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Page 7

by Sydney Lea

  “Even what?” Dread filled him, he didn’t like where her train of thought was going.

  “Or even void the Prophesy, because a child between Brad and I would be nowhere near as powerful as ours.”

  “Fuck!” Summer was right, he could feel it.

  Evan held her tight, unwilling to let her go. Thoughts and possibilities swirled through his mind, one more disturbing than the next. Bradley was the true kind of monster, and just the thought of the man getting his hands on Summer again nearly sent him into a fit of rage. Evan knew then, he was going to have a hell of a time protecting the woman he loved, but he’d die trying if need be.


  Two weeks passed without word and Evan grew more anxious and frustrated by the minute. While the time he had spent with his mate had been unbelievable, causing him to be happier than he ever had in his life, the thought of multiple threats to Summer out there had him on edge.

  That morning he had awoken after the worst night sleep. In a foul mood, he stomped to the bathroom not waiting for Summer like he had done every other morning, even after he had gone back to work.

  At least that thought made him chuckle. Summer had been true to her word when she had said he would need to take some time off. The tigress had been near insatiable for days after they had mated.

  “Should I be worried?” He felt the air stir behind him as his mate slipped into the shower, her soft, smooth skin rubbing up against his body. “I woke up alone this morning.”

  Enjoying the contact, he turned, slipping an arm around her waist. “Not at all. I just woke in a bad mood and didn’t want you to see it.”

  Her smile was so bright it lightened up the dark cloud that had settled over him. “Oh, I’ve seen your bad mood before. In fact, I’ve seen every mood now. None of them are going to scare me off. But maybe you could tell me what's wrong and I could help?”

  He sighed, burying his head in the crook of her neck and shoulder. “Just feeling a little helpless I guess.”

  Her delicate, soft hands came up to thread through the short strands of his hair. “I know. It’s hard for me too. But let’s focus on the positive. And besides, you have more things to be worried about.”

  He could hear the smirk in her voice and was hard-pressed to suppress his own. “Why is that?”

  “Because...tonight is the full moon gathering.” She tugged on his hair to bring his head up. “You have to face the entire Pride as I officially present you as my mate.”

  Oh, crap. He’d forgotten about that. “Ah, yay?”

  Summer threw her head back and laughed. “Oh, yes, that was very convincing. How about we try it one more time without it sounding like a question.”

  Evan grunted, swooping down to capture her lips with his, silencing any further remarks. One thing he had certainly learned over the last two weeks, was that Summer was a smartarse. And God, how he loved it. His life had been so serious, so routine for so long. She was just what he needed.

  Breaking the kiss, he reluctantly pulled away. “Have to hurry. Can’t be late again, especially if I want to finish up early for tonight.”

  Summer pouted. “All right, but you better make it up to me after the gathering.”

  “Absolutely,” he promised, dropping another kiss to her lips.


  Heading to work, with his foul mood completely replaced, Evan walked through the doors of the building that his law firm resided in. As he passed the main desk's receptionist, he was stopped by the overly perky assistant, Olivia.

  “Oh, Mr MacKenzie?” she called, a smile on her round face.

  A sweet, older woman, Olivia was human just like Evan and also knew all about the shifters. In fact, she was mated to one. “Yes, Olivia?”

  “I was looking into Bradley’s past like you had asked, and I found something odd that might interest you.”

  He cocked a brow. “Oh?”

  Olivia nodded. “It seems there are no records of a Bradley Nichols anywhere before he turned up in New Hope Valley. I’m not sure how such a mistake happened, or how he ended up in the Pride if that’s the case, but he’s a ghost.”

  Evan reached for the paper Olivia held out. The forms confirmed that Bradley Nichols didn’t exist on paper before three years ago when he came to their town. What the hell?

  “Thanks for this. Let me know if you find anything else.”

  “Will do, boss.” She nodded. Just before he was about to turn and leave, she added, “Oh, and I never got a chance to say, congratulations on your mating. Summer is a beautiful young woman. You’ll find many perks to being mated.”

