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White Hot Holidays 9: Christmas Cash

Page 4

by Maggie Casper


  “By your side, darlin’. Now.”

  With obvious reluctance, Noelle removed her hand from his stomach. Cash missed her heated touch instantly but wouldn’t let it sway him. He was on a mission, a mission that could very well change his life, and he planned to get it right.

  If the look on Noelle’s face were any indication, she didn’t like being told no, especially when it came to matters of sex. Her cheeks were flushed with arousal, her eyes heavy-lidded. She moved away from him, her arms crossed over her heaving chest.

  Cash knew exactly how she felt, but he wouldn’t let her huffy attitude deter him.

  “Casey said you’re working at Dooner’s.”

  She gave a sharp nod of her head, causing the silky locks of her honey blonde hair to swing sensually around her face as if caressing her cheeks. “I don’t see how where I work is any of your business though.”

  Cash rubbed a hand over the back of his neck as he made his way across the room. He wasn’t sure whether to laugh or groan. Did she not see what she was doing to him? Or maybe she did, and being extra obnoxious toward him gave her great pleasure.

  “It’s my business because I chose to make it my business.”

  Damned if she didn’t arch a brow then sneer, “Well, isn’t that special.”

  Cash knew then and there that Noelle wouldn’t be leaving without her tail end on fire. “Come here, Noelle.” His tone brooked no argument and for the first time since stepping foot in his apartment she seemed unsure.


  God, but she’d probably argue him into an early grave, he thought, as he moved closer to the only straight-backed chair in the place. “Now, Noelle. Make me ask you again and you’ll have trouble sitting for more than just a few hours.”

  His words must not have sunk into her thick-as-hell skull because in the next instant, she was stomping across the room toward him.

  “There. Happy now?”

  This time, Cash couldn’t help but chuckle. “No, but I will be real soon,” he said as he sat and upended her over his lap all in one motion.

  The palm of one large hand was all it took to hold her in place when she started flailing her arms and legs about.

  “Let me up, goddammit!

  Cash made a tsking sound. “Such language for a lady.”

  Noelle kicked and shrieked at his words. “This lady’s going to kick your ass!”

  Raising one hand high, Cash brought it down on her cloth-covered ass. It was enough to cause her to still, cutting off her foul tirade in the process. When Cash knew he had her attention, he continued.

  First he lifted the hem her skirt until her ass was bared for his gaze. The sight of nothing more than a strip of red elastic that seemed to all but disappear between the fleshy globes of her ass was nearly his undoing.

  “Holy hell.”

  “Cash? Don’t.”

  Her voice quivered slightly as his fingers glided over her curves, dipping slightly into the well of warmth between her thighs.

  “You want me to stop?” The guttural tone of his voice proved just how on edge he was.

  When she made no move to answer, Cash delivered another stinging swat, this time to her bare ass. Noelle’s yelp of surprise turned into moans of need as Cash slid a finger along the silk-covered folds of her pussy.

  Her ass was already pink in stark contrast to the white of her thigh-high stockings. Cash brought his hand down again. Whack! Her smooth flesh heated beneath his palm, jiggling enticingly as he delivered yet another stinging swat. Smack!

  Small swats landed repeatedly, peppering her ass. When Cash reached where the curve of her cheek met thigh, she gasped.

  “You want me to stop, baby?”

  She prayed he was kidding. Please let him be kidding, she pleaded silently. Noelle thought she might very well expire on the spot if he didn’t finish her off.

  “Answer me, darlin’. Do you want me to stop?”

  “Nooo,” Noelle wailed when Cash brought his hand down again, catching her off guard.

  Nothing seemed to work, she’d tried it all. Rubbing herself on his leg only made things worse. With the way he was holding her, she couldn’t open her legs wide enough to get her clit the attention it needed, and yet, every time she pushed her ass back, asking silently for more, he stopped.

  Stopped spanking, stopped caressing, stopped touching. Noelle was sure she was going to die.


