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A Royal Affair: The Sravanapura Royals

Page 6

by Preethi Venugopala

  She sat on the first seat and watched as Vijay settled into the seat next to her. A steward brought a welcome drink. She sipped it trying to ignore how Vijay’s proximity was affecting her. It was as though she was aware of every breath he took and every move he made. And now, she felt his eyes boring into hers.

  “Are you comfortable, Jane? If you are scared of flying in a jet, we can shift to a passenger flight. You look uncomfortable,” he said.

  “No, no. It is just that… I'm not used to such luxury, you see. Just first-time nerves. Grandpa Bill would have whistled if he saw me now!” How could she tell him that it was not the luxurious plane but his presence that was making her nervous?

  “Okay. We will take off in another 10 minutes. We should reach Mangalore in half an hour. Rukmini Rai has somehow agreed to talk with us. She is a recluse and prefers spending time in the dance school she has set up in Mangalore.”

  Jane listened with interest. This lady certainly seemed an interesting character. How did a dancer and a soldier fall in love? She couldn’t wait to hear their story.

  “There are so many things that suggest Rukmini Rai is the person we seek. She was born in 1928. She had debuted as a Bollywood actress at the age of 15 in 1943. She was hugely popular prior to independence but she stopped acting after independence though she continued dancing. Though why Daniel kept this marriage a secret from his family and hadn’t been in touch with them is mysterious. Rukmini Rai would perhaps give us an answer.”

  “I cannot understand it either. I do wish my quest ends early though. I only want happiness for Grandpa Bill. He’ll be happy only if he hears some news about his beloved brother.”

  They arrived at the quaint little cluster of buildings that constituted the dance institute of Rukmini Devi after climbing down a steep, yet picturesque stairway in the hill. Dance classes were in progress in many of the open-air stages in the institute compound. The atmosphere vibrated with the sound of dancing feet, anklets, and drums. They were led into the living room of a palatial house where they were asked to wait for Rukmini Rai.

  The room spoke a lot about the occupants. There was a huge Nataraja statue made of bronze on the mantel. A piano stood in one corner and framed pictures adorned the walls.

  Jane’s eyes flitted from photo to photo until they landed on a large, framed photo of a couple.

  She gaped at it and turned to Vijay. His eyes reflected the same disappointment that she was feeling.

  They had come to the wrong place.

  Chapter 12

  Mangalore, April 12, 2009

  Vijay stood before the black and white wedding photo. The bridegroom was definitely not Daniel. The man seemed to be in his late twenties, was pudgy, and sported a big moustache, unlike Daniel.

  Had he wasted Jane’s time by dragging her down here? He could see disappointment writ large in her eyes. Just then, a voice weakened by age, addressed him.

  “Yes, that is me. Hard to believe it now. I was supposedly a beauty then. Look at me now.”

  It was Rukmini Rai. He smiled at her. She bowed to him, acknowledging him and then shook hands with Jane. She guided them to their seats.

  “What brings you here, your highness?” she asked.

  Vijay narrated Jane’s mission in brief and then showed her the photo that had led them there.

  “Wow, she does resemble me. But no, that is not me. Daniel Worthington…” she said as if trying to recall. “I think I remember Robert mentioning Daniel. Something about him getting into trouble with the authorities. I don’t remember exactly what it was. So, are you searching for this girl?”

  “Yes. We were hoping it was you. My grandpa is very sick. Can you ask your husband if he knows anything more about Daniel?” Jane asked, hope returning into her eyes.

  “Not possible, child. He is no more. I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpa.”

  They were about to leave when Rukmini Rai stopped them suddenly.

  “Wait! I think I remembered something. Daniel had rescued the daughter of a very important person from bandits. His bravery was rewarded and he was promoted to the post of a captain. But some incident followed and Daniel was in big trouble. But I don’t remember what had happened. I can’t say whether it is my poor grey cells or whether Robert had not told me anything about that in the first place. But this is all I remember.”

