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Victoria's Challenge

Page 23

by M. K. Eidem

  “Rest Cyndy, I’m here.” Pulling her close, Peter tucks his wife into his chest. Turning away Lucas sees Brett standing in the hatchway.

  “Victoria…” Pulling her eyes away from her parents, she looks to Lucas then follows his gaze. Brett.

  “Hey Brett, let’s give mom and dad some time, okay?”

  “What’s wrong with her?” he whispers.

  “She’s sick.” Victoria goes down on her knees, meeting the brown gaze, so like her father. “Sicker than you and dad, but we’re going to make her better, it’s just going to take some time. Let’s go back into your quarters, I need to treat you, it’ll make mom feel better.” She stops the argument she sees in his eyes. “Then I’ll get you something to eat.” Nodding, he turns.

  “Do you need help?” Lucas looks at her.

  “No.” She touches his cheek. “Thank you for stopping dad. Go change then we’ll all eat.”

  “Did you get any sleep?” He asks looking into tired eyes.

  “Some.” Turning, she follows her brother.

  “You’re doing good Brett.” Victoria smiles at him. “Eventually you’re going to cough up some of the dust in your lungs. When you do, just spit it out. It means the medicine is working, healing you.”

  “I’m going to be like mom?” Scared eyes meet hers.

  “No, for some reason she has a lot more dust in her lungs.” Victoria frowns wondering why that is.

  “Are you really my sister?” Brett's question pulls her attention back.

  “Yeah I am.” She smiles at him.

  “Mom and dad said you died, died with Grandpa and Aunt Cassie.”

  “Only Grandpa Jacob died. You know, I bet you have a lot of questions. Mom and dad will too, let’s go out and have first meal and we’ll talk for a while.”

  “First meal?”

  “That’s what breakfast is called on Carina.”

  “We only eat one meal anymore, sometimes not even that.”

  “Sometimes you don’t eat?” Victoria starts to understand just how dire it had become in the shelter. Brett nods.

  “Well, you will have at least three a day here, maybe more.” Victoria grips her brother’s chin bringing his eyes to hers. “There is plenty of food Brett, if you’re still hungry ask for more, you won’t be refused and no one has to do without. Okay?”

  “Not even mom?”

  “Especially not mom, come on.” Holding out her hand, she waits as Brett hesitates then finally puts his hand in hers.

  Entering the living quarters, they find Lucas and Peter still eyeing each other. Shaking her head, she leads Brett over to the couch to sit with her father.

  “Lucas?” She waits until he looks at her. “Would you mind starting on first meal while I treat dad? I think the soup again, since they tolerated it so well.” Sees Lucas eye her father, she knows he’s worried. “Please, I’ll be fine. Won’t I dad?” She turns laser eyes to her father.

  “Peter, answer your daughter.” Cyndy's voice, while weak can't be denied.

  “It’s a stupid question. Of course she’ll be fine.” Smiling at her father’s obvious disgust, she looks at Lucas and winks. It’s the wink that convinces him. Nodding, he turns to the galley.

  Victoria’s giving her father a shot when Lucas returns. Setting the tray on the table, he looks at her. “What are you having?” Lucas’ eyes are hard, telling her not to argue.

  “Flatcakes sound good.” She smiles her thanks. Nodding, he returns to the galley.

  “Here mom, you need to eat.”

  “I’ll do it.” Peter takes the cup from her hands. Letting him, knowing he needs to feel like he’s helping her, Victoria turns to watch Brett eat hungrily and knows her dad has to be just as hungry.

  “Dad, eat, I’ll help mom.”

  “I’ve got it.”

  “You need to build your strength up.” She moves to take the cup from him.

  “Victoria,” Lucas’ tone stops her, turning, she gives him a hard look. “Let your father take care of his wife. Come eat, you’ve been up all night.” Sighing, she walks over to sit next to Lucas. “Eat.” He hands her a plate of flatcakes.

  “I am a doctor, you know.” Victoria mutters.

  “And he’s her husband. Let him help her.” Understanding dawns in Victoria’s eyes and she nods. She hadn’t realized, hadn’t thought about how hard it must be for her father to not be able to help his wife, to know she was starving to death but this, he can do and she needs to let him.

