Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8

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Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8 Page 7

by Pepper North

  Chapter Nineteen

  The week flew by. Noah was busy as the PLAYTIME app grew in popularity. He had increased the amount of data storage repeatedly as the number of applicants threatened to overload the system. He was amazed by the number of single age play participants that were signing up for his app in all the states and across many countries. The age play community had obviously been waiting for someone to design a way for Mommies and Daddies to connect with a special Little.

  Noah was very proud that he had been able to assist in matching together people that might have never met. He knew from his time with his Littles how special the Daddy-Little bond could be. He couldn’t imagine his life without them.

  Noah looked at the twins coloring at the conference table in his office. They chattered happily between themselves. Every once in a while, he’d hear a whispered “Daddy” comment and knew that they were creating a new masterpiece to add to the gallery of art that now hung in the special frames on his walls. Each Little had three frames to fill and Sofia especially liked to create new ones to swap with the ones on display. She was careful to store the older ones in a file in his cabinet so she could put her favorites back on display.

  It was almost time to leave for their appointment with Dr. Richards. Noah was eager to hear his recommendations for maintaining and improving the twins’ health. Both worked long hours at the veterinary clinic. Sofia had started hinting that she might like to take on a partner. Two veterinarians at the clinic would allow them to treat more pets and divide the hours between them. Sofia usually didn’t talk about any ideas until she was ready to act. Noah had not been surprised when Isabella had mentioned that a couple of newly graduated vets were coming in next week to see the practice and discuss their philosophies. He would love to see his Littles have more time to spend at home with him. They needed more time to just be Little.

  “Okay, girls. Let’s start getting ready to leave. Put all your crayons in the box. You can finish your pictures when we come home if you’d like,” Noah said across the office as he started to power off his electronics. “Isabella, what happened to your shoes?” He smiled when she looked up baffled. He had discovered that Isabella was his carefree child. Clothing, hair ties, shoes, important papers, car keys, and virtually anything else tended to disappear as if by magic. Sofia, on the other hand, was meticulous. She organized everything. They were a good match. Sofia usually could find whatever Isabella had lost. After a brief search, Sofia had found Isabella’s shoes in her jacket pocket. Isabella had just organized everything to go in Isabella fashion. It made perfect sense when you looked at it from her point of view. She’d need her shoes when she put on her jacket to leave.

  Noah buckled them into his large SUV. Several Mommy and Daddy friends had warned him that their Littles often needed to lay flat in the car on the way home to allow injected medicines to work in their tummies. With twins, he needed space for both of them to lay down. One back seat wouldn’t work. The SUV’s back seat folded down easily to make a big flat area where they could lay down comfortably. He had already stowed a couple of blankets for them just in case.

  Noah could tell that the girls were nervous. He was a little nervous, too. He had met Dr. Matt Richards and his delightful Little, Zoey, at many social events and when he had interviewed them while he was designing his app. He knew that Matt was a very caring father and he cared greatly about the Littles that he treated in his home practice. The other Mommies and Daddies had warned him that Dr. Richards was very thorough and examined his Little patients very closely.

  He wasn’t sure how he should handle the exams with the twins. He would want to be with each one while they were being treated but he wanted them to have their own privacy as well. Noah had considered scheduling separate exams on different days but the twins were more comfortable together. He was just going to see how everything developed today and spend as much time supporting each of his precious girls.

  As they drove through the gate and down the long driveway, they saw a group of five children playing outside. As their SUV stopped, the group came toward them led by a smiling, blond waif. That was Zoey. Little people just gravitated towards her. Noah got out and waved hello before helping Isabella out from the car seat behind him and then walking around to lift Sofia out. The group of Littles stopped in front of them.