  The tiny smirk on her lips had him blushing, no doubt in his mind she was referring to their insatiable appetite in bed. “Oh, I’ve worked that one out.”

  He heard the woman chuckling as he headed for the lift. As the doors slid closed, Evan pondered more on the mystery that was Bradley. And that’s when it hit him. “Holy shit!” he yelled aloud.

  Impatient to track down his new in-laws, he slipped through the doors as soon as they opened, not stopping until he reached Richard’s office. Barely pausing long enough to knock, he pushed open the door to the man’s office, drawing up short when he found Sage sitting opposite his father. The pair seemed to have been in deep discussion.

  “Evan?” Richard asked, clearly surprised at his sudden entrance. “Is everything okay? Summer?”

  “Yes, yes. Well, Summer is okay, but I think I worked something out. And it’s good that you’re here Sage because you need to hear this too,” he babbled.

  “Whoa,” Sage chuckled. “I’ve never seen you like this. What has your panties in a bunch?”

  “Bradley,” he stated.

  Both men tensed, growls erupting from their chests.

  “What about him? Have you seen him?” Sage shot out of his seat, claws already flicking out.

  He rolled his eyes. “No. Do you really think I’d take my time in coming here if I had? A phone call works just as well.”

  “Then what,” Richard asked more patiently.

  “I just spoke to Olivia from downstairs. I had her looking into Bradley, asked her to see what she could find.”

  “What did she find?” Richard asked, leaning forward in his chair and resting his arms on the desk in front of him.


  Sage frowned. “I don’t get it, wouldn’t nothing be a bad thing.”

  Evan let out a painful sigh. “If you’d let me finish, I’d tell you. Listen. There was no Bradley Nichols before he became a part of this Pride. Somehow he slipped under the radar. Whoever he is, that is not his real name.”

  “How does this help?”

  “I’ve been trying to find a connection between Bradley and the neighboring Pride. You said it yourself that there had to be a connection for Bradley to be so willing to head to their side of the border. He could have gone anyway, he had the head start, yet he went there, but why?”

  “Because he was familiar with them. Maybe even a part of them. Shit,” Sage cursed up a storm. “He’s been here, right under our noses this whole time. Who knows how much he has told Aidan already.”

  “That still doesn’t explain his attack on Summer, son.” Richard had a point.

  “True, but it’s a start, right?”

  Sage nodded slowly. “You’re right.”

  Stunned that Sage had actually agreed with him, it took Evan a moment to respond. “Ah, thanks.”

  “Don’t look so surprised,” Sage laughed, grinning at him. “I’m not that much of a hardarse.”

  “Really?” he asked, unconvinced.

  "Really.” The Alpha stood, walking over to him and slapping him on the back. “I’m the Alpha, and I have to act tough, but I also caught you after having slept with my baby sister. What kind of response did you think you were going to get from me at first?”

  An honest question, and Evan felt himself finally relaxing around his mate’s older brother. “Fair enough.”

  “Well, if you
two boys are done bonding...we have work to do.” Richard’s lips quirked up into a small smile as he ushered them out the door.

  Taking a few steps toward his office, he was stopped by a hand on his arm. Glancing back at Sage, he frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  The other man grimaced. “Mum is with Summer today, but until we catch this bastard, we can’t let her out of our sight.

  “I know.” Evan nodded. “I won’t.”

  Sage shrugged. “Yeah, I know. But she’s the baby.”

  He got it. Evan had been just as protective of Amber. “I get it.”

  “Yeah, I know that too.” Sage gave him a nod then left.

  Damn. Did he really just have a simple, understanding conversation with Sage Ashcroft? Maybe he should check, because hell must have frozen over.


  “So tell me, what is it like to be mated?” Avery inquired, studying her nails as she leaned up against one of the trees near the edge of Sage’s property.

  Summer smiled at her best friend, unable to control her blush. The woman had been prying as many details as possible out of her since she had introduced Avery to Evan at the Pride meeting. “Fantastic. I never thought I could be this happy, you know?”

