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Power of Five_Book 1

Page 16

by Alex Lidell

  River’s face darkens, his eyes wide. With a roar, he throws the stone against the mountain face, his shoulders vibrating as the jewel bounces. “Like hell you are going anywhere,” he yells, turning back to me.

  My jaw flexes. This is hard enough without the quint commander himself cracking. “You don’t get to tell me where I’m going, River,” I say shortly.

  “Fine.” River shows me his teeth as he steps closer to me. “But in that case, I’m going with you.”

  “Me too,” says Tye.

  “As am I,” Shade whispers.

  Coal crosses his arms, nodding silently along with the rest.

  I throw back my head, waiting for the stars themselves to laugh at the males. Or at me. “Go with me to where, River?”

  “The mortal lands, I presume,” he answers.

  I throw up my hands, twisting back to the males. “The mortal lands? What the bloody hell are the four of you going to do in the mortal lands?”

  “Wear lots of hooded cloaks, I suppose,” Tye says, fingering his pointed ears. “The humans are strangely disturbed by all the wrong things.”

  I shake my head at them, my heart pounding. “You are elite fae warriors of the Citadel,” I say, slowly enough that even one soft of mind could comprehend. “You need to be alive to kill bad things coming from Mors. I am a human. I will get you killed. Hence, we are severing the bond and I am going back to the mortal lands while you four bastards stay here and try to do your job. End of discussion.”

  Tye scratches the back of his head. “See, there is one problem with that, lass. Even Klarissa can’t force-cut the bond. Either someone must be very near dead or everyone must agree. You are of course welcome to spend the rest of your mortal life trying to convince us to agree—or trying to get yourself killed, I suppose. But short of that, it won’t actually work.”

  “Why?” The question tumbles from my lips. “Why would you want me?”

  Shade reaches forward as suddenly as the words are out, taking my face firmly between his warm palms. “Because we love you, cub,” he says roughly. “And we can’t do otherwise.”



  A campfire’s crackling flames. The rhythmic beat of the waterfall. Shade’s strong arms wrapped around me protectively. My nose pressed into his warm chest. Perfect as it all is, none of it can quiet my heart’s sudden gallop when Tye steps out of the Gloom and nods subtly.

  Klarissa is almost here—approaching us in the Gloom. Two hours after I used my blood on her stone to call out to her. Even traveling through the Gloom, that she made it here in two hours means the female was close by already. Just waiting for my call.

  I meet Tye’s eyes, expecting him to say as much.

  Instead, the red-haired male bristles and twists toward River. “Why is my Lilac Girl in that dog’s lap?” He braces his hands on his hips. “Need I remind you that the last time we left the two of them alone, he nearly chased her away?”

  River tears off a juicy rabbit quarter, shaking off the drops of fat. “What do you want me to do about it, Tye?”

  Tye settles on the ground and pats his thigh. “Tell her to sit on my lap instead.”

  Shade licks his canines.

  “Are you two serious?” I hiss just as Coal joins us at the fire, appraising the situation with a practiced glance.

  “I believe the mortal is comfortable where she is,” Coal tells Tye. “Would you like me to sit on your lap instead as a consolation prize?”

  I’m about to push myself up and sit in my own bloody space when the air a few paces away ripples in a familiar motion. Like watching steam billow from a pot. My hand tightens against Shade’s arm, digging into his flesh with what has to be painful force—though he gives no sign of being bothered.

  “Last supper?” Klarissa says, stepping gingerly over loose stones. Despite the late hour, the female looks as spectacular as when I last saw her. Her dress, a formfitting silk the color of bitter chocolate, shimmers like liquid gold in the firelight. The flames likewise catch on Klarissa’s topaz brooch and earrings, the latter swaying rhythmically under their great weight. She sniffs the air, her nostrils flaring delicately. “There is no reason to be afraid anymore, Leralynn. You will be safe now that you’ve found the presence of mind to call me.”

  I glance at River, my mouth suddenly dry.

  River stays just as he was, ignoring my gaze. Right. This part is on me.

