Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8

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Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8 Page 11

by Pepper North

  “Definitely, the cream will work on stretched anal tissue as well as vaginal tissue. Let me know if you need some more. We want our Littles to be happy and a sore bottom often results in a grumpy Little.” Dr. Richards removed the thermometer and checked her temperature. Looking at his drenched gloves, he met Noah’s eyes and chuckled quietly before stripping off those gloves and pulling on new ones. “I’m just going to check your tummy, Sofia. Then, I’ll give you a shot that will help you relax.” Dr. Richards began to press on her stomach. “Sofia, your tummy is much happier. I’m so glad to see that it is responding well to the enemas. Do you feel better?”

  Sofia peeked out from under her forearm. She nodded slowly. “I do feel better,” she admitted before blurting out, “I don’t want two enemas a day. I don’t have to have two enemas a day any more, do I?”

  “Let me check the inside of your tummy, Sofia. I think I can come up with a plan that combines regular enemas and a medication for your Daddy to put in your bottom that helps your tummy instead of only relying on enemas to keep your tummy moving. Okay? Let me take a look and then we’ll know for sure,” Dr. Richards said calmly as he slid two fingers into her vagina and pressed on her stomach. Withdrawing his fingers, he stripped off his gloves again.

  “Sofia, I’m going to give you a shot now. Here’s a quick pinch.” Dr. Richards injected the medicine he had prepared before her arrival and stored in the bin beneath the table.

  The two men watched her muscles relax totally and she melted into the table. Dr. Richards pulled on a surgical gown and handed one to Noah. “You are welcome to stay for the procedure but I’ll ask you to put one of these on and some gloves. The doctor removed the tray of instruments that he had stored in his cabinet and placed them on a tray near Sofia’s outstretched thighs. After pulling on new gloves, he injected a tube of clear lubricant into Sofia’s anus and inserted two fingers to rub the lubricant around the entry site fully. Picking up a large, flexible, instrument that was coiled on the tray, Dr. Richards pressed the two-inch diameter cylinder into her bottom slowly as he looked in the eye piece to examine her inner tissues. He motioned to Noah several times to come look at what he was finding with the scope. Finally, when he had the instrument fully inserted, Dr. Richards scooted his stool back from his close position to Sofia’s bottom looking through the scope.

  “I’m glad you brought her to me, Noah. The irritated spots that I showed you resulted from long term impaction in her intestines. This could become very serious if we hadn’t found this and begun treatment. I’ll need to monitor the condition of her intestines regularly. We’ll have to repeat this process in three months. If she is responded to the treatment, I’ll check her with the scope in six months and then, annually if all goes well,” Dr. Richards looked very concerned. We’re going to start an aggressive treatment plan for her with both a suppository that will need to be inserted three times a day and a gel medication that will need to go into her bottom every evening. Do you think you’ll be able to give her a suppository three times a day? Isabella is a trained vet tech, right? I’m sure she could administer a suppository at lunch for Sofia.”

  “That’s a great idea. Isabella is feeling a little out of sorts because of the attention and time I have been giving Sofia and being worried about her sissy. I think involving her in Sofia’s treatment plan will not only reassure her about her twin but give her a little power. Each twin loves being in charge,” Noah laughed with Dr. Richards.

  “You definitely have your hands full with twins. But they are beautiful and I can already tell that the three of you love each other with all your hearts. I’m so glad your app matched you together.” Dr. Richards said as he began to slowly withdraw the long instrument.

  Noah carried a bag of suppositories, gel medication, and a new detailed set of instructions including a new enema schedule to the car before returning with the blanket to wrap around Sofia’s diapered body. He carried her clothes. There was no need to dress her again. She was going to nap in her crib for several hours. Possibly all night if she was comfortable. He stretched her out in the back of the SUV so she could stretch out and closed the hatch. Noah waved at Paul who had helped him out of the door. “Thank you,” he called thinking about how lucky he was to have brought both girls to see Dr. Richards. The doctor had given him instructions to go home and spend some alone time with Isabella. Noah knew she needed his attention and he need to hold her close.

  Chapter Thirty

  After carrying in Sofia and carefully tucking her safely into her crib, Noah turned to Isabella who was following her Daddy and her sissy with wide-eyed concern. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head as he guided her out of the room. Stopping in his bedroom, Noah drew her over to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the mattress and gathered her into his arms.

  “Isabella, your sissy is fine. Dr. Richards gave her some strong sleeping medicine so that he could carefully look at her tummy from the inside. He used a scope to see why she’s been having trouble with her tummy. There’s nothing serious but she needs to drink more and make time to go to the bathroom when she needs to go. Dr. Richards has started her on a treatment plan to help her feel better all the time. I need your help with some of her medication. She needs to have a suppository placed deep in her rectum three times a day. I can take care of that in the morning and before bed but I’m hoping that I can count on you to give her the medicine during the day at work. Do you think you could help Sofia?” Noah looked at her trying to judge her reaction.

