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Page 3

by Sydney Lea

  “Evan. I don’t remember being upset with you, but either way, you couldn’t have stopped me from getting a lift home with him. He was my date for the evening.”

  Evan growled. “Still...”

  “Still nothing. You had no way of knowing what he had planned. So stop, Evan.” She squeezed his hand, trying to comfort him.

  He stared at her, confusion marring his handsome face. “How can you be so calm after what he tried to do? You know what his end game had been, right?”

  She gave him a small smile. He looked so fierce, so strong. It was like he was ready to fight all battles for her. “I know. However, nothing happened.”

  “How do you know? I thought you couldn’t remember?”

  “Because you wouldn’t just be sitting around waiting for me to wake up if he had,” she responded, her conviction clear in her voice.

  Evan’s eyes remained fixed on her as she slowly sat up, her body already feeling better since waking up. Maybe it had something to do with having her mate so close. Or maybe it was because she could finally see something like recognition in Evan’s grey eyes.

  “You’re so sure?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She bit her lip, hesitating for only a moment before she asked him, “You know, don’t you?”

  Evan’s eyes left hers briefly but returned quickly, a dark, soul-searing lust pinning her where she sat on the edge of the bed. “Am I?”

  “Are you what?” Her pulse quickened as she waited for his answer. After all the years she had waited for this man to wake up and realize, she refused to make it easy on him.

  He growled, leaning in close, his lips a hair's breadth away from hers. “Am I your mate, Summer?”

  Her breath caught and her eyes slid closed as whispered, “Yes.”

  All thought left him as he closed the miniscule distance between them, capturing her lips with his own. The taste of her on his lips once again caused him to groan. Nothing had ever tasted better.

  His hands came up to cup her head between them, ensuring that even if Summer wanted to, she couldn’t pull away. However, the way Summer leaned into the caress was anything to go by, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  He nudged open her legs, maneuvering between them. His cock throbbed as it brushed up against her, the hospital gown having slid up her thighs. All he wanted to do in that moment was be buried balls deep inside of her, feeling her intense heat surround him. He thrust forward a little, still mindful that she hadn’t fully healed yet.

  “Evan,” she gasped, pulling back from the kiss when it became paramount to breathe.

  “Summer,” he murmured against her lips. He lifted his head, tracing his thumb over her swollen bottom lip. “Why?”

  He didn’t need to say anything else, he could tell Summer knew what he meant. Her pale blue eyes left his, dropping to the floor. She had always been so confident, so sure and full of life. To shy away from him was totally unlike her and it broke his heart.

  “I wanted you to want me.” Her eyes met his again and he could see it. The doubt and uncertainty she must have been hiding all these years from him. How could he have never noticed? “You only ever saw me as a child. Richard Ashcroft’s daughter. I didn’t want your only reason to be with me was because fate told you so.” Her eyes shut as her hands rested on his chest. “I wanted you to choose me.”

  The last part was said so quietly, Evan wasn’t sure if it had been meant for his ears.

  He sighed, cupping her cheek lightly. “I’ll be honest, your age is difficult for me, but only because I allowed my stupid fears of caring for someone else get in the way. I realize you don’t need me to take care of you, but when I thought of your age, and how close it was to Amber’s...”

  “All you could do was see the similarities,” she finished for him, nuzzling into his hand.

  That was exactly it, but there was more. “Yes. More importantly though, is the fact I knew you were a shifter. Shifter’s have mates, Summer. Could you see how me not knowing I was yours would worry me?”

  Summer nodded, opening her eyes once more. “Yeah, I do. So where does that leave us?”

  “This leaves us with you coming to stay with me while your brothers and father hunt Bradley,” he said without hesitating.

  He may be doing an about face, but as far as he was concerned, if fate said they were meant to be together, he wasn’t willing to let this woman out of his site while that bastard was on the loose.

  Her eyes widened. “They’re hunting him?”

