Summer Love in the Country: Sweet & Steamy Instalove Romance #1 (Summer Instalove)

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Summer Love in the Country: Sweet & Steamy Instalove Romance #1 (Summer Instalove) Page 4

by Haley Travis

  Gus absolutely adored Miriam’s pasta. They began telling vivid stories of her most

  fascinating dinners in the years they’d been here. I noticed that Dean was quieter, and

  wasn’t sure why it worried me.

  Everyone went their separate ways after dinner, and I thought I should take advantage of

  the gigantic farmhouse porch to watch the sunset. Finding a comfortable padded bench that

  faced west, I sat down to stare at the streaks of orange and pink, blurred by a few distant


  “Would you like some company?” a deep voice asked from around the corner.

  I turned to smile at Dean. “Sure.”

  He sat on the bench beside me, turning to face me as much as he could. “How did your

  writing go this afternoon?”

  I told him all about my organizing, and transforming my room into the book itself. He

  chuckled, nodding. I loved the way his slightly wavy hair ruffled in the soft breeze. “Perhaps

  sleeping under a wall of your poetry will inspire you to write even more,” he said with a grin.

  “I’d sort of like to see that.”

  “You can pop by anytime,” I said.

  He shook his head. “It’s a kind of unspoken rule around here that the staff should keep their

  distance from the guests in some ways. Perhaps not hanging out in their bedrooms.”

  “Oh.” I couldn’t hide my disappointment.

  Dean shrugged. “I guess there are probably some summer affairs that people keep secret.”

  His eyes burned into mine as he slowly said, “But I’m not a guy who is into a fling.”

  I realized that I was nodding automatically. “Some of my girlfriends are hoping to do that

  sort of thing this summer. I don’t know. I’m forcing myself to try new things, but… I guess I

  don’t know where I stand on that.”

  Dean’s hand slowly reached out to lay across mine. “Now, if there were the potential for a

  relationship, that would be different. Don’t you think?”

  Turning more toward him, I nodded. “Anything is possible if two people want to try

  something new together,” I said softly.

  He reached out to run his fingers along the back of my neck, caressing my skin under my

  hair. “I like your hair down,” he said softly. “It’s sensible to tie it back during the day, but I like that there seems to be a daytime and nighttime version of you.”

  We were both leaning closer, and my breath began to catch as I realized what might be

  happening at any moment.

  But he paused, looking uncomfortable as he studied my eyes. “Joanna, I’m not rich. I make

  a darn good living, and I’m a hard worker, but I’ll never be the kind of man who can provide

  flashy, expensive things.”

  It was strange that he was warning me immediately. Maybe he’d known too many

  materialistic women. “I don’t care. I’ve always preferred experiences to things. Going to a

  play, a concert, or just spending time with good people.”

  His easy smile made my belly flutter. “How old are you?”


  “Do you care that I’m thirty-four?”

  I shook my head, my hair falling slightly into my face. “Not at all.”

  His hand darted out to tuck my hair behind my ear. “I know I haven’t been able to stop

  touching you,” he said softly. “I’ve been trying like hell, and I just can’t control it.”

  “I like it,” I said quickly, hoping it wasn’t too forward. “Maybe it’s a sign.”

  His thick arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me closer. “A sign that I should touch you more?”

  I began to nod as his lips met mine, gliding so softly against my skin that I nearly gasped.

  As he held me close, our mouths moving together so gently, I could feel the heat of his huge

  body almost overtaking me.

  My breath quickened as my lips parted and his tongue darted in. A wave of lust rushed

  through me, as if my blood had been spiked with pepper sauce. My arms reached around

  his wide shoulders, pulling him close until I was sitting in his lap.

  “You’re so beautiful, Joanna,” he murmured, his thumb stroking my cheekbone as he

  cupped my face. “I know that you’re young and free, and trying different things this summer.

  I don’t want to be the guy that ties you down or holds you back.”

  I couldn’t help my sudden giggle. “Are you crazy? Being with a guy at all is a wild adventure

  for me.”

  His bright eyes blazed. “A girl as pretty as you has never had a boyfriend?”

  “I was too busy studying,” I whispered as I shook my head, my nose brushing against his

  with every movement. The hand around my back clenched as he gripped me tighter, and I

  could feel the desire surging through him.

  He kissed me again, this time with even more heat. I felt like I was in a dream. There was

  no way a man this gorgeous, this strong and clever, should be so infatuated with me.

  Bringing my hands around to the front of his tight t-shirt, I dragged my fingers down his

  chest, feeling every muscle along his torso. His hand slid along my outer thigh, down to my

  knee. His fingertips circled my skin, moving to the inside as he began to inch under my skirt.

  I had no idea that my inner thighs were so sensitive, and as he slowly moved another inch

  higher, I heard myself gasp against his lips. Then I heard the porch creak on the south side,

  and was suddenly sitting back on the bench, a polite foot away.

  “I’d like to read some of your poetry,” Dean said quietly as if we were in the middle of a

  normal conversation. “Is it all about life in the city?”