  “You want me to help by giving her medicine?” Isabella asked hesitantly.

  “Yes, sweetheart,” Noah answered simply.

  Isabella’s face lighted up with delight. “I’d love to help. I’ve been so worried and felt like there was nothing I could do!” she said enthusiastically. Isabella threw her arms around her Daddy’s neck and hugged him tight. She squirmed in tightly against him as she felt his arms encircle her.

  “I love you, Isabella. I know it’s been tough for you these last three days while I’ve had to spend so much time with Sofia so she would be ready for her test. Dr. Richards assures me that she will sleep for several hours. Let’s do something special that you would like to do.” Noah looked at her and smiled as she nodded her head energetically and bounced on his lap. “What would you like to do?” he asked expecting her to want to watch a movie, go swing outside or play with her dolls.

  “I want to bake chocolate chip cookies. The good kind that are soft and yummy. And while they’re baking, I want us to paint our nails. I’ll do yours and you do mine. Okay, Daddy?” she asked peeking up at him.

  “Little rascal has been upset by the amount of time I’ve been spending with her sister,” Noah thought. “She thinks I’ll be concerned about getting my nails painted.” He resolved to choose the brightest color she has!” Speaking aloud, Noah answered. “I wouldn’t make any other kind of cookies. The chewy ones are the best.” He pulled his crafty Little in and kissed her deeply. “I want you to know that you are very special to me. My life would be very empty without you.”

  “And Sofia?” Isabella asked seriously.

  “And Sofia. She’s part of this new family. We’re all belong together. Now, let’s go make some cookies and see how many we can eat before Sofia wakes up and we have to share,” Noah leaned in and rubbed his afternoon whiskery face all over Isabella’s sensitive neck as she let out peals of delighted laughter.

  Isabella escaped his arms and took off down the hallway to the kitchen yelling, “I bet you can’t catch me, Daddy!”

  Noah ran out the door. It was a long way to the kitchen and he was fast. He was counting on catching her.


  Noah looked over the decorations in the foyer and scattered as far as the eye could see. His Littles had gone overboard decorating the house for Christmas. It was their first Christmas in his home or he should say in “our home” and he wanted it to be special. The twins had turned his well scheduled, orderly life upside dow
n. Their presence was seen in every corner of the house from their pictures posted in his office and on the refrigerator in the kitchen to their shoes that were scattered all over the house. He’d even found a pair in the mini-fridge in his office. The girls and he had decided to have a holiday party and invite all their friends and parents. Noah didn’t even know how many people were coming. He had decided a few weeks ago to just let the girls and Antoinette, his housekeeper arrange everything with the caterers.

  He shook his head and started to walk into his study to pour himself a before party drink when he almost tripped over a bedraggled black puff of fur under his feet. “Zero! I am going to step on you yet!” he scolded the dog as he scooped him up in his arms. “I thought you were supposed to stay in the pantry tonight until the company leaves?” He carried him into the kitchen only to catch Isabella by the waist with a free arm when she crashed into him. “Isabella, I have talked to you before about running in the house. Do you need a reminder spanking?”

  “Oh, no, Daddy. I just found the pantry door open and panicked. I thought Zero was lost. Here, I’ll take him and put him in the laundry room. He’ll be safe there and his food and water are already in there. I don’t know why I didn’t think about that room first.” She kissed Noah’s cheek and gathered Zero to her chatting with him as she walked down the hall about how much fun he was going to have in the laundry room.

  “Think about putting a big sign up asking people to not open the door,” Noah shouted after her.

  “Great idea, Daddy! I’ll make one now!” Isabella shouted back turning the corner as she skipped now down the hall.

  “That’s so totally different than running,” Noah thought to himself. He had no doubts that there would be many Little bottoms getting spankings tonight. Too many sugary treats, the excitement of the holidays, a party, and lots of friends, that was just the recipe for spankings.

  At least the dog should be safe now. Sofia had brought it home one evening after work. It was probably more honest to say that she smuggled it home by sending Isabella in the house first to distract him with “I’m home after work” kisses. When those two worked together, he didn’t have a chance. The rescued dog had escaped into the house as Sofia brought it in and had spent the night under his desk in his office. Obviously, the dog had linked safety and his manly smell together because Zero wanted nothing more than to be with him 24/7. He protested a lot to the girls that he didn’t want a dog but he really liked Zero. He was great company as he was working alone in his office with the twins away at work. Noah wouldn’t ever admit that but he had a feeling his Littles already knew. Zero wasn’t much to look at, he was recovering from wounds he received from a horrible person that was currently wanted on abuse charges. Sofia had patched him up and hadn’t been able to send him to a shelter.

  Sofia swept into the foyer. She ran over to her Daddy and hugged him tightly. “I’m so excited! I love my new dress!” Sofia turned around for him twirling her full short skirt. A hint of her pink diaper showed as she twirled. After several weeks of refining her treatment, Dr. Richard had perfected her care plan. Sofia was now feeling much better. She still protested her medicated suppositories but those combined with regular enema cleansings had worked.

