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Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go

Page 9

by Bailey Bradford

  “Think maybe I’ll go talk to him after I finish this stall for you since you’re all thumbs and dumbass today.” Annabelle tossed a load into the wheelbarrow with more grace than Max had ever managed. “Unless you want to talk to him, being a guy and all that. Might freak him out a bit if I ask him about the barn smelling like spunk and horse shit, or the wet spot. Guys can be weird about that stuff if it’s a woman asking.”

  Max knew he was being manipulated, and normally, it would have made him dig in his heels. Not this time. Annabelle was trying to shove him in the direction he wanted to go, and he really wanted to know about that whole jeans thing. And he knew he had some

  explaining to do. Max had been furious when Bo had been hurt, then he’d turned around and hurt the sweet little guy all over again.

  Max heaved his best put-upon sigh. “Fine, I’ll go talk to him. Didn’t feel like mucking the stalls anyway.” He walked out as quickly as he thought he could without arousing any more suspicion.

  Annabelle’s shouted, “Tell Bo I want details!” let him know he’d failed miserably, but he didn’t care. Every step he took closer to Bo may have added to Max’s confusion, but it also stoked the anticipation that was simmering in his veins.


  Bailey Bradford


  Bo ignored the knocking on the bedroom door. He’d heard the front door squeak as it was opened, recognised the sound of Max’s footsteps on the wood floors, so he knew who was on the other side of the bedroom door. Maybe he should feel bad about Max having to knock—it was his room, after all—but it wasn’t like Bo had locked the door, merely shut it before collapsing on the bed and curling into a ball.

  Bo squeezed his eyelids tightly shut when he heard the door open. Max’s steps were lighter now, so maybe the man believed he was asleep. The footsteps stopped then the mattress dipped as Max sat on the side of bed.

  “I know you ain’t asleep, can tell by your breathing.”

  Bo cracked his eyes open but didn’t turn to face Max. “Annabelle sent you, didn’t she?”

  “I would have come on my own, just…” Max sighed. “Bo, I don’t know what’s going on here, and I hadn’t ever…no one ever did anything like that to me before, you know?”

  Bo felt his eyebrows crawling up to his hairline—which was still almost where it was twenty years ago. He flopped onto his back and studied Max intently, noting the deep red flush that tinted his neck and cheeks. The man was just too adorable, and too vague.

  “You mean, no one ever gave you a blowjob before?” At the minute shake of Max’s

  head, Bo pushed himself up on his elbows. This definitely bore deeper investigation. “You ever blown anyone?” Another quick, silent denial. “Been fucked?” Max jerked and a strangled sound slipped past his lips.

  Oh shit. “Maybe I should have asked some of these questions before,” Bo muttered.

  Although… “But you have fucked someone before, right? I mean, even a woman?”

  Max turned an even deeper shade of red and stared at the floor. Bo’s stomach took a dive to his ankles. “No one? Ever?” Bo whispered, not trying to be obtuse but totally unable to grasp the concept that Max had never done anything. “Did you even know…are you even gay?”

  Max stood up and took two steps away from the bed before Bo could reach out to stop him.

  “I’m sorry, Max, really. I just, I have trouble understanding how someone like you, handsome and so…just so good, could be a v—alone.” Bo was sure Max would have melted into the floor upon being called a virgin, especially heaped on top of all the other questions Bo had just tossed at him. “I’m sorry,” he offered again.


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  “I always figured I was just one of those asexual people, you know?” Max spoke so quietly Bo could barely make out the words. “Figured I was so fucked up from things that happened when I was a kid, bad shit that really messed with my head. Let’s just say me and my brothers were taught, with a lot of help from a belt, that sex just wasn’t allowed. Even holding your dick to take a piss could get us lashes that made it impossible to sit or lay on our backs for days.” The bitter laugh that followed was so unlike the musical one Bo had started to treasure. This one sent icy fingers of dread skittering down Bo’s spine.

  “You don’t believe that, do you, Max?” If so, Bo wasn’t sure if he could or should try to change Max’s mind.

  “I don’t,” Max said and slowly turned to face Bo. “I know it ain’t right, what my parents told us, what they did. But it’s still stuck up here”—he tapped his head—“and I don’t know if I can ever get it out. If I can ever be normal.”

