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Victoria's Challenge

Page 31

by M. K. Eidem

  Maybe this isn’t such a good time, Victoria thinks as she watches him. There are people lined up to talk to him. Her question can wait. Before she can leave unnoticed, he turns and sees her, pointing towards his office. He waits for her to nod then turns back to one of his men.

  Entering his office, Lucas secures the hatch. He knows his life mate. She wouldn’t have left her family if it weren’t important. Seeing the look in her eyes, he knows he’s right. She’s worried.

  “What’s wrong?” He rubs his hands up and down her arms.

  “We’ve moved everyone into the Dignitary’s Quarters.”

  “Okay.” Lucas frowns at her.

  “Dad’s feeling a little like he’s losing control.”

  “What’d he do to you?” He grips her arms.

  “Nothing! Lucas it’s not that. He thinks we’re keeping something from him. Me and mom.”

  “What? That’s ridiculous!”

  “It’s not, because we are.”

  “Victoria?” Giving her a confused look, he loosens his grip. “What could you be keeping from him? He’s been there the whole time.”

  “Lucas…. he hasn’t seen her… really seen her in a long time.”

  “What? How is that possible?”

  “I don’t think it was that hard between not showering and always having Brett around. They were trying to survive.” Rubbing her arms, he really thinks about what they must have gone through to stay alive. The lack of food, water, and basic necessities that they take for granted. “When I was getting mom ready for her shower on the Phoenix, she made an excuse for dad not to be there.”

  “She didn’t want him to see her.”

  “No.” She raises serious eyes to him. “I understand why and can’t fault her for it.”

  “What? Victoria….” Lucas frowns at her.

  “Lucas, if she allowed him to see her when they were in the bunker, what was he going to do about it?” Her eyes are hard as they look into his. “There was nothing he could do, not without sacrificing Brett and mom would never have allowed that. I would have made the same choice. She protected him from what he couldn’t change. You would have done the same.” She interrupts him before he can argue.

  With a deep sigh, Lucas nods, resting his forehead against hers. “I would have. It would have served no purpose to upset you.”

  “So now I need your advice… as a man.” He raises an eyebrow. “Dad knows mom’s keeping something from him. What do I do? Is it really so important right now? How would you feel?”

  Walking away from her, he tries to put himself in Peter’s place. A man who’s commanded men in battle, knowing they could die. Who is injured and then suddenly thrust into hell with his pregnant wife, thinking everyone he knows is dead. To watch his life mate and son slowly starve to death and being unable to do anything about it. To have your daughter come ‘save’ you with a stranger and have them do everything you couldn’t.

  “I would feel like I’d failed you.” Lucas turns meeting her startled look. “That you were pulling away, looking for someone else to protect you.”

  “What? Why?” She doesn't try to hide her shock.

  “Victoria, while you were under my care, my protection, you nearly starved to death, you got sick. It would be my fault.”

  “But that isn’t true! He kept them alive long enough for help to come.”

  “That’s not how he’ll see it, how I would see it.”

  “I… so what do I do? Mom doesn’t want him to see her.” She raises confused eyes to his. “It would really hurt you, if I kept this from you? Even knowing that there was nothing you could do to prevent it?”

  “There was nothing I could do. There is now. He’s been doing all he can, feeding her, tending her. You’re taking that away from him, his ‘control’ if you like, to help his wife. If he doesn’t know, how can he help?”

  It’s Victoria’s turn to walk away and think. If she wants to help her father, she has to go against what mom wants. Does she have the right to do that? How would she feel if it was Lucas keeping something like this from her?

  “Mom’s resting right now. She wants to take a shower when she wakes up. She’s not going to let dad help her.” Troubled eyes turn to Lucas. “If I go against what she wants…. Lucas I just got her back.”

  Walking over, he pulls her close.

  “She’s like her daughter, she might be angry but she’ll get over it.” Sighing she looks up at him.

  “Brett can’t be there. They’re going to need some privacy.”

  “I can take him on a tour of the command center. It isn’t that far from their quarters so it wouldn’t tire him out too much.”