  “A little bit,” I smiled, watching Miriam come into view around the corner. “Overall, I’m

  exploring themes of how the human condition is influenced by modern-day life. Sometimes

  it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, and oftentimes it’s just plain weird.”

  Dean nodded. “Like how cell phones were supposed to bring everyone together, but now

  everyone stares at the screen instead of at their dinner partner?”

  “Precisely.” I turned to give Miriam a wave.

  “Nice night,” she said. “Just checking the weather for tomorrow.”

  “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. So, no rain tomorrow?” I asked.

  Dean laughed while Miriam gave a bit of a snort. “I wish it were that easy,” she said.

  “There’s a tiny bit of red, but there’s lots of purple mixed in, and a line of clouds to the

  north. I’d say tomorrow could go either way.”

  “I think we’re due for rain,” Dean said. “I’m guessing it holds off until after lunch.”

  Miriam nodded, studying the sky. “We should know by morning. Have a nice night, you two.”

  “Good night,” I called as she disappeared back around the corner.

  Dean reached out to squeeze my hand. “I’m sorry I had to push you away. I know that she

  really likes you, and I’m not sure where she really stands lately about that unspoken rule. I

  can test out the waters with her, but until then…”

  I nodded quickly. “A little secret,” I said, raising my eyebrow to make him laugh. “I’ve never been the secret woman before,” I whispered dramatically. “Is there a code, or a special


  His fingers entwined with mine as he leaned in to give me a slow, sweet kiss. Then he sat

  back, holding my hand as we stared at the sky. We watched the sunset shifting colors in

  silence, just being still together. Somehow, it was the perfect, poetic end t
o the most

  romantic evening of my life.


  * Dean *

  I’d always loved early mornings. The fresh, crisp air. The warmth of the fresh summer

  breeze was instantly refreshing. As much as I adored Miriam’s coffee, there were some

  days I didn’t even need it.

  On the way to pick up Joanna, I was so wired that I realized I might be in trouble. I was

  supposed to be preventing this from happening. I was obviously the more mature person in

  this situation. Self-control was an important trait in a quality man, so why wasn’t I able to

  keep my hands to myself around her?

  Although I didn’t know Joanna very well yet, I knew that she’d likely be better off with a guy who at least lived closer to her home. Yet all I could think of was her sweet, delicate face.

  Our sunset kisses last night had been the most electrifying feeling I’d ever experienced.

  There was no way I could deny that there was something between us. I didn’t want there to

  be, for her own good. But if she’d made a decision, then I was going to find a way to be

  with her.

  The urge to care for her was overwhelming, and I couldn’t help picturing us waking up

  someday in our own home. I’d head to the fields, and she’d head to her writing desk that I’d

  build her any way she wanted.

  My fantasy was interrupted by the sound of two other four-wheelers, as I saw Dusty

  leading Ryan out to one of the east fields. I didn’t want him hanging out anywhere near

  Joanna, and was relieved that I’d get to spend some more time with her before she met

  him. Guys like that were full of promises, but usually didn’t really care for women for the

  long haul.

  The last few times Ryan was here, I think he hooked up with at least one or two girls. The

  thought of Joanna with a less than dedicated man turned my stomach.

  When I tapped on her door, she answered immediately, greeting me with a huge smile as

  she grabbed her things.

  “We’re going a bit farther today, so you’ll have to hold on tight,” I said as she climbed onto the four-wheeler behind me. Feeling her little hands wrap around to squeeze my stomach

  made me feel more comfortable. Like she trusted me.

  We spent a pleasant few hours harvesting spinach and kale, and once again she surprised

  me by how hard she worked. This time I reminded both of us to stretch every half hour.

  As we stopped to take a water break, she looked up at me with the cutest grin. “Why do

  you keep staring off into space?”

  I pointed to the northwest. “I’m watching the sky. Those dark clouds are coming closer. I need to decide in the next few minutes if we should go back.”

  The breeze was picking up as she turned to look. A few strands of hair had escaped her

  braid and were now waving around her neck, taunting me to kiss her throat.

  “How can you tell if the clouds mean rain?”

  She turned completely, as I stepped to stand behind her, my arm immediately circling her

  waist. “Just spend years staring at clouds. It’s something you pick up, eventually.”

  Feeling the way her back pressed against me, I was flooded with another wave of hope.

  Maybe there really was a chance. She seemed genuinely interested in me. Surely this

  couldn’t be a fleeting summer romance, or something purely physical. She had to feel this

  strange force between us.

  Tossing my water bottle into the trailer, I snuggled her with both arms, surprised as she

  turned to face me. The way her chin tipped up for a kiss, almost begging, filled me with

  need so suddenly it was almost shocking.

  Pulling her close, I kissed her as gently as I could, feeling the blood thicken in my veins. The energy between us almost had a life of its own. Her entire body pressed against me as I

  heard her soft sigh.