  “Please what, baby?” Was that smugness she heard in his voice? Probably, but at this point in time, it didn’t matter. Later, she decided. She’d deal with everything later.

  “Please fuck me. Make me come. Something!”

  As the words tumbled from her mouth, Noelle felt a change in Cash. His touch became frenzied. The sheer force of the need she saw written clearly across his face as he lifted her from his lap, standing her before him, made her inner muscles clench and spasm with tiny pre-climactic tremors.

  Cash’s hands trembled as he pulled both her skirt and thong panties down her legs until they pooled around her feet. She quickly stepped out of them as well as her shoes, leaving her bare from the waist down except for her stockings.

  “Leave them on.” The huskiness of his command left Noelle no choice but to obey.

  Cash reached into his back pocket for his wallet. He then quickly extracted a condom before discarding his wallet on the floor. When he held his hand out with the condom between his fingers, Noelle didn’t hesitate to snatch it out of his grasp.

  Kneeling between his parted thighs, she unzipped the fly of his jeans. She sucked in her breath when his erection sprang free, not a stitch of underwear in sight. The head of his shaft was large, welcoming and leaking copious amounts of pre-cum.

  Noelle didn’t even think before she leaned forward and licked him from base to head. She couldn’t help herself. The sight of him, as well as the scent of his arousal, was overwhelming.

  “Enough, darlin’. Put the condom on then come up here and ride me.” His voice was a deep rumble, touching Noelle in places no body part could reach.

  She did as Cash asked, eager to feel the thick length of his cock buried deep inside of her. When the condom was in place, she straddled his lap, staring into his eyes. They were so green—McCain green—a woman could lose her soul in them.

  Cash’s hand was beneath her thigh, guiding his length into her heat. The first nudge of his cock head against the sensitive folds of her pussy sent frissons of longing down her spine and, for a minute, Noelle thought she’d come before he buried himself completely.

  “Hurry.” The single word left her lips on a breathless whisper.

  “Mmm,” Cash growled into her mouth as his hands tightened on her hips. He plunged Noelle onto the full length of his shaft in one wicked thrust, wringing a gasp from the both of them.

  In no time at all, Cash set a rhythm Noelle couldn’t help but follow. Her body was hot with need and slick with perspiration. Her inner muscles spasmed around Cash’s intruding length, urging him on.

  His scent wafted around them, musk and man—unbelievably arousing. He was hot inside of her. Hot and hard, and so deep Noelle wasn’t sure where he ended and she began. Her hips rocked back and forth, stimulating her clit just right. The feel of his large hands grasping her hips so tight Noelle felt the hold all the way to her core was the little bit extra she needed to send her right over the edge.

  “Oh! Oh, God.” Noelle was sure her scream of completion could be heard for miles but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except for Cash and her and the mingling of their bodies.

  Cash thrust home one last time, lifting the both of them off the seat, then collapsed beneath her, a huge masculine heap of a man.

  Noelle ran her hands along his face, twining her fingers in the hair at his temples. The wavy brown locks were thick between her fingers. Noelle gave a little tug then basked in the deep growl that rumbled from his throat. She then proceeded to cover his face and nec
k in kisses. She’d have liked to taste his chest, to lick and nibble until he was hard inside of her once again, but that was impossible since he was still dressed.

  The now uncomfortable feel of his zipper beneath her ass told the story of just how dressed he was. Noelle flushed at the reminder of just how hot they were for each other.

  Memories assaulted her. She’d acted like a sex-crazed woman. One used to asking for exactly what she wanted, a woman used to being erotically spanked and giving sensual delight in return. How far from the truth that actually was made the whole thing funny.

  She’d by no means been a virgin, but then again, she’d also never acted so…so… How had she acted? The only word that came to mind was wanton. For some reason the old-fashioned word made Noelle giggle, which caused Cash to stir beneath her.

  His flaccid cock twitched inside her making Noelle’s internal muscles quiver in response. She laid her head against Cash’s chest but couldn’t stop the moan of delight his involuntary actions caused.

  “Something funny?” Cash was sated, loving the feel of Noelle’s soft body molded intimately to his.

