felt my own cock bulge with anticipation.

  “Hmm,” Axel mused. “And I thought that Ollie was so prim and proper. He struck me as a very noble and respectable man. Steadfast and deliberate in everything he did.”

  “I might have even called him a little cold and aloof,” Avery added. “But this. You would think that he had never had a woman before.”

  “Cold and aloof,” I said with an indignant sniff of the heated air. “That’s what I would have said of Reggie, but look at him. He’s like a savage straight out of the jungle.”

  While Ollie held Violet, he grabbed her buttocks, essentially parting them as Reggie came to stand behind her. Getting into the rhythm, Reggie joined them.

  “Did he just go in through the back door?” Axel said with an astonished gasp.

  Avery shot him an amused and belittling glance. “The back door?”

  “All right, big brother,” Axel said. “If you want to be blunt about it, he’s fucking her in the ass. Reggie, the educated, resourceful and musically talented prince, is fucking Violet up her ass.”

  Indeed, he was. In a strange and highly erotic dance, Ollie and Reggie seesawed their way into Violet. As Ollie pulled back, Reggie pushed in. And through it all, her erotic cries of rapture filled the air.

  “Do you think Ollie and Reggie’s nuts are clanging together?” Axel said with a snicker.

  Again, Avery looked at his brother. “Damn, but you’re an idiot sometimes.”

  “What?” Axel said with a goofy grin. “Aren’t you curious, too?”

  The grunts from Ollie and Reggie reached us, interlaced with the cries of ecstasy that came from Violet.

  “Maybe you boys ought to try it to see,” I threw in.

  “I might just want to try it,” Axel said, licking his lips. “I’ve never been in through the back.”

  We finally reached them just as they threw themselves to the ground, their passionate thrashings ongoing.

  “Hmm,” I said, furrowing my brow at the strange illusion. “I could have sworn that they were making love on the ground.”

  But we could now clearly see that Violet, Ollie and Reggie were on a large, circular bed draped in red silk.

  Violet, deep in a passionate embrace with Ollie, and with her legs high in the air as Reggie ate of her, opened her eyes and looked straight at me, then to Avery and Axel. She did not miss a beat. She was in no way startled or surprised, nor did she show an ounce of shame or embarrassment.

  Instead, she licked her lips and called us over with a flick of her finger. “Take all your clothes off and come to me,” she ordered, her hooded eyes filled with desire for us, too.

  “Is there really any room for us?” Avery said. He seemed reluctant to take part.

  And as I stepped forward, eager for a taste of her, I noticed that Axel was staying back as well. One by one, I took off a piece of clothing and let it fall to the ground.

  I was bursting with a need for her. So ready, I was certain that I would explode before I’d even had a chance to touch her. The scene playing out before me was just too erotic. Violet and I had made love before, but never with others and never as wild as she was now with Reggie and Ollie.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked Axel and Avery. “Come to me, my lovers. Come join my harem of young and beautiful men. The men who love me. The men who pleasure me. The men who protect me. Or do you not love me as I thought you did?”

  As Axel and Avery remained reluctant, she pushed Ollie and Reggie off her and sat up. “This will not do,” she said, the eroticism gone from her voice. “You are destined to be my lovers. Axel and Avery, I demand that you join us on this bed this very moment. If you refuse, you shall never share a bed with me again.”

  “Violet,” Avery began. “You know how I love you, but I’m just…”

  “Then prove it,” Violet said, her voice now almost violent in its command. “Come love me, my charming Avery. Come share in the joys of my body, my darling Axel. Pleasure me as I want to pleasure you.”

  I crawled onto the bed and took Reggie’s place in the crux of her thighs. Just as I was licking her up, Avery and Axel got onto the bed, waving their erections into her face. She greedily took one into her mouth, sucking eagerly for a few moments before bringing the other eager cock in.

  All the while, I ate her, relishing the sweet taste of her until she convulsed under the power of her orgasm. Then Avery took up eating her, then Axel, Ollie and then Reggie again.

  She was insatiable, unable to be fully satisfied no matter how many times we took turns making love to her. After two hours of non-stop lovemaking, I was certain that she would be exhausted and in need of rest. But no. She was increasingly energized. It seemed that every time she reached orgasm, she grew stronger and more powerful, but also more insatiable.

  But we mere mortals began to feel the weight of exhaustion. Ollie, after a very energetic lovemaking session, fell to his side and was snoring withing seconds of hitting the red silk. Reggie soon met the same fate.

  I looked into her eyes as Avery and Axel both tended to her needs. She looked pointedly at me. There wa
s not a trace of shyness or doubt. She knew what she wanted, and she didn’t care what anyone might think of her.

  She reached out for me. “I simply want you all,” she said in a husky voice that instantly aroused me. I love you all and want you with me forever and always.”

  Chapter 12


  I looked at my men, all so eager to please me, to fulfill me. And it made me love them all the more. Smiling, I glanced at Ollie and Reggie who were already sleeping after a full day of almost nonstop lovemaking.

  They were incredible.

  Yet for all their energy and prowess in the bed, I wanted more. I brought my hungry gaze back to Avery who was tenderly making love to me. He was so sweet. Always so respectable. Always so responsible.

  I saw the love in his eyes. I do believe that of all the men that I love, he had the most tender heart. But then I glanced at Ollie, so kind and gentle. Reggie, so warm despite his intermittent moments of aloofness.

  Who was I kidding? They all had qualities that made me love them more and more.

  “I love you, Violet,” Avery whispered into my ear as he reached his orgasm.

  All tuckered out, he gave me a final thunderous thrust then fell over onto his back. Axel, still young and full of stamina, tended to me for another hour still before finally succumbing to the exhaustion.

  “What is it, Henry?” I said as I reached out to him, pulling him to my bosom.

  He said nothing, but simply came to me, made slow sweet love to me before joining the others in slumber.

  “How sweet it is to see you all lying there together,” I whispered.

  As quietly as I could, I reached for the beautiful lilac silk gown that clung to the branch of a bush and slipped it on. The fabric was delicious against my skin, cooling me despite the eternal heat of the midday sun.

  Feeling refreshed and energized, I headed out and met up with Chief Waikana.

  “How lovely to see you, Miss Violet,” he said.

  Baffled, I just stared at him for a long moment. “You speak English?”

  He smiled warmly, making me wonder if he’d ever spoken a foreign language at all. Had it all been an illusion? A dream?


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