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Blind Obedience

Page 4

by Brandi Michaels

  “Blind obedience,” he reminded. “If you want unconditional trust, you have to be willing to give it.”

  Thea’s heart hammered in her chest. Her breathing was labored, but his touch was gentle, his tone hypnotic. Like the spider to the fly? The thought brought a resurgence of alarm.

  Did he plan to punish her? What other fetishes did he have besides bondage? Sadism perhaps? Whips and chains? Other instruments of torture? Hell and damnation! Her muscles clenched tighter. Her ass simmered with heat.

  What if he wouldn’t be satisfied with a private punishment? What if he had some weird obsession for threesomes or swapping or slavery? How well did she really know him?

  “You’re scaring me,” she whispered, lapping the wine from her lips, wishing for a sip to wet her dry throat.

  “Why?” he asked, his hand cupping her chin and then sliding down her throat. His eyes remained dark and shuddered, his voice rough. “Because you cheated on me and you’re afraid I might want retribution?”

  Fear clutched at her throat, getting tangled with desire as his hand strayed down to her breast. He palmed the soft mound, and then pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. As she stared at him, wide eyed, he increased the pressure to the borderline between pleasure and pain.

  Her next words came out in a strangled groan. “I didn’t cheat on you.”

  “So you keep saying. But you can’t deny causing me a lot of public humiliation. I think you deserve a little punishment for that. I don’t believe in sharing or I could have invited some friends along.”

  A tremor shook her body and her breathing was coming in hard little pants. Blake’s intense scrutiny finally shifted her chest, where her breasts jutted against the thin fabric of his shirt.

  His jaw clenched, and his eyes glittered with anger. “I don’t like sharing at all,” he reiterated, tugging on one nipple until she shuddered.

  “Just you and me?” she demanded gruffly, her eyes wide and worried.

  “Just you and me,” he promised, leaning over to brush his mouth back and forth across hers.

  Her breath rushed out in a sigh. He was finally going to kiss her. She knew he wouldn’t be kissing her so gently if he were still furious. Her body felt strung as taut as wire, but she relaxed a little as his kisses grew bolder.

  She wanted his mouth and all the kisses he’d been denying her. The tantalizing taste wasn’t nearly enough. She shifted her head until their lips were aligned. He still teased her with fleeting touches, but she strained as far as her bonds would allow and ground her mouth against his in urgent demand.

  She badly needed reassurance.

  Blake didn’t disappoint her. He took her mouth with swift, hard possession, forcing her head back to the pillow, as he pressed closer. His big body blanketed her in warmth. She opened her lips and hungrily welcomed the thrust of his tongue. Then she stroked and sucked it until they were both moaning and gasping for air.

  Time stood still as they kissed, caressing each other with teeth and tongues and lips. Every kiss made them hungrier for the next, rekindling a fire that had been repressed by emotional uncertainty. Thea squirmed beneath him, wanting the freedom to hold him in her arms. The silken bonds kept her from attaining the closeness she so desperately craved.

  Blake finally tore his mouth from hers and leaned back. She groaned her displeasure, opened her eyes and watched him visibly struggle for control. Perspiration dotted his brow and tension locked his jaws. She wondered how long he’d been sitting in the darkness, watching her and feeding his own hunger. The evidence of his tightly coiled desire stoked hers even higher.

  “Damn, you make me lose my head faster than anyone I’ve ever known,” he snarled in self-disgust.

  She understood exactly how he felt, and hated his withdrawal. She wanted to drag him back to her for more mindless kisses, but her arms were shackled. Frustration gnawed.

  “Is that such a bad thing?”

  “It is right now.”


  “Because I need to concentrate on teaching you a lesson, not being seduced.”

  Her stomach fluttered and her nipples pearled. She licked her lips. Blake reached for a glass of wine and tilted it slowly so that she could take a drink. Then he lowered his head and sipped at her mouth, but refused to deepen the kiss.

  She grumbled a complaint against his lips. “More. I want more.”