  Pushing myself away from Shade, I stride up to the female and bow deeply. “I cannot thank you enough for coming, Elder,” I say, holding the bow piously. “The males are doing their best, but they can’t keep me safe the way you could.”

  Klarissa’s face dissolves into a benevolent smile and she holds a slender hand out to me. “Tell me what you want, child.”

  I straighten, taking the offered hand. “Please take Pyker away.”

  Klarissa’s face freezes. “Pyker?”

  River gets to his feet, his hands clasped behind his back as he shakes his head and comes to stand beside me. “That male attempted to murder Leralynn. We caught the rogue, of course, but Pyker’s very presence frightens her still. We explained ten times over that the bastard can’t hurt her anymore, but Leralynn insisted we call you. Said there is no one she trusts more to deal with the traitor.”

  Icy silence settles over the clearing, the crackling fire trying and failing to dispel the chill. I release Klarissa’s hand and feel Coal step up behind me, stopping opposite River on my other side. Then Tye. A light flashes in the corner of my vision and Shade’s wolf trots up as well, yawning lazily as he stretches out before my feet, blocking the path between Klarissa and me. Even without us all touching, the power of five pulses through my veins, waking the strength inside me.

  Klarissa clears her throat, her hands smoothing her wrinkle-free dress. “The males can take care of Pyker, Leralynn. Let me take you home first, and then I promise you that the traitor will be dealt with severely.”

  I raise my chin. “Home?” My voice is clear and loud as it pierces the night, my heart punctuating each syllable. “I am already home, Elder. Home is wherever my quint is.”

  “Oh, blessed stars,” Klarissa throws up her hands and wheels on River, her eyes dismissing me like a newly noticed piece of rubbish. “Enough of this, River. We are not in Slait Court any longer, and there is no more jurisdictional conflict. Explain to the mortal what must be done and let us spare everyone the trip to the Citadel.”

  “I already explained, Elder. Leralynn and the others all understand the requirement that we renew our oath before the full council.” There is nothing kind in River’s smile. “Unless the rest of the council has vested you with the power to accept our oath yourself?”

  “The oath?” Klarissa’s hand tightens into a fist. “You will take the oath with this . . . creature?”

  “Yes,” says River, adding after a heartbeat, “You’ve always had astute observational skills, Klarissa. It appears this evening is no exception.”

  Klarissa’s eyes flash and she takes a step forward.

  Shade’s wolf growls.

  Klarissa stops, her eyes alight with murder. “Present your quint to the Citadel, River. We shall talk again then,” she says, biting off each word before turning her back to us and stalking toward the camp’s edge, her hips swaying. “Fetch me Pyker, one of you,” she calls over her shoulder, snapping her fingers in emphasis. “I’ve no more time to waste here.”



  With our future settled, at least as far as the coming week is concerned, I discover a new question now looming over the quint. One that is taking an absurd amount of time to debate, especially considering the late hour.

  “I’ve slept with her every night,” Shade says, raising his chin. “There is no reason to change what works.”

  “That is utterly unjust,” says Tye.

  “How about I just sleep by myself, like I’ve done every night for twenty years?” I say, finally injecting myself into t
he conversation.

  “No,” the four say together.

  “At least you agree on something,” I mutter.

  “We would all feel safer if one of us sleeps by your side, Leralynn,” River says in too-patient tones for the tenth time in as many minutes. If I thought the males protective before, my official agreement to join the quint has deteriorated their behavior to new levels.

  “And I would feel safer if you didn’t kill each other.” I throw up my hands. “Can we pull straws? Take turns? Do anything but a combat to the death?”

  “Straws,” Shade agrees.

  “Turns,” says Tye.

  “I’m fine with combat,” says Coal.

  I grab a cloak off the ground, not caring whose it was originally. “I am going to sleep,” I declare, stalking around to the other side of the partition. I build myself a thick nest of pine branches, then lay the cloak on top of it to lie on while the others continue arguing. The pallet made, I lower my body into its sweet, sappy arms, letting the day’s memories sing their strange lullaby to my thoughts.

