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Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8

Page 6

by Pepper North

  Isabella covered her face. “I don’t have my make-up on, Daddy.”

  “No make-up in my house, Isabella unless we’re going out for a grown-up event and then, I’d prefer you use it lightly. You and your sister are too pretty to glob on all that stuff.” Noah watched her think about it and then nod.

  “Okay, Daddy. You’re in charge,” she smiled at him. “Look at my new clothes, Sofia. Don’t you want Daddy to help you get dressed, too?”

  Sofia was very involved in playing with several dolls and she shook her head “no” before turning back to play.

  “Five more minutes and then, it’s time to get dressed, Sofia,” Noah warned. “Let’s get your hair combed, Isabella.” He had her sit on the floor between his legs as he sat in the rocker. Noah carefully combed out her tangles and pulled the hair back into two neat ponytails. “Go over and play at the toy box, sweetheart. Okay, Sofia. It’s time to get dressed.” Noah stood and watched Sofia pretend not to hear him. He walked over and patted her on the shoulder. “Stand up, Sofia. Let’s go to the dresser and get dressed.”

  “I’m busy right now. I’ll get dressed later,” Sofia said absently.

  “No, Sofia. It’s time to get dressed now. Stand up and walk with me to the dresser. If I have to carry you over there, I am not going to be happy and that means that your bottom isn’t going to be happy,” Noah explained with a strict tone.

  When Sofia just shrugged her shoulders, and went back to playing, Noah scooped her off the floor and carried her over to the rocking chair. He turned her over and pulled down her diaper. “I’m very disappointed in your behavior, Sofia. This time you have earned a full twenty spanks. Count with me,” Noah ordered. After the fifth spank, Sofia was still not counting them. Noah stopped and said to her, “The spankings won’t count unless you count them with me. You already have five red handprints on your bottom and now instead of fifteen more swats, you still have twenty more.” He started again, “One, Two . . .” Still no counting from Sofia.

  Isabella came over concerned and knelt down by her twin saying, “Come on Sofia. Daddy means what he says. Your bottom is going to be so sore if you don’t count. I’ll count with you.” She nodded at Noah and he started again. “One,” counted Isabella. No sound came from Sofia. Noah raised his hand again, “One.” Both Noah and Isabella counted but Sofia stayed quiet.

  Noah turned her over on his lap to look at her tear streaked face. “Why aren’t you counting with me, Sofia? Are you being stubborn?” Sofia shook her head frantically “no.” “Then why aren’t you counting?” he asked quietly. He knew he was missing something that was important to her.

  “I got up first today. It’s supposed to be my turn to be first all day. But you dressed Isabella first. I’m supposed to be first. You like Isabella better than me,” Sofia sobbed into his shoulder.

  Noah looked at Isabella bewildered. Isabella was nodding her head “yes.” “Isabella, can you explain to me why your sissy is so upset?”

  “When we were growing up, neither one of us liked to get up early. Mommy and Daddy let whoever was up first be the first to do everything for the whole day. We learned to love to get up early so we could have the first choice of juice glass, outfit, snack, etc. I had forgotten, Sofia. I’m sorry. It’s not Daddy’s fault. I should have told him that you got to go first. He didn’t know. Now, your bottom is all red and you’re crying.” Isabella started sobbing because she felt bad.

  Noah shook his head and just lifted Isabella onto his other knee. He hugged the girls tightly and kissed both of their foreheads. “Little girls . . . you are both so special. Thank you for telling me, Isabella. And I’m sorry that I didn’t understand, Sofia. I think we need to make some new rules for our new household. I won’t be able to follow the old rules that your birth parents made when you were biological children. I don’t know them. So, let’s make new rules together that we’ll follow now that you’re my Little girls. Would that be okay?” Isabella smiled and nodded happily. Sofia stopped crying but her breath still came in gasps. She froze in place and then, nodded with a smile.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Twenty minutes later, Sofia’s face had been washed clean of tears and she was dressed in an outfit like Isabella’s but it was in shades of orange instead of blue. Her hair was pulled into one ponytail at the back of her head. Sofia was much happier with a big smile on her face. Her Daddy had not finished her spanking since her behavior was due to the old rules that she had remembered.

  They had decided to alternate with Sofia choosing on even days and Isabella choosing on odd days. There were more odd days on the calendar some months but Sofia thought it was fair because Isabella had never woken up early when they were kids. It was her turn to get a few more days getting to go first. Especially when going first meant getting your temperature taken and having enemas first. “Sometimes, it’s better to go second,” Sofia said wisely.

  Noah introduced the twins to his housekeeper, Antoinette. She had fixed them a delicious meal of French toast so they didn’t have to debate the pancake vs. waffle decision. Both Littles were very hungry and ate several pieces of French toast along with juice and milk. Noah noted in his head that Little girls who have their bottoms cleaned out are very hungry the next day.

