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Victoria's Challenge

Page 41

by M. K. Eidem

  “Yes! Oh God yes, Lucas!” Victoria moans her fingers digging into his shoulder, her head falling back, exposing her neck to him. Lucas knows he isn’t going to last, it’s been too long. Using his thumb, he finds her nub driving her to orgasm. As her silken walls clinch him, he thrusts once more and joins her in heaven. Lucas buries his face in her neck, trying to catch his breath as he feels Victoria’s fingers in his hair, caressing his scalp as she holds him close. Dropping gentle kisses along her neck, he works his way up to hover over her mouth.

  “I love you, Victoria.” He whispers hoarsely, his lips brushing hers as he speaks. “I’ve been only half alive without you.”

  “Me too.” She gives him a soft kiss before pulling away slightly to look into the violet eyes she loves. “I dreamed of how I would feel when I finally brought my family home.” Her eyes fill with tears as she caresses his cheek. “It was everything I expected but it was also flat, because you weren’t there to share it with, not all my family was home.”

  “I’m so sorry, Victoria.” He’s eyes fill, knowing he’s let her down.

  “Shhh… no…” She frames his face, feeling his pain. “It not your fault, please don’t think I blame you. I know there will times we’ll be separated and I’ll handle it. I only wanted you understand that I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure it doesn’t.” Tears flow done her cheeks. “I needed to be here to help my family adjust and you needed to be on the Retribution, but you need to understand that they will never again take precedence over you, from now on, you come first, Lucas, always.”

  Lucas can’t help but stare at her. How can she say that? With everything she went through to get her family here, after what they survived, together, before he ever entered their lives. “Victoria…” He doesn’t know what to say.

  “Shhh…” Gentle fingers float across his lips to be replaced by her lips. “I just needed to let you know that you will always be my priority.” She circles her hips, feeling his cock still deep inside her start to swell. “I will never get enough of you, Lucas, never.” Tightening her thighs, she lifts herself, squeezing his growing length before starting her ride.

  Lucas twists so his back is braced against the wall as his arms support her. Letting her take him with her on her ride. “Yes!” His eyes bore into hers. “More! Take it all, Victoria!” He can feel himself pounding against the entrance of her womb demanding her acceptance. When she melts around him, his body tenses then floods her with his seed.

  “Lucas!” Victoria is trembling as she collapses in his arms, knowing he’ll support her. All her life, she’s waited for him, waited for him to see her as a woman. On the Retribution, he loved her but he’d known it was all new to her, here, now, he loved her as a woman, his woman, his equal and there was a difference. Turning her head, she kisses the sweat off his neck.

  “You’re still in your uniform.” Her tongue captures another drop.

  “I was impatient.” He kisses the top of her head.

  Slowly, she lifts her head her eyes reflecting her level of satisfaction and smiles.

  “I’ll never be able to see you in this uniform again, Captain, and not remember this.” Lucas gives her a cocky grin. Slowly he lifts her off him, setting her carefully on her feet before leaning down easing her pants back up. With their clothing fixed, they sit, reconnecting with what's happened to each while they’ve been apart. Lucas tells her about Gad while she tells him about the problems her mother and father are having.

  “So, has he broke yet?” Lucas asks, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear.


  “I can’t believe he held out so long, I won’t have if you were parading around in your eadai.”

  “Really? I’ll have to remember that.” She gives him a seductive smile. “I don’t think you noticed what I was wearing earlier.” She teasingly starts to reach for the top button of her shirt.

  “Victoria…” He groans reaching for her only to be interrupted by a pounding on the door. Rising he goes to the door he’d forgotten he locked.

  William stands outside his office, an office he’s been locked out of, thanking the ancestors only Jotham is with him.

  Jotham grins at him. “Do you remember that time in the women’s shower, our fourth cycle?” he asks.

  “They should have locked the door if they wanted to keep us out.” William grins back.

  “Lata admitted they did it on purpose.” Jotham is still smiling when Lucas opens the door.