  Jane’s face lit up hearing this bit of information. Vijay could sense that she was happy to hear about the valour of a family member. He had come with so much hope here. Yes, they now possessed yet another piece of the puzzle, but still, they were nowhere close to finding Daniel.

  The steep climb uphill back to their car was tough even for him. Halfway up, Jane stopped, claiming exhaustion. They paused for a while and admired the view. When they resumed the climb, she seemed relieved when he offered his arm to lean on. By the time they reached the car, she was leaning heavily on his arm and looked pale.

  “Jane, what is wrong? Are you alright?” Vijay asked and then felt her forehead with the back of his palm. It was cool. Before she could answer, however, she keeled over and fell into his arms. He picked her up and shouted at the driver to hurry to a good hospital nearby.

  At the hospital, the doctor pronounced that it was just exhaustion and lack of proper food. Hadn’t she eaten her breakfast? The doctor had given her glucose intravenously and had kept her under observation. Vijay sat in a chair near her bed, waiting for her to wake up. He brushed back a curl that had fallen onto her face and sat back determined to set matters right as soon as possible.

  A while later, Jane opened her eyes. Relieved, Vijay squeezed her arm. He leaned closer and kissed her forehead.

  “I frightened you, didn’t I? Don’t worry. I couldn’t sleep properly yesterday and I have been fighting a headache and exhaustion since morning.”

  “Silly girl, you should have told me. I could have come here alone.”

  “It is nothing, Vijay. I'm perfectly okay now. Let us return to Bangalore.”

  “I won’t hear about you going anywhere now. The doctor said you should rest. A proper night’s sleep will do you plenty of good. We own a beach house here. I'm going to take you there once they discharge you from here.”

  “Okay, as you wish, your highness.”

  Her smile made him want to tell her how much he loved her. How much he wanted to hug her and kiss those inviting lips. But that could wait. Let her recover. Although Jane’s poor health worried him, it had given him some hope. Jane usually got headaches and lost her appetite when something worried her. Did seeing him with Tejaswini trigger her headache? Did that mean that she still cared for him?

  He would talk to her. About them. Before they left for Bangalore. He left her to find the doctor and also to make arrangements at their beach house.


  “Oh my God, this is heaven! This surely is the best beach house in the world. I can’t imagine how pretty the sunrise and sunsets will look from here. I can live my whole life here even if I was not allowed to go anywhere. Thank you for bringing me here, Vijay,” Jane exclaimed when they entered into the courtyard of his beach house.

  She strode towards the garden wall and looked down at the ocean looming just a few hundred meters away. Her enthusiasm made him absurdly happy. This was his dearest place on earth as well. He walked towards her and stood behind her, desperately craving her warmth. Her curls danced in the ocean breeze and teased his cheeks. Were they challenging him to take a risk?

  “My great-grandfather loved the ocean. He has properties in and around most of the best beaches in India. This one is my personal favourite though. It has a special charm. And it is mine now.”

  “Tell me. Will you allow me to come here as a guest once in a while? I wish I had that privilege.” She turned to him with a faraway look in her eyes.

  “Whatever is mine is yours, Janet,” he said. He watched as her eyes glazed over with some emotion akin to love. After a moment, she looked away and laughed.

is yours now will belong to Princess Tejaswini and your future brood. Not to this worthless girl from Surrey. I read the news about your engagement yesterday.”

  “Jane! I wanted to tell you this yesterday itself. It is over. I have broken off my engagement with Tejaswini. I had called her to finally end it.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Recovering, she asked. “Why? Don’t you love her?”

  “Love? It was more like a business arrangement. Two dynasties and two businesses were getting merged.”

  “You mean, you were not happy with it and you still went ahead with it?” Jane leaned on the garden wall, crossing her arms over her stomach.

