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Page 7

by Kim Fox

  Terrowin opened his mouth, but Draven wasn’t about to let him speak. His time on this planet was already several centuries overdue.

  With a wave of his hand, he pulled a gust of wind into the room and then shot his brother out with it, forcing him down until he slammed into the ground with a heavy thud.

  Draven leapt out of the window after him, guiding the wind and letting it carry him down softly. He touched down beside his brother as he twitched on the ground, staring up at him with pure hatred.

  Terrowin had succumbed to his dragon’s dark need to dominate and control everything and everyone around him. He had given into the intense desire to control and oppress, and it had turned him into a monster.

  And the only way to handle a monster was to put it down.

  Draven could sense every molecule of the earth around him, and with only a thought and a wave of his hands he opened the earth under the corrupted dragon shifter and watched as Terrowin disappeared into the deep crevasse.

  “This is for father,” Draven said as he swung his arms back, closing the crevasse and ending his brother’s life.

  Aleida’s sonic scream ripped through the air and Draven whipped his head around in time to see a giant Berinon phasing into a giant dragon.

  He was so big that he towered over the castle, making it look like a toy.

  The concussive force of Aleida’s sonic scream wasn’t doing much against his huge body as he turned toward the pesky shifters behind him.

  The two bears and two lions looked exhausted and beaten down as Berinon’s green dragon opened its mouth, ready to engulf them in flames.

  The four of them turned and ran as the flames came shooting out of his mouth.

  Draven could sense the energy in the fire and with a flick of his wrist, he curved the flames up and away from his friends. He brought the jet of fire shooting back down on Berinon, but they bounced off harmlessly.

  The massive green dragon spotted Draven and pushed off the ground, flapping its wings as it rushed over.

  Draven was in control of the elements around him. The earth, wind, fire, and water.

  He only needed two to defeat his brother.

  A wave of his hand sent a strong force of wind onto the giant dragon, slamming him into the ground. Draven raised the earth around him and shot a steady stream of dirt and rock into the stunned dragon’s mouth, filling his stomach with the earth until his eyes started to cloud over.

  With one final yank of his hand, the earth and rock ripped out of Berinon’s stomach, tearing him apart and killing him instantly.

  The ruthless green dragon’s lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud. The boys cheered as he shrank back down to his regular size.

  “Wow,” Draven gasped when he looked down at his hands. He was the most powerful shifter he’d ever seen, maybe even more powerful than his father.

  His core was finally ignited thanks to Cali and he had fulfilled his destiny, becoming the next Dragon King.

  A flash of dark desire rushed into him for only a second. Every dragon shifter had to fight their inner dragon’s intense need to control and dominate the world around them, and now there was nothing to stop Draven from taking whatever he wanted.

  Dragons were the ultimate apex predator. The top of the top of the food chain, and they expected every creature below them to submit to their will. He could rule with unchecked power and authority.

  “No,” he whispered, letting the desire go. “That’s not what I want. That’s not what my mother taught me to be.”

  It was time to put an end to the long line of Dragon Kings. It was time to let it go. For good.

  It was time for the world to be at peace.

  And it was time to be with his friends, and his mate.

  Chapter 10


  Cali’s chest was aching as Draven gently lowered her mother into the grave. They picked a beautiful spot under a gorgeous weeping willow tree next to a slow moving river. The sun was shining and it was a perfect spot to spend a relaxing summer day.

  Mom would have loved it.

  Her shoulders were drooped forward as Draven placed her mother’s wrapped up body on the fresh dirt and climbed out of the grave. Tears ran down her cheeks as she shook her head, wondering why she had done it.

  You know why. A fresh stream of tears leaked down her cheeks as she sniffed. She did it for me. So that I can have a better life.

  She was surrounded by the five fighting shifters, with Draven and Anna by her side. Her new mate could move the earth with his mind, but the four male shifters respectfully used shovels to bury her body with the pile of fresh dirt while she watched with tears in her eyes.

