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Bewitched by the Alpha: Bite of the Moon

Page 13

by Bryce Evans

  “You don’t want me?” Quinn asked.

  “More than the breath I’m breathing, but I understand that it's got to be your decision. I’m here for you. I hope you’ll come and run with the pack. No matter what, we’ve all agreed that you’re part of our pack.” Saying that, Arden kissed Quinn on the forehead and walked off. Quinn stood there, shocked that he’d just left without any demands. He gave her the control.

  “Come on, Sis, let’s get you home. You stink.” August held his nose. “Plus you’re naked, and that’s disturbing to me.”

  Chapter 17

  Jade ran up to the Alpha. “I am confused. Why you are letting her go?” Jade and Arden watched as August wrapped a coat around Quinn.

  “Because it has to be her decision to mate with me. I heard what you said about how her dad always took her control away, and I understand that. I don’t want to be like her dad and make her feel that way. I want her happy.”

  “Wow, I’m impressed. You look so calm,” Jade answered.

  “Jade.” Arden stopped and blew out a deep breath. “I’m about to go nuts inside letting her leave, but if I don't do this then I’m going to lose her, and that is unacceptable.”

  “Well, you’re making the right decision and I’m proud of you,” Jade told him, then hugged him and walked away. Arden sat down at the table as Bane came over to him with a smile on his face. He knew the man would have something to say about Quinn.

  “I can’t believe you were going to kill me,” Bane commented.

  That was a surprise, he thought. “I’m sorry. You have to know that it was the spell. I was fighting it, but I couldn't stop. I’m sorry, Bane, you know I love you like a brother.”

  Bane snorted. “Yeah, I know, but this is going to cost you, my friend. I don’t know what yet, but I’ll ask for something and you have to give it to me.”

  “Anything.” Arden laughed, then got up and hugged his friend.


  Quinn sat on her bed after her shower. She didn’t have long before the run tonight. What had her so upset was the fact that Arden just let her leave. She didn’t see that coming. Maybe he really didn’t want her, and was trying to use this as an excuse to get rid of her.

  She heard a knock on the door. “Can I come in?” August asked.


  Her brother came in and sat on the bed beside her. “You going to the run?”

  “Not sure yet. I don’t know if he really wants me to show up, or if he was just being nice to a new pack member,” Quinn answered, crossing her arms, but even to her own ears it was a stupid remark.

  “Come on, Sis. That man is in love with you. He’s giving you control of the decision. Please tell me you’re not that stupid. I thought at least you had that much sense,” August joked.

  “You think he loves me?”

  August pushed her shoulder with his. “Yes, and you love him.”

  “I do, but what if he tries to control me like Father did?”

  August rolled his eyes. “Look, Arden and our father are two different types of men. They don’t compare with each other. Father is an ass, and only looks out for himself, but Arden is an Alpha and he looks out for his pack. I saw that firsthand, and so did you. I don’t know why we’re still sitting here; I'm leaving you here and going to eat. Besides, there are some fine-looking babes in your pack, too,” August joked. At least, she thought he was joking. She watched as he walks to the door.

  “Hey, August.”


  “Wait up.”


  August and Quinn arrived at the pack run. August made a beeline to the table full of food while Quinn searched for Arden.

  She didn’t spot him when she looked around, so she approached Bane. “Have you seen Arden?”

  “I think he’s already running. You can put your clothes over there if you want to go and find him. I think all the ladies have put their clothes there.”

  Bane watched Quinn’s smile fade. She looked over at the table, which had a bunch of clothes on it, ran over to it and started stripping. Then she shifted and ran off into the woods.

  “Why did you tell her that the ladies’ clothes were over there? That has all the pups’ clothes on it, and that’s who Arden is with,” Tate asked.

  “Some people need a little push, and that woman needed a big one,” Bane answered.

  Quinn tore into the woods, seeking out Arden and the bitches who were most likely trying to steal him. Not today, she thought. She stopped and sniffed the air. She could hear something, but she didn’t know what it was. She hadn’t been a wolf long enough to know the difference in sounds and smells. As she walked closer she came across a clearing where Arden was playing with a bunch of cubs, jumping over logs and rolling around in the grass. She wanted to join in, but she didn’t want to mess up their fun. She eased back, starting to head toward the party again. She must’ve gotten turned around, though, because when looked up she realized she was lost. Before she knew what happened, she was hit from the side, landing on her back. Alice had her pinned down, and was about to wrap her jaws around her neck when Quinn rolled, knocking her off.

  Apparently, the sound of two wolves fighting drew the pack in, forming a circle as they watched Quinn and Alice go at it. Only one could be Alpha, and Quinn and Alice both knew this.

  Alice had a lot of fights under her belt, but Quinn knew how to fight too. She watched as Alice tried to herd her in the direction she wanted, but Quinn wasn’t having it. She wasn’t going to let Alice control this fight. Jumping toward her, Alice nipped her hind leg, drawing blood. She got back up and could almost see the smile on Alice’s wolfish face as she watched her limp around.

  She wanted Alice to believe she was hurt as she glanced up to see Arden watching from the side. The look on his face said it all; he was worried that she wouldn’t win.