  The trio went out to play in the fresh air. Sofia and Isabella were delighted to see a large swing set with two swings and several different ramps and elevated spaces to climb on and play. Noah was very happy to just spend the day getting to know them both. He was very proud of his swing pushing ability that allowed him to keep two swings going roughly at the same height without scaring either one of the twins. They had come in twice to change dirty diapers. Both girls wanted to come in to use the toilet but they were beginning to learn that he expected them to use their diapers when they were at home. Noah pressed on their tummies each time to get them to go potty as they begged to use the bathroom instead of their diapers.

  After a lunch of soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, he put both girls to bed for a nap. Neither Sofia or Isabella wanted to lay down. By the time, Noah had pulled the shades to dim the nursery and undressed each twin helping them brush their teeth before climbing on their changing table to have their temperature checked both were almost asleep. Once tucked into their cribs, they fell soundly asleep.

  Noah worked out and checked his messages while the girls were napping. He rubbed his hand over his rough jaw as he tried to plan what the best move would be for their new family. He wanted the twins with him in his house. He didn’t just want to have them visit on the weekend or when they had a day off from the veterinary clinic. He needed to take care of them. He was worried about Sofia’s stuffed tummy and Isabella’s tendency to ask questions later and jump into something risky without thinking. His staff could also make the twins’ lives easier by making nutritious meals, cleaning, and doing laundry. He knew they often went to the office alone at night to meet pet parents who had an ill or injured animal. He didn’t want them out alone on the road after dark.

  He decided to talk to his Littles after they woke up from their naps. He couldn’t let them return to their regular lives without looking ahead at how they should proceed as a family. A few minutes later, Noah heard Isabella call Sofia’s name softly through the baby monitor. He turned on the live feed from the cameras in the nursery. Isabella called again a little louder. She had stood up at the end of her crib looking over the high sides toward Sofia’s crib. There was more rustling of covers and he could Sofia sit up rubbing her face sleepily.

  “What Isabella? You’re supposed to be sleeping.” Sofia said grumpily. He’d already discovered that Sofia could be a little stubborn in following rules - even those 20 years old or older.

  “I know. I just had a bad dream. I woke up in our apartment and we were all alone. Daddy was here at his house and we were there. I don’t think I want to go home tonight.” Isabella whispered her confession.

  “I don’t want to either,” Sofia started to cry. “I like Daddy t
aking care of me. I thought I’d really like to have a Daddy but I was wrong. I really love having our Daddy.”

  “What should we do?” Isabella started to cry, too. “I don’t want to go home. I want to stay here with Daddy.”

  “Daddy doesn’t want to cry,” came Noah’s voice from the doorway. “How about it you both take pity on me and move into your nursery permanently?

  Both Littles turned in their cribs to look at him and cry harder. “Daddy!” said Isabella with big tears running down her cheeks.

  “We want to stay here with you in our pretty nursery,” cried Sofia with her eyes filled with tears.

  “You’re breaking Daddy’s heart, sweethearts. I don’t want you to ever leave. I might survive if you promise to come home after work each day.” Noah walked over to stand between them. He laughed suddenly, “I’d take you both out of your cribs to hug but I can’t remember who’s turn it is to go first.”

  Both girls stopped and then started giggling at the same time. “I think we need a calendar so we’ll know if it’s an odd day or an even day,” Sofia suggested between giggles. “Just let Isabella out first. Then come get me. I think we all need a group hug.” And that’s just what her smart Daddy did.

  Chapter Sixteen

  After hugs and kisses all around, Noah dressed his sweet Littles and secured them in the back seat of his sedan for the ride back to their apartment. They stopped at the gate and programed a code for the twins to use to let themselves in the gate when they drove home. Noah asked them to come up with a three-digit code that they would be able to remember. Immediately, Isabella said, “2,2,1.” Sofia started laughing.

  “Why is that funny?” Noah asked.

  “You’re outnumbered two to one!” Sofia sputtered out between laughs. The two leaned toward each other in the back seat and howled with amusement.

  Noah just shook his head and punched in the numbers. They wouldn’t have trouble remembering that code. He smiled. He wasn’t going to forget that one either. Little minxes!

  They spent a couple of hours there throwing away the food in the refrigerator and leaving a forwarding address for their mail. The twins picked up their work clothes and a few pairs of underwear and some bras. Their Daddy wasn’t happy to see the underclothes but he understood that they would need some time to get adjusted to wearing their diapers all the time.

  He made sure Sofia and Isabella were belted securely into their own cars so that they could transport them to his house. He had plenty of space for two additional cars in the garage and they wanted to be able to drive to work. He made a mental note to himself that he needed to introduce the twins to his staff. They would be glad to meet them. All had been aware of the construction of the nursery. Mac, his handyman, had pitched in to put together the second crib and changing table when Noah announced that they would be coming over to visit. He appreciated their support and open-mindedness. He knew his lifestyle was different than how many people would choose to live. Noah was just happy that it matched the way the twins wished to live.

  Chapter Seventeen

  By the time, they made it home and hung up the work clothes in the guest bedroom across from Noah’s suite, everyone was tired and hungry. Antoinette took one look at them and shooed everyone to the table. She pulled out a meatloaf, potatoes, and gravy from the oven and served everyone with some of each except for Sofia. For her special vegetarian, she had a special cheese sauce to put over the potatoes for her protein. Isabella thought it looked so good that she wanted some, too. Thank goodness, Antoinette had made plenty. So, no one felt slighted and everyone ate happily. She’d even included fresh, raw vegetables from the garden to everyone’s delight.