  “Nope, nothing.” Her words were mumbled against his chest.

  Cash felt her hips flex before the rest of her body moved. He tightened his grip, not wanting her to separate their bodies just yet. “Where you going?”

  The thought of her just leaving after all they’d shared was too much for Cash to take in. Had Noelle felt the same intense heat he’d experienced during their wild ride?

  “Nowhere just yet, but I need to get up before I end up with permanent zipper marks on my ass.”

  Noelle wiggled to make her point then winced when the metal of his zipper bit into her tender flesh. Feeling like a cad, Cash helped her to her feet. Once she was steady, he strode to the bathroom where he discarded the soiled condom before moving back to her side.

  She’d already dressed and was smoothing down her skirt, covering herself from his gaze. When she came close enough to touch, Noelle lifted herself to her toes, and this time, Cash took advantage of her eagerness by taking her mouth in a slow kiss.

  He flicked the tip of his tongue over her lips then as slowly as he could possibly go, Cash traced the curve of her neck to the soft pink shell of her ear. When she shivered, he smiled.

  She was so damned soft and so responsive that her moans alone would keep him hard for hours. Cash tore his mouth away from hers, intent on inviting her to stay for the night. So many things had changed in such a short time. There was so much they needed to talk about.

  “Yummm.” Noelle licked her kiss-swelled lips. Her gaze, when she looked up at him was searching, even hesitant.

  “I need to change and then I’ve got to go.”

  Cash should have known angry sex wouldn’t make her forget. Not his Noelle, she’d keep at it until one of them died of exhaustion. And he loved her for it.

  My Noelle? Love?

  The thought struck Cash funny. After all the time he’d spent trying to run her off, now he had her right where he wanted her, knew he’d love her until he took his dying breath and now she planned to leave. Although still uncomfortable with the fact that Noelle was the same age as his sister Casey as well as her best friend, Cash would no longer let that come between them. She was his now. Forever. That’s just the type of man he was.


  The minute he said it, he knew he’d chosen the wrong way to go about getting his way. He should be getting used to her narrowed eyes staring up at him, open and hostile.

  “You’re offering me a job, then?”

  Cash shook his head. Trying to keep his patience tightly reined in, Cash paced across the room and back. “I told you I don’t want you working here. It’s no place for a young woman without protection.”

  He could have sworn her eyes swam with unshed tears before she snapped her spine board-straight, grabbed her bag and headed for the door.

  Cash caught up to her just as she wrenched the door open. “I said you’re not going back to work at Dooner’s.” He all but yelled the words at her.

  Noelle gave an unladylike snort. “You said a lot of things, Cash. You said you didn’t want me to work for you and you also pretty much said that I couldn’t work here because none of you big, bad McCain men give a shit enough to protect li’l ole me. Now. Please move. I’m going to be late for work.”

  Her voice cracked, making Cash’s chest ache with regret even as his anger boiled over. “That’s not what I meant, dammit, and you know it.”

  “This conversation is over, Cash. You were right, you know. For whatever reasons, this never would have worked.”

  She turned from him then, intent on leaving his apartment, intent on leaving him—only Cash was having none of it. He’d bide his time, give her the space she thought she needed, but by no means were things over between them.

  There was no way he’d let it be over. Hell, they’d just started.

  Chapter Five

  Leaving was the hardest thing Noelle had ever done. She never should have assumed that just because they were having sex all would be well and all of a sudden her life would come up looking rosy.

  Instead, she felt like everything was going to shit. She was unequivocally in love with her best friend’s brother, a man who obviously didn’t feel the same way. Hell, from the looks of it, Cash didn’t care about anything except the fact that her pussy was warm, tight and wet.

  Noelle sniffed, trying to hold her tears at bay. She refused to cry over Cash. If he didn’t have feelings for her, then she’d just have to deal with it. No more pushing, no more teasing, no more Cash.