  The look he gave Bo was so wistful that it made Bo’s heart ache for the man. “Do you want to?”

  Max swallowed loudly, looking anywhere now but at Bo. “It didn’t bother me too much before. I never felt like there was anyone I wanted to…to get close to.” Max shivered once, twice, then finally locked gazes with Bo. “Then you came along, all smiling and happy, teasing me and being my friend. I started thinking about things, how screwed up my head was, how much I wanted to touch you, be touched by you…”

  No one had ever said anything to him that had lit Bo up inside like those two sentences.

  He’d always been the good time boy, the pretty, easy fuck, just open an orifice, no need for anything more. And he’d never expected anything more, falling into the slot he’d been assigned by almost every man he’d ever had sex with. Then he found himself over forty and utterly alone and without a clue how to change that or his ways. Now here was a man standing in front of him, damaged as surely as Bo himself, and Bo had a choice to make. He could pack up his things and get out before he fell any deeper, saving himself potential heartbreak and a relationship that, if embarked on, would be a lot of work. Max wasn’t the only one with issues. But he wanted to change, didn’t want to be the man he’d been in the past. Bo wanted to be a better man, a good man. Except now he was faced with really doing so, it was a scary prospect. If he screwed up, he’d hurt the one person in the world who seemed to accept him and—Bo’s heart fluttered in his chest—cared about him.


  Bailey Bradford


  Bo looked at the kind, weathered face he’d become so fond of, the large, dark eyes, the nut brown skin lined and creased in such interesting places. Hadn’t he been wanting something more than just sex? How many times had he imagined him and Max growing old together? Could he possibly have what he’d dreamed of? The only way he’d ever know is if he took a chance. After taking a deep breath, Bo held his hand out to Max.

  “Would you like to touch me now, Max?” Bo held his breath, exhaling noisily when Max reached out and twined their fingers together.

  “I’d like that very much.”


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Eight

  It took every bit of Max’s restraint to keep from diving onto Bo. Just the feel of his warm, soft hand, his fingers linked with Max’s, brought to mind images of twined and tangled limbs. Max felt his dick swell as he sat on the edge of the bed. Bo was looking at him with so much trust in his hazel eyes, a soft expression on his handsome face.

  A gentle squeeze to his hand gave Max the courage to speak. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  It wasn’t nearly as embarrassing to admit to as his confession moments earlier had been.

  Bo’s smile was sweet and hot at the same time. He winked at Max and shimmied where he lay. “Just do what you want. I promise you, nothing you do will be wrong. Just touch me, please.”

  The quiet assurance and the soft plea moved Max like nothing else could have.

  Something inside tightened, compressing his lungs, then loosened and fell away. The bands of guilt that had kept him bound vanished, and Max felt a surge of desire so strong it nearly stopped his heart. He looked at Bo, letting the other man see the need co
ursing through him, saw the answering need in Bo’s eyes, the pupils blown wide until only a thin band of green-flecked brow rimmed the black depths.

  “Anything,” Bo whispered, gently untangling his fingers from Max’s.

  Max felt a moment’s despair over the loss of the touch until he realised he could replace that warm hand with other fascinating bits of Bo. Anything, he’d offered, but Max wanted everything. He skimmed his gaze down Bo’s slender, sexy body, only then noticing he’d changed his clothes. The tight T-shirt clung to Bo’s torso, emphasising the hard nipples threatening to poke through the material, outlining each rib and the concave stomach. A thin strip of pale skin was exposed between the shirt and the faded sweats. Max brought a trembling finger to that tempting bit of skin, marvelling at the silky smoothness of the pale hair that ran down beneath the elastic waistband.

  Bo moaned and wiggled his hips, drawing Max’s attention to the erection tenting Bo’s sweats. As he stared, a wet spot appeared and spread. Max thought of what Annabelle had said, and even though he really didn’t want to be thinking about it here at this particular MILES TO GO

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  moment, he had to ask. Max dragged his fingers down, feeling the heat of Bo’s dick through the material. Bo’s cock leapt beneath the touch and the damp spot grew a little bigger.

