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Kingmaker's Kill: A RH Paranormal Fantasy Bully Romance (Kingmakers of Kingsbury Book 3)

Page 12

by Rachel Angel

  With my hand on the doorknob, I looked up to Henry. “That’s strange,” I said. “Not a sound.”

  I opened the door to find an empty room. My heart stopped. Had I been duped again?

  “Oh,” I let out. “What not?”

  “Calm down,” Henry said, though he was clearly confused as well. “I’m sure there’s an explanation.”

  A knight passed by and I stopped him. “I’m sorry,” I said. “But could you please tell me what’s going on? The choosing was to be held today.”

  He bowed and smiled at me. “They’ve decided to hold the banquet before making the announcement, Miss.” He bowed again and left us.

  Dismayed and disheartened, I looked up to Henry. “No,” I lamented. “Why would they do this? They are just tormenting me. This is all your father’s doing. Why is he doing this? I cannot languish for several more hours without knowing what my fate is to be.”

  “I understand how you feel.” Henry looked to the floor a moment. “My father does sometimes tend to have a flair for the dramatic.”

  I looked up into his eyes. “How did you not know of this change?” I shouted at him. “Did your father not inform you of this change in plans?”

  “No. I’m sorry. He didn’t.” He turned to guide me down to the banquet hall. “Come. Let’s try to enjoy the banquet.”

  “Why would he do this?”

  Henry looked down at me. “I’m sure that he feels we will all enjoy ourselves more. Once the announcement is made, there may be some animosity between the princes.”

  I rolled my eyes in annoyance. The waiting was exhausting, and I was just eager to get through the evening and finally hear who had won the challenge.

  As we headed to the banquet hall, even from a distance, we could hear the boisterous chatter of the competitors and revelers coming from the large room. We arrived at the door to find the hall filled to capacity.

  In true Kingsbury banquet fashion, the hardwood floors had been polished, the windows had been wiped down, the heavy drapes had been aired out and everything had been dusted clear of dirt and dust.

  Several elegant tables had been set up and the ample dancefloor was lit by hundreds of tiny candles in the chandeliers above.

  It was a spectacular sight, but it did nothing to raise my spirits.

  At the head of the room I noticed Axel, Avery, Ollie and Reggie seated together at a long table. They all looked at me, their gazes filled with love and longing.

  But there was something else in their eyes. Something a little forlorn. Something a little lost… almost sad.

  Was I simply reading too much into it? I wondered as I made my way to them.

  “You look splendid, Violet,” Reggie said as I passed behind him to get to a seat.

  “So beautiful,” Ollie added as I passed behind him as well.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Avery whispered as I took the seat between him and Ollie.

  “You are the most distracting beauty I’ve ever seen,” Axel said, leaning forward over Avery.

  While I was pleased with their praise, deep inside, I knew that it meant nothing. My beauty was not a factor here. My looks had nothing to do with whether I was to win this challenge or not. My wits, my strength, my capabilities; these were the things that mattered. These were the things that I was being judged on.

  I nonetheless put on a pretty smile and chatted amiably with my princes as well as other competitors who came by to chat for a bit.

  The meal was exquisite, but I barely got a few mouthfuls down. I was simply too wound up to enjoy food.

  “Have you lost your appetite,” Avery remarked as he looked down at my plate still laden with slices of roast pork and saffron rice. “Or are you still too full from your meal last night?” he added with a playful grin.

  I nodded and tried to smile at his joke, but I clearly was not amused.

  “How about a sip of wine then,” he said. He raised his goblet and held it aloft. “If nothing else, it will help to relax you as you await the announcement.”

  I raised my goblet and lightly tapped it to his. “Thank you,” I said, not really sure what I was thanking him for. Maybe for just being there, for understanding me and for trying so hard to make this evening a pleasant one, no matter what the outcome was.

  I took a sip of wine.

  “How’s that?” he said.

  “Better,” I admitted. “Perhaps I should have taken a bottle up to my room as I prepared for the evening.”

  He laughed as we took another sip of the bold wine.

  By the time the music started up, I was feeling giddy and playful. Without waiting for an invitation, I rose from my seat and headed to the dancefloor and swayed to the gentle sounds of the strings.

  But I didn’t remain alone for long. I’d only had time to twirl around once before Axel came to pull me into his arms.

  “Will you allow me to have the first dance, my dear Violet?” he said with lust-filled eyes.

  “It would be my pleasure.”

  He twirled me around the dancefloor, artfully guiding me as he smiled knowingly.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I said.

  “I’m just so in love with you,” he said as he laid a gentle kiss on my cheek. “Of course, I’ve always loved you, but something has changed this past week.”

  “Really? What’s that?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know really. It’s like you’ve… you’ve grown, you’ve blossomed. It’s as if this whole experienced has brought you up to a different level. It makes me love you all the more, but…”

  “But what?” I prompted.

  “I think in the past I’ve always looked upon you like… well… a girl. You were always so beautiful, so sexy and so alluring, and while I’ve always held you in high esteem and have always had a wealth of respect for you, now… well now I can also see you as a colleague, a fellow warrior. You’re so much more than just a pretty woman. You are someone whom I can trust, and with that trust, I would always listen to you and follow wherever you might lead me.”