  Zoey’s mouth was open in shock as she looked back and forth between Sofia and Isabella. “Twins?” She said amazed. Then, she looked back at her friends and started dancing in excitement. “I told you that computer app would work!” She rushed to hug Isabella and Sofia. “I’m so glad to meet you. I’d met your Daddy when he was designing PLAYTIME. None of these naysayers thought it would work but I did. Your Daddy is a genius. Here let me introduce you to some of my friends.”

  Before she could start, Tony stepped forward and hugged Sofia and Isabella. “I’m so glad you decided to try the app. It looks like it matched you with the perfect Daddy.” The twins nodded with smiles and held hands.

  Noah watched with pride as his girls were introduced to the other three Littles: Angelina, Brad, and Amy. He let them chat for a few minutes and then put his hands on their shoulders and said, “I’m sorry to interrupt but we need to go inside for our appointment.”

  Zoey answered quickly, “That’s okay. Our next Little social is coming up next Sunday. You’ll come, won’t you? We’re going to play volleyball and eat ice cream sundaes.” All the Littles cheered before Zoey confessed, “Well, that’s what I have planned. I think Daddy will go for it.” She crossed her fingers, then her arms, legs, and fell off balanced giggling to the ground as Amy, Brad, Tony, and Angelina all tried to out cross her. Brad had some talented toes.

  Noah steered Sofia and Isabella toward the door. “You’ll have time to play with the other Littles next weekend. Would you like to come to the social?” Both girls nodded their heads “yes.”

  When they reached the door, an older man opened it for them explaining that he was Paul, Dr. Richards’ doorman. He pointed to the Little red-haired imp rolling on the ground. “That cutie is my daughter,” he said proudly and he ushered them inside. “Dr. Richards is just finishing in Exam Room 2. Let me show you into the waiting room.” He led them to a large spacious area of couches and chairs with a special play area for waiting Littles. When the twins chose to sit with Noah, he knew they were nervous. Usually, they loved to play with new toys.

  They all looked up when they heard a low man’s voice coming out of the open door labeled Exam Room 1. “I already had an enema here. Dr. Richards gave me one. I don’t really have to have another enema, do I, Daddy?”

  “Yes, Steven. You have been so grumpy because your tummy had been acting up. When we get home, I’ll give you your medication and we can watch a movie. You start thinking which one you’d like to see,” came his Daddy’s answer. That voice continued. “Thank you, Matt, for seeing us today. I knew Steven needed some of your magic to help his tummy. I’ll follow your directions. A medicated enema tonight with another one inserted overnight, right?”

  “That’s the best treatment, Joe. Use your judgement, if Steven is still grumpy tomorrow, give him another cup of medicine in a bag of warm water when you get home from work and he could have another overnight enema tomorrow as well. I would also recommend that Little boys who are grumpy could use several orgasms. Steven will be especially sensitive with his bottom filled. You may wish have him sit on your lap during the movie tonight,” Dr. Richards suggested.

  “I think that’s the best idea, yet. Come on, Steven. Let’s head home so your Daddy can help you feel better,” Joe said as he exited the exam room with a large man dressed in a diaper. “I’ll just carry your overalls. You can lay down in the back in your diaper. You’ll be more comfortable.” Steven blushed when he saw Noah and the twins sitting in the waiting room. Isabella waved goodbye to him as his Daddy wrapped an arm around him. Joe was carrying the overalls draped on his other arm with a large bottle of medicine in his free hand.
/>   Chapter Twenty

  Dr. Richards smiled at the group waiting for him as he walked toward them. “Noah, I’m glad to see you. These must be your Little girls,” the doctor said warmly.

  “Yes, this is Isabella and Sofia. I appreciate you seeing them today. I thought I would ask you how you would suggest examining the twins,” Noah confessed.

  “Oh, we’d rather be in separate rooms, Daddy. Will you just spend some time with both of us while we’re seeing the doctor?” Sofia solved the problem easily.

  “I think your Little girls have already figured this one out. Let’s go in Exam Room 2 and you can get started on the paperwork. I’ll straighten the other exam room and I’ll be ready to examine the girls in just a few minutes.” Dr. Richards handed each woman a clipboard with a couple of papers and then, excusing himself, he left to prepare the other exam room.