  Victoria barely keeps from blushing when Uncle William and Jotham enter the room. They had to know why the door had been locked. She’d quickly checked her clothes when Lucas got up and knew everything was in place but still... standing she walks over Jotham.

  “King Jotham, it is so good to see you again.” Ignoring protocol, she rests her hands on his chest as she goes on her toes to kiss his cheek. “I can’t wait for you to meet my family.”

  “I would be honored to meet them whenever you like, and it’s good to see you too.” Jotham kisses the top of her head before stepping back.

  “And you, Uncle William,” She turns teasing eyes to him. “I should be very upset with you for not telling me you’d accepted my proposal.” With a hand on her hip, she reminds him of Cassandra when she’s lecturing him.

  “You were informed when you needed to be.” His lips twitch as he tries not to smile.

  “I need to contact Dr Selfridge, explain to her…”

  “It’s already been done.” William interrupts her. “She’ll announce it at Camotes at 1400 today and hand out applications.”

  “She wasn’t upset?” Victoria’s worried eyes look to William, thinking about her mentor.

  “No. She seemed to be expecting it. She informed me what you accomplished with Lucas is ground breaking medicine, and she’s only upset that she won’t be part of it.”

  “Oh.” Now Victoria blushes.

  “I’m very proud of you Victoria.” William hugs the woman he’d always thought of as a daughter.

  “Thanks, Uncle William.”

  “So are you ready to see your new treatment facility?”

  “That’s why there were modifications made to the Guardian.” Victoria steps away unashamedly wiping her eyes.

  “Yes, we used your designs and some suggestions from Selfridge. It’s the most advanced facility of its kind on or off planet.”

  “That’s only right. It’s for the members of the Coalition.”

  “Dad, can we catch up with you?” Lucas asks. “I’d like to speak with King Jotham for a minute, if that’s alright with your Majesty.”

  Jotham nods and both men wait as Victoria and William leave.

  “What can I do for you, Lucas?”

  “First your Majesty, I would like to thank you for the honor you’ve given me. The Guardian.” Lucas can’t keep the awe out of his voice. “If only half of what I’ve heard is true, she’ll be an amazing ship.”

  “She is and as I’ve said, you’ve more than earned it, Lucas. I’d almost given up hope that Quinn would ever get you to take the Captain’s test.” Jotham enjoys the shocked look on Lucas’ face. “You were the only one I wanted for the Guardian, Lucas. Your record is extraordinary and your testing proved to all you earned your position, which I never doubted for a minute. Then there’s your continued loyalty to the House of Protection, even after everything Dadrian did.”

  “Your Majesty!” Lucas can’t keep the horror out of his voice. “That was absolutely not your fault!”

  “I was his father!” Jotham fires at him, his anger at what happened still alive.

  “And he was a grown man!” Lucas fires back. “My King, you have never once in your entire reign faltered from doing what is right to protect not only your House, but Carina. We all hold ourselves up to the standards you set, that not all can attain them, is not a reflection on you.”

  “I should have reported him to the Full Assembly.”

  “Then Audric would have won an
d Carina might no longer be. Please my King, let it go. Things happened as they needed too.”

  “You sound a great deal like your father.” Jotham gives him a slight smile.

  “I’ve been lucky to have him and you guide me.” Jotham bows slightly, thanking him for his compliment and knows it’s time to change the subject.

  “So what is the second thing you wanted to say?” Jotham watches as the confident man who just seconds ago was arguing with him, looks away. “Lucas? What is it?”

  “I wish to ask a favor of my King.” When Lucas finally meets Jotham’s eyes, Jotham can see the nerves in them. “In two moon cycles, Victoria and I will be leaving on the Guardian. I’d planned on waiting but with her family here now….”

  “Lucas what are you asking of me?” Jotham is totally confused.

  “Would you perform Victoria’s and my Union? I haven’t officially asked her yet, or said that I’m asking you, but she’ll be thrilled.”

  Jotham feels his throat tighten. To marry Lucas and Victoria, it would be like marrying his own daughter.