  “No, not really...kinda why I was asking,” Avery drawled, rolling her eyes.

  Summer loved the woman dearly, had been friends with her since they were five, but Avery was also a smartarse.

  “Oh Lord, don’t get her started,” Chase snickered as he walked passed them. “She is hopelessly in love and all doe-eyed, and I currently suffer from Althaiophobia.”

  “Hey.” Summer stuck her tongue out at her littermate. “Watch it, doofus.”

  “Or what, brat?” Chase grinned.

  “Althop-say what?” Avery stuttered, eyeing Chase warily. “Do I even want to know?”

  “Althaiophobia. An intense fear of marshmallows.” Summer shared a look with Avery, seeing the other woman just as confused as she was.

  “Come again?” Summer asked hesitantly.

  “Oh for God’s sake, how do you not get that?” Chase sighed, rolling his eyes. “Marshmallows are all sweet and mushy...just like you every time you talk about Evan. And honestly, I can’t take it anymore. Seriously. I swear I am having a physical reaction each time you get all mushy. And Evan. He is just as bad. Can’t get any work done without hearing him go on and on about how wonderful mated life is.”

  “Really?” Summer’s heart lightened at the knowledge.

  “Oh damn and here we go again. I’m outta here before she starts singing the ultimate love song melody,” Chase baited before he made a hasty retreat.

  Summer watched her littermate leave, the jovial shifter making his way through the crowd, greeting the rest of the Pride. At times she wondered what it was that her brother was hiding underneath all of the snark and humour. Almost as if he used it as a shield, Chase never failed to crack a joke when situations seemed serious. She chuckled, thinking whoever his mate was, would certainly have their hands full with him.

  Things became quiet between her and Avery, the silence causing Summer to glance over at the other woman. From the covert looks and the hesitation playing on her features, Summer could tell her friend was debating on whether or not to bring something up. Which concerned Summer because Avery was never one to really hold back, much like Chase.

  When Summer could no longer wait any longer, she sighed. “Oh, just spit it out already.”

  “Spit what out?” Avery tried for innocence, but as usual, it fell flat.

  “Whatever has your mind going a hundred miles per hour.”

  Avery sighed. “Just wondering, is all...”

  She peered at Avery. “Again, and slightly more frustrated this time, I ask what?”

  Avery gave her a sideways look. “Do you know your scent has changed?”

  Summer frowned. “It has?”

  “Yep.” Avery nibbled on her bottom lip, turning to face Summer fully. “You’re pregnant, hun.”

  Summer sucked in a breath. She had suspected, but hadn’t been sure. With the mating heat, her family and friends had been kind enough to give them space, and until now, no one but Evan had been in her presence long enough to be able to tell. “Crap.”

  “Crap? I’m guessing Evan doesn’t know?”

  Summer gave a half-hearted shrug. “I didn’t even really know until just now. There was only the one time we didn’t use protection. One of those in the heat of the moment kind of things. We knew there might be a chance, but…”

  “Well, congratulations, hun.” Avery waggled her brows. “You’re knocked up.”

  She threw her head back, laughing at Avery’s tactlessness. No matter how serious things got, Avery could always defuse the situation.

  “Honestly though, I’m happy for you, hun.” Summer turned to Avery, surprised by her serious tone. “I was worried. I saw you slipping. I didn’t even want to think what would happen to you if Evan actually started dating someone. I felt like I was losing my best friend.”

  The sadness in Avery’s eyes broke her heart. Summer hadn’t realized what she had been putting her through. “I’m sorry.”

  Avery chuckled, shaking off her mood. “Don’t be sorry. Be happy.”

  “I am,” Summer assured her, staring over the land in front of her. The open space spread out before them and between the gorgeous snowy mountains looked particularly beautiful that night. Summer drew in a breath, revelling in the crisp smell of the land and the scent of her mate nearby. It was a powerful and heady combination.

  “And I promise to keep making her happy,” Evan said softly from behind her.

