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Living for the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 4)

Page 15

by Hayley Faiman

  “Okay,” I sigh as he finally pulls away.

  I want that. I want him to make me forget everything that I’m about to remember. I already know that a wave of memories are going to make their way into my head as soon as we pull up to the front of the old house. We get into the car, both of us in the backseat.

  “Ziven?” I ask with confusion once I put my seatbelt on.

  “You didn’t think I’d let you leave without saying goodbye, did you?” he asks smirking at me.

  “Did you get yourself straightened out with that girl, yet?” I ask.

  I try not to bother him about this girl he’s been eyeing. He wants her and she hates him, or so she claims. Tatyana and I have decided she secretly likes him, but she’s afraid because she knows exactly what and who he is. A Badman, like our men.

  “Just going to move on from that one. Wasted too much time as it is,” he shrugs.

  It’s the most he’s ever said about her. Usually he refuses to say anything other than the fact that he thinks she hates him.

  “It’s never a waste if she’s worth it,” Yakov says.

  I turn to face him as I raise my brows in surprise. Yakov shrugs and takes my hand, resting it on his thigh with a squeeze.

  “I’m moving to Denver in less than a month. Unless a miracle happens, it’s done and over between us,” Ziven announces.

  “Denver?” I ask.

  “Business,” he says, shutting down my questions. I know enough not to ask any more about it.

  I open my mouth to say something else, but the car suddenly stops and I close it. I look around and it is as if I’ve been transported back into time. I’m seventeen years old again. In reality, it hasn’t been that long, only three years; yet, it feels as though it’s been a lifetime.

  “Are you okay?” Yakov asks after a few moments.

  “I want to get out of the car,” I whisper.

  He nods and slides out of the backseat before coming around to my side.

  My gentlemanly Badman.

  He opens my door and takes my hand, helping me out of the car. We walk around to the sidewalk in front of my old house, hand-in-hand.

  I stand outside the small bungalow home. It isn’t much, and I know that inside it is even less. This isn’t the place where I was raised, the place I learned how to walk or ride a bike, but my first kiss happened on that front porch. And this is where I died—where Ashley Riggs died, and Ashley soon-to-be Chekova was born.

  I watch as she takes in the shitty house; the empty shitty house. I don’t tell her that I killed that piece of shit who called himself a father, or the cousin who lived there, as well. She doesn’t talk about him, so he must have stayed scarce while he was around; which is probably better, since he was a fucking lunatic.

  My Ashley, so fucking brave, standing outside this place she called home for so long. I could take her inside and let her go through her things that are probably still neatly in her old room. When I killed her father by disemboweling him, after I pulled out each tooth and cut off each finger, I decided to have him sell me the house. It was the best buy of my life.

  Who knew real estate could be so fun?

  Kirill’s company did the deal, and now it is a safe house for the Bratva.

  “I never want to come back here again. This doesn’t exist to me anymore,” Ashley whispers from my side.

  I squeeze her hand and nod once as my agreement. She won’t ever be back here again; she’ll never have to be reminded of the man who was supposed to love her but instead sold her to a monster. We have a beautiful future to look forward to, and I plan on beginning that immediately. She’ll endure no more hurt and heartache if I have anything to say or do about it.

  “Let’s go,” I grunt.

  The ride toward the airport is somber. Ashley is lost in thoughts of the past, and I’m thinking about all the ways I’m going to fuck those thoughts out of her mind on the plane. Once we arrive at the small airport, Ziven goes about helping me take the bags out of the trunk of the car.

  “Say goodbye to your friend,” I whisper against Ashley’s temple.

  I take the bags to the pilot to let Ziven and Ashley have a few moments to themselves for their goodbye. It isn’t as if Ashley will never see him again, but I know that they have become friends over the past six months and that he’s come to care for her as an older brother.

  I watch as Ziven shakes his head with a grin on his lips before he envelopes Ashley in a hug as he pats her on the back. I know he isn’t interested in her sexually, but I can’t stop the blood from rushing through me in a wave of jealousy. I don’t act on it, though.