  Evan frowned, confused by her shock. He wasn’t a shifter and even he understood. “He drugged you, forced himself on you. God knows what would have happened if I hadn’t turned up.”

  “No, you’re right.” She shivered and he didn’t think it had anything to do with being cold. “I guess it hasn’t sunk in. I mean, I remember arriving at the party with him, but not much else. Is that normal?”

  He shrugged with one arm, refusing to let go of her with the other. “I don’t know. I think it is in humans.”

  “Wait. How was he able to drug me?” she asked suddenly. Her eyes narrowed. “It shouldn’t have been able to work and he would have known that. My tiger should have suppressed any chemical.”

  Evan grimaced. “Whatever it was, was enhanced specifically for shifters.”

  “Oh shit. I had no idea such drugs existed.” She twirled her hand around to indicate the room. “You know, except for the kinds they use here in this hospital for those rare injuries we struggle to heal from. And even then, the list of people with access is smaller than the size of my family.”

  Maybe so, though he fought the urge to point out that her family was bloody huge.

  “Listen, how about I go get a doctor to look at you,” he suggested, eager to get her out of there and somewhere he knew she’d be safe. “There are plenty on staff that are used to dealing with the shifters in the town. So healing won’t be a problem. By the time they are ready to discharge you, you should be mostly healed.”

  He watched a frown form on her beautiful face. “Why haven’t I healed already? And what took me so long to wake up?”

  “The drugs. They slowed everything down, it’s how they work. Now that you’re awake, it means the drugs are working their way out of your system. By the time the doctor gets here, they should be mostly gone.” Evan took a step back, knowing if he didn’t break contact soon, then he wouldn’t leave. “So I’ll go find one, okay?”

  “Yeah, I’d like that. I don’t like hospitals,” she said quietly.

  He smiled at her. “I remember. I’ll be as quick as possible.”

  Leaving Summer to track down a doctor had been one of the hardest things he had ever done. Everything was screaming inside of him to stay by her, in case Bradley showed back up. Not that Evan thought he would, the man had a death sentence hanging over his head. There was no way the Alpha, Sage, would let the bastard live. Sage may want some answers first, like where the hell Bradley had gotten those drugs, but in the end he’d still end up dead. And surprisingly, Evan was okay with that.

  If you had asked him even the day before if he would be capable of taking a life, he would have said no. But now...hell, he’d be more than happy to help. Damn. He really was her mate.


  Summer glanced around the beautiful single-level home she had entered. It always surprised her at how homey the house felt given he was the only one who lived there now. The walls of the huge room were a crisp white, with a smoky grey feature wall. Family photos hung from the walls, and dark chocolate furniture lay throughout. A giant bookcase sat to one side, and the avid reader in her itched to see what novels her mate had.

  Something soft and furry brushed across her leg, and Summer smiled down at Evan’s cat. “Hey, Ally. Long time no see.”

  The gorgeous, grey feline purred in response, the animals coat reminding Summer of her owner’s eyes. She adored the cat. Ally had always been so affectionate toward Summer, as if sensing the tiger within her. The unusua
l spark of knowledge in the pet’s eyes intrigued Summer.

  “Looks like she missed you. I was going to make us a coffee or something,” he said abruptly, almost awkwardly. She had sensed him tensing the closer they had gotten, and hadn’t known what to do or say to relieve it. “Did you want me to get you something more comfortable to wear?”

  She looked down at the dress she was wearing. The satin outfit was the same one she had worn to the party, having slipped back into it after being discharged. Summer hadn’t bothered putting her shoes back on however, and dropped them on the floor near the door. “In a moment, but I could really go for a cup of coffee first.”

  He smiled, waving a hand in the direction she assumed was the kitchen. “Coffee it is.”

  Summer followed behind him, her eyebrows raising at the mess cluttered in the dining room just off the kitchen. Papers were strewn all about the place, pens and markers littered the floor as if they had been flicked away when they no longer worked. She struggled to contain her amusement, having never seen this side of the organized and put together man.