  Just as I was about to lean in to kiss him, Reggie swept in, snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

  With a reverent bow, Axel stood back.

  “I can only stand to watch you dance with another for so long,” Reggie said with a chuckle. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  I smiled up at him. “On this very auspicious evening, nothing bothers me. I’ve had plenty of wine and I do not have a care in the world.” It wasn’t entirely true, but I wanted to uphold an air of fun and reverie.

  “Are you prepared for the outcome of this challenge?” he said, looking deep into my eyes.

  “I believe I am,” I said in all honesty. “What about you? What are your hopes for this challenge?”

  His jaw tightened for a moment as he held my gaze. “If I’m to be honest…”

  “I ask nothing less,” I said.

  “Of course, I would like to bring to my kingdom the title of Kingmaker. It is the reason I came to Arcadia and the people of my kingdom desperately want it. But…”

  I looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of sadness and resignation. “The truth is that I love you. I would gladly take the role of your mate, your lover, your lifelong partner. Anything, so long as I am a part of your life.”

  “Hey! Ho!” Ollie called out as he took my hand and twirled me away from Reggie

  With a giggle I landed in his arms, thumping hard against his strong chest. He then sent me twirling away again, only to pull me back to him. Full of energy, he guided me around the immensity of the dancefloor as the orchestra took on a more rhythmic beat.

  When it was finally over, Ollie and I stood, breathless and looking at one another.

  “This could very well be the last time that I dance with you as a simple prince,” he said.

  “There is still some time left before Sir Richard Honeywell makes the announcement,” I said trying my best to be pragmatic.

  “Before the announce
ment is made, I wanted to make clear to you my feelings.”

  Nodding, I waited for him to go on.

  “Whoever becomes Kingmaker will wield unspeakable power. I cannot deny that I, like everyone else here, wanted that power.”

  “I know,” I said solemnly.

  “But there comes a time in a man’s life when he must truly question what is important in life. What does he really want? I’ve come to realize that being Kingmaker is a lot more than simply being powerful. It’s about wisdom and good judgement. It’s about a love of people… all people.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  “I know that I’m a good man,” he went on. “At least, I think that I’m a good man.”

  “You are, Ollie,” I said, looking into the pools of warmth and love in his eyes. “You really are.”

  He smiled. “But I now know that it isn’t enough to simply be a good man… a good person. I’m not as benevolent as a Kingmaker should be. And while I can be kind, I think that the depths of kindness that a Kingmaker requires is beyond my reach.” He brought my hand to his lips and gently kissed it before winking at me and stepping back.

  The orchestra struck up a new melody, sad and slow, almost mournful. Then Avery came up from behind and pulled me into his arms.

  “How are you holding up?” he said, immediately understanding my anxiety despite the warm and loving smile I forced.

  “I’m okay.” I looked at him and suddenly felt so tired. “I’m just eager to see this night come to an end. I’m beginning to think that Sir Richard Honeywell is deliberately testing my patience… our patience.”

  With his hands at my waist, he gently swayed me back and forth in a motion that was relaxing and soothing.

  “Throughout all of this, I’ve wanted to protect you from the other princes who’d come for the Choosing.” He smiled his crooked smile. “But, in the end, it is you who saved me.”

  Smiling, I looked into his warm eyes. I’d almost forgotten how I had helped to heal his wounded leg. So much had happened in so short a time.

  “Not only did you save my life,” he went on, “but you saved my leg. I have no doubt in my mind that, had I come back here with my injured leg, the doctors would have had no choice but to amputate.”

  “It was pretty torn up,” I admitted with a nod.

  “And, as if that wasn’t enough, you then saved all of Kingsbury from potential war. Your suggestion to have those men become citizens of Arcadia was pure genius. Say what you will; Arcadia would be in the midst of a deadly war right now were it not for your quick thinking.”

  “You’re very kind to say so.”

  “No. I’m very smart to say so.” He pulled me closer to him. “You know, you have always had my admiration, that and my heart. I love you, Violet. I have always loved you. And, whether you win this challenge or not, you deserve everything that is good and beautiful in your life.”

  He kissed me and, as the music died down, he took me by the hand and led me off the dancefloor.

  “The time has come,” Sir Richard Honeywell called from his perch before the orchestra. “Please. I ask that you now all retire to the throne room. We shall make the announcement shortly.”

  “Finally,” I let out with a hint of exasperation.

  We all filed out of the banquet hall and made our way to the throne room. Princes walked side by side, all talking about their chances of winning. All speculating on who might have won.

  With every step I took, my nerves took a hold of me. By the time we reached the door to the throne room I was almost jumping out of my skin with stress.

  For a long moment there was only the scraping of chairs on the hardwood floor as everyone settled in. Then, with minimal pomp and circumstance, Sir Richard Honeywell took to the podium.

  “Thank you all for coming,” he said. “I do hope that you all enjoyed the celebratory banquet.”

  “I would have enjoyed it more had I known what I was really celebrating,” one sour prince called out.