  “You can spare the time?”

  “It’s family, of course I can. What time are you thinking?”

  “I’ll call you on the comm. Thank you.” Stretching up, she captures his lips.

  “Ready for a shower mom?”

  “That would be wonderful.” The happiness in Cyndy’s eyes has Victoria wondering if she’s doing the right thing.

  “Okay, give me a few minutes to get everything organized.”

  Peter watches his wife and daughter. He knows something is going on. A knock on the hatch distracts him. Opening it, he finds Lucas. Stepping back, he lets him enter.

  “Victoria’s getting the shower ready for Cyndy.”

  Lucas nods.

  “If it’s okay with you, I thought I’d take Brett for a little tour of the Command Center. It’s not that far from here, it would let him stretch his legs some.” He watches Peter raise an eyebrow.


  “Could I dad?” He responds excitedly.

  “I don’t see a problem with it. You say it’s not far?”

  “No, I’ll take good care of him, Peter. It’ll give you and Cyndy some time.” That has Peter’s eyes sharpening on the younger man. Something’s definitely up. “If he tires I’ll bring him straight back.”

  “Ready mom.” Victoria walks out of the bathroom and sees Lucas through the doorway to the main quarters. He gives her a slight nod. Walking over to her mother, she gives her a slightly strained smile.

  “I’m ready.” Not noticing anything, she grips her daughter’s arm, thinking only of a hot shower. “This is going to be wonderful Tori.”

  Saying nothing, Tori helps her mom stand. In the bathroom, Victoria helps her mother remove her clothes, and while she knows she’s improved in the last ten days, it’s barely noticeable on Cyndy’s body. What will her father think when he sees her? Adjusting the water temp, she sends up a silent prayer to the ancestors.

  “All set mom. In you go just like before. There’s a chair to sit on if you tire and the shower gel…. I forgot the gel. I’ll go get it and be right back.” She gives her a slight smile. “Go ahead and get in, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Leaving the bathroom, Victoria hopes her mother will forgive her. Entering the public quarters she finds her dad alone.

  “Where’s Brett?” She tries to act innocently.

  “Lucas took him to see the command center.” Peter watches as his daughter moves to a bag she brought.

  “Oh, he’ll like that. He’s been full of questions.”


  “Dad, I need to go to medical for a little bit. Could you take this in to mom?” She holds out the shower gel.


  “Great, I’ll be back later.” Quickly, she leaves the room before she changes her mind.

  Leaning her head, back Cyndy lets the heat of the water soak into her bones. It had been so long and she’d never truly believed she could feel this again. Life had become so basic in the last few years… cycles, she needs to remember. Peter had been amazing for the last, what had Tori said, nine cycles, not only delivering their son but also keeping them alive. He never broke, not once, in all that time but recently she’d sensed his desperation as the food ran out. The water becoming undrinkable and there being no solution but to go out into the environment.

>   Entering the bathroom, Peter freezes. His wife, the love of his life has her head tipped back letting the steaming water stream down her head and back. It should be soaking her beautiful red curls, but it had fallen out months ago. It’s the condition of her body that freezes him. She’s always been a little thing but soft and full of curves, now he can see every rib, every vertebra, her hips so pronounced, it hurt’s to look at them. The plastic bottle falls from his hand.

  “Tori?” Cyndy’s head turns at the sound, her eyes widening when she sees Peter. “Peter?” She quickly tries to cover herself.

  Devastated eyes meet hers.


  “Get out! Peter… get out!” Ignoring her he steps into the shower, dropping to his knees in front of her.

  “Oh God, Cyndy….” Wrapping his arms around her hipbones, he carefully lays her head in lap and cries.

  “Shh…. Peter…” Cyndy runs gentle fingers through his hair. “It’s okay. I’m okay.”

  “I’ve failed you.”

  “No! No, you haven’t. Peter….”

  “You’d be dead right now, you and Brett, if it wasn’t for Tori and Lucas.”

  “Peter,” Cyndy forces his face up, making him meet her eyes. “You did everything you could, you kept us alive.”

