Healed by Love (Love in Bloom: The Bradens)

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Healed by Love (Love in Bloom: The Bradens) Page 17

by Melissa Foster

  He grinned. “As many times as you want.”

  Her breathing came faster as his movements quickened, grew more powerful. He drove in deep and took her over the edge again and again, until her arms were too tired to hold on any longer. Then he sealed his lips over hers, and his hips moved faster. All of his glorious muscles tightened beneath her palms, and he buried his face in her neck and grunted through his own release. She felt his body pulse inside her, above her, around her. When the last shock rippled through his body, he held her close until their breathing calmed. He moved silently as he took care of the condom and returned to her side silently. Then he gathered her satiated and boneless body in his arms.

  He kissed her softly on her cheeks, her lips, her shoulder, cradling her against him. Jewel knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was what love was. Not just sex, not just incredible, earth-shattering orgasms, but dealing with the most hurtful emotions and knowing that at the end of it all stood the truth and the power of their love.

  She drifted off to sleep trusting that if they could survive all the painful truths they’d shared, nothing would ever come between them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  NATE AWOKE TO the feel of Jewel’s tongue on his nipple and her hand between his legs, stroking his erection.

  “Mm. I like this alarm clock.”

  She met his gaze and crawled up his body. “I don’t want you getting any chivalric ideas of needing to give me time and space to come to grips with having had sex for the first time.”

  “Babe, you don’t know me very well, do you?” Apparently, she knew him too well, because as she was falling asleep in his arms last night, he’d been thinking about drawing her a bubble bath this morning and letting her soak away the soreness he was sure she was feeling.

  “I think I know you pretty well.” She pressed her lips to his.

  “Your inner tigress is showing.” He shifted her beneath him, and she giggled. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Um, that would be you, Nate.” She smiled up at him with a playful look in her eyes.

  He ran his hand down the curve of her hip and kissed her neck. “Aren’t you too sore?”

  “I don’t know. A little tender, maybe?” She rocked her hips. “But not too tender to do it again.”

  “Are you sure? I really don’t want to hurt you.”

  “If it hurts, we’ll stop.” She reached for the nightstand, and he laughed.

  “You’re in a hurry.” He dug a condom out of the drawer.

  “If you’d just discovered chocolate, would you take one bite and be able to put it out of your mind, or would you go back for all you could eat?”

  “Oh, baby. I like how you think.” Nate sealed his lips over hers.

  Last night Nate had been struck dumb when Jewel had told him that she’d never had sex before. Jewel was beautiful and smart, and Nate knew she could have slept with dozens of guys in college, but on some deep level, she’d been waiting for him. Knowing that she was focusing on her family even at a time when everyone around her was sowing their wild oats made him sad and warmed him at the same time. He hated that she’d missed out on what some people call the best years of their lives, but he was honored that she trusted him enough, and cared for him enough, to allow him to be her first.

  Now he let her guide them, allowing her to explore her sensuality as she straddled him, controlling the intensity of their lovemaking. He ached, watching her body swallow every inch of him as she rode him fast and hard, then slower as she stroked his hard length along the sensitive spot that took her up, up, up, and over the edge time and time again.

  She cried out his name as the power of their love shuddered through her body. Hearing his name come off her lips and feeling her velvety heat tighten and pulse around him sent him spiraling out of control as he followed her over the edge.

  They lay in each other’s arms, breathing hard, aftershocks pulsing through their bodies, when the alarm on Jewel’s phone went off.

  They both groaned as she moved toward the edge of the bed to turn it off. Nate wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

  “Do you have to go into work early?” It was only six o’clock.

  “No, but I have to get over to Mom’s and get the kids their breakfast and make sure they’re off to school on time.”

  “Stay with me a while longer,” he urged.

  “Nate. They need me.” She shifted onto the edge of the bed, and he sat up beside her.

  “Don’t you think they can manage their own breakfasts?”

  “We have a schedule, Nate, and it works.”

  He kissed her and rose to his feet. “Then why don’t you take the morning to relax. Enjoy a hot bath, sit out on the deck and drink a cup of coffee, and I’ll go take care of them.”