  “We need to get going,” Lucas tells her as he helps her carry plates into the galley.

  “I know. I need to explain it to them. I want them strapped into the couch.” Turning, she finds his arms trapping her against the counter.

  “After we’re through the debris field, I want you to rest.” He leans down hard eyes staring into hers.


  “You’re exhausted. I won’t stand for it. You’ll be no good for anyone if you keep this up.”

  “It’s only for a few days.”

  “It’s going to be closer to a week and you know it! Don’t…” He stops her from arguing. “I’m taking care of you, it’s my right!” Lucas hadn’t realized how angry he’d gotten watching Peter tend to his wife, knowing he wasn’t doing the same for Victoria. Capturing her lips, he takes her into a deep kiss.

  Lucas’ sudden anger surprises Victoria but it shouldn’t, she knows how he feels about protecting her. He’s waited nine cycles to claim the right, to have to stand by and watch her exhausting herself would upset him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she sinks into him. Lifting his mouth, he rests his forehead against hers.

  “I need you to take care of yourself, Victoria, for me.”

  “Alright, but I’m not the one who fights dirty.”

  He sees the love in her eyes. “I’ll fight anyway I have to if it keeps you safe.”

  “Same goes.” Framing his face, she gives him a gentle, calming kiss. “Do you want to start preflight while I explain or wait until I’m done?”

  “I’ll get it started. The sooner we’re out of here, the sooner you can rest.”

  Entering the living quarters, Victoria walks to her family while he enters the code to the cockpit. "“Okay, this is what’s happening.” Victoria sits down looking at them. “Lucas is getting the preflight started. Once that’s done, we’ll start back for the Retribution. It’ll take six or seven days.”

  “Days?” Peter’s eyes widen.

  “Yeah, I know it’s a long time but…”

  “Long???? Tori, how long did it take you to get here?”

  “Just over three days, we had to slow down entering the solar system, there’s still a lot of debris floating around out there. So it’s going to take at least an hour to get clear, I’m going to have to help Lucas navigate.”

  “How far away is this Retribution?”

  “About 5000 light years away.”


  “Carina is about another 5000 from there.”

  “Why is it taking longer to get back?”

  “Because Lucas can’t fly 24/7. On the way here, we split the flying time.”

  “You can fly this ship?”

  “Yes. Uncle William taught me.”


  “Uncle William, Aunt Cassie’s husband… dad, there’s a lot you don’t know yet but now is not the time, I need to help Lucas. I promise later I’ll explain everything. Right now, I need to get all of you settled.” Going behind the couch, she releases the harnesses. “You’ll be safer sitting here. Once we’re out of the solar system, we can take them off. Mom, I need to sit you up straighter.” Adjusting the head supports, Victoria pulls out armrests with restraints. “We need to slide your arms in here and legs here. They’ll protect you if we have to make any sudden maneuvers. You can still pull your arms out, but I’d prefer you not.” Moving to her father and brother, she repeats the procedure.

  Peter watches his daughter carefully, comparing this str
ong, confident young woman with the terrified little girl he remembers. Looking to Cyndy he sees she’s doing the same.

  “Why do we need all this?” he asks.

  “Because of all the debris, we may have to make some sudden moves. These will help keep you in your seats. It’s only an hour, dad.”

  “Victoria!” Lucas calls from the cockpit.

  “Coming! I love you guys, now just relax, sleep if you can. Lucas is the best pilot in the Coalition.” With one last look, she heads to the cockpit.

  “Here,” She slides into the copilot seat. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Start scanning for a way out, I’m ready to start the engines.”

  Turning her chair, she runs some scans. “If we start heading to your nine, then behind the moon, we should be clear for a little while.” She hears the engines start.

  “Tighten your harness.”

  Rolling her eyes, she does what he says.


  “Alright, let’s get out of here.”

  After nearly an hour of sharp maneuvers that have the Phoenix on its side several times, they finally leave the Earth’s solar system. Taking a deep breath, Victoria finally relaxes.