  “Did you come in your pants in the barn?” Max found it easy to ask when he wasn’t looking Bo in the eye and when he was touching that tempting cock even through a layer of clothes. Bo titled his hips, rubbing his shaft against Max’s hand.

  “You mean when I was blowing you?” Another thrust of his hips, a quiet moan. “Is that what you’re asking? ‘Cause, yeah, when you shot that first load into my mouth, I creamed my jeans, you tasted so good, and the way you fucked my mouth, just let yourself go and took what I was offering, oh shit.” Bo shuddered and pumped his hips. “God, it was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced!”

  Max forced his gaze away from the cock he was now cupping through the sweats,

  looking instead at Bo’s face. There was nothing there other than lust, no deception or sarcasm, no anger at the way Max had ploughed into the man’s mouth over and over. Even now, Bo’s full lips were swollen, and Max was drawn to them like a hummingbird to nectar.

  Releasing Bo’s cock, Max shifted and leant down until his lips were almost touching Bo’s. He wanted to look at Bo, look in those eyes that gave away so much more than Bo realised, but Max couldn’t with the lush lips so close to his parting, a tip of a pink tongue darting out to moisten the plump lower one. A thrill of fear speared through him; he didn’t know how to do this, how to kiss a man—or a woman, but that wasn’t ever going to be something he needed to know. He only wanted Bo, this one man.

  Bo licked at his bottom lip again, and Max gave in with a groan. He lowered his head, pressing his lips to Bo’s, and groaned again at the heat that sparked and spread down his spine, slamming into his balls. Bo whimpered and buried his hands in Max’s hair. His warm, wet tongue brushed over Max’s lips, encouraging him to let Bo in..

  Opening eagerly for Bo, Max shivered as his dick leaked pre-cum. He teased Bo’s

  tongue with his own, and the taste of Bo exploded in Max’s mouth, sweet and tangy, like chocolate and oranges, and something Max couldn’t describe but knew he was now addicted to.

  Bo sucked on his tongue and Max felt the pull all the way to his balls. He groaned and clutched at Bo’s shoulders as he chased Bo’s tongue, suckling it in return. He wanted to do that to Bo’s cock, suck and lave that fat length, feel it push into his mouth, stretch his jaw wide and cover his tongue with cum…


  Bailey Bradford


  Max broke the kiss, gasping for breath and trying desperately to keep his fears and insecurities at bay. He’d spent too much of his life being scared already. And Bo had liked it, hadn’t he, when Max had taken over in the barn?

  Max sat up and tugged at Bo’s shirt. “Let’s get these off, all of ‘em.”

  Bo’s lips looked thoroughly plundered but his eyes blazed with carnal hunger as he sat up and pulled off his shirt. Max zeroed in on the tiny peach coloured nipples with their thick pointy tips. God, he wanted a taste of those, too.

  “You sure about these?” Bo rasped. Max dragged his gaze away from the tempting

  buds to find Bo’s thumbs sliding under the waistband of his sweats.

  “Oh yeah,” Max ground out, his throat tightening with lust. Bo still hesitated, and Max narrowed his eyes. “Take ‘em off.”

  Bo did this quivering thing, his entire body shaking bit by bit like a wave rolled over him from head to toe. He lifted his hips and shoved the sweats down his thighs, then kicked and twisted until he got them off completely. Max should have helped, but he couldn’t look away from the heavy, fuzzy balls or the plump red crown smeared with pearly fluid, or the thick veiny stalk that he couldn’t possibly swallow much of. Not yet, anyway.

  “Max?” Bo’s cock bobbed when he spoke, a fact Max found utterly fascinating.

  “Yeah, Bo?” Max answered, watching a drop of pre-cum slide from the narrow slit and form a thin bridge to Bo’s belly.

  “Could you maybe…” Bo’s breath hitched and Max hissed as Bo’s shaft twitched. “Take your clothes off?”

  Max’s gaze jumped up to meet Bo’s. “Oh yeah, I can do that.” Bo gave him a hungry smile and Max quickly pulled his boots off and stripped. He didn’t feel any of the embarrassment he thought he would have when standing naked in front of another person, not when Bo was looking at him like that, like he was everything good and perfect in the world. He just wished he knew how to live up to that look.