  “It was not like that. In our family, elders make such decisions. There was no reason for me to go against the decision then. No reason at all. But I have a reason now,” he said and took her hands in his. He had a reason now—he wanted what they had back. He slowly pulled her towards him. She lowered her gaze and didn’t look up even when their bodies touched and his hands snaked around her waist. He tangled his fingers in her curl-ends there and tugged them slightly. She was forced to look up into his face.

  “Why should I go ahead with that farce engagement when I still pine for you? Tell me. Do you not miss what we had? Do not dare say you don’t. Your eyes never lie. And in them, I can now see the love that I have been seeking all these years. I still love you, my dear Janet. In fact, I never stopped loving you.”

  Her eyes filled up and wordlessly she slipped her arms around his neck. Fireworks burst in his heart. He cupped her face and touched her lips with his own. Her lips were just as he remembered, soft, so very soft. Sensations of pleasure shot through his entire body. He groaned as he felt her press closer and kiss him back. Her lips parted and his tongue hungrily explored and caressed the familiar contours of her mouth. God, how had he lived without her all these years? He tasted her and breathed in her scent. Her body was melting in his arms, and he longed for a warm bed. The need to claim her as his was escalating like wildfire. He broke the kiss and picked her up. She didn’t protest. Her eyes had darkened with desire. With her arms still wound around his neck, he entered the house and pushed open the door to his room.

  Time became a blur and their kisses urgent the instant he kicked the door of his room shut. With searing kisses, he branded every inch of her face. Every momentous touch firmed his belief that they were souls who were not meant to be apart. Ever. She was his and he, hers. He wanted to lose himself in her. He soaked her into his consciousness as her hair swept across his face, and she worshiped his skin with her hungry, roaming fingers and lips. Memories sparkled to life in every cell of his being.

  While he roughly pulled her top over her head, he felt her frantic fingers undo his shirt buttons. Years of longing drove them as they tugged at each other’s clothes in a frenzy of wanting that no force in the world could stop. Swimming in the joy of their bare bodies touching, they fell onto the bed, her soft curves tantalizing his senses, their mouths nipping, stroking and marking each other.

  He slid his tongue into her mouth, while his hands roamed restlessly over and teased the hardened peaks of her breasts. Her moans were driving him crazy. He rolled over, spread her thighs and wedged his hips between them. Then he entered her. In one slick move. He stilled for a minute, taking in the feel of her velvety softness. The need to lose himself completely in her took over him like a hungry beast and he slammed into her. He thrust deeper and deeper, her answering thrusts and moans driving him on. This long-awaited union took over his senses till he felt her burst into life, pulsating around him, squeezing him tight. He exploded inside her as pleasure drove through him in waves and with a groan, he spilled himself deep within her.

  He clutched her tight as they lay, all tangled limbs and panting bodies. He’d thought he would never experience this bliss again, could never feel like this again. This was more than he had ever hoped for. He smiled, feeling content, as he looked at his Janet, her lips pressed to his chest, her hair tangled in his fingers, her soft body encircled by his arms.

  When their breaths returned to normal, he embraced her tightly. He felt himself hardening again. Her eyes met his and she smiled—a mischievous smile that made him feel glorious from within.

  He began it again then, this time slowly, dragging his mouth over every inch of her body, pausing to savour and play, strumming her senses until she began to moan and sink into the stupor he wanted to pull her into.

  Chapter 13

  Mangalore, April 12, 2009

  Her whole body felt rejuvenated. The person who was responsible for the euphoria she was feeling was lying on the sand-proof beach blanket with his head on her lap, facing the wide expanse of the sea lapping the shore of the private cove in front of the beach house.

  Serenity reigned all around them. The only sounds were of the waves splashing on the shore and the rhythmic thud of her own heart. They had talked for long after those frenzied, healing lovemaking sessions, promising themselves to each other and cementing old vows. Jane hadn’t experienced this much peace in a long time. She loved Vijay like her own soul. She ran her fingers through his silky hair, loving how soft and clean they felt. He grabbed her hands and began kissing each one of her fingers slowly and sensually. She could read his intentions, so she pulled her hands away and laughed.