  Now it was time for payback—time for retribution for Jade, and the Outcasts.

  She gave her a sign that she was hurt, which sent Alice lunging forward leaving her left flank open. Big mistake, bitch. Quinn ducked and jerked around, sinking her jaws into the top of Alice’s neck. Blood oozed from her mouth as Quinn held on and tightened her grip, driving her teeth further into Alice’s neck.

  She needed to end this, but Alice was a fighter and clawed at her, trying to maneuver her body and get Quinn to release her. What she did next was a shock to everyone; Quinn held on and flipped Alice’s body over hers, then wrapped her jaws around the soft part under her neck and sank her teeth in deeply, making Alice go deathly still. She didn’t want to kill Alice, but if she didn’t give up and yield she would have no choice. The pack went silent as Quinn dug her claws into the underbelly of Alice’s stomach, making the wolf undergo more pain and humiliation. Alice was done for, and she knew it. All Quinn had to do was yank and her throat would be ripped out. But Quinn’s wolf wanted to show who was Alpha, so she dug in deeper and continued to claw harder into her.

  The whining from Alice’s wolf brought Quinn back. She was so close that she almost jerked, sending a message to the pack, but Alice was yielding. Arden came over to her and put his hand on top of her fur.

  “She’s given up, Quinn. Come back to me, baby.” Arden’s sweet words were like magic to her ears. All she wanted was to be with him. Releasing Alice’s neck, Quinn backed off and licked Arden in the face, then shifted.

  Arden immediately picked her up and carried her away. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes, until he asked, “Why were you leaving?”

  “I was just letting you play with the pups. I wasn’t leaving-leaving. I can’t leave you,” Quinn whispered.

  “What? Did I hear you right?”


  “Maybe. Well what if I told you that if you did leave then I would hunt you down...because I love you, Quinn Lamone.”

  “Good, because I love you too, Arden Dixon.”

  Arden couldn’t stand it anymore. He needed his mate, desperately. His desire for h
er made his actions harsh. “All I want to do right now is fuck you. I’m desperate for you, but I’m afraid of hurting you.”

  “Don’t be. I need you just as bad.” Quinn reached up and grabbed his neck, pulling him down to her lips.

  “Were you worried about me?” She asked.

  “Yes. I was worried that you would kill her and then regret it,” Arden answered, then bent down and licked her nipples, biting down lightly.

  “That feels so good.”

  “It’s going to feel better.” Gently, Arden laid her down on the ground and opened her legs. Rubbing his finger against her clit, he found that she was already ready for him. “You’re so wet.”

  “Just for you,” Quinn whispered.

  Arden grabbed her feverishly, flipping her onto her knees and pushing his erection against her.

  “Mmm,” she moaned out. Pushing back, Quinn rubbed against him.

  “Quinn, I’m holding on by a thread here.” Arden gritted his teeth as his playful mate teased him.

  “Then do it.” Quinn purred like a kitten. Her voice was music to his ears as he slammed into her.

  Catching her off-guard, Arden circled his hips around, pushing farther inside of her. The sounds she was making were pushing him to want more and more from her. He could scent their lovemaking and knew others were in the woods tonight and would smell it too. He didn’t care; tonight he was making her his. She was his mate, and he wanted everyone to know.

  He could feel everything inside him tense up as his orgasm raced forward. Flipping her onto her back, Arden pulled her up against him and licked her shoulder. “This is the place I’ll mark you and make you mine.” He didn’t have to wait long before Quinn was screaming out his name, and Arden latched on and bit down into her warm skin. Her blood flowed into his mouth, and it was sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted.

  Without warning him, Quinn grabbed his head, then turned it and bit into him. Even though she was in human form, she had some sharp teeth as they sunk into his neck. He pumped a couple times more inside of her, then cried out his mate’s name. He could feel the bond snap into place and marveled at how solid it felt.

  Arden held on until she released him, and then he looked into her eyes. “I love you.”

  Quinn’s eyes filled with tears, but he knew she loved him too. He didn’t need to hear it anymore; he could feel her emotions as he pushed into her again. He would never get enough of his mate.

  Chapter 18

  It had been two days since the death of Silas and Hannah Hoffman. The store opened back up on Tuesday with crowds from the big city. Quinn watched as pack mates and customers shopped for great deals they couldn’t get in the city. She was going to take advantage of that, and get artists to put their work at her country store. Jade was already getting a name for herself with her Jade Cross line of purses and jewelry, which were selling like wildfire blazing through a dry forest.

  But what she found odd was the fact that the Death Hunters hadn’t left town yet. In fact, every time she had seen the Alpha of the Death Hunters, he was around or near Jade. She got a kick out of watching the biggest man she’d ever seen blush when Jade looked at him. Maybe there was something there, but poor Jade was so overwhelmed with orders that she didn’t pay it much attention.

  Arden had arranged for Finley to build a small structure on Dixon pack land for Jade to have her workers sewing and making jewelry. It was a great idea, and so far she’d hired ten ladies to sew her purses for her. She would continue coming up with designs, and ensure that each and every purse met her expectations. Jade didn’t know it yet, but she was going to be a huge success. Once New York and other big cities found out about her line, they would all want it. Pack members would have jobs, and the small town would grow which is what they needed if the pack were going to meet potential mates.