  “This is alive? You’re sick. You’ve lost your beautiful hair, your voice…”

  “I have you! I have Brett and Tori. Without you, none of that could have happened!”

  “I didn’t save you! Tori did!”

  “She couldn’t have, if you hadn’t been able to keep us alive! Peter, you were able to make four years’ worth of food last for over nine! There would have been nothing to save if it wasn’t for you!” When he goes to stand, she grips his shoulders allowing his strength to pull her up. “Peter…”

  “You’ve lied and deceived me Cyndy. You made Brett and my masks thicker than yours! You didn’t let me know how dire your condition had become! You had no weight to lose in the first place!” He steps out of the shower.

  “I did what was necessary!” She follows him out of the bathroom, ignoring her nakedness. “You did what was necessary to keep us alive and so did I! I have as much right to protect those I love as you do!” Turning to argue with her, Peter watches as suddenly Cyndy pales and begins to cough.

  “Cyndy!” Catching her before she hits the deck, he eases her to the floor. “Easy baby, come on, cough it up, I’ve got you.” When the attack ends, Cyndy lays her head on his chest, exhausted.

  “I love you, Peter, I always have, I always will. There’s nothing I won’t do for my family.” Feeling her start to shake, he lifts her gently laying her on the bed.

  “Rest Cyndy. All you need to do is rest.”

  “I need you, Peter, just you.” Lifting the blanket, he’d tucked around her she waits. “Please Peter…” Stripping off his wet clothes, he slides under the covers with his wife.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Instead of heading to medical, Victoria turns towards the Command Center. Inside, she finds Brett sitting in the Admiral’s chair, his excited eyes meeting hers.

  “Look Tori! I’m in the Admiral’s chair!”

  “I see.” Walking over, she kisses Quinn’s cheek.

  “Thank you, Quinn.”

  “Not a problem, thought he could give it a trial run.”

  “What do you think Brett? Want to be an Admiral?” Tori asks.

  “I want to be a pilot! And fly like you and Lucas.” The adults smile at him.

  “The Admiral is a pilot, Brett.” Victoria informs him.

  “You are?” Big eyes turn to Quinn.

  “It’s been a few cycles since I sat in a Blade, but yeah. Now I fly a Battle Star. It’s just a much bigger version of a Blade.” Victoria sees the Admiral give Lucas a pointed look.

  “Wow….” Brett whispers properly impressed.

  “Admiral, you have Captain Blair waiting for you on line one.” He's second in command says.

  “Come on, Brett, time to get up. The Admiral’s got work to do.”

  Sliding out of the chair, Brett faces Quinn.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “You’re welcome, Brett. Come back anytime.” Taking his seat, Quinn puts on his headset.

  “How are you feeling, Brett?” Lucas leads them out of the Command Center.


  “You’re not tired?” Tori quizzes.


  “Want to see the flight deck?” Lucas asks, looking at Victoria, seeing her slight nod.

  “That’s where the ships, the Blades, are right?” He looks up to Lucas.

  “It sure is.”

  “I’d like to see that.”

  “Then we need to head this way, but if you start feeling tired, let me know. I’ll carry you, you don’t want to overtired, you’ll get sick again, understand?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Victoria watches the interchange between her life mate and brother. Lucas is so good with him. She shouldn’t be surprised. She’s seen him with Kayden, Jacob and Willie. He’s a natural father, loving, caring, concerned. It makes her hope she’s conceived, just to see him with their child. Looking over at her, Lucas catches her eye and raises an eyebrow. Giving him a soft smile, she just continues walking. They pause as they enter the flight deck, giving Brett time to take everything in.

  “Major.” Tank walks over to him with a screen in hand. “I need your signature to release some things from inventory.” He hands him the request form and a pin. Looking at Tori and Brett, he nods. Reading the screen, Lucas scrawl’s his signature across the bottom.

  “The Blades?”

  “About fifty percent repaired, should be one hundred percent in another twenty four.”

  “That’s good, nice work, Tank.”

  “Thank you, Major.” With a last nod to Victoria and Brett, he turns away.

