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Page 9

by Sydney Lea

  Summer walked back to the lounge, but instead of taking the seat next to Evan, she moved to straddle his lap. Evan’s arms wrapped around her, almost instinctively and she smiled. If someone had of asked her a few months ago if she thought she would be where she was now. Mated to Evan, pregnant with child, and a damn Prophesy hanging over their heads, Summer would have laughed at them. She would have told them they were insane.

  “What’s put that smile on your face?”

  “You,” she whispered, lowering her head to capture his lips. “Always you.”

  “Hmmm, always, huh?” Evan bit down gently on her bottom lip, making her gasp. “I like the sound of that.”

  “You were always mine, I just had to claim you.”


  The two figures huddled just under the tree, making sure to keep out of sight. The younger of the two women, no more than nineteen years old, huffed out yet another annoyed sound, the warmth of her breath causing a white mist to form. “Do you think they believe?”

  The Seer tore her gaze away from the window and the couple sitting on the lounge, to the young girl beside her. “It doesn’t matter, it’s already begun.”

  She tugged on her long blond hair, her blue eyes scanning the area where they had watched the Alpha family disappear. “Yeah but, how can we expect them to stand a chance of winning if they’re unprepared, Ruth?”

  The older woman smiled. “There is no winning, merely preventing, Quinn.”

  “Fine, prevent, whatever,” Quinn sighed in frustration. “The fact is, they don’t even seem to know the significance of the very land they live on, let alone the role they play.”

  Ruth chuckled. “Most don’t. Even the young girl, Tessa, who is on her way here as we speak, has no clue of the potential she holds.”

  Quinn still didn’t understand the true meaning of the Prophesy, none of them did. The young girl wasn’t even aware of the role that she herself would play in it. The Tiger family only knew a portion of what was foretold, and to know the rest so soon, could tip the balance, could undo the very Prophesy itself. And the world wouldn’t survive that.”

  “They will know when it is time.”

  “And how can you be so sure that it is time? That the Prophesy is beginning?” Quinn asked eyeing her warily, yet to fully trust her, still so unsure even after caring for her for the last few months.

  “Summer has claimed her mate,” she stated matter-of-factly. Whether Quinn believed her or not, didn’t matter at this time. She would work on the young girl, make sure she was prepared to face her destiny.

  “That still doesn’t answer my question,” Quinn mumbled, sounding like a pouting child. “How can you be so sure about this damn Prophesy and what was said?”

  Ruth’s grin was wide as she turned back to Summer and Evan, who appeared every bit the perfect couple in mated bliss. “Because, dear girl. I was there.”




  Tamed (coming soon)


  Sydney Lea is an avid reader who enjoys falling in love with one book boyfriend after another. After years of dreaming up Mr Perfect, she has finally put pen to paper and created him herself.




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