Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8

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Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8 Page 10

by Pepper North

  She felt another orgasm over her and she moaned as Noah slid his erection in and out of her. “Daddy, you feel so good. I’m glad everything fits.”

  “We are a perfect match, Isabella. Can you come for me again, sweetheart?” Noah asked with a smile.

  “Yes, Daddy!” Her body moved in perfect rhythm with his.

  Noah moved faster thrusting fully into her liquid warmth. He felt her muscle seize around his penis and he allowed himself to orgasm with her. He held his penis deep inside her and he rotated their joined bodies together so she was nestled safely in his arms. He did not wish to crush her with his weight. He whispered to the stunned Little in his arms. “I love you, Isabella.”

  “I love you, too, Daddy. I’m glad I trusted you that you would fit,” Isabella said as she rested her head on his muscular chest.

  “I’m so glad I found you, Isabella. Go to sleep, sweetheart. It’s way past your bedtime.” Noah ordered kissing the top of her head. He waited until she had fallen deeply asleep before he carried Isabella into the nursery and cleaned her thoroughly. He carefully applied some of Dr. Richards’ soothing balm before wrapping her in a diaper and settling Isabel into her crib. Before lifting the railing to keep her safe inside, he dipped her new pacifier in the soothing gel and holding it at her lips before pressing it inside. He smiled as she turned over holding the pacifier in her mouth and sucking on it gently.”

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Sofia’s Daddy was able to give her two enemas a day easily. She didn’t like them and tried to talk him out of them each time but she cooperated. Noah made sure that she was rewarded with at least one orgasm each time. Isabella had even requested an enema last night because she was jealous the time he was spending with her sister. Noah had made sure that both twins received a deep enema and a reward for holding that enema for twenty minutes.

  On the third day, Sofia was called to the office to treat a cat that had been hit by a car. She left the house at 3:00 am and didn’t have a chance to return home. Sofia was surprised to see Noah at her office at 10:00 until she saw the brown paper bag of supplies that she’d deliberately left in the trunk of the car instead of bringing them in to her office as she had been instructed to do. She knew immediately what he was there to do.

  “Hi, Sweetheart! Mickie was just telling me that your next appointment cancelled and you were free until after your lunch,” Noah said. “I brought you some lunch. Let’s have a picnic in your office,” he suggested looking seriously at her. “Mickie could you hold all the calls and questions to allow Sofia to relax a little while?” he addressed the receptionist with a smile.

  “Of course. I’ll make sure you have your privacy.” Mickie smiled at them both.

  “Noah, I know you told me to bring those supplies in but I didn’t think we’d need them,” Sofia whispered to him softly as he wrapped his arm around her and swept her down the hall to her office. She stared in horror as he locked her door and carried the supplies into her bathroom. Sofia heard the water running and the splash of a large amount of Dr. Richards’ special cleanser filling what had to be a large enema bag.

  In a few minutes, Noah walked out of the bathroom holding a bulging enema bag equipped with a large nozzle and a jar of lubricant. He hung the enema bag on a sturdy nail driven in to the wall by her desk. Noah motioned her to come around the desk.

  Sofia’s eyes widened to see that there were three more nails in a progressive path higher. Her Daddy could give her a very quick enema if he needed to. She dragged her feet as she walked toward him. She tried again, “I’m sorry, Daddy. Couldn’t we just skip this enema?”

  “No, Sofia. Dr. Richards will be looking at your bottom tomorrow with a special scope your bottom must be thoroughly cleaned out,” Noah said as he untied the drawstring at the top of her scrub pants. He pushed the pants and her underwear down her legs and off over her shoes.

  Isabella felt very exposed. “Couldn’t I just pull down my pants? That way I could pull them up quickly if someone comes to the door.”

  “No, Isabella. You’re very lucky that I’m not going to spank you here in your office. I’ll save that spanking for when you get home. Now, turn around and lay your breasts and shoulders on your desk.” His hands helped to push her into the correct position. Pressing on her back to hold her in position, Noah opened the jar of lubricant with his other hand and as she watched he scooped up a glob of lubricant and carried it out of her eyesight. He watched her shiver with arousal and from the cold lubricant as he pressed it deep into her rectum by advancing two large fingers into her. Noah had discovered that Sofia was very responsive when she had something in her bottom. He knew that while she had protested each time he had administered an enema, her arousal had resulted her body literally dripping with the slick, arousal fluid.

  “Daddy, please,” Sofia tried one more time. She attempted to stand up to look at him but she was held firmly in place with her breasts crushed in to the reference book that Sofia had been consulting earlier.

  “Smack! Smack! Smack!” Sofia jumped as Noah’s heavy hand descended on her exposed bottom three times. He pressed the nozzle deep into her and held it in place as he started the water. “I will spank you as you get your enema if you do not cooperate.” Noah sat down in the big, office chair behind her. He watched Sofia squirm as she realized that he was staring at her bottom spread widely in front of her. When Sofia again tried to turn around and look at him. Noah held her in place and Sofia heard a slosh of the enema bag. Twenty seconds later the cleansing water streamed into her with greater force and speed.