  She smiled and kissed the cleft in his chin. “Thanks, but they’re expecting me. I’ll go after I shower.”

  “I’ll come with you, then.”

  “Really?” She wrinkled her brow.

  “You’re not alone in any of this anymore, Jewel.”

  She stood, smiling and naked, and he couldn’t help but rake his eyes down her gorgeous body. His heart ached at the redness on her inner thighs, abraded by the scruff on his jaw.

  “Aw, babe. I’m sorry.”

  She pressed her body to his. “I’m not.”

  “Who are you and what have you done with my modest girlfriend?” He followed her into the bathroom and turned on the shower. His hand froze when he realized what he’d said. Jewel Fisher was his girlfriend. Finally.

  “Girlfriends first.” She giggled as she stepped under the water.

  He stepped in behind her, already hard again and feeling like the luckiest guy in the world to be given another chance.

  Three amazing orgasms later—two for her, one for him—they finally left for Jewel’s mother’s house. They drove Jewel’s Jeep so they would have room for the kids, and arrived with ten minutes to spare.

  “I almost forgot. Tonight is my parents’ annual bonfire. Every year they save the Christmas tree, and we all get together to burn it in the spring. It’s a family tradition. Will you come with me?” He grabbed Rick’s letters to return to Jewel’s mother.

  “Tonight? I have to take Krissy to dance class.” She opened her door and stepped out. “She’ll be done at six. I can come over after. Does that work?”

  “Anytime works. I just want you with me. In fact, why don’t you all come? The kids would love it. We cook marshmallows and pass around the guitar.”

  “I forgot that you guys all played. I don’t know. They’ll have homework to do.”

  Nate took her hand in his. He could tell that the change to the schedule was uncomfortable for her by the way she was suddenly fidgeting, but Rick used to join their family for the bonfires, and he knew that he’d want his family to go and have a good time, too. To Jewel it was a schedule change. To Nate it was a way for her to carry forward a piece of her brother and his best friend.

  “Rick used to come over for it. All through high school. This would be something Patrick, Krissy, and Taylor could share in that Rick also experienced. I think it would be nice for them.”

  She dropped her gaze, then looked up at the house. “He did?” she asked softly.

  Nate nodded. “Always. He used to get a kick out of seeing who could pile more marshmallows on a stick, him or Shannon. Shannon’s in Colorado, so she won’t be there tonight, but…” He shrugged. “I know your family would love it, and it would give them motivation to get their homework done earlier so they could come.”

  “That’s a sneaky ploy.” She smiled. “Okay, I’ll run it by my mom.”

  As if on cue, Anita came out the side door, juggling her messenger bag, purse, and a coffee mug. Her hair hung in loose waves over her shoulders, and as she looked in their direction, her eyes widened.

  “What a nice surprise. I didn’t expect to see you here this morning, Nate.” Anita smiled at Nate as Jewel blushed.

“Hey, Mom.”

  “Hi, honey.”

  “Hi, Mrs. F. I hope you don’t mind that I came over to help Jewel with the kids.”

  “Goodness, no. The kids told me all about the canoe trip and how fun it was. Thank you.”

  “I should thank you.” Their eyes held, and a silent acknowledgment passed between them. Nate could tell she understood he was referring to the private talk they’d had the other day. “Patrick was a natural with the canoe. I’m heading over to Sam’s later today to help him out with a few things. Would you mind if I took Patrick? Jewel said he’s been moody lately, and sometimes having something of your own to focus on at that age can help.”

  “Are you kidding? I’d give anything for Patrick to have a responsible male role model. Spending time with you or Sam would be wonderful for him. But are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “I didn’t know you were thinking of doing that,” Jewel said. “You never mentioned it.”

  “I’m sorry.” He’d been so wrapped up in Jewel that he’d forgotten. “I should have mentioned it, but we’ve been so…busy...”

  Jewel blushed again, and Anita raised her brows. He realized what he’d implied and tried to get his foot out of his mouth.