  Before we had our separation, I would have brought her to heel, literally, for her allowing another man to even touch her, let alone hug her. Now, she is vibrant, beautiful, alive and healthy, inside and out; and this isn’t because of me. It’s because of the men and women who have cared for her, as they would any of their family, and one of them was this man, Ziven.

  “Ready?” she sniffles as she steps to my side.

  I hadn’t seen her even leave Ziven’s embrace, let alone walk to my side, but there she is, wetness gathered in her eyes. I look up to see Ziven just in time for him to lift his chin at me. Then he slides into the driver’s seat of the car, his eyes pinned on us.

  “I’m ready, pchelka,” I murmur, stepping to the side. I place my hand at the small of her back to guide her up the narrow steps of the plane.

  “Let’s go home,” she whispers as I settle down next to her once we’re inside of the plane.

  “Yes, let’s,” I murmur, thinking about home, or what home will be now that our dynamics have changed.

  The pilot and the co-pilot introduce themselves, and they tell us that our flight duration will be approximately five hours and twenty minutes. Luckily, our plane is large enough that we’ll not need to stop to re-fuel, which means we’ll be left completely alone for the entirety of the trip.

  The plane is stocked with liquor and snacks. I didn’t hire a stewardess for a reason, and that reason is I wanted five hours to eat and fuck my sweet Ashley.

  “Are you doing all right?” I ask once the plane starts to taxi down the runway.

  “I will be. It’s been an emotional few hours,” she murmurs, looking out the window.

  “Are you regretting leaving?” I ask.

  The past few weeks are the first time in my life where I’ve worried about the feelings, thoughts, and concerns of another person. It’s a foreign feeling, but not necessarily a bad one.

  I’ve always wanted Ashley to feel safe with me, but now I want so much more for her, and for me, too. I feel like such a pussy, but for her, I’ll be whatever she needs me to be. For her, I’ll go on my knees—only for her.

  “Never. I’ll never regret anything that leaves me at your side.”

  “STRIP,” YAKOV ORDERS ONCE the plane is in the air and the pilots have cleared us to move around the cabin.

  “Strip?” I ask with a shaky voice.

  “Yes,” he nods. I notice how hardened his eyes look—like stone.

  “But what if one of them sees?” I ask.

  My eyes dart over to the closed door that separates the cockpit and the rest of the plane.

  “They’ve been instructed to only interrupt if there’s an emergency,” he shrugs.

  My eyes widen and my breathing becomes choppy at the fact that they know what we’ll be doing back here. Yet, with the way that Yakov is looking at me, it doesn’t matter that they know. He’s determined to make me forget about that shitty house.

  I quickly climb over him and strip out of my jeans and loose cotton shirt, a comfortable travel outfit that I threw on.

  “Panties and bra, pchelka,” he murmurs as he turns to face me in the aisle of the plane.

  I unsnap my bra and lie it down on the pile of clothes before I shimmy out of my panties and do the same.

  “Knees, position,” he grunts.

  Without thought, I fall to my knees and spread my t
highs slightly before I wrap my hands around my back, grabbing onto my elbows as I bow my head.

  “Eyes on me,” he orders. I lift my head and my eyes focus on him.

  “This is still who we are at times. But one thing will change—your beautiful, brown eyes will always be focused on me,” he rumbles.

  I nod once and then watch as he swivels his chair to face me before he unbuttons and unzips his slacks. My eyes focus on the way he lifts his hips a bit and shoves his pants and boxer briefs down just enough to allow his cock to spring forward.

  “I’m going to fuck your mouth first, then I’ll fuck your pussy until you come all over me. Then, I’ll eat you until you come again. I’ll then fuck you one more time until we both come. After I’ve come, you’ll suck me until I’m hard, and we’ll repeat the sequence. We’ll go like this until our seatbelt announcement has been made and we land in New York,” he announces.

  My thighs tremble at the thought of what’s to come, the anticipation of his dominate nature. It’s something I haven’t seen a lot of since he’s been back. He’s been gentle and kind; rough but not overly so. I’m ready for more. I crave it. I need it.