  Bo rolled to his side and patted the bed. “Come here, honey. Tell me what you want.”

  Max lay down facing Bo, the affection in those warm eyes the only thing keeping Max from panicking over his fear of disappointing this man. Bo caressed his cheek, each stroke leeching the anxiety from Max until he felt nothing but the aching desire of moments before.

  Max wrapped his hand around Bo’s left biceps and, using his weight, rolled them both so he wound up lying on top of Bo, bracing his body on one elbow.


  Bailey Bradford


  “This okay? I ain’t hurting you?” The full-body contact was firing all the nerve endings in Max’s body, pulling his mind into a state of erotic bliss, but he needed to know that Bo was okay before giving in to his body’s needs.

  Bo thrust up, rubbing his cock against Max’s, causing them both to gasp and groan.

  “Fucking perfect, Max. Please, do something, touch me, suck me, fuck me, God, something please!”

  Images of each one of those acts spun through Max’s head, maybe not in the clearest detail but it was more than enough to drive out rational thought. Max cupped Bo’s jaw, loving the feel of the rough stubble against his palm, and took Bo’s mouth in a kiss that left his head spinning. Bo whimpered into the kiss, clutching at Max’s shoulders, his back, finally clasping his ass cheeks and grinding up while pulling Max’s hips down. Their cocks were pressed together, slick and hard and aching, and Max couldn’t do anything other than drag his lips down Bo’s jaw. He nipped and licked, sucking hard on the firm column of Bo’s neck as he began thrusting, matching Bo’s tempo. Max buried one hand in Bo’s hair, keeping his weight up on that arm while his other hand slid between their chests, searching out one of the peach nipples. Bo keened when Max’s thumb and forefinger pinched the turgid bud. His fingers dug into the globes of Max’s ass, pulling him down harder, faster.

  Max felt his orgasm boiling up from his balls as his dick slid against Bo’s. The head of his cock caught the underside of Bo’s crown, and heat exploded inside Max. He tugged at the nub, pinching more from the spasm of ecstasy that caused his entire body to clench than from any intention. Bo screamed and bucked beneath him, spraying liquid heat between their stomachs. His fingertips b
rushed over Max’s hole and Max didn’t have time to wonder if it was intentional or not, that fluttering touch threw him right over the edge.

  Max felt that first shot of cum spewing out like a punch to the gut. He howled with the intensity of his release, his vision wavering as jets of cum burst from his dick. He thought Bo’s finger’s feathered over his asshole again, but Max wasn’t sure, couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the ecstasy flowing from his shaft as he ground furiously against Bo’s willing body.

  When Max finally came out of his orgasmic haze, he was lying on his back with Bo tucked up against his side. Bo’s head rested on Max’s shoulder, and Bo had an arm and a leg slung over him. It felt almost as good as the sex had, or maybe as good but in a different way.

  Max glanced at Bo and smiled when he saw the man’s sleep-slackened face. He was just too MILES TO GO

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  damned cute—whether that was appropriate for a man over forty or not, Max didn’t give a shit, because it was true.

  Besides being the sexiest thing Max had ever seen, Bo was simply adorable, a

  description Max vowed never to utter out loud. That was a little more…mushy…than he’d ever want to admit. Max’s lids grew heavy and his last thought as he drifted off was that if this was going to send him to Hell, it was more than worth it.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Nine

  The sound of the bedroom door opening startled Bo from the light sleep he’d dropped into. Carefully lifting his head from Max’s shoulder, he cracked open his eyes and found himself blushing under Annabelle’s appraising gaze as it encompassed his and Max’s entwined bodies. The blush progressed from a subtle warmth to a scorching heat as he dimly realised he and his lover were both nude. Annabelle was getting an eyeful. Not just of Bo’s fuzzy ass, either. He’d dozed off with one leg sprawled over Max’s thighs and an arm draped low down on Max’s belly. The result of this position was that Max’s cock and balls were pretty much framed between Bo’s limbs, setting those very fine parts of Max’s body on display like an eye-catchingly framed painting in a museum.


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