  Draven stepped a little closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She hardly knew anything about him, but that touch did more to comfort her than any words could.

  Her heart fluttered as his intoxicating smell hit her nose, making her feel safe and loved and at home. It was odd to feel so attached to a stranger, but it felt completely natural. Like they belonged together.

  Their bodies knew something that their minds didn’t. It would take some time for her mind to catch up to the intense feelings, but she knew she would get there eventually.

  The whole nightmare was over thanks to him. The man she hated most, Terrowin, was dead. She had watched with her own eyes as her mate made the earth swallow the terrible man whole.

  Even Anna was free thanks to him. They had both cheered from the window of the tower, watching with a sense of relief as the giant dragon’s torn body collapsed to the ground in defeat.

  Anna’s face had instantly aged ten years once her mate had died and her immortality was taken from her. Soft wrinkles appeared around her eyes and her brown hair suddenly had faint streaks of gray winding through it. She was ten years older, but she was alive.

  Cali’s mother had sacrificed her life to save them and she would never forget it.

  Never let a day go by without thanks. She promised herself that she would treat each day as the gift that it was. She would live life to the fullest, and deep down she knew that meant loving the man next to her to the fullest.

  With her heart pounding, she looked up at the man who had his muscular arm wrapped around her. He’s beautiful. She admired his red-tinted beard and bright orange eyes. She wanted to know everything about him from his favorite cereal to what he looked like when he slept.

  You’ll find it all out soon enough. And you’ll love every minute of it.

  When they finished burying her mother and Cali said her last goodbyes, she walked with Draven along the river, crying as they went. The rest of the crew had returned to their campsite in a pickup truck they had taken from the castle.

  Anna was anxious to return to her home in Manchester, and she and Cali said a tearful goodbye after spending five long years together.

  “You don’t realize it now,” Anna said, “but you’re lucky. That red dragon of yours is a good one. Ours were corrupted by their dragons’ dark need for power, but yours isn’t. He’ll treat you right and you’ll see that having a shifter as a mate is the best thing in the world.”

  Cali nodded, already seeing what she was saying. She was already feeling a deep pleasure whenever she was close to him. A hammering in her heart. A hyper-awareness in her body.

  It felt like home standing next to him. It felt like peace.

  “I’ll come visit you sometime,” Cali promised as they gave each other a final hug. “We’ll do something besides knitting.”

  “Ha!” Anna laughed. Her smile turned sad as she cupped Cali’s cheek. “Your mother was very brave in what she did, Cali. I’m sure she would have done it again in an instant if it meant giving you the life you deserved. Don’t blame yourself, girl. Honor your mother by living your life to the fullest.”

  Tears trickled from Cali’s eyes as she hugged her. “I will. I promise.”

  “You better come visit,” Anna said with a grin as she climbed into the Jeep they had found in the g
arage. “I’ll miss my little Caliburnus.”

  Cali smiled as she drove away, off to return to a better life. One that didn’t involve endless knitting, cruel dragon shifters, and dreaded towers.

  “I wish we hadn’t meant under these circumstances,” Draven said as they walked along the river. “It’s not what I had in mind.”

  Cali smiled as she stepped a little closer to his muscular body. “It’s not what I had in mind either,” she admitted. “But I’ll take what I can get.”

  He stopped and turned, taking her hands in his as he gazed down into her eyes. Cali’s breath stopped as she looked up at his searing gaze, feeling lightheaded.

  “I’ve waited for you for centuries,” he said in his rich deep voice that felt like chocolate. “I’ve been alive a long time wondering when you would come along. And now that you’re here, I feel…”

  He couldn’t find the words so Cali finished them for him. “Like I was there with you the whole time?”

  His gorgeous eyes widened as he nodded. “Yes!”

  “I know what you mean,” she whispered, smiling shyly. “I feel the same way.”