  “I would be honored, Lucas, truly honored.” he finally replies. “Let me know when and where.” Jotham suddenly can’t help but smile, he doesn’t know when he’s had a better day.

  “Thank you, my King.”


  “Yes, your Majesty?”

  “I think you can call me Jotham now.”

  “I… Majesty…” Lucas takes a deep breath, knowing he’s been given a rare honor. “Jotham. Thank you.”

  “No Lucas. Thank you. You and Victoria… gives an old man hope.”

  “You’re not old your Maje… Jotham,” he corrects himself.

  “Don’t argue with your King, Lucas.” Jotham smiles. “Now let’s go see your new ship.” Jotham rubs his hands together excitedly. “She’s a beauty.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Victoria sits with Lucas’ arm around her shoulder, listening to him and his father discuss possible personnel for the Guardian as the Arrow speeds for home. Jotham having left earlier on his own private shuttle. Smiling she enjoys listening to them, they are so alike, it gives her a glimpse of what her life mate will one day be.

  The tour of the Guardian had been eye opening for Victoria. She’d never been on a battleship before and the Guardian is no ordinary one. She has the cyclotron propulsion system that Amina’s been helping her father with for the last two cycles. It also a defense system that rivaled the Retribution and the Burn Center... Victoria wanted to get up and do a happy dance. It rocked. It had everything her proposal asked for, her people were going to be able to help so many. Now she just had to get them there in two months. She’ll have to contact Selfridge tonight.

  “Victoria!” Lucas squeezes her shoulder.

  “Hmmm? What?” From the amused look on his face, she can tell he’s been trying to get her attention for a while.

  “We’ve landed.”

  “What? Already?” She gives them both a sheepish look. “Sorry lost in thought.”

  “Thinking about your Unit and talking to Selfridge?”

  “Yeah.” Smiling, she lets him pull her up and they head to the Palace.

  As third meal ends, Victoria sits back, looking at everyone gathered around the table. Aunt Cassie, Uncle William and their boys, her mom, dad and brother, along with Kyle, Kira, and baby Kristen. Leaning forward, she taps her glass silencing everyone.

  “Lucas has an announcement to make.” Victoria says looking at her life mate.

  “Victoria…” Lucas sends her an exasperated look.

  “They have the right to know, a right to share in your achievement.”

  “Lucas?” Cassandra rubs her distended stomach trying to calm her daughter. She looks at her husband and sees she’s missed something.

  “What’s happened, Lucas?” Kayden asks his young eyes alight.

  “Tell them, Lucas.” Victoria squeezes his arm encouraging him. Slowly standing, Lucas looks at everyone around the table, his family.

  “Early today, I was promoted to Captain.” The gasp that follows his announcement has Victoria smiling.

  “Tell them the rest.” She prompts.

  “I’ve been given my first ship.” He pauses, unable to keep the smile off his face. “The Guardian.”

  “What!” Kyle surges to his feet. “The Guardian! Lucas!” In seconds, he’s around the table hugging his brother. “That’s so awesome!”

  “What is the Guardian?” Peter asks looking at his daughter.

  “It is the newest battleship in the Coalition, every member of the Coalition wants on it and to be its Captain…” Victoria can’t keep the pride out of her voice. Peter nods and is about to congratulate Lucas himself when Cassie speaks.

  “You knew this?” Cassandra turns to her husband. “And didn’t tell me?” Everyone hears the outrage in Cassie’s voice. “He’s your son! My niece’s life mate and you didn’t think I had the right to know?!!”

  “Cassandra, it was Coalition business. There were still things to settle. Lucas did that today in front of the High Council.” Wincing he realizes he’d just dug his hole deeper.

  “The High Council….” Cassandra’s tone is deceptively quiet. “You informed me there was no reason for me to be at the High Council meeting today. That it was a basic meeting dealing with the everyday running of the Coalition.”

  “And it was.”

  “Lucas, your son, got promoted to Captain today and you didn’t think I would want to be there?!!” Cassandra takes a sharp breath, wincing.

  “Cassandra, your seven cycles pregnant. Bliant’s told you to slow down. Flying to Bering isn’t something you should be doing right now.”