  Noah was ensuring that Isabella got an equal share of his time as he made sure to spend private time with both twins. In fact, Sofia insisted that Isabella and Noah had a date night all alone every month. Isabella thought it was only fair that Sofia and Noah had their own date night as well. Noah considered himself the luckiest Daddy in their circle of friends but the other Daddies hotly contested this.

  The doorbell rang signaling the start of the evening. Isabella ran in to greet the guests. “No running, Isabella,” her Daddy reminded her as he walked past her to open the door. “Both my girls look very pretty tonight,” he praised. Opening the door, Noah stepped back as a huge torrent of people began streaming inside. “Did you all come together in one large clown car?” he laughed as person after person shook his hand before rushing forward to greet his Littles.

  Dr. Richards was the last in the door. “Someone tried to organize everyone into coming early to sing Christmas Carols on your front lawn only to discover that none of us can sing. I’ll let you guess who that was,” he grinned as he shook Noah’s hand.

  Noah’s eyes scanned the crowd to settle on one blond imp dressed in a short, purple velvet overall dress. She was dancing around in the group of Littles trying to convince everyone that they knew Jingle Bells at least. Zoey, Dr. Richards’ Little was a ring leader for all sorts of Little activities. “I never asked,” Noah said dryly, “where exactly did you find your Little girl?”

  “She was sent to me by Jon and Cecily. And nothing has ever been the same since,” Dr. Richards admitted with a grin. “Thank goodness. I wouldn’t want to live without her.”

  Noah wrapped an arm around the kindly doctor and led him into the party. “I agree totally. Let’s go get a drink. I have a feeling that we’re going to need one or maybe more,” Noah suggested and both men laughed loudly together. The sound attracted the attention of three Little girls who looked back at them and waved before putting their heads back together to whisper.

  “We are in trouble now,” Dr. Richards observed wryly.

  If you’ve enjoyed this story, please take a moment to review it on Amazon. I always love to hear from my readers about their suggestions for future stories and what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on Facebook or at [email protected]

  For your reading enjoyment, the other age-play stories previously published in this series are:

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  Charlotte: Dr. Richard’s Littles 7

  Coming soon will be the stories of Jon and his Little Cecily, Rob and his Little Tony, April and her Little Abigail

  Turn the page to find a selection from two of the Dr. Richards’ Little stories. Enjoy and check out all the Dr. Richards’ Little books on Amazon.

  Excerpt from Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  “I know your secret, baby girl!” Carrie reread the message line of the email that had just appeared on her private email. Deciding that it was probably just a scam of some kind, Carrie clicked the delete button. Five minutes later, biting her lower lip between her teeth in a nervous gesture, Carrie clicked on the trash icon in her email to pull the message back to her in box. Should she open it or not? It was the baby girl reference that was worrying her. Just over a year ago, Carrie had accidentally opened a site on the internet that had lots of pictures of adults dressed as children. They were all carefully attended by “mommies and daddies” that loved them. That first time, she’d quickly clicked off of that site but over the last few months, Carrie had gone back frequently.

  Working as a lawyer in an exclusive downtown firm, Carrie was used to making decisions for not only herself but her clients. The pressure of all the responsibility that came with her position was often intense. Peoples’ lives and their futures depended upon her. What would it feel like to give complete control to someone else? It sounded like heaven to Carrie.

  Holding her breath, Carrie clicked on the email to open it up. She scanned the email quickly and then shakily read it again carefully. She was horrified and utterly fascinated at the same time.

  Dear Carrie,

  Sweetheart, I know you are reading this email with both excitement and dismay. Let me introduce myself. I am an entrepreneur here in our city. I’ve located you through sophisticated tracking software that I attached to a website you’ve visited often over the last few months. My goal is simple. I’m looking for a companion just like you who is drawn to a certain lifestyle. I guarantee you that I will protect your privacy and
reveal to no one your interest in being a special young lady to a specific type of caring adult. I only ask that you meet me so we can determine if our personal tastes and interests would complement each other.

  Your brilliant mind will quickly think of how to discount this message so let me give you the names of several personal references that you already know. Please ask them about me. They know nothing about our interests. They will give you an insight into our mutual professional and business relationships. I will email in two days so that we can set up a meeting in a location of your choosing. I am eager to meet you and hope you will soon decide to fill a void in my life as my special baby girl.

  The email ended with a name very familiar to Carrie. Thomas Covington was a prominent member of her home town’s business and industry. He had made his mark in the Informational Technology field working with the largest corporations and companies in the bustling city. Thomas, known for his philanthropic generosity and support, was a very handsome man in his early 40s. Carrie quickly opened a new window and googled him for more details. Thomas grinned back at her from the publicity photo of a recent charity event. Dressed in a jet black tux and jaunty bow tie, Carrie felt her pulse quicken as she studied his athletic build.


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