  “You raised the bag, didn’t you?” She asked with her eyes tearing up.

  “Every time you do not follow my directions, there will be a consequence.” Noah said evenly. He began to pull and push the enema nozzle into her bottom with one hand while he started spreading her moisture throughout her exposed tender flesh.

  Sofia tried to resist the feeling that he was building in her but was unable to do this. “Daddy knows me too well,” she thought furiously to herself. Suddenly, Sofia felt her Daddy’s hands withdraw leaving her. She lifted her bottom toward his caresses. She tried to look back at him only to feel his strong hand holding her in place. Then, she heard the slosh of the enema bag moving from nail to nail.

  “Daddy!” she wailed as the water gushed in her rectum with growing force. “I’ll be good. Would you lower it back down? I promise. I’ll be good.”

  Silence came from the man sitting behind her. When she started to doubt that he was even there, Sofia felt his hand begin to build her arousal to climax once again. Sofia groaned in reaction. “His hands felt so good,” she thought. Again, she was poised to climax and his hand left her sensitive areas. Sofia groaned and slumped against the desk.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Finally, the water had jetted into Sofia’s intestines. She could feel her stomach roiling inside her from the heavy dose of cleanser that her Daddy had added to the enema bag. “Can I go to the bathroom, Daddy,” Sofia pleaded.

  “Not yet, sweetheart. You need to let the enema do its work. Think about your filled tummy, Sofia. Can you feel a difference in your stomach after having an enema twice a day?” Noah asked gently.

  There was silence in the office. Sofia’s first response was, of course, “no!” However, as she thought about it, she realized that she had not had any stomach pains throughout the day like she usually did and that she hadn’t felt constipated. The waist of her scrubs was more comfortable and she didn’t dread bending over to pick up a small animal from the floor or one of the lower kennels in the treatment area. She didn’t want to admit this to her Daddy. He would want to give her lots of enemas always. Sofia dreaded the water flowing inside her and her lack of power to stop them. She always protested and resisted but once her Daddy started touching her, Sofia enjoyed his caresses. If she was honest with herself, she enjoyed having his undivided attention, too.

  Noah rubbed her bottom exposed so thoroughly in front of him. �
�I won’t make you say that you like enemas, Sofia. Maybe, you’ve decided that you need them? And maybe, you’ve decided that your Daddy makes them at least somewhat enjoyable?”

  A few more seconds passed and Sofia whispered, “Yes, Daddy. You know me so well.”

  “That’s what a Daddy is supposed to do. Know what’s best for his Little girl and give her the care that she needs to be healthy and happy. Are you happy, Sofia?” Noah asked quietly.

  Sofia didn’t need any time to think about that question. Immediately, she answered, “Happier than I’ve ever been. I have you and my sister.”

  Noah lifted her from the desk and turned her over so that she was cuddled in his arms still mostly reclined. He rotated the enema nozzle in her bottom to make sure that she was comfortable before kissing her forehead. “I love you, Sofia. My life was empty before I met you and Sofia. You have become my life. Thank you for letting me take care of you.” He kissed her lips softly. When he raised his head, he saw tears of happiness gathering in Sofia’s eyes. “No, crying, sweetheart. You’ll make me cry.” Noah hooked one leg over the arm of Sofia’s desk chair spreading her legs apart. He slid his fingers into her moisture. “Oh, my sweetheart, you do love your Daddy’s attention.” He smiled as he heard Sofia’s breath begin to catch in her throat. “Let’s see if Daddy can convince you that you like enemas because you know this equipment is going to be stored in your office now permanently. This has been too much fun to come see you stretched over your desk with a large nozzle in your bottom.” Noah tapped on the nozzle jolting it repeatedly in her bottom to remind her of the enema trapped inside her. Listening to her groan in arousal, Noah resumed his stimulations. “I think I’m going to have to come give you an enema at work on a regular basis.”

  That picture in her mind was the last bit of incentive that Sofia needed. Her body arched upward in his arms. Her anus clamping repeatedly on the inserted nozzle causing it to dance up and down. She heard her Daddy laughing quietly. He placed her pacifier in her mouth as she began to come down from her massive enema. “Yes, Sofia. I am going to have to come have lunch with you often.”

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  The next day, Sofia had been very worried about her doctor’s appointment to have her tummy checked. Noah had talked to Isabella before and she had agreed that it would be best if she remained at home so Sofia had all of Noah’s attention. Isabella had arranged to have lunch with an old friend from high school that she hadn’t gotten to see for a while. Then she was going to go shopping for both herself and Sofia. Noah made a mental note that he needed to take them to Gordon’s for some new outfits to wear at home. They would be simultaneously fascinated and embarrassed by all the items on display in the store designed and open only to age play participants.

  Noah buckled Sofia into her seat and kissed her lips. “It will be okay. Dr. Richards is just going to check your tummy from the inside and then, we’ll come home and you can take a little nap. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you. Okay?”

  Sofia’s bottom lip trembled. “I don’t want to go, Daddy. Don’t make me go!” she pleaded struggling against the straps in her car seat.