  “Nice flying.” Lucas looks at her seeing the fatigue around her eyes.

  “Had a good navigator, now get back there and get some sleep.”

  “Soon, I need to see how they’re handling things so far.”


  “I promise! I know my limits Lucas.” Releasing her harness, she leans over to give him a kiss. “Make sure you know yours. If that leg starts to bother you, shut her down. We’re out of the danger zone.”

  Entering the living quarters, Victoria finds her father has already undone his harness and is helping Cyndy drink some water. Moving around the couch, she secures the harnesses.

  “Can you undo yours, Brett?”

  “Yeah, I watched.” As he does, he turns to hand it to her.

  “Thanks. Dad, have you got mom’s?” With them secured she comes back around. “How are you doing, mom?” Seeing the pale face, she quickly scans her.


  “Let’s get you to bed then.” Peter moves to help her up.


  “Dad, she needs to sit up. Mom, let's lie you back just a little then you can sleep, it should be smooth the rest of the way.” Victoria looks to her father.

  “Did she keep the soup down?”

  “Yes, but she had a coughing attack. I thought you said he could fly!”

  “He can.” Victoria eyes are angry. “We’re still alive thanks to his skill!”

  “Victoria, don’t talk to your father like that…” Victoria snaps her mouth shut, it’s been a long time since her mother has reprimanded her.

  “Brett.” She looks at her brother. “How are you feeling?”


  “Why don’t I take you into your quarters, then you can sleep. Dad will be long shortly. When you wake up, we’ll have second meal. How’s that sound?”

  “Okay.” Returning to the living quarters, Victoria finds her father with her mother asleep in his arms. Wishing she could convince him to sleep, she knows it’s futile. Lucas wouldn’t either, if she were sick. The look in his eyes lets her know he’s expecting an argument. Leaning over, she kisses his sunken cheek.

  “She needs you dad but she needs you strong, so that means you sleep too.” Grabbing a blanket, she covers them. “I’m going to lie down on the other couch. If you need anything, wake me.”

  Peter looks at his daughter. “Has it really been nine years?” His soft question stops her in her tracks.

  “Nine years, four months, twenty-three days.” Peter’s eyes widen at her reply. “It’s kind of one of those things you remember. Aunt Cassie and I always spend the day together, remembering, talking, telling stories, you were never forgotten, dad.”

  “Then what took you so long!” he demands.

  “I didn’t remember.” Tears fill Victoria’s eyes. “I’m sorry daddy...I didn’t remember the bunker...not until seven days ago. I didn’t remember Grandpa sending you to it.”

  “How could you not!” Peter roars, waking up Cyndy.

  “Peter… what’s wrong?”

  “You will not blame, Victoria!” Lucas comes charging in from the cockpit, one look at Victoria’s tear streak cheeks has him swearing. “You are not to blame Victoria!” Pulling her close, he kisses the top of her head. “You were nine!”

  “Peter, what’s he talking about?” Cyndy watches as Lucas pulls Tori close, protecting her.

  “Victoria forgot dad sent us to the shelter, for over nine years!”

  Lucas feels Victoria cringe in his arms.

  “You son of a bitch!” Lucas turns furious eyes on Peter.

  “Why would she even have known Peter? She followed Cassie.”

  “I heard mom, I just… I don’t know why it took me so long to remember.”

  “Stop!” While his voice is rough, Lucas’ touch is gentle as he tips her chin up to look into her eyes. “You were nine cycles old, Victoria. Your father has no right to judge, he doesn’t know what you had to survive!”

  “Peter, you can’t blame her. She was a child,” Cyndy tells him.

  “Cassie wasn’t.” Peter says stubbornly, although with less heat.

  “She didn’t know. She still doesn’t.” Victoria whispers.

  “What do you mean Cassie doesn’t know. You said she was alive.”

  “She is. I didn’t want her to know, in case I was wrong.” Sad green eyes look at her father.


  “That you were alive, that I wasn’t too late.”

  “That’s enough for now, Victoria. You’re exhausted, you need to sleep, or you’ll be sick too.” As he stands with her still tucked close, Cyndy begins to cough, trying to move towards her, Lucas refuses to let go.