  “I didn’t mean—” Christ. He turned to Anita and tried to regain a modicum of decorum. “I was thinking about it yesterday. I think he’d like it, and I can take Taylor with us since Jewel’s taking Krissy to dance class.”

  Jewel shook her head. “I’m going inside so you can’t embarrass me anymore.” She smiled, letting Nate know she wasn’t upset.

  “Sorry, babe,” he said, but she was already halfway across the lawn.

  “It’s okay, Nate. You guys should be busy,” Anita said.

  He scrubbed his hand down his face. “I didn’t mean that, and I didn’t mean to embarrass Jewel.”

  “I know. But you know what? A little embarrassment is good for her. She missed out on a lot of years of that kind of embarrassment. She has a lot of catching up to do.” She smiled. “Taylor can go to Katie’s after school. I’ll call her mother. Are you sure you don’t mind? Patrick can be pretty sullen when he wants to be.”

  “I’ve been a teenage boy. I think I can handle him.”

  “I’m sure you can. I think we all needed this, Nate. Thank you. I know Jewel needed this so badly.” She glanced back at the house. “She needed you, Nate. I take it she’s forgiven you?”

  He nodded and lifted one shoulder, unsure if forgiven was the right word. “We’re both trying to move forward. I’ll always feel guilty for what happened to Rick, but I feel more at peace having talked with you and Jewel.” He handed her the letters. “I was wondering if you’d mind if I kept one of the letters.” He pointed to the one on top of the pile.

  “Sure. The one where he gives you his blessing?” She set the letter in Nate’s hand. “Keep it.”

  Krissy barreled out the door. “Mom! Can I have money for the raffle fundraiser at school?” She smiled up at Nate. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

  He shrugged, as if his being there this early wasn’t a huge deal, even though he felt like he had crossed over some invisible line with Jewel and her mother and had become even more a part of their family.

  “Thought I’d drive over to school with you guys,” Nate said.

  Anita dug cash out of her purse and handed it to Krissy.

  “Why do you and Jewel think I’m an idiot? I know you’re dating.” Krissy set a hand on her hip and held Nate’s stare. “Right?”

  Anita smiled up at him.

  “You figured us out, Krissy.” Nate hoped Jewel didn’t get upset that he clued her in before she had a chance to.

  “Cool.” Krissy turned and ran into the house, yelling, “Patrick! I won the bet!”

  “Christ,” Nate mumbled under his breath.

  “Welcome to our world,” Anita joked.

  It was no joke to Nate. He’d wanted to be part of Jewel’s world for a long time.

  Patrick walked outside and smirked. “You cost me five dollars.”

  Nate laughed. “Five bucks, huh? Want to earn it back?”

  “How?” Patrick kicked the grass.

  “Come with me to Rough Riders later this week after school and help us out.”

  Anita smiled at her son. “I’m heading in to work. Patrick, go with him. You’ll have fun, and you can earn some money for those games you’ve been itching to buy.”

  “I can go?” His eyes widened in surprise.

  “Of course. Just behave and listen to Nate and Sam.” She opened her car door. “Oh, Patrick, tell Jewel that I’ll call Katie’s mom so Taylor can go there while Krissy’s at dance.”

  Nate waited for Patrick to walk back inside before turning to her. “I’m sure Jewel’s going to ask you later, but my parents’ annual bonfire to burn the Christmas tree is tonight. We’d love it if you guys would come.”

  She smiled up at him. “Rick used to love those. We wouldn’t miss it, and I appreciate the invitation. Now, if we could just get Jewel to let Krissy carpool, Jewel could have a little more free time and a little more fun, too.”

  Nate knew it was a tall order to try to get Jewel to accept that she didn’t need to be everything to everyone all the time, but he planned on being there every step of the way.

  Chapter Twenty

  CHELSEA HAD BEEN eyeing Jewel all day. They’d been so busy that Jewel hadn’t had any time to talk with her about Nate, and every time she thought about being close to him, she felt her whole body flush. Last night she’d wished she’d had more experience only so she wouldn’t feel like she was fumbling her way through sex with Nate, but everything about being close to him had come naturally and easily. It was like her hands knew how to touch him, and her body knew how to respond to his touch, his mouth, his hands, his…

  “I have a ten percent coupon. Is it still valid?” A woman thrust a coupon across the counter, pulling Jewel from her thoughts.

