Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8

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Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8 Page 8

by Pepper North

  “One more step, lie back and let your Daddy hold your hands over your head so they don’t get in the way.” Again, the doctor pressed and pulled Isabella breasts until her hips began to rise involuntarily. “Noah, you should perform a thorough breast exam like this both seated and reclined on a regular basis. Most Little girls have very sensitive breasts right before their periods so avoid those days.”

  Noah leaned down and kissed his Little girl. “You’re doing so well. I’m very proud of you.”

  Dr. Richards made some notes in her file and said, “Isabella, I want you to move your bottom down until it touches my hand.” He held his hand at the bottom of the exam table. “A little more. Good girl,” he said efficiently moving her feet and legs into the supportive gynecological stirrups attaching the restraining straps to hold her legs in place. “Noah, pull that second strap there on that side and hand me the buckle.” Isabella was now attached to the table with a wide strap tightly around her ribcage. Dr. Richards stepped forward to be close to Isabella’s face. “I am going to examine your rectum and intestinal tract as well as perform a complete pelvic exam. I want you to try to relax. Okay? We’ll get this done as fast as possible.”

  He sat down on his stool adjusting it to be at eye level with her body. “Noah, you’ll see that Isabella is emitting a volume of lubrication due to the stimulation of the exam.” The doctor waited a few seconds as Noah stepped closer to see between Isabella’s legs. “This is a very healthy sign.” The doctor slid two fingers into her tight vaginal entrance and withdrew them slowly pulling upward to brush her g spot as well as her clitoris. He repeated this action until Isabella started moaning. He moved his other hand to begin to brush her clitoris. That was the last stimulation that she needed as she felt her body tense and explode into an orgasm. As she laid there panting through the aftershocks, Dr. Richards praised her, “Very responsive! You’re being a very good girl, Isabella.”

  Dr. Richards opened a drawer below Isabella’s hips and chose a small speculum. Holding this at her small entrance, he said, “This may be a little cold. Just take few deep breaths and try to relax.” He gently pressed the speculum inside and cranked it open widely. Dr. Richards looked around and swabbed her cervix for her yearly pap smear. He labeled those supplies and placed them on the desk.

  The doctor looked at Noah and back to Isabella. “Would you like me to start Isabella on a birth control dose? I recommend a shot that Little girls get every three months to prevent pregnancy.” He looked at both of them and saw Isabella blush and nod. Noah also nodded his agreement. “It will not take full effect for a week so use condoms if you have sex during the adjustment period.” He stood and filled the syringe before returning to his place between Isabella’s hips. He sat down and said, “A little sting, Isabella.” He immediately gave her the shot and then rubbed the injection spot to sooth it when she gasped. He placed the used syringe in the disposal bin under the exam table and continued Isabella’s exam.

  “Hold Isabella’s hands, Noah.” Dr. Richards began to introduce a catheter into Isabella’s urethra. “Ssshhhh!” Dr. Richards said as he collected his urine sample from her bladder. “All done,” he comforted as he withdrew the tubing. “There’s only one more area for me to check. Isabella, you’ll feel my finger again at your anus.” Dr. Richards warned as ran his finger through the lubrication dispensed on the gauze pad on the table. He pressed his finger back into her stomach and pressed on her stomach in different places seeming to trace her intestines. “Noah, Isabella has some minor fecal matter in her intestinal tract. She’ll need a cleansing enema once or twice a week. You’ll be able to judge if she needs the second one if she becomes grumpy or refuses to follow rules. Little girls’ whole emotional well-being is linked to their stomachs. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a punishment enema or several in addition to those one or two weekly enemas. Has it been more than two days since Isabella’s last enema?”

  “She hasn’t had an enema since last weekend,” Noah reported.

  “I’ll give her a thorough one here while she’s waiting for Sofia’s exam to be finished.” Dr. Richards began to gather the samples and he put them in the testing bin. Then he started filling a large enema bag with a lot of water.