  The voices on the other side of the rock become distant, my body so deeply surrendering to fatigue that I don’t know which of them finally lies down beside me, or how long I was asleep before it happened. I just know that the warm, muscular body at my back is one of my males, and that alone sends a wave of heat through me. Intensely enough to have me clenching my thighs despite the all-consuming slumber.

  I wake some hours later to a star-filled sky and a feeling of being watched. The feeling, I quickly discover upon turning around to find a pair of amused green eyes, is all too justified.

  “What are you doing, Tye?” I mutter.

  “Listening to those little delicious sounds you make when you sleep.”

  My face heats as my vivid dreams return to me. “I don’t make sounds,” I say, sitting up to survey the rest of the campsite. The fire has burned its course, leaving several handfuls of embers still glowing red in the dark. The remains of dinner seem to have been cleared away, and the place seems empty. I tilt my head, listening for the telltale breathing of other beings, but hear only the quiet rush of the miniature waterfall.

  “If you are wondering whether anyone else heard the sounds you weren’t making, the answer is no,” says Tye, stretching his arms. He’s wearing breeches and a thin shirt, the long muscles along his ribs shifting slightly beneath the cloth. “River wanted to sweep the forest and Gloom, make sure that Klarissa didn’t leave any surprises for us. He took Coal and the fur ball with him.”

  “Do you think she did leave any surprises?”

  “Unlikely. We’ll be at the Citadel soon enough, and she’ll take us by the bollocks then.” Tye moves closer and nudges me to lie back down. When I shake my head, he drapes an arm around me and lowers us to the pallet together, his hand stroking my hair. “Go back to sleep, Lilac Girl,” Tye whispers. “You are safe.”

  I curl up on my side, my forehead pressed against Tye’s chest, and close my eyes. Open them a minute later. Close them again. “I don’t want to sleep,” I say finally, rolling onto my back to look at the stars.

  Tye rises onto his elbow. “And what do you want?” he asks, his green eyes sparkling as he blows a slow, cool breath over the top of my hair, sending a soft shiver down my skin and very unsavory answers to his question through my mind.

  I touch my scalp first, then extend a finger to trace across Tye’s lips. “Was that . . .”

  “Magic?” Tye grins. “Yes. Fire magic can take heat away as well. I’m not very strong on that part, but it’s enough.” He blows softly into my ear, this one hot and cold by turn.

  My toes curl. The fact that I know the bastard is teasing me is of no help in calming my quickening pulse. “Enough to trick the air?”

  “Enough to get me into trouble,” says Tye. He groans, turning onto his back and intently tucking his arms behind his head. Despite the appearance of a relaxed posture, Tye’s lithe body sings with a tension that my own treacherous flesh answers in kind.

  I squirm to relieve the ache growing ever more insistent between my legs.

  “You really should sleep.” Tye winces, his voice tight. “Quietly, if you can.”

  Right. Of course. I cross my thighs, which helps a bit with the insistently pulsing need, and turn away from the warrior. The pine branches poke my side and I shimmy in the makeshift pallet to find a comfortable spot.

  “Lilac Girl,” Tye says through gritted teeth, his body vibrating slightly. “Don’t do that.”

  “Do what?” I flip over, rising on one elbow. My better sense has plainly gone to sleep without the rest of me, because instead of doing as Tye asks, I walk my finger over his chest, smiling as his muscles shudder beneath my touch. Playing with fire. Because while my body is quite explicit in what it would like, it doesn’t actually know how to get there. It’s never gone . . . there before. And I’m not sure how to tell someone like Tye that little problem, but maybe we could skip the talking. I run a nail across his nipple.

  Tye growls, pouncing like a cat from the pallet beneath us. My breath catches as he flattens me onto my back and braces his body over mine, his powerful arms extended, his palms anchored on either side of my head. Tye’s flop of red hair falls from his face, tickling my cheeks. He grinds his pelvis into mine lightly. “What do you want?” Tye asks softly, his mouth and chest hovering above me, close but not touching. “Tell me, Lilac Girl.”