  She and Chelsea were running the registers beside each other. Jewel took the coupon, and Chelsea shot her a confused look, probably wondering where her mind had wandered to.

  “Yes. You can use this through next Friday.” Jewel began ringing up her purchases.

  Chelsea leaned over and said quietly, “You’re off work in ten minutes. When are you going to talk to me?”

  Jewel smiled at the young mother across the counter from her. “That’ll be twenty-eight ninety-two, please.”

  The woman shifted her baby onto her other hip, and while she dug through her purse, Jewel whispered her answer to Chelsea. “Not a convo for public consumption.”

  Chelsea raised her brows.

  Jewel finished ringing up the next few customers, and when she was done, Chelsea followed her to the back of the store. She heard Chelsea asking Mira to watch the registers and knew she was in for an inquisition.

  “Did you mean what I think you meant?” Chelsea asked.

  Jewel trapped her lower lip between her teeth, and Chelsea squealed and hugged her so tight that Jewel could hardly breathe.

  “So you forgave him!”

  “You look like you just won the lottery,” Jewel teased.

  “I didn’t, but you sure did. I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me all day. This is a huge step. I feel like we should celebrate or something.” Chelsea tapped her chin. “A Jewel-got-laid-by-the-hottest-guy-in-Peaceful-Harbor party!”

  Jewel grabbed her purse. “You make it sound like a competition.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to. I’m just so glad. It’s like you’ve whipped off your training bra and you’re ready to be a woman.” Chelsea sighed dreamily. “You and Nate. I’m so happy for you. Was it everything you ever dreamed of?”

  “You know I wasn’t really a dream-about-sex kind of girl.”

  “No, but I’m sure nearly every woman in Peaceful Harbor under the age of forty—and maybe over, too—has fantasized about those Braden boys. Yummy.”

  “I thought we decided
there was a rule about this.”

  Chelsea waved her hand dismissively. “I’m kidding. He’s hot and all, but I like my men dark haired and he’s a blondie, so…All kidding aside. Are you happy?”

  “Incredibly happy. A little sore…but happy.”

  Chelsea snorted out a laugh. “Worth it, though.”

  “Totally.” It felt good talking about and thinking about something other than her family’s needs. “I’m sure I’ll always have thoughts about Rick and Nate and I’ll have to remind myself that Nate was just doing his job, but I think that’ll fade with time. He’s honest and he’s loving. And—” She thought of the afternoon at Rough Riders.

  “He pushes me, Chels.”

  “In a sexual way?” Her eyes narrowed with concern.

  “Oh, gosh, no. He’s careful with me in that regard. But he’s making me see things about myself that I haven’t really wanted to see before.” She thought about the tsunami that had taken place inside her yesterday, and even though Nate had forced her to see something she didn’t want to, she felt a sense of relief for finally sharing the fears she’d bottled up inside her for so long. She knew she could talk with Nate about anything, and as she debated sharing her thoughts with Chelsea, she realized that she, too, would probably understand. She’d been there for Jewel through good times and bad.

  Her question came on the shaky tail of her exhalation. “Do you think I hold the kids back?”

  Chelsea sat on the edge of the desk. “Well, considering that we only have a few minutes before you have to pick them up, I’m not sure how honest I should be. I don’t want you to be late.”

  “So you do, then.” Jewel felt a pang of hurt.

  “I think you love them so much that you want to protect them. But sometimes you protect them too much. Does that make sense?” She touched Jewel’s hand. “It’s not a bad thing. But it is a thing.”

  Jewel didn’t want to acknowledge the truth in what Chelsea said, but she knew she had to. “Okay. Thank you for being honest.”

  “I’m always honest with you.” They walked back into the store. “Hey, if you want to talk after you get the kids, I’m always around.”


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