  I open my mouth, waiting for him to fill me. His hand cups my cheek and his thumb circles my waiting lips before he slides it against my tongue as far back as he can. I don’t move. I keep my eyes focused on him, waiting for instructions and for his next move.

  “You’re going to be good to me today aren’t you, Ashley?” he rasps.

  I give him a short nod of my head and I watch as his lips curve into a perfect smile.

  “Can you take all of me, still?” he asks.

  “Yes, sir,” I whisper, unsure if it’s the truth. I imagine with the kind of training I’ve had, I could still take him all the way down my throat with ease.

  “Good girl,” he murmurs.

  Yakov wraps his hands in the back of my head and he pulls me forward on my knees. I know if he released me, I’d fall flat on my face, but I trust him so much that I know he would never let that happen.

  The tip of his cock slides along my tongue as he eases his way down my throat. I don’t break eye contact with him, and I know I’ve succeeded when his soft balls touch my chin. He moans and it fills me with pride. I do this to him, I make him moan—me.

  I breathe through my nose as my eyes stay connected with his blue ones. For the first time, I watch them warm and then melt before me. This was never anything I was allowed to do while making eye contact with him before, and it’s so intimate, it makes me fall in love with him that much more.

  He pushes me back and I take a large inhale of breath before he reaches for me and repeats the process all over again, still slowly and with precision.

  “You feel so goddamn good, pchelka,” he rasps. “The way your throat hugs my cock, almost as good as your cunt, but not quite.” He winks before he releases me again.

  “Ride me, but keep your arms where they are,” he instructs. I must look at him with confusion, and I am confused. I don’t know how I’m going to move without being able to use him to brace myself.

  “I’ll move you the way I want you. I’ll rub that clit and suck on your perfect tits until you scream for me. You’ll scream won’t you? For me?” My pussy pulses at the thought as my cheeks heat with embarrassment simultaneously.

  I stand and throw one leg over his thighs as he stabilizes me with his hands on my waist before I sink down on his waiting, velvety, warm, and wet cock.

  “Don’t move. Stay completely still, or I’ll stop everything I’m doing,” he murmurs.

  One of his hands grasps my ass as the other goes between my legs and his thumb starts to stroke my clit. I pinch my eyes closed, trying to stay completely still. I almost fuck it all up when his lips wrap around my nipple and he sucks me in deep.

  I don’t speak or make a noise, though all I want to do is whimper in his arms. He wants me to scream, and I know that he’ll not be happy with anything less than my screams filling the air around us.

  Yakov’s hand starts to guide my hips against his cock while his thumb continues its blissful magic, and he leans back as if he’s enjoying the show immensely. I keep my body pliable for his manipulation. I don’t close my eyes as I want to. I keep them focused on his blue ones as I let my mind relax. The depression that once filled me has lifted; but right now, it’s not just lifted, it’s vanished.

  I’m Yakov’s, and he’s mine.

  I’m his to do with as he wishes. In return, he’s going to shower me with my heart’s deepest desires. It’s the most amazing feeling in the world; something I didn’t think was ever possible, and it’s even better than I imagined it would be.

  “Come back to me, pchelka,” he rumbles.

  Yakov pinches my clit, bringing be back from my thoughts. My entire body clenches as I scream with my rush of release. I wasn’t prepared, lost in a dream while my body climbed toward its climax. Yakov lifts me up and off of his cock before he pulls me into his chest and runs his fingers down my back.

  “You’re okay?” he murmurs into my hair.

  “Just lost in a beautiful dream that is my reality,” I whisper against his neck.

  “What a good girl. Now lie down so I can clean you up,” he chuckles.

  I do as he requests and lie down in the aisle of the plane. It isn’t the most comfortable place in the world, but for Yakov, I’d lie on a bed of nails.

  “Never mind. Knees,” he murmurs.

  I quickly roll over and lift my knees while my chest stays firmly planted on the carpet of the plane.