  “Patience, honey, and I promise it will be its own reward,” he said, turning his attention to the rest of her body.

  Her breasts strained against his shirt, her nipples begging for attention. She watched, mesmerized as he slowly began to unfasten the buttons. His total absorption in the task sent a quiver through her. The brush of his skin against hers electrified the nerve endings. Just watching his concentrated efforts made heat curl through her body like a simmering, yet carefully regulated fire.

  Cool air touched her skin, causing goose bumps as he parted the sides to reveal her pale flesh. The urgent flare of need in his eyes as he studied her bared body started a deep, throbbing ache low in her belly. His expression went dark and hungry, alive with a need so intense that it stilled her breathing.

  “You are so beautiful. Do you know how much I want you?” he whispered, locking gazes with her.

  Thea thought her heart would surely explode in her chest as his gaze slid along the flesh he’d exposed. She desperately wanted to believe him. For once, he didn’t hide behind a mask of control. He feasted on her with his eyes and made her quiver with longing.

  She couldn’t seem to catch her breath or still her rioting nerves. “You can’t want me any more than I want you.”

  “Oh, I want you more, all right. More than you could imagine. More than you’ve probably ever experienced,” he insisted gruffly. “But that’s going to change. I’m going to teach you what it is to really want.”

  A soft whimper escaped her.

  “You’re more afraid of that than of any physical harm I might do, aren’t you?” he asked, studying her features intently. “You don’t like losing control any more than I do, but I want to make sure your desire is as fierce as mine. Then I’m going to show you the meaning of awesome, mind-blowing satisfaction.”

  The low, passionate promise sent a tremor of longing over Thea. She felt moisture trickling between her legs as he continued to study her with his gorgeous, mesmerizing eyes. Her skin sizzled at the touch of his gaze, and then he began to use his hands and mouth. She closed her eyes on a swelling moan of pleasure.

  She’d never been particularly interested in sex for the physical aspects, but more for the closeness and intimacy it provided. Blake had never really tested the depths of her sensuality, but now he seemed determined to do just that.

  Bracing himself with hands on either side of her head, he kissed her eyelids, then her cheeks and the curve of her throat. His nibbling on her shoulder sent a wave of shivers over her, making her nipples ache.

  They poked at his bare chest until he finally shifted his attention to the fullness of her breasts. He cupped them both in his hands, kneading and shaping, his dark hands a shocking contrast against her pale skin. He took one nipple into his mouth while thumbing the other into a turgid bud.

  She uttered a low, mewing sound and began to squirm as much as the restraints would allow. She wanted to sink her hands in his hair and hold him tight: To wrap her legs around him and feel all of his weight on her. She wanted him to fill her emptiness with his big, hard cock.

  The deep, pulling suction of his mouth made every muscle in her body constrict and the blood roar through her veins. Twisting and tugging against the confines of her restraints, she tried to ease the sharpening ache.

  “Blake!” she urged him to hurry.

  He resisted, taking his time with one breast and then the other, using his teeth and tongue and lips to drive her higher. He plucked at her nipples while his mouth planted hot, wet kisses across her ribs and stomach.

  She tossed her head from side to
side. His touch left a trail of fire on her flesh until she feared she’d burst into flame. She’d never experienced such consuming desire, and she didn’t think she could get more aroused. Then his caresses shifted lower. With her legs spread wide, she had no defense as his attention settled between them.

  He grasped her upper thighs in his hands, and then used his mouth to part the damp folds of her feminine lips. His tongue jabbed at the heart of her desire, startling a scream from her. Flames of fire spiraled through her body, staggering her breath. She arched against him in a wild frenzy of need.

  “Ohmigaud!” she said on a gasp. “Blake, no, I can’t stand it!” It was too much, too scary, too out of control.

  In response, he thrust a finger inside her, redoubling his efforts. She didn’t even try to muffle her cries as he prolonged the deep, potent caresses, pushing her harder and higher. Then two big, male fingers were working her along with the jabbing of his tongue. A maelstrom of unrelenting excitement pulsed in the center of her body, stabbing her between the legs.