  All of those times she had dreamed of a hero coming to rescue her, it always felt like this. She had the same safe and loving feeling in her body when she was dreaming it as she had now.

  “I guess our souls always knew,” he said with a warm smile. “You were worth the wait.”

  Her chest fluttered and her nerve endings tingled at the compliment. She wanted to be kissed.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “And thank you for saving me.”

  “I was worried there for a minute,” he said with a soft smile. “I’m glad I was able to.”

  Cali laced her fingers with his, feeling the strength of his powerful hands soften for her. Their eyes were locked on each other’s with an intense stare and anticipation grew in her heart as they both leaned in for a kiss.

  Draven took her lips in a soft kiss that had her body melting as she felt loved and cherished in a way she had never felt before.

  It was her first kiss and it lived up to the hype. He swallowed her moans as she fell into it, wanting to stay in this little slice of heaven forever.

  In that beautiful moment with his loving arms wrapped around her, she knew that she would be okay.

  Her future was going to be a good one, and for once, she was excited to live it.

  Cali wiped the tears from her eyes, but this time they weren’t tears of sadness, they were tears of laughter. She was sitting around the campfire with Draven, Aleida, and the boys as Jax told them all about his weekend alone with the little baby Benjamin.

  “Save your money, Jax,” Axel laughed. “That kid is going to need a lot of therapy when he grows up.”

  “You actually duct taped him to the chair?” Aleida asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

  “Maybe,” Jax said, laughing as he took a sip of his beer. “Don’t go telling Violet any of this. She still doesn’t know.”

  “I still don’t believe you have a kid,” Draven said, staring at him in awe. “I could picture you eating kids, but not raising them.”

  Cali watched Draven from the corner of her eye as everyone around the campfire laughed. He looked so sexy in the orange glow of the flames with his broad shoulders and the confident way he carried himself. Maybe it was the beer getting to her head, but she was looking forward to making her own babies with her new man.

  It was a gorgeous night in the countryside and they were enjoying a few well-deserved drinks by the fire after their long day. Zane had cooked up some delicious steaks for dinner and now they were relaxing and telling stories before bed.

  After five years stuck in the tower with nothing but knitting and a broken TV to stare at, it felt good to be hanging out and laughing with new friends. It felt really good.

  They had planned to head into London in the morning and get a flight back to their home in Montana from there. Draven had asked her to come, and before he could finish his sentence she had said yes. Her future was with him and she needed a fresh start. Montana seemed as good a place as any.

  “So, who gets the castle now?” Axel asked his alpha.

  Draven took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. “I guess it goes to me and Aleida,” he said calmly. “If we want it.”

  Gunner turned to his mate. “Do you want to move back into that castle?”

  She shivered as she stared at the fire. “I never want to see that place ever again.”

  “Me neither,” Draven said with a frown.

  Caliburnus took a breath of relief. She didn’t want to see it either.

  “What about the fortune?” Zane asked. “Weren’t your brothers rich?”

  “Very,” Aleida said.

  “I guess that goes to us too,” Draven said before taking a long gulp of his beer.

  Axel grinned. “So, this is probably a good time to ask for a raise. Right, boss?”

  Draven grinned as he narrowed his eyes on him. “Actually, I can control fire now,” he said, raising his hand. The fire roared for a second, doubling in size before returning to the size it was before. “I can put out a fire with only a thought. So, I don’t even need you guys at the firehouse anymore. I can handle any calls by myself.”

  Gunner’s shoulders slumped forward. “I wonder if Gwen is hiring for her muffin shop,” he muttered.

  “You might be able to control fire,” Axel said with a grin. “But can you get Tom Hopkins’ stupid goat off the roof when it inevitably gets stuck again?”

  “Yeah,” Zane said with a laugh. “And can you wash the now useless fire truck every day?”

  “Or make killer pancakes?” Jax asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Cali held back her smile as she watched her man.