  Evan clearly noticed anyway. “Sorry, haven’t had much time for cleaning.”

  “Things been busy at the office?”

  He shrugged. “That, and helping Sage organize everything for his new tenant.”

  “Yeah, Ella’s friend from Uni.” She nodded. “She was telling me about Tessa and her siblings. So sad what happened to their parents.”

  When her sister and littermate, Ella, rang to tell the family of her friend Tessa and the trouble the girl was in, her older brother, Sage, had offered the small three bedroom flat out the back of his own house to Tessa and her siblings. Who knew the tough, sometimes gruff Alpha could be so sweet?

  “I did some investigation into that. Her parents weren’t clean, although it’s pretty obvious Tessa didn’t know,” Evan said, reaching into the cupboard for the mugs. “The father was in deep with the wrong people.”

  “Oh wow.” Summer couldn’t imagine what the poor girl was going through. “Ella said she has five siblings coming with her. Since most will be attending the school where I teach at, I offered to help them adjust”

  Evan paused what he was doing, his shoulders tensing. “Yeah. That’s a lot for one person, especially so young.”

  “But she won’t be alone. She’ll have the Pride.” That was why Sage had offered his flat. Every tiger shifter in New Hope would be willing to help.

  As if he read her thoughts, he asked, “Does she know about shifters?”

  “Yeah, I asked Ella. She said Tessa and the second eldest, a brother, know about shifters. The others don’t though.”

  He nodded as he finished making their drinks. “Makes sense. At their age things can easily slip out, and while that would be safe here in New Hope...”

  “It could cause serious problems elsewhere,” she finished for him.

  He handed her the hot beverage, taking a sip of his own as he leaned his hip against the counter. “Yeah. Still, it’s a lot of responsibility. Caring for one person can be difficult enough.”

  Summer’s heart broke. They were no longer talking about Tessa, but about Amber. She knew it had been hard on him, losing his sister like that, Summer had just never realized how much he struggled. “You did the best you could.”

  “I don’t always feel that way,” he whispered, not able to meet her eye.

  She took a step toward him, placing a hand gently on his shoulder. “What else could you have done? You loved her, cared for her. You were amazing.”

  He cupped her cheek, smiling sadly. “But in the end it hadn’t been enough.”

  Evan’s words were so simple, and yet they said so much to her. “Evan. Is that what you’re worried about?”

  His grey eyes shimmered with lust, desire and something else she was afraid to hope for.

  “What if I’m not enough for you? I’m only human.” His words were no more than a whisper but he didn’t drop his hand. She moved the last inch that separated them, her thighs brushing against his. Summer felt breathless this close to her mate. She lifted her hand, running the pads of her finger tips along his full bottom lip. So soft and subtle. She needed so badly to have them pressed against her own again. “Summer.”

  Her name, a strangled groan from his lips was the last thing she was aware of before he gripped her waist tugged her to him. The move sudden, primal, and shocking. She could feel the defined length of his cock against her. Her pussy grew wet, and all she wanted to do was tell him that she was ready for him, needed him. Licking her lips, she met his gaze, gasping at the predatory gleam in his eyes. She had never seen such a look on a human’s face before. “You’ll always be enough for me, my mate.”

  “Christ, the way you make me feel, Summer.” She could hear the raw desire in his hoarse whisper. “You have absolutely no idea what you do to me, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m fine, I promise. Completely healed,” she panted, desperation clawing at her.

  He ran his hand down the swell of her breasts and over her hips, gripping her tightly and holding her impossibly closer. He gave her no warning except a deep groan before he lifted her onto the counter.

  Evan’s lips slammed down on hers with all the built up passion and desire she now knew they both felt. Summer spread her legs wider to accommodate his larger frame and felt her panties rub along her too swollen pussy lips. Slowly, he ground his cock into her folds, teasing her until the words begging for him to do more fell from her lips.