  When she felt herself nearing release, he abruptly halted the sensual assault. Frustration clawed at her, mingling with a strange relief at having been pulled back from the brink of control. Panting harshly, her lungs burning, she watched as he climbed from the bed and shed his jeans.

  He hadn’t bothered with boxers. His erection jutted out, ruby red, hard and throbbing with anticipation. Her body shook with matching excitement. This time he wouldn’t disappoint her. He had to need her as much as she needed him. She wanted him desperately, and soon he would fill her.

  She dared to look him directly in the eyes, knowing how exposed and vulnerable she must look, how flushed and excited. She’d never seen his expression so raw and hungry. The tightly leashed control was for his body only, but the primitive desire was evident in the tautness of his features.

  Her pulse galloped again as he settled his weight over her. He licked both her nipples, and then took one deeply into his mouth as his cock found her already dripping cunt. He began easing inside of her until she felt the familiar fullness.

  Then he pressed deeper. Thea’s eyes went wide as she realized she’d never taken all of him in. Their lovemaking had been so conventional and controlled in the past. She hadn’t even known the full size of him until today. Her mind conjured an image from the poolside and she moaned.

  Their gazes locked as he pushed deeper, and then still deeper. Even with her legs spread as wide as possible, she feared she couldn’t take any more. She went completely still, hardly daring to breathe as he continued to ease himself inside of her.

  It felt like being impaled by a hot steel rod, her body invaded by a thick, throbbing pole. She was afraid to move, afraid to even drag air into her lungs.

  “Relax,” he ground out roughly as he plunged the last inch into her. Then he stilled, waiting for her to adjust to the fullness. He rested his forehead against hers. They were both strung tight.

  “Jeezus, baby, you’re so hot and tight and sweet.” The warmth of his breath whispered over her lips. “I thought I might die of wanting. There’s no place in the world I’d rather be than inside of you. Suck me with your body.”

  “I can’t,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “Sure you can.”

  He dipped his head to her breast, his hot mouth sucking greedily at her nipple. The caress sent a jolt of heat to her vaginal muscles, helping them relax and increasing the flow of juices to lubricate him.

  She tentatively flexed her muscles around him and he whispered encouragement. But the instant her body lifted against his in demand, he pulled out of her. She whimpered, but he immediately plunged back in, swiftly and deeply. Thea caught her breath and stared into his eyes. His face was tight, his expression savage as he withdrew and then plunged again.

  “When I think about you with another man,” he said on a low, snarl. “It drives me insane.”

  Thea moaned in distress. She didn’t want his thoughts wandering in that direction. She felt the sudden rigidity of his body as a resurgence of anger swept over him. His big, hard frame pulsed with it, swelling and pressing more heavily upon her, pounding into her deeply.

  Never had she been more aware of his superior strength. Nor had she ever felt so exposed and defenseless. Bound and unable to protect herself, she was totally at his mercy: At the mercy of his badly wounded pride. He had the power to heal or to hurt her. She shivered with apprehension.

  “I swear on my life that I never slept with him,” she whispered raggedly.

  “How about on your parents’ lives?” he demanded.

  “My parents’ lives, my career, and everything I hold dear, I promise you that I never made love with Ted.”

  In response, Blake rose onto his knees and withdrew from her. Thea closed her eyes tightly and swallowed a sob at the thought of him rejecting her again—rejecting her confession and her body as well as her love.

  Suddenly, her legs were freed. The silk bonds stayed on her ankles, but he’d slipped the loops from the bedposts. Then he slowly resettled over her, enveloping her with his simmering heat. He took a nipple into his mouth and suckled as his hot shaft found its way back into her body. She swiftly wrapped her ankles around his thighs and arched into him.

  “My arms,” she coaxed.

  “Not this time,” he said thickly, sliding his hands under her hips. His touch seared her sensitive flesh, stinging and stroking her excitement. Then he lifted her into his thrusts. “I come apart when you touch me and I’m already about to explode.”