  Right after dinner, Noah carried both Littles to the nursery for temperatures and baths. Each was so tired from all the big decisions they had made and all the moving efforts that each was grumpy. Noah soothed them with soft words and kisses as he got them ready for bed. Sofia’s poor tummy was still showing signs of being impacted when he took their temperature but Noah knew she was too tired to have an enema first before going to bed.

  He gave each of the twins their bottle of formula that sent them both to sleep soundly. When he was sure Sofia was asleep, he mixed up an enema bag full of warm soapy water and unfastened her diaper to insert the inflatable nozzle and start the enema trickling in slowly. She would be full and ready to empty her bottom about the same time that she needed to wet her diaper.

  Noah stood at the door and listened to their soft breathing. His life had turned upside down in the last 72 hours. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have them with him. He closed the door quietly and went to shower before climbing in bed.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Three hours later, he heard Sofia calling for him. “Daddy, Daddy!” Noah walked in and lifted Sofia from her crib carrying her into his room and setting her down in front of her potty chair that he had relocated into his room earlier.

  “You gave me an enema when I was asleep,” Sofia accused him with a dark look.

  “Yes, Sofia. Your tummy needed an enema but you were too tired to stay up. The enema doesn’t care whether you’re awake or not. Now it’s all ready to come out. Are you ready to use your potty?” he asked smiling at her sleepy, grumpy face.

  She nodded shortly. She was still mad. “I don’t think you’re supposed to give me an enema while I sleep, Daddy. That’s not fair,” she told him when he’d placed her on the potty chair.

  “Sometimes, Daddies have to treat their Little girls in special ways - like how you treat a wounded kitten. You give them medicine to make the pain go away and sometimes that makes them sleep before you treat them, right?” Noah asked softly after he knelt in front of her. “You don’t want them to suffer.” He waited for her to think about that and saw her nod slowly.

  “I needed an enema but I would have suffered if I’d had to stay awake. I was really tired, Daddy. So, you gave me my enema when I’d fallen asleep,” she nodded her head. “That’s what makes you such a good Daddy. You think of good ideas.” Sofia laid her head on his shoulder and kissed the side of his face. The rest of the enema finished flowing out of her bottom. Sofia thought to herself that she couldn’t believe that she had gotten so comfortable with her Daddy that she’d expelled most of the enema as they’d talked.

  When she’d finished and Noah had wiped her bottom clean, Noah lifted her into his arms to carry back to her crib. Sofia looked at him sadly as they reached the doorway to the nursery, “I’m so sorry, Daddy, that my insides are so dirty. I don’t understand why you want to have a Little girl that’s so dirty.”

  Noah stopped immediately and carried her to his bed. He sat down with her cradled on his lap. “You’re not dirty, Sofia. You’re a perfect Little girl who has some problems with her tummy. We’re going to go see Dr. Richards next Sunday when both you and Isabella are off work and he’s going to help me take care of you. Do you want to see how clean you are?” Noah waited until she nodded hesitantly before setting her next to him on the bed. “Your forehead is clean,” Noah kissed her forehead. “And your neck,” he kissed her again and began to kiss all the spots that he could list as he pressed her to lay back on his bed. “And your big-girl breasts, and your ribs, and your belly button, and your big-girl curls.” He spread out her thighs widely so that he was kneeling between her legs. Noah dipped his tongue into her pink folds. Sofia gasped and tried to close her legs but his shoulders blocked her move.

  Noah dipped his tongue into her welling moisture. “Mmmmm, baby. You taste so sweet. I am a very lucky Daddy.” Noah knew that Sofia had never been with a man and he moved slowly to let her adjust to his face touching her private spaces. He whirled his tongue around her clitoris and her hips lifted off the top of the bed. “My Little girl likes her Daddy’s kissing. Let’s see if you like this,” Noah rubbed tenderly around her vaginal opening as he sucked on her inner labia. He began to slide his finger into her tight vagina and he rolled her clitoris gently between his lips. That w
as all it took. His Little girl arched up toward his mouth as she screamed her release. His Sofia was a very vocal Little girl, Noah thought to himself as he gentled his caresses and rubbed her tummy and chest to comfort her. He picked her limp body up and carried her to her changing table.

  By the time, he had wrapped a diaper around her hips and laid her back in bed, Sofia was asleep. Noah pulled her blanket over her bare breasts and smooth back her hair before walking to Isabella’s bed to check her diaper. Finding her beginning to fuss herself awake, Noah carried her out of the nursery carrying her wipes to get her clean. He smiled to himself. “I might as well reassure Isabella that I think she’s sweet as well.” A half hour later, Isabella was moaning his name as she orgasmed on her Daddy’s bed, “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” Isabella wasn’t a screamer but it looked like she was going to be his talker. Noah couldn’t wait to find more differences between the two princesses that trusted him enough to let him be their Daddy. He might need a nap tomorrow while they were busy at work.


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