  “Hey baby.” Arden snuck up behind her, wrapping his hands around her stomach and kissing the side of her neck.

  “Hey.” She pushed her butt against his erection, teasing him.

  “Don’t make me spank you for being bad,” Arden said, then groaned a she pushed against him again.

  “Did the Council agree for you to keep the women and children Silas and Hannah had in the caves?” Quinn asked.

  “For now. He said that they might have to move some of them to other packs. But right now we’re working on my old house and letting them live there until the Council decides.” Arden started kissing up her neck.

  Quinn watched as Lennox made his move and started walking toward the counter. Jade’s customer had finished making their purchase and walked off, leaving Jade alone. “Watch, Arden.” Lennox was about there when another woman stepped up and asked Jade to show her something from inside the case.

  Lennox made an about-face and slunk away. This time he left the store. “Did you see that?” Quinn asked, excited.

  “He’s a Death Hunter, Quinn. Do you really want your best friend to hook up with him?” Arden asked. “Plus, she would have to move, and that ain’t happening.”

  Quinn turned around and looked at her mate. “I didn’t think about it like that.”

  “I wouldn’t think they were true mates, anyway; she doesn’t even look at him.” Arden wiggled his eyebrow up and down. “Let’s go to the back room and lock the door.”

  “I swear, you are too much.” Quinn laughed.

  “No, what I am is a mate who wants his woman. Come on.” Arden pulled his mate into her office and locked the door.


  Jade looked up when she heard Quinn giggle. She could smell her best friend and now new Alpha making love in her office. She wished she could find someone who looked at her like Arden looked at Quinn, but nobody would. They couldn’t get past the scar on her face, and she was just too shy. Bending down, she propped her head up against the counter and stared out at the customers. When she looked out the window, she saw the face of a man who was intently gazing at her. She blinked a few time before she realized it was the Death Hunter, Lennox Bartley, staring at her.

  The End

  I'm pleased to announce a new multi-author project called 'Bite of the Moon.' This collection of shifter romance features some of your favorite authors and stories that follow heroines and heroes as they are turned into shifters. Books in the series include:

  Moon’s Law

  By: Michelle Fox

  Once you've been bitten, there's no going back.

  A Night Owl Reviews 5 Star 'Top Pick!'

  Kane Martin has a reputation as the tough-guy, sex-stud sheriff of Glen Vine Michigan, but becoming a werewolf has rattled him. Forget partying, hooking up with girls, and locking up the bad guys, he's got bigger problems. Like dealing with locals taking potshots at his pack, and howling at the moon in his spare time...whether he wants to or not.

  And there's this girl, Charlotte. She's totally not his type, but she smells so good, Kane's not sure he can resist.

  Curvy Charlotte Wills was supposed to be getting engaged and finishing up a degree in library science, but instead she's been dumped and turned into a werewolf. In the middle of trying to get her life back on track, the last thing she needs is a distraction like Sheriff Kane Martin.

  But life has a funny way of going sideways when you least expect it.

  Especially when you're a werewolf.

  Full length novel. No cliffhanger. Features a full figured beauty who loves her curves and a wickedly sexy alpha who can't keep his hands off them.

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  Between Two Wolves

  by: Catherine Vale

  Two wolves are twice the bite...and pleasure.

  Recently single, Risha Reynolds wants nothing more than to escape for a weekend of hiking in the mountains. Burned by her ex, and angry as hell, she desperately needs the peace and quiet. Far, far away from the jerk who left her.

sp; Besides, what better time to climb a treacherous mountain, and say goodbye to the world below, than after a rough breakup? What's the worst that can happen?

  What Risha doesn't know, is that peace and quiet isn't the only thing she'll find when far away from civilization. She's heard the campfire stories of the beasts that go bump in the night, but Risha isn't the kind of girl that believes in myth and magic. Yet when she comes face to face with two wildly handsome strangers, she has to admit that they aren't like any others she's ever known.

  If there's one thing she's certain of, it's that Colt and Jericho are hiding a secret, but when she is given the opportunity to uncover the truth, will she be willing to see what they really are?

  If she opens her mind, her heart will follow...

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  Lyric’s Accidental Mate

  By: Elle Boon

  A tough as nails soldier and a bad girl on a motorcycle with a bite...when they collide, everything changes.

  A Woman In Need Of Saving

  Lyric Carmichael is a shifter in trouble. When a pack of rogue wolves attacks her, she knows she will have to fight for her life. Being a member of the Iron Wolves MC and a wolf shifter, she's used to fighting, but with the odds stacked against her, she's not sure she'll make it out alive.

  A Badass Soldier

  Rowan Shade, a member of the Special Forces, has fought many battles, so wading into the fight to save a gorgeous woman is second nature. Being bitten by Lyric in order to save him from a fate worse than death, and finding out there are supernatural beings, is one of the most erotic experiences of his life. He just hopes they live long enough to explore more of this new and wild world.


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