  “Your appointment is at three. We need to leave now but I am ready to call his office to let Dr. Richards know that you are being naughty and that we will be late. I would think one spanking would have settled you down but I’ll be glad to take off your diaper and remind you that Daddy is in charge,” Noah said with a stern look.

  “Noooooo! I’ll be good.” Sofia immediately settled down in her seat. Her bottom was already very sore. She definitely didn’t want another enema. Sofia watched her Daddy close her door with a strong thunk and open his door to slide in behind the wheel. He smoothly started the car and drove down the long drive to the gate.

  Both Daddy and Little were quiet on the ride over. Within a few minutes, Noah pulled up to Dr. Richards gate and entered the code to open the massive gates. He parked his car and opened the rear door. Leaning in, he unbuckled Sofia’s restraining straps. Before he could lift her out of the car, Sofia’s hand gripped his tightly.

  “You’ll stay with me, Daddy?” she asked with a wavering voice.

  “I’ll always be right by your side,” Noah assured her. He kissed her head and lifted her into his arms for a quick cuddle. “Let’s go in and let Dr. Richards take a look at your tummy. I think it’s been harder waiting to come to the appointment than the appointment will actually be. He carried her up to the door and thanked Paul for being ready to open the door for them.

  “Dr. Richards has everything set up in Exam Room One. Just carry Sofia in this room.” Paul opened the door for them. “He’ll be with you soon.”

  Noah set Sofia down on her feet and began to take her comfortable clothes off. He knew that Dr. Richards would give her medicine to make her sleepy. He’d dressed her in clothing that would be easy to get back on or he had tucked a blanket in the front seat just in case, he decided to leave her nude and just wrap her up in a blanket for the ride home.

  Sofia stood quietly as her clothes and diaper were quickly stripped off her body leaving her standing nude in the exam room. She looked around searching for the scary stuff that she knew Dr. Richards would be using soon. The exam room was pristine. Nothing was out on the counter. No invasive equipment was lurking in the corners. Sofia allowed herself to relax. Maybe he’d changed his mind about her tests. The blood work could have come back and convinced him that she didn’t need any further testing. Sofia allowed her Daddy to lift her up onto the exam table. She leaned her head against his shoulder and felt his warm arm wrap around her.

  The door opened and Dr. Richards walked in. “Good afternoon, Sofia, Noah. I bet you’re ready to get this over with Sofia,” he smiled kindly at her. “I promise. This will be easier on you than the anticipation of coming here for this test. You’re just going to take a little nap and I’m going to look at your tummy. Okay?”

  Sofia nodded. She’d love just to sleep through the whole thing.

  “Lay back, Sofia and let me check your tummy quickly,” Dr. Richards helped her lay down and move into position with her legs spread and raised by the stirrups. “I’ll check your temperature first.”

  Sofia felt the cold lubricant and then the large thermometer slid into her rectum. Dr. Richards stood between her spread thighs chatting with her Daddy as he held the thermometer deep in her bottom.

  “It looks like someone wasn’t cooperating with her Daddy about coming to see the doctor,” Dr. Richards observed running a cool hand over Sofia’s red bottom.

  “She has been very anxious about this test,” Noah admitted. “She’s been very resistant to the enemas also but I do think that she has felt better since she’s had enemas twice a day. Do you think we need to continue that?”

  “Let me see what I find in my exam today. I think we can treat her tummy preventively so that we avoid all the impaction that she was experiencing. Definitely, she has regular enemas in her future. That’s just the best medicine for almost all Littles. Have you found some ways to help her enjoy enemas?” Dr. Richards asked Noah.

  “She is very responsive when her bottom is filled with an enema. I can easily arouse her to orgasm. That is usually helpful in distracting her,” Noah reported.

  “I can see that your relationship has progressed to include vaginal sex. Have you tried stimulating Isabella with intercourse during an enema or while she is retaining the cleansing fluid?” Dr. Richards asked as if this was normal conversation in the doctor’s office.

  Sofia squeaked in embarrassment and covered her eyes with her forearm.

  Noah ran a comforting hand down her torso before beginning to roll and pull on one erect nipple causing her to groan for an entirely different reason. “My baby is very sensitive. I haven’t tried either of those things. I’ve just relied on my hands and mouth to stimulate her. I’ll have to give them a try,” he said moving his hand to play with her other breast.

  “Using your penis as an anal plug
to help her retain her enema is a great idea also. Anal sex is very agitating for a Little after an enema has been administered but it can be very effective in clearing out a Little’s bottom. Sofia might benefit from this. Wear a condom to avoid the cleanser irritating your penis. Do wait until she is used to anal sex. I would highly recommend that you introduce Sofia to anal stimulation. Her body will react to the stimulation by evacuating matter in her higher intestines more efficiently,” Dr. Richards advised.

  “Thank you for the soothing vaginal cream for the twins. It helped both of my Littles after their first sexual experience. Can I use this also to soothe their rectums after anal sex?” Noah asked watching his Little girl’s blush extend from her cheeks down to her throat and chest. Both the men noted the plentiful fluid that was building in between her legs. Dr. Richards’ fingers were covered as he held the thermometer in her bottom.


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