  “Are you in charge of all this?” Brett looks up at Lucas, wonder in his voice.

  “He is.” Victoria answers for him. “Lucas isn’t only a pilot. He’s in charge of all the pilots on the Retribution and the flight crew. They’re both the best in the Coalition.”

  “Wow!” Looking at Lucas, she can tell Lucas is uncomfortable with her praising him.

  “Other’s do all the hard work Brett, Tank is one of them.” He gestures to the man’s retreating. “He’s one of our top mechanics. Another one is Lorre.” He points to the woman walking towards them. “She’s in charge of all the mechanics and keeps the flight deck working.”

  “Hey Major, Tori and who is this?” Lorre smiles down at Brett.

  “This is my brother, Brett. Brett this is a friend of mine Lorre.”

  “Hello.” Brett stares up at the tall woman.

  “Hi Brett. It’s great to meet you.” She holds out her hand, he looks at her confused.

  “You shake it, like this.” Lucas shows him by taking Lorre’s hand. “It’s a greeting, a show of respect.”

  “Oh.” Brett holds out his hand. “It’s great to meet you too.” He gives her a beaming smile.

  “Oh, you’re going to be a heartbreaker aren’t you?”

  “What?” Victoria laughs at Brett’s confusion.

  “I’ll explain it to you later.”

  “Can I have a minute, Major?”

  “Go ahead. I’ll take Brett to your office.” Victoria leads him away, smiling as his eyes quickly scan the deck trying to see everything at once. Once in the office she pulls out a chair.

  “So what do you think?”

  “There’s so much to see, so many people.” He suddenly lowers his eyes.

  “What?” Victoria kneels before him. “Brett what’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?”

  “No,” he answers quietly.

  “Then what?”

  “Are you sure I can learn? That I can know what they know?” He points to the flight deck.

  “Oh honey, yes! Yes, you can! I know it seems like a lot right now, but you’ll learn it a little
at a time, just as I did. Just like Lucas did. He didn’t just wake up one day and know all this. It takes time.”

  “You’re sure?”


  “Okay.” He raises trusting eyes to hers. “Tori, I’m tired.”

  “Then we need to get you back to quarters. Come on,” Standing, she holds out her hand. “We’ll go tell Lucas.” Hand in hand, brother and sister leave the office.

  “What have you got, Lorre?”

  “The final repair list for the Phoenix.” She hands him a screen. Reading, Lucas has to raise an eyebrow.

  “It was that bad?” Serious eyes met his.

  “The cargo doors shouldn’t have been able to close. The entire ship should have decompressed. The ancestors were watching over you.”

  “So it would seem. Can you safely repair it or should I send for alternate transport?”

  “Give me another twelve and I’ll know for sure, but my best guess is no, she’s going to be scrapped.”

  “Fuck!” He looks behind her and sees Brett and Victoria walking towards him. He’d known he’d come close to losing her but this…. “I’ll contact the High Admiral and have him arrange for alternate transport.”

  “I’m sorry, Lucas.”

  “Don’t be, I trust your judgment, Lorre. If you say its scrap, it's scrap. Hey what’s up?” He looks at Victoria.

  “Brett’s starting to tire.”

  “Then we need to head back. Thanks, Lorre.”

  “No problem, Lucas. See you later, Tori. It was nice to meet you, Brett.” Turning, she walks away.

  “What?” Tori can tell there’s something wrong.

  “Later. So Brett, do you want a lift?”

  “Yeah, that might be good.” Brett's little shoulders sag.

  “Then up you go, step right here.” Kneeling down, he pats his thigh. “Now reach over my shoulder and grab my neck.” Standing, Lucas swings him up for a piggyback ride. Hooking his legs, he looks over his shoulder. “Okay?”

  “Yeah.” Brett rests his chin on Lucas’ shoulder as they head off the flight deck.

  Victoria watches Lucas carry Brett, tears in her eyes. She should have realized he’d consider the young boy’s feelings, that by carrying him on his back kept Brett’s pride was intact. Was it any wonder she loved the man?


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