  “Lucas…” Her eyes plead with him. “It’s my mother...” Understanding, he slowly releases her but stays close. “Dad, you have to release her, your squeezing her, she needs to stretch to be able to breathe.” When Peter finally does, she gently leans her back.

  “Come on mom, relax, everything is fine, just relax, and breathe.” When she stiffens even more, Victoria’s eyes shoot to Lucas. “Get my other bag, in our quarters, bottom drawer.” Nodding, he does what she asks letting her concentrate on her mother.

  “Relax mom, come on, spit it out… it’ll help, I promise it will.” Finally, she’s able to eject the glob that’s choking her. It’s the size of a quarter, Cyndy collapses exhausted.

  “Here,” Lucas puts the bag down, shock in his eyes as he sees the matter she’s ejected. How could someone survive with that in her lungs?

  Pulling out a breather, Victoria sets it, then puts it over Cyndy’s nose and mouth. “Just breath, mom. Relax and breath, this will help. I promise it will.” The eyes that meet hers are fading. “No! Mom! Don’t you go! You promised you’d always be there for me, I need you to stay. I can’t lose you again! Lucas! The small pressure syringe!”

  Trusting him to give her the right one, she presses it against her mother’s neck. She finally starts to relax.

  “There you go, mom. There you go… breath.” When she finally goes lax, this time it’s with sleep. Shoulders sagging Victoria takes a shuddering breath.

  “Why is she so sick?” Peter’s tortured eyes meet hers.

  “Because she’s all but starved to death!” Flinging the syringe back in the bag, Victoria stands, finding Lucas helping her. “But why she has so much more lung damage, I don’t know?” Victoria’s eyes clash with his. “You all had your faces covered when we met, all we could see was your eyes.”

  “Yes, Cyndy made the masks…” Peter’s eyes shoot to his wife.

  “She made yours and Brett’s thicker, to filter out more dust.” Victoria’s turns understanding eyes back to her mother. She’d knowingly put herself at risk to protect her husband and son, Victo
ria couldn’t fault her, she'd have done the same.

  “How could she do that? How could I not know?” Peter’s voice is full of remorse.

  “You didn’t pay attention?” Lucas accuses. “You didn’t protect her?”

  “Lucas, that’s enough.” Victoria can’t take the guilt in her father’s eyes. “Dad would no more hurt mom then you would me.”

  “The same can’t be the same for you though, can it?”

  Knowing nothing she says will change his anger, she just leans against him, drawing on his strength. He’s right, she’s tired.

  “Dad, the breather helped relax her lungs, kind of like asthma medicine. The shot was a sedative, to help relieve her anxiety. She was having a panic attack. You need to let her lay back the way she is now. If you hold her like you were, it will shrink her lungs and she won’t get a good breath.”

  “I was hurting her…”

  “You were holding her, supporting her, letting her know you love her. She needs that, needs to know you are here, that you are okay. It worries her, so what we’re going to do, is have you sleep out here, next to her but dad, you need to rest too. She’ll worry if you don’t and she’s going to need all her strength to recover.”


  “I’m not going to let her die, dad. I can help her but she needs to stay calm.”


  “Sleep dad, I’ll come back and check on you both later. Brett will be down for a while.” Picking up the blanket, she covers them both then lets Lucas lead her away.

  Entering the cockpit, Lucas sits then pulls her into his lap. “Come here baby.” As he tucks her in, he feels her tremble. “Shh it’s okay. I’ve got you.” Turning his chair, he checks the autopilot.

  “Oh god Lucas, I let them down.”

  “You did no such thing! Stop it!” He gives her a little shake.

  “I did, there was no reason I didn’t remember.”

  “You were nine! You barely overheard the conversation and immediately following it you were trapped in a burning meadow, being swung into a moving Raptor, exposed to a nuclear explosion, taken onto a strange ship where everyone reminded you of the Glitter Man, and the only person you knew and trusted was your Aunt Cassie. She told you they were dead. You had no reason to doubt that. No reason to remember.”


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