  The thought tore at her heart as she stalked her way up the street toward Dooner’s. Once inside, Noelle made her way to the restroom where she quickly changed her clothes before clocking-in to begin her shift. It was hard to keep a smile plastered across her face but she managed it. At least she managed it until Cash strolled casually through the door.

  Noelle stopped dead in her tracks then wildly searched the room for Mona. Her boss had yet to ask any questions but it was only obvious she knew something was wrong with Noelle.

  “I’ve got him, missy. You go on about your business as if he ain’t here.”

  It wasn’t hard to like Mona. Noelle squeezed her hand in thanks as Mona walked by on her way to Cash’s table. She served drinks, listened to the fun banter between the patrons, all while stealing quick glances toward where Cash and Mona sat speaking.

  It wasn’t long before Mona shook Cash’s hand then left his table. And yet, Cash stayed put. Noelle couldn’t help but wonder why he wasn’t leaving. He was making her nervous the way he followed her with his eyes.

  “Why isn’t he leaving?” Noelle blurted the question as soon as she had Mona to herself.

  “The boy’s got it bad, missy. Best if you put him out of his misery right now.”

  Noelle couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “The only thing that ass has bad is a temper. He’s probably just pissed because I didn’t follow his orders. Well, you know what? He can go to hell for all I care!”

  Noelle knew she was being childish but it didn’t stop her from stomping away like a teenager in the throes of a hissy fit. It took her several minutes of deep breathing before she felt in control enough to work again without growling at any of the customers.

  Coming out from behind the bar, a tray in hand, Noelle noticed Cash still sitting at an out-of-the-way table in the corner. He had a smug look on his face. It was as if knowing he’d hurt her and continuing to do so while pissing her off for good measure, made him happy.

  Noelle wasn’t sure if she’d ever understand men, Cash in particular. He wanted to make her cry, scream in anger and throw herself at his feet begging for even a little bit of his love all at the same time.

  Just knowing he could so easily turn her life upside down pissed Noelle off and everyone knew working with the public while mad was not a good idea. If Cash got her fired, there was going to be hell to pay. Knowi
ng she’d never make it through her shift with him watching, Noelle decided to bite the bullet and see what he wanted.

  * * * * *

  The way she kept stomping around was sort of funny. It made Cash want to paddle her ass again. To feel her warm skin beneath his palm, hearing the sound of flesh upon flesh while she writhed against him, first at the stinging pain and then at the arousal coursing through her body.

  What Cash didn’t like was the hurt look in her green eyes. She was trying to hide the hurt behind a veil of anger, but it wasn’t working. Cash could clearly see how deep his words had sliced. He regretted every one of them. When Noelle disappeared into the storeroom, Cash feared he might never get the chance to tell her how much.

  He didn’t realize how tense he was, waiting and watching for Noelle until she appeared back in the main room of the bar. Cash wanted nothing more than to gather her close and insist she listen.

  When she turned to him—her eyes pinned on his—Cash knew trouble was brewing. Noelle was looking at him as if she wouldn’t mind seeing him roast in hell. Cash knew in that instant life with Noelle would never be boring.

  She must have gotten tired of being stared at because before Cash could think of something irritating to say, she was across the room and in his face.

  “What do you want, Cash?”

  Boy was that ever a loaded question. Cash, however, knew when to keep his mouth shut so decided not to answer. Besides, from the look of her face, all red with anger, he wasn’t going to get a word in edgewise.

  “I mean, you spend half your time pushing me away…” Noelle looked around then moved closer. Lowering her voice, she added, “Except for when you’re fucking me, then it’s okay.”

  Whoa, that was a bit too much. “Don’t say another word.”

  “Why? What in the hell does it matter? I mean, you’re here watching me like a hawk. You think these people don’t already have a clue?”

  Cash watched Noelle’s shoulders sag, her anger knocked completely out of her and wanted to fix it. “It matters, Noelle. It matters to me.”

  Her blonde hair swayed around her face as Noelle shook her head. “I don’t understand you, Cash.” Her voice was a mere whisper as if she didn’t want to open up for fear of letting her emotions loose.


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