  “Mmmm, yes,” he grunts. I feel his hands grab hold of my ass before he spreads my cheeks apart.

  Then I feel his breath against my core. I stay completely still, as I’ve been instructed, even though my instinct is to rear back against his face.

  I gasp when he buries his nose in my pussy and then his tongue flicks my clit. He starts to lap at my nub, and it makes my eyes roll in the back of my head with pleasure. He alternates between short flicks and long, slow licks with his tongue, and it brings me from post-orgasm relaxed, to tight and ready to explode all over again.

  When Yakov hums, I detonate against his mouth. My legs start to shake violently against the sides of his head and I cry out before I scream. He doesn’t stop until my body is completely limp.

  Then he sits up and grabs my hips, wrenching them back up, and with one deep, quick thrust, he’s fully seated inside of me. I can feel his slacks against the backs of my thighs, and the extra sensation against my sensitive skin makes goosebumps appear on my flesh.

  “I want another one,” he grinds out behind me.

  I whimper but don’t protest. It would be useless to do so. He’s in control now.

  I moan when I feel his hand in the back of my hair, and he yanks my neck and head back. Yakov’s thrusts become more powerful with each stroke, and I bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming with each and every one. He wants me to scream when I come, not any other time.

  “This is where you’re meant to be, Ashley. You’re mine and you were always meant to be so. Your body was made to take my cock, anyway I give it to you,” he grunts. “I need you to come. Touch yourself.”

  I do as he orders, my hand quickly slipping between my legs. I’m wet and extremely sensitive, my clit warm and swollen to the touch. It doesn’t take much before I scream with my release, and my pussy clenches around Yakov. I feel his cock grow before it twitches inside of me, and I shiver as he fills me with his climax.

  Yakov releases my hair and neck before he gently eases me completely flat, still inside of me, his shirt clad chest pressing against my naked back.

  “You are so good to me, Ashley. I’ll never deserve you,” he whispers against my neck before his teeth sink down on my flesh. He releases shortly before breaking my skin, and then licks the area. “Fucking beautiful with my teeth on your neck.”

  “You’re a beastly animal,” I sigh, enjoying all of his beastly attributes.

beastly animal,” he chuckles as he eases himself out of me.

  I whimper, my body sensitive, sore, and swollen. It’s exactly the way he’s always liked to keep me, to remind me of him with each step I take. I have always loved it.

  I hold Ashley in my lap, my arms wrapped around her delectable curves. I didn’t make her go for round two or three like I originally anticipated. She’s not used to the relentless hours of fucking like we used to have. Her body isn’t ready, and in all honesty, I don’t feel the need for it. Maybe it’s the emotional connection we share now, the spoken vows of love? I’m not sure; but whatever it is, I’m completely satisfied with our activities on the airplane.

  “We’ll be landing in about an hour, sir. Please fasten your seatbelts for our descent into New York,” the co-pilot announces over the intercom.

  I look down at the sleeping form in my lap and lament having to wake her. She looks so at peace, so young, and as always, so very beautiful. I place a kiss on the top of her head before I give her a gentle shake.

  “Oh, more?” she asks sleepily as her eyes pop open.

  “No, pchelka, we’re preparing to land. You need to buckle up,” I chuckle.

  I allowed her to dress for her nap, since she was so nervous about one of the pilots walking back from the cockpit, so she’s already presentable as she slides into her seat and buckles up.

  “Already?” she asks on a yawn.

  “Yeah. It was only a five and a half-hour flight, and you slept for almost three,” I grin.

  We don’t say much else as the plane begins to descend. I take her hand in mine and simply hold it. I enjoy the way my larger hand engulfs hers. It still amazes me the amount of physical power I have and yet, she could crush me like a bug. Completely obliterate me.

  “Is it weird I’m nervous?” she whispers as the plane begins to land.

  “They’ll land the plane just fine, Ashely,” I murmur.

  “No, about being back in the city. I’m nervous about going back to the apartment and everything,” she confesses.

  “Do you want to go elsewhere?” I ask, furrowing my brow in confusion.


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