  Her tongue against mine melted my spine as my arms locked around her. I knew that I was

  holding her too tightly. I knew that my body was behaving in a strangely possessive way. I’d

  never lost control before, but something about this brilliant, beautiful girl made me snap.

  Joanna’s hands caressed the back of my shoulders as I cupped her round ass, holding her

  against me. Her soft breasts were crushed against my chest, and her hips began to move

  back and forth, pressing my hard cock into her stomach.

  “Dammit, why can’t I stop around you?” I growled softly, as her eyes sparkled.

  “I’m not sure if I want you to stop,” she whispered.

  Christ, there was no way I could control anything now. Lifting her by the thighs, I sat her up on the bench of the four-wheeler, pressing myself between her thighs. I was rewarded with

  another soft moan, her body wriggling up against me as her legs locked around my hips.

  As her lips collided against mine, I felt a chill run through me as I realized how much I

  needed to take her, right here, right now. She was definitely thinking the same thing, her

  hands sliding up the back of my t-shirt to press her fingers against my skin.

  Gently grasping the back of her neck, I arched her backward so that I could kiss along her

  delicate throat while my other hand slid under her t-shirt and tank top to caress her

  luscious, full breasts. She gasped again, her eyes wide as she stared at me, both of us

  slightly shocked this was happening.

  Her tender skin felt like silk under my rough hand. My thumb ran around her nipple, studying the way her breath caught as her body gave a tiny jump.

  Joanna’s lovely eyes were dancing as she smiled at me, then she blinked hard. Then she

  blinked again, her face tipping back up to the sky.

  Leaning forward, her mouth brushed mine as she whispered, “I know I’ve never kissed

  anyone before, but I’ve certainly never kissed a guy in the rain.”

  I knew that she was innocent, but knowing that I was the only guy she had ever been with

  sent a surge of adrenaline straight through me. I needed to possess her. I need to make

  her mine and claim her hot, curvy body right now.

  Then I felt droplets hitting the back of my neck, and realized what she had said. Looking up,

  I saw that the sky had become dark. “Shit,” I muttered, keeping one arm around her, but

  spinning to study the clouds all around us.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked. “It’s just a little rain, and you’re so warm that it doesn’t matter.”

  “Scanning for lightning,” I said quickly.

  Although I didn’t see any, and I would have stayed out to work a bit longer if I were alone,

  there was no way on this earth I was going to let Joanna be outside in a lightning storm. It

  was something my mother had always been paranoid about, and it must have rubbed off on


  Setting her straight on the seat, I quickly lugged the huge baskets of greens into the trailer, pitching our water bottles in as well. “Put your sweater on, it’s going to kick in before we

  make it back.”

  I appreciated that she followed instructions immediately, without asking a slew of stupid

  questions like those flighty girls. She zipped up her hoodie and grabbed me the second I

  jumped on. It was raining steadily, but not violently as I took off down the trail.

  By the time I made it back to the main buildings, we were soaked to the skin. Driving

  straight into the barn, I cut the engine and turned to Joanna.

  She was laughing, even though she looked chilly. “Wow, that was… Refreshing,” she

  giggled. Her positiv
e attitude was adorable.

  Helping her off the vehicle, I snuck a look around, but there didn’t seem to be anyone

  around. Pulling her against me, I held her close to warm her up. “Are you okay, sweetie?” I

  murmured against her hair, rubbing her back briskly.

  “Yeah, I’ll be alright,” she said. “I’m stronger than I look, remember?”

  Dammit, I needed her more than ever, but didn’t want anyone to see us together quite yet.

  “Let’s get you back to your room so you can grab a hot shower and some dry clothes,” I

  said, forcing myself to put some space between us. She stuck out her bottom lip, pouting sexily.

  “You put that lip away or I’ll bite it right off,” I growled softly against her ear. Her little laugh was starting to drive me seriously crazy.

  Quickly walking her to her room in the guest house, it was torture to stand with her under

  the awning and not kiss her goodbye. “Have a good afternoon with your writing. I’ll see you

  at dinner.”

  “See you soon. Thanks for saving me from the storm,” she grinned.

  I watched until the door was shut behind her, then went into the main house, up the stairs to

  the far wing where my room was. Every farmhand had their own room and private

  bathroom, which was heaven compared to some of the operations I’d heard about.

  As I stripped off my wet clothes, stepping immediately into the shower, I couldn’t stop

  thinking about Joanna’s round hips under my hands.

  She was so sweet and young. Could I be the man she needed, even though I was more

  than a decade older? Did those things even matter anymore?

  Knowing that she was at a time in her life where she was into trying new experiences was a

  bit of a red flag to me. I’d never wanted anything beyond finding the right girl and settling

  down. I didn’t want to experiment, or sow my wild oats.

  Now that I was pretty sure I’d found my dream girl, I wanted to be the right man for her,

  and fast. In my heart, it was already a done deal.


  * Joanna *

  After a hot shower and a good stretch, I spent the afternoon writing like crazy. Words were

  just pouring out, and my hands could barely keep up.

  Alternating between typing and writing by hand, I managed to fill in several of the blanks in


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