  While he received a chastising glare from Sir Richard, I agreed fully with the prince.

  “In that case, without further ado.” Sir Richard Honeywell pulled a small enveloped from his breast pocket and showed us all the bright red seal. “Allow me to congratulate you all. Your efforts were valiant, and I must confess that I’m surprised to see that so many of you made it this far. It stands as testimony to just how fierce the competition was.”

  “Get on with it already,” the young prince behind me muttered under his breath.

  “In competition such as these there are far too often many who fall victim to injury… or worse. But this competition had a high number of participants who not only survived each challenge, but all of you who survived have become much stronger for it.

  “Each challenge has tested a different aspect of your abilities; strategy, strength, leadership, and when the chips were down and you were asked to choose the person whom you trusted the most, whom you admired the most…”

  Yes, I thought. Go on. Come on, now. Spit it out. Who won? For crying out loud, who won!?

  “And the winner of this last and decisive challenge… the next Kingmaker… is…”

  The room fell completely silent as we waited. It almost seemed as everyone was holding their breaths.

  “Perhaps you are all too tired and would like to continue on tomorrow morning,” Sir Richard offered.

  “No!” came a resounding cry from the entire crowd.

  “We want to know now,” one prince said.

  “We need to know now,” Henry added.

  With an uncharacteristic teasing grin on his lips, Sir Richard Honeywell broke the bright red seal of the envelope and pulled out the small sheet of paper.

  “Violet Kingsbury.”

  I went numb.

  Had I heard correctly? Was it true? Was it finally over and I had won?

  “Violet,” Henry said, grasping my shoulder and giving me a shake. “You’ve won. You’ve done it. You’re going to be the next Kingmaker.”

  I still couldn’t believe it and judging by the expression on the faces of the other princes, they could hardly believe it as well.

  The only ones who seemed happy and even relieved were Axel, Avery, Ollie, Reggie and Henry.

  “Damn, am I glad that’s over,” Reggie said, wiping his brow dramatically.

  “I knew you’d win,” Ollie said with a wink.

  “You must be relieved,” Axel said.

  Avery came up to me and looked into my eyes. “You did it, Violet. You won.”

  Chapter 20


  Floating on a cloud, I left the room with my men. After the initial shock wore off, I was elated. I was ecstatic. I had won.

  “How about a celebratory drink?” Henry suggested.

  I stopped in the corridor and turned to look at them all. “I want to tell you all just how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me.”

  “We had little to do with it, Violet,” Avery said. “You won this all on your own. We may have been at your side, but you are the one who won, and you deserve it.”

  “Well,” I said. “Thank you all just the same. But now, I’ve had a long day, and, as excited as I am about winning, I’m exhausted. I’m going to head up to my room.”

  I kissed them all goodnight and headed up the stairs.

  “Miss Violet.”

  I turned to see Lucinda coming out of my father’s room.

  My heart sank. Had my father taken a turn for the worse just as I’d just been named Kingmaker?

  “What is it, Lucinda? How is my father?”

  “Why don’t you come see for yourself,” she said with a grin.

  “Is it good news?” I said, my spirits rising as I followed her to my father’s door.

  “Why don’t you let him tell you about it?”

  She pushed opened the door and I entered to find my father sitting up in his bed.

  “Father!” I called out as I rushed to his side.

>   “It appears that I woke up just in time to hear the good news,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Oh, Father,” I said, taking his hand into mine and giving the back of his hand a warm kiss. “I’m so happy to see you’re doing better.”

  “I never thought I’d see the day,” he said, beaming. “My daughter – Kingmaker. Looks like we’re going to have a lot to talk about in the days to come.”

  Indeed, we did.

  Those days turned into weeks, which turned into months which became several years. Up until the day he died seven years later, he was at my side, teaching me, training me, advising me.

  And on those occasion when I wondered if I was really meant to be Kingmaker, he reminded me that I was the rightful heir to the title, to Kingsbury and to the throne.

  “You won the Choosing fair and square,” he was proud to say again and again. “No nepotism. No cheating. No manipulation. Just with your own sight, wisdom and fortitude to be a kingmaker.”

  Even after he was gone, those words resonated in my ears again and again.

  And as for my lovely men who continued to please me. We eventually fell into a casual and easy routine that seemed to suit everyone. While I knew that they would have liked for me to choose one of them, they all accepted the fact that I couldn’t. I loved all of them and I wanted all of them.

  I spent Tuesdays with Avery, hunting, fishing and often making love on a blanket by the river.

  On Wednesdays I was with Axel who always took me on an adventure, up a mountain down to the sea or deep within a cavern, but it always ended up with us making love in some odd place.

  Ollie had my undivided attention on Thursdays and he usually treated me to a fine meal, some romantic poetry and gentle lovemaking. On several occasions he tried to get me interested in painting… abstract art. It ended with us covered in colorful paints rolling around and making love on a pristine white sheet. Art, indeed.

  Being so musically inclined, Reggie played the violin or cello for me on Fridays, always beautiful melodies that pulled my heartstrings. Our sexual encounters were often rough and playful, a sharp contrast to the gentle melodies.


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