  Isabella looked on with horror. “I don’t want an enema, Daddy. I really don’t want that enema,” she said looking at the large back into which Dr. Richards was now mixing a milky cleanser that smelled like peppermint.

  “The doctor knows best. He’ll make sure that your tummy is in good shape and then you can just go home and relax. I bet we could order pizza on our way home and pick it up. Would you like that?” Noah tried to make casual conversation to distract Isabella as Dr. Richards approached with a large nozzle. Isabella squeezed his hand and squealed as he pressed this inside. They heard a few puffs of air and Isabella’s eyes got wide.

  “Daddy, it’s blowing up inside me. Make it stop, please?” Isabella begged. “Ouch!” she said as Dr. Richards injected a sedative into her exposed bottom cheeks.

  “Isabella, remember I said I wouldn’t hurt you. The nozzle and enema will be uncomfortable but I’ve given you some medicine to make you relax. You will want to close your eyes in a few minutes. That’s a great idea. Just take a nap and when you wake up it will almost be time to go home.” He rubbed her inner thigh as the men watched her eyes begin to glaze over. “Noah, have you used a pacifier with your Littles.”

  “No, Matt. Do you recommend them?” Noah asked.

  “Let’s see how Isabella responds.” He unwrapped a new adult sized pacifier and took a small, sealed jar from a cabinet. “This is a soother. It works well with upset Littles. I’ll send both of these home with you for each Little. Just dip the pacifier in the jar and place it in their mouths. Hold it in place for a little while as they adjust to it.” He inserted the pacifier into the Isabella’s mouth. Her tongue tried to push it out but Dr. Richards held it in place. “Suck on it, Isabella. It tastes good,” he encouraged. Within seconds, Isabella began to suckle on it. The movement of her hips trying to dislodge the enema nozzle slowed and stopped. Slowly, her head moved to the left and they heard a soft snore.

  Dr. Richards opened the valve slightly on the enema bag to flow in slowly and stripped off his gloves and picked up the twins’ chart. “She’ll sleep soundly for about an hour. Let’s go see if your other Little is in the waiting room or if she has escaped,” he said with a chuckle.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Sofia placed her medical bag in the back of the SUV and hesitated next to it. The kittens were very cute and all were doing fine – even the runt of the litter that Zoey was so concerned about. Sofia loved her job. Animals were so giving. The momma cat had been so proud to show off her Little ones. She had taken great care of them. Sofia expected that the little runt would find his way into Zoey’s nursery when he was ready to leave his momma. Those two were already inseparable.

  Sofia sighed loudly. She really didn’t want to go in for her exam. The other Littles were on their way back to the main entrance. She let the group go past her as she debated how she could get out of the appointment. She was concocting a big story in her head when Brad tucked his hand in her elbow and, tugging her along, led her to the front door.

  “It’s okay. None of us like exams. But it’s part of being Little. Daddies especially want to take care of their babies. Dr. Richards is a great doctor. He’s an orthopedic surgeon at the hospital and the only one I’d want to operate on me.” Brad shared. “It’s just embarrassing but kind of wonderful at the same time. All the attention is on you. I love having my Daddy’s full attention. And . . . I actually do feel better after my visits. You’ll see. It’s okay. I promise,” Brad squeezed her arm. He opened the front door for her and let her precede him into the large mansion.

  The group of littles dispersed into the mansion leaving Sofia alone. Sofia walked slowly into the waiting room. There were magazines and other things to read but she didn’t think she could concentrate on adu
lt stuff. She sat in the play area at the table and found a coloring book and a big box of crayons. Sofia had always loved to color. She could concentrate totally on her picture.

  She missed hearing the door open and jumped out of her chair when a large hand rubbed her shoulder. Turning, she saw her Daddy smiling at her.

  “All must be okay with the kittens?” he asked. When she nodded “yes,” Noah looked past her and saw her partially completed picture. “Let’s take this with us and you can finish it at home. The doctor is ready to see you.” He took her hand and pulled her into his arms. “I promise you’ll be fine. I’ll be there with you.”