  “Please, I need. I’ve waited so long. Please.” Summer was on edge, ready to explode from such little stimulation and she needed her mate once and for all. Evan growled against her mouth, fiercer than any shifter and quickly went for the button of his jeans. The sound of the button popping free and of the zipper sliding down sent shivers throughout her body. She leaned back, braced her weight on her hands.

  “Summer?” She could tell he was having second thoughts, could tell he was trying to talk himself out of it. God, how long had she waited for this. Frustration gnawed inside her, the tiger spitting with anger. Could he not understand? For her there was never going to be a chance of going back now.

  She may be a virgin, but she knew what she wanted. She wanted her mate. She had waited long enough.

  Evan had his pants pushed down his hips in the next second. She felt her eyes widen when she finally got a look at what had been hidden behind his jeans. Damn…was that legal?

  His cock was huge, thick and long, already wet from his arousal. She licked her lips and heard him groan.

  However, when her eyes slid a little higher and to the right, her breath hitched. Eyes widening at what she saw, Summer glanced up at the man she had known for years, searching for any sign of deception. Her confusion mounting when she found none. Yet the proof was there right in front of her in the shape of a small pentagram, positioned on his right hip. A mark only found on one species. And it wasn’t human.

  “Evan?” her voice wavered as her mind searched for a possible answer.

  His expression still clouded with lust, Evan tilted his head to the side and frowned. “What is it? Do you want to stop?”

  Her tiger snarled, telling her not to care, overriding all of her senses. Stopping was the last thing either of them wanted, but she attempted one last time to stay in control. “That mark, Evan, there on your hip. Have you always had it? Do you...”

  His eyes flicked to the mark in question, then back up to hers and she could read the confusion in them. “Summer, do you really want to talk about some weird birthmark I was born with? Does it make you that uncomfortable?”

  “No, but—”

  “No buts then, not anymore.” He took a step toward her and dropped down on his knees to bury his face between her thighs. The force of his mouth on her, of his lips and tongue rubbing along her had Summer leaning back and bracing herself once more. The sound of fabric tearing pierced her lust induced mind as Evan tossed the remnants of her panties to the side. O
h that should not have been so damn hot.

  Summer cried out as he played her like a finely tuned instrument. Licking, sucking, fingers teasing just inside of her. She ground her pussy against his mouth, overwhelmed with sensation, and he growled in response.

  Damn, she loved that sound coming from him. A sudden spark, almost like an electrical current, zapped her. What the hell was that?

  She threw her head back and cried out in pleasure as her orgasm slammed into her. Evan refused to let go, cauing her climax to drag on, leaving her overly sensitive by the time he eventually pulled away.

  The intensity of what was happening had her whole body shaking and she closed her eyes as she let it wash through her.

  He gave one last lingering kiss to her inner thigh, and she opened her eyes to watch him stand. Evan stepped between her legs once again, running his hands over every piece of skin he could find. She shivered at the sensation.

  Evan slipped his fingers under the straps of her dress and tugged them down her arms. Since she was braless, when the material slid over her breasts they fell free, the nipples hardening as the cool air hit them.

  “Fuck me. You are so beautiful.” He sounded in awe and she couldn’t help the flush that swept through her whole body at his praise.

  She gasped when she felt the hard, hot length of his erection rub against her cleft. Summer stared wide-eyed at Evan. They didn’t speak or move for the longest time, and Summer feared he was about to change his mind.


  He blinked several times as if to clear his mind and then stepped back.

  “Not here, Summer. When I claim you, it will be in my bed, our bed.”

  His words had her lifting her head and staring at him. Our bed?

  He helped her off the counter and pulled his pants up haphazardly before adjusting her dress for her. His arms around her were secure and made her feel safe and protected. Despite this small reprieve, the fire that coursed through her body didn’t relent.


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