  Noah sat down on the doctor’s stool and motioned to the twins to sit in the two chairs. “I think we should fill out one form for both of you and note any medical difficulties. The first couple are easy. I’ll fill in your names and my name as your parent and the responsible party. Let me hand this to you to fill out your birth parents’ health history. Who wants to write?”

  “Isabella has better handwriting,” Sofia said pointing at her sister.

  “That’s only because you had to learn that doctor scrawl in veterinary school,” Isabella said grinning playfully at her twin as she took the clipboard. Together, they filled in the history sections and passed it back to Noah.

  “Okay, sweethearts, here’s the big question. Who wants to be examined first?” Noah asked.

  “It’s the twenty-second so . . . It’s my turn to go first,” Isabella said slowly.

  “I’ll go first if you would rather,” Sofia offered.

  Just then Dr. Richards entered. They could hear chatter behind him and a whispered, “Please, Daddy?”

  “Isabella is going first. I’ll stay in this room with her and check on Sofia in the waiting room from time to time,” Noah said standing up from the stool. His forehead was wrinkled with concern. He knew Sofia would become very anxious when separated from both her Daddy and her twin but he needed to stay with Isabella during her exam.

  Dr. Richards watched the interactions and cleared his throat. “This is highly irregular but if I could impose on Sofia’s time and expertise, my cat has just had kittens. Zoey is concerned about the smallest one. Would you mind, Sofia, looking at the litter to reassure Zoey? She has a very tender heart.”

  “I’d love to check on the kittens. I don’t have my bag . . .” Sofia began.

  “It’s in the back of the SUV, sweetheart. Here are my keys. Just don’t run away, okay?” Noah said hanging her the key fob and hugging her.

  Sofia turned immediately becoming the professional vet. She opened the door and the crew of Littles cheered.

  “Thank you so much,” Zoey hugged her. “The kittens are super cute. Come with me.” She led the way outside.

  Noah turned and looked at Dr. Richards and nodded his thanks. Sofia would be busy with the kittens and wouldn’t have time to become anxious while she sat alone in the waiting room. His attention turned to Isabella. “Stand up, Isabella. Let’s get you undressed to see the doctor.” He pulled Isabella’s top over her head and unbuttoned the skirt to let it drop to the floor. Noah could tell already that Isabella was becoming worried about taking her clothes off. “The doctor needs to see all of you to make sure that you are the healthiest you can be.” He started pulling her camisole over her head when she caught the hem of the shirt and held it firmly.

  “I don’t know if I can do this, Noah,” Isabella started staring down toward the floor. Suddenly in the florescent lights of the doctor’s office, she felt silly to be dressed in a diaper and being treated as a Little.

  Noah turned her head up to look in her beautiful brown eyes. “Isabella, I’m your Daddy. You’re my Little girl. Don’t let all the doubts that others might have weave their way into your head. Dr. Richards has a beautiful Little girl, too. He’s not going to hurt you and I’m going to be here by your side. What are you afraid of, sweetheart?”

  “I don’t know!” Isabelle whispered.

  “Then trust your Daddy. Okay?” Noah began to pull the camisole over her head and Isabelle released her grip allowing him to reveal her bare torso. She blushed furiously. Noah unfastened the tabs on her diaper and pulled it from between her legs. “Sit on the table for the doctor, Isabella.” Noah said quietly rubbing her shoulder. He watched her scramble up on the waist high table and moved to stand by her side.

  Dr. Richards took one of Isabella’s hands. “I promise that I’ll tell you exact what I’m doing and why. First, we need to know what your body needs. I’m going to draw several samples of blood. Just relax and it should be pretty painless.” He wrapped the rubber tourniquet around her arm and found a good vein. The doctor quickly entered the needle and withdrew several tubes of blood. He had Noah hold the cotton in place for a few minutes while he labeled the samples with Isabella’s name.