  Noah led her into the Exam Room One. “Isabella is resting in Exam Room Two. She did very well in her exam. Just like you will, I’m sure.”

  Dr. Richards smiled at Sofia. “Thank you for checking on the kittens. Did Zoey believe you that the small kitten was okay? I’ve been telling her that for days.” Dr. Richards laughed and said in a high, small voice, “Daddy, you’re a people doctor. Pretty Kitty is not a people.” He shook his head and added, “That Little girl is as special to me as you are to your Daddy. Will you let me examine you? I am a people doctor,” he said with a smile.

  When Sofia nodded slowly and looked at the floor, Noah quietly turned her around and began unbuttoning her blouse and skirt. He pulled off her camisole and unfastened her diaper leaving Sofia standing there quietly in the nude. Noah pulled her to his chest. “Thank you, Sofia, for letting me take care of you.”

  Brad’s words came back to Sofia’s brain. It was embarrassing and wonderful all at the same time. Sofia lifted her chin and smiled at her Daddy.

  “That’s my baby,” her Daddy praised and kissed her on the forehead. “All right, I know the process now. Up on the scale, sweetheart, so Dr. Richards can add your weight and height to your chart.” Dr. Richards conducted his preliminary exam for Sofia exactly as Isabella’s had been. He checked her all the routine evaluations: ears, nose, breasts, birth control, response to intimate stimulation, and orgasm. That is, it was all the same until Dr. Richards began pressing on her tummy.

  Noah cleared his throat and said, “I’ve been worried about Sofia’s tummy. It seems to be impacted with a lot of fecal material. I’ve given her enemas frequently but I am still feeling the same problem.”

  Sofia closed her eyes. She was positioned for a gynecological exam with her legs separated and raised by the stirrups. She was embarrassed to have reacted so strongly to the doctor’s exam. Her Daddy hadn’t seemed upset by her orgasm. He’d just kissed her forehead and told her what a beautiful, responsive Little girl she was. She felt Dr. Richards fingers slide back into her drenched vagina as he pressed into her intestines from the outside with one hand on her abdomen and from the inside, pressing through her vagina.

  After a few minutes, he withdrew his fingers and sat back down on his stool. “Sofia, your Daddy is correct. Your tummy is not happy. You’ll feel my finger in your rectum. Just try to relax.”

  Sofia felt his finger slide deeply inside. He rotated his hand around feeling all the side of her rectum that he could reach. Finally, he withdrew his finger and Sofia relaxed onto the exam table. She heard another metallic clink from the drawer below her and a cold instrument pressed into her anus. “Ooooohh! Please don’t!” she begged and reached her hands between her legs to try to stop him.

  “I know this is uncomfortable but I need to take a good look at your bottom. Let your Daddy take your hands. Good girl. Noah, just hold them over her head against the surface of the table. Sofia, I’m going to open this. If you clench your muscles, it will be very unpleasant. If you relax, it will be okay. I can give you a shot to relax you if you would like.” Dr. Richards stopped and looked at her from his position between her legs.

  Sofia’s eyes jumped to her Daddy’s face. He was standing next to her holding her hands in his. She saw him nod. Sofia swallowed heavily. “Okay, Dr. Richards. I’m pretty scared. Would you give me a shot?” She looked back at her Daddy and he transferred both of her hands into his. He reached his free hand to her face and brushed her hair back from her forehead. He nodded again. “Ouch!” Sofia blurted out when she felt the injection. It didn’t take long to work. She felt all the tension from her body slowly melt away.

  Dr. Richards slid the anal speculum easily back into her tight passage. He waited a few seconds but it looked like Sofia was relaxing well. He opened it up going slowly until it was completely spread allowing him a good view into her rectum. Dr. Richards swabbed the inside of her rectum as a sample for the lab to test.