  “You.” The truth spills out, sending my heart into a gallop. I’ve not had a man before, and this male above me . . . If the sheer size of his chest and shoulders is any indication of what I’ll find between his powerful thighs, I should be frightened right now. Except I’m not. I feel like I can’t be frightened of Tye, or any of the quint. Not because they are not dangerous—they are predators through their blood and soul—but because when I’m with them, I’m a predator too. “You,” I say again, this time certain of my words as my body shudders in confirmation.

  Tye grins, the tip of his tongue flickering over his elongated canines. “And what shall I do with you?” he muses, that gleam in his eyes taking in my body, lingering appreciatively on my chest and hips before returning to my eyes. Tye bends his elbows, bringing his body flush with mine, though his weight remains on his hands. His head lowers until the tips of those canines nip my earlobe.

  I squirm and Tye chuckles into my ear. “Never mind, Lilac Girl. I’ll decide.”

  He flexes, straightening his arms and rolling off me, his right leg resting possessively between my thighs while his free hand pulls at the laces of my shirt, which obediently falls open to expose my stomach. “You really should marvel at my restraint,” he says, running his fingers along my collarbone. “These clothes are in the way of my plans for your body, and I’ve yet to destroy them.”

  He brushes his hand lightly along my side, curving around the bend of my hip before returning to my skin. Tye’s strong, dexterous fingers trace a circle around my bellybutton and then, just when I’m about to giggle, slip under the waistband of my pants.

  My breath catches, my thighs longing to press together to control a different type of tingling, but Tye’s deftly positioned leg allows no such escape. His fingers graze lower, then lower still. A little more and there will be no hiding the wetness building between my legs. He’s trapped me. Expertly. Exquisitely. Excruciatingly. “Tye—”

  “So much talking,” he chides, bringing his painfully handsome face close enough to mine to nip my lip gently. My mouth opens to emit a gasp, which is all the male needs to press his velvet lips against mine. The kiss starts quick and teasing, but then I press back into him and a tremor runs through Tye’s body. He deepens the kiss, claiming my mouth as his hand under my waistband discovers my secret.

  Tye pulls away, grinning as he licks his fingers one at a time, each flick of his tongue making the heat inside me flare.

  “What . . . about your clothes?” My voice is raspy, too much of my attention drawn low on my body. “I little like the
m either.”

  Tye chuckles once, reaching around back and pulling his shirt obediently over his head. Muscles honed through years of battle shift beneath smooth skin. I place both my palms on his sculpted chest, which expands with starved breaths above me. When my finger touches Tye’s nipple again, he uncoils suddenly, lifting my shoulders with one hand and deftly liberating me of my chest band.

  Clearly, the male has done this before. I, on the other hand . . .

  “You are perfect,” Tye whispers as if reading the worry in my eyes. “You are more than perfect, Lilac Girl. You are an exquisite being, and I will savor exploring every secret of this wicked body of yours. And then, when I’m done with that . . .” He gives me a feline grin.

  “And then?” I breathe.

  Tye brings his lips close to my ear, nipping the earlobe as his hand slides right back under my waistband, this time finding its target without delay. “And then,” Tye whispers, his mouth still at my ear while his fingers slide leisurely along my sex, forward and back, forward and back, forward and—

  I buck as Tye’s touch stops just outside my opening, teasing it gleefully while I writhe, not knowing whether I want to kiss him or kill him. “And then you’ll decide just how deep the exploration should go. But we’ll save that little tidbit for next time.”

  “What?” I whimper. “Why?”

  Tye’s fingers trail away, flicking over my apex instead. For an instant, I want to scream at the inadequate consolation prize, but with the next heartbeat my eyes widen, my hips undulating at the sudden deluge of heat his tiny touches bring, and I want to scream for a different reason entirely. My sex pulses, Tye’s finger moving faster and faster. His finger. Just the thought of what would happen if he entered . . . if his cock entered . . . The phantom fullness makes me shudder even as the very real rhythm of Tye’s touch pushes me over the edge I’ve been skimming. My body arches up to the sky, surrendering to an explosion of pleasure.


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