  “That should have been my choice, William.”

  “I might as well finish digging your hole for you, dad.” Lucas looks at the two arguing and can’t help but smile. Cassie would forgive his father, she always did, especially when he is only protecting her.

  “What else have you been keeping from me, William Hale Zafar?”

  “Dad… mom used all your names.” Kayden looks at them in awe then smiles at his brothers. “You’re really in trouble.” The boys giggle, watching with excited eyes, they were usually the ones in trouble.

  “Everyone,” Lucas pulls Victoria from her seat. “I’d like to introduce you to the head of the newly formed Coalition Burn Treatment Unit that will be stationed on the Guardian.” He kisses the top of Victoria’s head as she beams at Cassie.

  “What?” Cassie looks from Victoria to Lucas to William, understanding finally dawning. “You did this…”

  Everyone is up giving hugs and congratulations when Cassandra suddenly bends over grabbing her stomach.

  “Cassandra!” William is immediately at her side.

  “I’m fine.” Taking a deep breath, she straightens giving him a reassuring smile. “She just surprised me.”

  “Cassie?” Peter’s concerned voice has her turning.

  “I’m fine Peter, really….” Suddenly another pain doubles her over. If not for William, she’d be on the floor.

  “Mom!” Kayden cries out.

  “William…” She whispers, pale and sweaty as she rises.

  “Cassie, you’re in labor.” Peter is at her side.

  “I can’t be, I’m only seven cycles.”

  “The girl always comes early,” Peter tells her.

  “What?” She gives her brother a confused look.

  “Didn’t Gram’s ever tell you?” Peter stares at her shocked. “Qwes girls are always six to eight weeks early. You were nine, scared the shit out of everyone, including Gram’s.”

  “Now you tell us!” William roars at Peter as he scoops Cassandra up, heading for their bedroom.

  “I thought you knew…”

  “Dad, you Kyle and Kira take the boys to your chamber.” Victoria orders, taking control of the situation. “Lucas, contact Bliant, get him here, now. Mom, you’re with me.” Expecting her orders to be followed, Victoria wa
lks to the bedroom.

  “Mom, the towels are in the bathroom. Go get them.” Victoria tells her as she moves to the bed. “Uncle William, I need to check her.”


  “The baby’s coming, I need to check her.” The next hour passes in a blur as together, the three of them work to help Cassandra give birth to her fourth and final child, a little girl that will one day be Queen of the House of Knowledge.

  “She’s hurting too much,” William growls at Victoria.

  Victoria ignores him, she knows this isn’t what they’d had planned. Bliant was supposed to be here, along with a specialized medical team, but this little girl wasn’t going to wait.

  “One more, Aunt Cassie.” Tori encourages, knowing she’s tired. She’s been having continuous, hard contractions for the last twenty minutes. It’s something she’s never seen before. “Here she comes.” She tells her as Cassandra bares down one more time. The little girl slips into Victoria’s waiting arms and even before Cyndy quickly clears her nose and mouth, she’s crying her displeasure. Victoria can tell she’s healthy, she can just feel it, frowning, she looks at the baby’s birthmark then lifts tear filled eyes to her Aunt.

  “Victoria?” Cassandra’s eyes never leave hers.

  “She beautiful, Aunt Cassie.” Standing, she puts the baby in William’s arms. “Say hello to your daughter, Uncle William.” The look on his face is something Victoria will never forget. This large man, who saved not only her life but Aunt Cassie’s, who fought for them against all odds, unashamedly lets tears flow down his cheeks as he places a soft kiss on his daughter’s tiny head before carefully handing her to Cassandra.

  Victoria and Cyndy leave the happy family just as Bliant rushes in. Victoria fills him in on what had occurred. Giving him her assessment of both Cassandra and the baby. Once they are in the living room Victoria can no longer hold back her tears. Cyndy’s arms go around her.

  “It’s alright baby, you did an amazing job.”

  “I was so scared, mom. I’ve never seen a labor like that. I don’t know how Aunt Cassie survived it.”


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