  He stood up and talked to Noah. “We need to start some aggressive treatment for Sofia’s tummy. I really need to view her intestine closely through a colonoscope but her system is too packed. I’m going to give her a couple of intensive enemas today. I’ll send you home with directions to give her two enemas each day for three days. Then, I’ll have you come back on the fourth day and we should be able to do the procedure. I want to make sure there are not structural defects that we need to address. After that, we’ll come up with a routine maintenance regimen for Sofia’s health. You’ll have to treat the two twins differently. That may be something difficult for you to juggle,” Dr. Richards warned.

  “I have already thought of that. I’ll be sure to spend time with Isabella, too. Are there any negative effects if I give Isabella an enema when Sofia gets one from time to time?” Noah asked quietly.

  “Not at all,” Dr. Richards reassured him as he chose a large enema bag with an equally long enema nozzle and began filling it with cleanser and water in a strong combination. “You don’t want to give anyone an hourly enema. You would wash important nutrients from their body. For this small amount, an extra enema now and then definitely will not hurt a healthy Little. Most of the time, there is a benefit to washing toxins from the intestinal system. Isabella, too, will need a regular schedule of enemas to keep her feeling her best. You will be able to see an overlap easily. Once I get the results from the testing, I’ll be able to customize supplements and other needed treatments for both of your lovely Littles.”

  Dr. Richards stepped to Sofia’s side and rubbed her tummy to comfort her. “Sofia, I need to clean your intestinal system. Your bowels are so plugged that I’m worried you could already have some damage to your intestines. Your Daddy’s been doing the exact right treatment in giving you enemas to help your tummy. Now that you’re here in the office, I can help you with a little more intensive treatment. I’m going to give you a couple of enemas here. They will go deeper into your tummy and will work harder to clear out the blockages. I want you to be a very brave girl. You may be uncomfortable from time to time. You need to tell your Daddy and I if you are cramping or in pain. We’ll help fix it for you. Okay?”

  Sofia’s eyes jumped back and forth between the doctor and her Daddy. She was glad Dr. Richards had given her that shot because she would have been really scared. Dr. Richards had hung the enema bag up out of her line of vision so she couldn’t see it. She had a feeling that was a bad sign. With all this whirling in her brain, she saw her Daddy smile at her and nod one more time. She answered the doctor, “I understand what you are saying. I’ll scared but if my Daddy says I should do it, I’m ready.”

  “What a good girl, you are Sofia!” praised her Daddy and he turned to address the doctor. “Matt, definitely you should proceed with whatever treatment you think is best. Sofia and I trust your judgement. Do you think a pacifier would help Sofia as well?” Noah asked.

  Dr. Richards immediately pressed the large retention nozzle into Sofia and inflated it. He started the flow of warm, cleanser-filled water that stung Sofia’s inner tissues. “I think a pacifier is a good idea. He pulled another packaged adult-sized pacifier out of his drawer and unwrapped it. He opened a new jar of the soothing gel and dipped it inside before stepping to Sofia’s side. “Open your mouth, Sofia.” He slid the pacifier in and held it in place. “I know if seems too big and feels strange in your mouth but I want you to try thi
s for a little while. Just suck on the nipple and see if it helps you relax.” He held it in place until he could feel Sofia pulling on the pacifier as she sucked. He watched her eyes close and saw the beating vein in her throat slow visibly. “Good girl.” He adjusted the enema nozzle and walked back to the desk to make some notes.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Sofia gripped her Daddy’s hand tightly. She’d already had one large enema and retained it for thirty minutes. She was back on the exam table and Dr. Richards had examined her again pressing on her abdomen from above, through her vagina and through her rectum. He had been very pleased with the results from the first enema but said that she definitely needed the second enema. She felt the enema nozzle enter her bottom again and the stinging liquid gush back into her intestines. Sofia groaned deeply, “Daddy, can’t we just go home. I don’t want another enema.”

  “I know, sweetheart. You are being so good. Just take deep breaths and relax. Do you want your pacifier?” he asked rubbing her tummy. Noah smiled at Sofia when she nodded her head “yes.” His Littles had already learned to love their pacifiers.


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