  “All right,” Draven said with a playful roll of his eyes. “I guess you guys can keep your jobs.”

  “And the raise?” Axel asked with a hopeful look.

  Draven laughed. “Sure. Why not?”

  The boys all cheered as they jumped up and high-fived each other while Caliburnus laughed.

  “What are you cheering about?” Aleida asked Gunner. “We’re already rich.”

  They spent another few hours joking around the campfire, making Cali laugh. She still felt a deep sadness about her mother, but she knew they were both in a better place now. It would take a long time for the wound to heal, but she knew it eventually would.

  Sometime after midnight, the guys started to get up and head to bed. They had found some tents in the castle and had set them up along the side of the mountain. When Draven had asked if she wanted her own, she said no. She knew she’d sleep a lot better with his strong arms wrapped around her.

  “Get some sleep,” Draven said as they walked off to bed. “We’re going to London tomorrow, and from there we fly home. On an airplane this time.”

  “Are we spending the night in London tomorrow?” Axel asked, staring at Draven with wide eyes.

  “Not if we can hop on a plane out before then.”

  Axel’s face dropped as he opened his arms in protest. “What about The Lion King?”

  Draven chuckled. “We just defeated the Dragon Kings. Don’t tell me there’s a Lion King too…”

  “Oh, there is,” Axel said with a serious face. “And the critics say that it’s powerful beyond belief.”

  “Critics?” Draven said, looking confused.

  Jax rolled his eyes. “He’s talking about the musical. He’s been bugging us to see it.”

  Draven dropped his head back and let out a deep booming laugh. “I should have known. Fine. We can watch the musical.”

  “Yes!” Axel said, pumping his fist.

  Cali giggled as she watched the boys walk to their tents. Jax was shaking his head when Axel punched his shoulder. “You’re a lion,” the polar bear shifter said. “You of all people should be the most excited.”

  “Well, I’m not a child,” Jax said, grumbling as they disappeared into the darkness.

  It was just Cali and Draven left by the fire. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye and felt a rush of excitement flow through her. Her pulse started racing as her senses heightened.

  She could hear every crack and pop in the fire. She could smell his rugged scent and taste the tingle of the beer on her tongue as she took a sip.

  Today was her first time ever getting kissed by a man and she was already wanting more. He smiled at her as she shifted her chair over, wanting to erase all distance between them.

  They talked for a while and when she yawned he offered to take her to bed.

  “Okay,” she whispered, suddenly feeling a loss of inhibitions. Hand in hand, they walked to the tent that was set up farther than the others, giving them a little more privacy.

  They slid into the sleeping bag and faced each other, staring into each other’s eyes. He put his big arm around her and she smiled.

  “I’m glad I’m your mate,” she whispered, feeling so tiny under his big biceps. She had nothing but a tent around her, but she felt so safe and protected, like nothing could hurt her.

  “You don’t know how happy I am to have you in my life,” he answered. His warm sexy voice had her swallowing hard and breathing heavy.

  All of a sudden, she wanted him badly. She wanted to be possessed by him and have him deep inside her where he could claim what she had waiting for him.

  His strong hand slid down her tingling sides and settled on her hip, causing heat to saturate her body and pool between her legs.

  “Have you ever been touched before?” he asked in a deep throaty voice.

  “No,” she answered, feeling her cheeks heat up. “I’ve never even touched myself down there. You were my first kiss.”

  He grinned as he leaned forward, kissing her again with a passion and intensity that shook her to the core. She moaned into his mouth as he pressed his hard cock against her, loving every second of it.

  “I want you to touch me,” she gasped. “Down there.”

  Cali tensed up and sucked in a breath as his hand slid down between her pants and underwear. “Oh,” she moaned as all the tension released from her body when he slid his hand over her throbbing sex. She spread her legs for him as he slowly slid a finger into her tight hole, grunting in approval when he felt her hymen that was still firm and intact.


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