  “Okay, young lady. Hop down and step on the scale. I need to know your weight and height,” Dr. Richards instructed.

  Isabella hesitated before stepping on the scale. “Could you look away, Daddy. I don’t want you to know how much I weigh,” she requested.

  “Isabella, I already have a good idea of your weight. You fit perfectly in my arms when I carry you. A number on the scale isn’t going to change how much I care about you. The doctor and I need to know so that we can adjust your medications. Step up on the scale. You are perfect. I won’t ever want to change anything about you,” Noah promised.

  Isabella looked down and reluctantly stepped on the scale. Dr. Richards made a note of the weight on her chart and then had Isabella turn around and face into the room so he could measure her height. “Stand up straight, Isabella,” Dr. Richards requested as he ran his finger between her shoulder blades to help her pull her shoulders back. This movement also caused her to thrust her breasts upward. He slid the lever down to rest on her head and pronounced, 5’6”. “Good job, Isabella. Come lay on your tummy on the exam table.” Dr. Richards pulled on rubber gloves with a snap as Isabella climbed on to the exam table. She looked back with an unhappy look to see the doctor squeeze a large amount of lubricant onto a gauze square. He picked up a dollop with his index finger and spread it along the sides and end of a large thermometer. Gathering more lubricant, Dr. Richards walked to the exam table. He placed the lubricated thermometer on the tray next to the exam table and turned to Isabella. Spreading her buttock apart, Dr. Richards spread the lubricant around Isabella’s anus and pushed his finger into her rectum sliding it in slightly before pulling it out. He worked his finger back and forth until he could fully press his finger into her bottom.

  The two men watched Isabella squirm uncomfortably. “Isabella’s rectum is very tight. She has good muscle tone but will need to have some dilation treatment if you plan to monitor her temperature with your penis. Do you have a dilator set?” Dr. Richards asked as if this was a normal conversation and having a finger inserted in a rectum was a normal procedure.

  “Please, take it out!” Isabella said dropping her forehead to the table to hide her face.

  Noah chuckled and patted her bare bottom. “Just let the doctor do his job, Isabella. You’re okay.”

  Dr. Richards pulled out his finger and pressed the thermometer deeply into Isabella’s rectum. “Let’s see what temperature you have today, Isabella. You feel a little hot to me. It needs to stay in for ten minutes. Noah, I’m going to ask you to hold this in place. Some Little girls like to push the thermometer out of their bottoms before the correct time.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  The two men talked over the top of Isabella about a variety of wellness issues. Isabella tried to ignore the twist and twirl of the large thermometer filling her rectum. Her Daddy liked to be sure to keep it placed deeply in her body. He was always trying to finagle it a little d
eeper. Finally, the ten minutes was up and the doctor removed the thermometer from her bottom.

  “Your temperature is a little high but I’m guessing that the stress of being in the doctor’s office has caused it to rise slightly. Noah, check this again before bed to see if Isabella is still running a fever. All right, Isabella. It’s time to sit up.” Dr. Richards instructed.

  Isabella rolled onto her side and then lifted herself up to rotate her body into a seated position. She held her hands protectively over her breasts and pelvis. Noah pulled them gently away and held them behind her back. Isabella pulled one wrist to see if she could free herself but Noah had secured them easily in his big hands.

  Dr. Richards began his exam by looking at her eyes, ears, throat, and nose with special lighted instruments. He felt along her neck and down across her collar bones. He stepped back and looked at her breasts. Isabella began to squirm in embarrassment. “Isabella, I’m looking to see if there are any visible lumps or dimples in your breast. Everything looks good so next you’ll feel my hands pressing on your breasts,” Dr. Richards explained as he began with the left breast before moving to the right. He pulled repeatedly on her nipples and touched several erogenous areas that excited Isabella.


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