  He started slow and easy, but steadily increased the rhythm until their bodies were grinding and slapping with heated fervor. The bed rocked and rattled while Thea welcomed each pounding thrust, holding nothing back as they both strove for satisfaction.

  She screamed when the orgasm finally hit her, crying out as spiraling heat arced deep within her, stealing her breath and her strength.

  But Blake wasn’t finished. Her screams spurred him to hotter, harder, deeper thrusts. His body pumped against hers in a fierce, primitive rhythm, the slap of flesh on flesh echoing in the room. The bed shuddered and slammed against the wall as his powerful body pumped against hers.

  A second, more powerful orgasm rolled over her with a shuddering force just as she heard his low groan and felt his hot seed spurting into her.


  Twilight had settled upon the room as their breathing slowly returned to normal. Thea’s chest still heaved in her effort to get enough air. Blake eventually shifted his weight onto his forearms to give her more breathing space.

  She opened her eyes as his fingers gently brushed tendrils of hair from her sweat-dampened cheeks.

  “You are so incredibly sexy,” he whispered, his eyes dark and probing.

  He looked as though he wanted to see into her soul. She yearned for words of love. They didn’t come, but the sincerity of his compliment warmed her heart.

  “You make me feel so sexy and so special,” she said, and then dared to confess even more. “I’ll go crazy if you leave me.”

  His eyes narrowed. He studied her more intently. “Will you, Thea? Will you miss me or just the way I can make you feel?”

  Before she could respond, he’d lifted himself from her and headed for the bathroom. She closed her eyes and sighed, wondering what it would take to convince him. What would it take to win his love?

  He returned with a warm, wet washcloth. She gasped in surprise as he spread her legs and began to tenderly bathe her. Despite what they’d just shared, she felt the heat of embarrassment at the intimate attention.


  “Don’t be shy,” he insisted. “Sex is messy, and I don’t ever want you to feel stained by it.”

  They’d never made love without a condom, even though she was on the pill. This was her first experience with such total intimacy, and she loved the feel.

  “I’m glad you didn’t use a condom. It felt fantastic. How can you worry about anything else?” she said sof

  His gaze met hers again, his brow furrowed in a frown. “I thought you might be disgusted by the mess.”

  “You could have asked.”

  Blake’s frown deepened, then he shifted his gaze. “Maybe there are a lot of things we need to discuss.”

  “Not just physical barriers, but emotional ones?”

  Instead of answering, he rose from the bed and made a trip back to the bathroom. Thea tugged at her bonds, noting that each had two slipknots, one for her wrists and another to fit over the bedposts. She just couldn’t wiggle her way out of them.

  When he returned, she said. “How about removing these ties. I’m thirsty.”

  He didn’t release her bonds, but brought a glass of wine to her mouth, holding her head so that she could drink. Then he sipped the wine from her lips. They kissed; sweet, drugging kisses that stirred their desire back to life.

  He finally slipped the knots from the bedposts, but quickly turned her onto her stomach and slid the ties back over the posts. Before Thea could react, he had her legs bound again as well. Now she was spread eagle on her stomach, feeling even more vulnerable.

  “Blake!” she moaned her frustration.

  “Patience, sweetheart. I want plenty of time to love you. This way, my desire won’t get out of control.”

  Thea wasn’t too pleased by his comment. She wanted him totally out of control, pushed beyond the limits of his endurance. Still, she didn’t complain much when she felt him beginning to massage the taut muscles of her thighs and then buttocks.

  Her breath caught as she anticipated the sting of his hand across her flesh, and he didn’t disappoint her. Whack! Whack! He quickly and firmly smacked her ass again, searing her with heat. Her vaginal muscles clenched in reaction and her juices start to flow again.

  Then he showered her ass with kisses, making her go warm and pliant. How could she complain about anything that felt so good? When he settled over her and sunk his teeth into her shoulder, she moaned her pleasure. He slid his hands under her until he could cup her breasts, then continued to suck at her neck while the hard length of his erection slid between her legs, seeking and finding its welcoming mate.


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