  “Good.” Avery nodded, pushing off the tree brushing herself down. “Well, on that note, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it, and I’ll see you,” she pointed to Summer, “tomorrow.”

  Winking, Avery left them, and Summer shivered as Evan’s arms came around her, his hands falling onto her stomach. Did she dare tell him yet? What would his reaction be? She knew she’d have to do it soon, but fear kept her lips closed.

  “So, will I get to see you shift tonight?” Evan whispered in her ear, oblivious to her inner turmoil.

  Trying to shrug off any negative thoughts, she pretended to consider his question. “Only if you’re good.”

  “Hmmm, really?” he murmured against the side of her neck. She shivered from the seductive caress of his breath on her skin. His arms formed thick bands around her body, enveloping her. A hand trailed over the top curve of her breast, eliciting a moan from her. Summer’s eyes slid closed as she lost herself in her mate’s embrace. “And what do you consider...good?”

  The huskiness of Evan’s voice had her thighs clenching, she could feel herself growing wet. This was how it had been since the moment they had mated. Just a few soft words, a gentle caress, and her body was ready for him. God, how she loved this man.

  “Well, I’m thinking it starts with not turning me on in front of my family.” She opened her eyes and turned in his arms, trying to hide her satisfaction at his sheepish expression. “Though I do love that you can’t get enough of me.”

  He growled, nipping her bottom lip. “No such thing as enough.”

  Summer laughed, her entire being filling with joy. She had never been happier than in this moment. “Well, in that case, how about we go find somewhere for you to show me just how much you can’t get enough of me?”

  “Now that sounds like a plan.”

  Summer let out a squeal when Evan swept her up in his arms and carried her off to the edge of the property. “Evan, put me down. I wasn’t serious!”

  Evan leered, waggling his brows as he finally set her down on her feet. “But I was.”

  Her heart beat rapidly as Evan backed her up against a tree. The bark scraping along her oversensitive skin sent little electrical currents racing through her body. The heat that burned in her mate’s eyes overwhelmed her, and suddenly this no longer remained a joke. Summer could think of nothing but having he
r mate, her need for Evan consuming her.

  His entire frame covered hers as his hands clamped down on her waist. The soft slow grind of his cock against her wet heat caused her to whimper even as his lips claimed hers.

  “Evan,” she whispered, gasping for breath. Her arms came up and around his neck, pulling him closer to her.

  Evan groaned. “God. I can’t get enough of you, Summer.”


  Carried away on a sea of turbulent emotion, Summer noticed too late that they weren’t alone.

  Before she could react, Evan suddenly slumped down in front of her, his large frame hitting the ground. Summer went to cry out for help, only to be stopped as a hand clamped over her mouth. Her eyes widened when arms came around her like steel bands, and she found herself unable to move.

  “No, no, no. We don’t want to do that.” Brad’s voice sounded distorted, almost unhuman. Summer’s eyes widened when two more men stepped forward, she could immediately tell they were shifters. In fact, they resembled Brad, with the same hazel eyes, and strong jaw. They even had similar dirty blond hair. Still, there was something familiar about these two newcomers, and it had nothing to do with Brad. Who were they? And what the hell did they want?

  “If you scream, they,” indicating to the two other men “won’t hesitate to rip lover boy’s throat out. Do you understand?” Brad said pointedly to her.

  Summer nodded stiffly.

  “Now, you’re going to come with me, and my friends are going to stay here with Evan, just so you don’t think of running.” Summer’s entire body shook with anger. “Now let’s go.”

  She stumbled as Brad gripped her upper arm with one hand and her hair with the other, shoving her in the opposite direction of the gathering.

  “Hey, wait!” one of the other shifters called.

  Brad growled and drew her up short with a yank on her hair. “What, Rick?”

  She swung her gaze to the shifter in time to see him pull away the collar to Evan’s shirt. Oh, no.

  “They’ve mated. He’s got the mark, and he smells like her.” The stranger sneered at her, shoving Evan away. “Christ, for all we know she could already be pregnant.”


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