  He protested, rolled around onto his stomach, sat up and crawled next to her. He pushed the wind-whipped hair away from her neck and nuzzled it.

  “You know, the sky here has never looked as beautiful as it is today. The sky has stolen colour from your eyes and cheeks,” he said pointing at the blue sky scattered with golden pink clouds, heralding a sunset.

  “You are a charmer, my dear Prince! I didn’t know you could deliver such cheesy lines.”

  “Trust me, I can be cheesier.”

  “Prove it.”

  “Okay. Listen. If you stood in front of a mirror and held up eleven roses, you will see twelve of the most beautiful things on earth.”

  His eyes were twinkling with mischief and it looked like he was trying very hard not to laugh aloud.

  “Not bad. Keep them coming,” said Jane, playing along.

  “On a scale of ten, you are a nine and I'm the one you need!”

  “You can do better. Try another.”

  “Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?”

  “They won’t.”

  “They would love to.”

  “They—” He silenced the rest of her words with a kiss that made her toes curl. Then he trailed a line of kisses to the hollow of her throat and explored the wild beat of her throbbing pulse. Blood pounded in her veins.

  He cradled her face and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I love you, Janet. I cannot live without you.” And he claimed her lips again.

  The light of a camera flashing nearby pierced their happy bubble. A man was running away from the beach, clutching a camera. The magic of the moment vanished. Vijay sprang up and chased the man. But the man leapt over the small boundary wall, climbed onto his parked motorbike and sped away.

  “Shit, I should not have sent the security and staff away. So much for wishing for some private time with you,” Vijay cursed, as he returned to her.

  “God, let us go in! I don’t want my photos splashed in tabloids as the other woman in the life of Prince Vijay Dev Varman.”

  Vijay grimaced. He picked up the blanket they had moved out of, folded it and walked into the house slipping his hands around her waist.

  “I can change that status right now if you wish. You are the one for me. But I wish to claim you as my wife in front of the ones I love. With the sacred fire as the witness, I wish to tie the knot that will bind our souls together for the next seven lives. And we can have a church wedding too. I can marry you any number of times.”

  “So, you are asking me to marry you. But I didn’t hear a proposal.”

  “I don’t have a ring that would suit my princess. But can I have a yes in advance for my proposal
?” He deposited the blanket on a chair on the porch and yanked her to him.

  “I will think about it. If you impress me enough, I might consider becoming your wife.”

  “Let me try harder then,” he said and scooped her into his arms and sauntered into the house, ignoring her weak protests.

  An hour later, while they were devouring a takeaway dinner, Jane’s phone rang. It was her mother. She put it on speaker mode.

  “Jane, don’t panic. Papa has taken a turn for the worse. We are now in the hospital. He is stable as of now but the doctor says he seems to have given up the wish to live.”

  “Oh, Mum,” she cried. Vijay patted her shoulders and wound his arms around her.

  “Any progress in your search? Maybe if he hears anything about Daniel, he might recover faster.”

  “Yes, Mum. Daniel is a hero. I'm so proud of him. I found out he was made captain because he rescued a girl, the daughter of a very prominent person, from bandits. Tell Grandpa that I will bring Daniel home within a week. He has to welcome his brother home.”

  “That is such a wonderful news. Where is he now? Did you talk to him?”

  “Not yet, Mum, but very soon. Tell Grandpa to stay strong and that I love him.”

  When her mother disconnected the call, she slumped onto Vijay’s shoulders, feeling confused and defeated. After all their efforts, she wondered if they were going to fail. He pulled her closer and consoled her with his soothing words.

  She had to find Daniel. Soon. Where was he?

  “What can we do now, Vijay? All our leads are going nowhere.”

  “Let me call the security agency again and check. I have forwarded his photos to a few others as well. We will get a fresh lead very soon. Keep the faith, Jane.”


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