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Dirty Bastard

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “He just wants to protect you.”

  “At what cost? I’m losing my mind. I can’t do anything anymore, and I’m bored. I want to do something with my life. To have fun.”

  It wasn’t long before Jaxson pulled up inside her apartment building.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Of course. Always. With everything.” He’d never made her doubt him, not for a single second.

  He smiled, and it was the kind of smile that had her stomach twisting. Her biggest fear was Jaxson finding out that she had feelings for him. She didn’t know if he even liked her or if it was possible to ever be with him.

  “Then tonight, get dressed up. I’ll take you dancing.”

  “You will?”


  “For real?”

  “Noelle, get out of the car and try not to get in trouble or Dane will put you in the naughty corner. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “If you’re late?”

  “You really haven’t been on a date before, have you?”


  “I won’t be late.”

  Chapter Two

  “And why again are you taking Noelle out?” Dane asked.

  “She wants to go out.” Jaxson kept his expression bland as he looked at his best friend.

  Dane was cleaning the blood from his fingers as he asked this question. After dropping Noelle back at her apartment building, he’d come straight to the basement of the casino where he was in no doubt he’d find Dane showing his own brand of punishment. He’d gotten the call on the way over that he’d found one of the suppliers to the clubs and was “talking” to him for information.

  That man currently was passed out and his face nothing more than a bloody mess. Dane wasn’t exactly the most patient of men when it came to getting what he wanted. Often, he killed them during the process. Fortunately, his reputation always preceded him, and it meant people were less inclined to piss off the animal that he could become.

  Jaxson stayed well back. He didn’t want to get blood on his suit.

  The last thing he wanted right now was to keep Noelle waiting when the time came.

  “And you think that’s a good enough reason to take her out? When my sister was ten, she wanted a unicorn. Guess what, they don’t exist.”

  “She wants to have a little fun.”

  “She has a death wish is what she has.”

  “You’re really going to kill your sister?” Jaxson asked.

  “I’ve thought about it a couple of times. It would solve my problem of having to deal with her helping people.”

  “It’s not about her helping people. She’s bored. You’ve got a sister who doesn’t care for shopping or doing the same old shit that you actually hate in other women. Let’s face it, she wants more than contact to play games with us or to force us to go and find a prom dress.”

  “She never went to prom.”

  “Exactly. Could you imagine her at prom? No one would dance with her because we both scared them shitless.”

  “I need you to be real with me right now. Do you have feelings for her?” Dane asked.

  Jaxson stared at his best friend. He’d never come clean about how he felt about Noelle.

  The truth was, he didn’t like the feelings she inspired within him at times. Twice he’d seen her on something like a date, and both of them, he had to hold back the monster that wanted to tear limb from fucking limb all men who touched her.

  He didn’t know when it happened or how it happened, but as far as he was concerned, she belonged to him.

  “You fucking hesitated. You can’t even answer me right now,” Dane said.

  “I care about her,” Jaxson said.

  He had no intention of telling Dane, at least not yet.

  Dane took a step back. He went to run his hand down his face, but it was covered in blood.

  “You shouldn’t fucking touch her, Jaxson.”

  “She’s lonely, Dane. You need to spend some time with your sister and see that she’s dying inside. She really is.”

  “You don’t know what my sister needs. I know what she needs.”

  “Then come with us tonight. Bring your hot little cock-sucker with you. I don’t care. You can see that I’ll be the perfect gentleman.”

  “I’ll fucking be there, but I don’t agree to this. I don’t like it. Not one bit.” Dane marched toward the man. “Get up, you piece of shit. I’m not done with you yet. Come on.”

  Jaxson didn’t leave the basement until they got a contact detail and a name. With that, Dane slit the man’s throat and called the cleanup guys to come and handle the problem. Once Dane had washed the blood off his hands and tossed his clothes into the fire, changing into a fresh set, they left the basement.

  Dane as always, locked it, securing their secrets inside. Only a few people knew about the basement in the casino.

  “Right, let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “First to my apartment to pick up cock-sucker, and then to get my sister.”

  “You going to tell your girl not to take any drugs while we’re in the company of your sister?”

  “I already know what to do. Come on. Chop, chop.”

  Gritting his teeth, Jaxson wished he’d not said anything to Dane. The truth was, he’d been debating keeping their little date a secret. Could he call it a date? He didn’t know. All he knew was Noelle would be disappointed. She wanted to go on a date. He saw the spark of life in her eyes when he mentioned it, and now he was going to ruin it because her brother was tagging along.

  Also, he didn’t like the thought of Dane’s little lay being there either.

  Waiting in the car for Dane and his woman, Jaxson tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.

  He remembered when Noelle had come to her brother all excited. She’d found the perfect location to set up the bakery she’d wanted since she was a kid. It’s what he liked about Noelle. She’d not wanted a glitz and glamor life, just a simple one.

  She loved cooking and baking. Baking was her specialty, and she wanted to make it her career.

  He’d known it would be a no. Dane couldn’t allow anything to happen to her.

  He argued with his sister until she realized he wouldn’t budge. Then, it was like she’d withdrawn from them. She used to come around to see them, bring them muffins or cookies. It stopped, and her attempts at feeding the homeless or working at animal shelters had started.

  She’d found a way to spend her time, and Dane had been pissed. Royally so. It wasn’t like they could do anything to stop her either. Noelle tended to be a pain in the ass, but again, Dane loved her.

  Jaxson fucking cared for her as well. Not a day went by that he didn’t think about her.

  Finally, Dane and his crack whore woman came out of the building and headed straight for the backseat.

  The woman was already giggling, and it grated on his nerves. This wasn’t supposed to be a double date.

  Noelle was going to be pissed. No doubt about it.

  “Come on, Jaxson. Let’s get this party started,” Dane said, slapping his seat.

  Glancing in his rearview mirror, he watched the woman as she rubbed her hand up and down Dane’s crotch. She truly didn’t give a fuck. Clearly, she was just playing coy with Dane the first time because this woman had no problem with being seen or heard.

  Pulling away from the curb, he headed in the direction of Noelle’s home. Dane and his date were making out on the backseat.

  There was no way he’d be able to ditch them at the club and make it back in time.

  This was going to be an epic fail.

  He felt it in every single fiber of his being.

  This wasn’t what he intended, not when he offered to take Noelle out.

  If Dane knew the kinds of feelings he’d been having for Noelle, Jaxson knew without a doubt he’d be the one in the torture chair.

  His feelings for her had changed drastically in the past cou
ple of years. She was no longer an annoying little sibling, but a beautiful woman. Full curves, a beautiful smile, a wicked sense of humor when he wasn’t pissing her off, and he adored her. No doubt about it.

  Once he arrived at her apartment, he didn’t wait for instruction from Dane. He got out of the car and headed to her building. She was already coming out the door.

  The smile she gave him would stay with him forever.

  It didn’t last long as she looked past his shoulder and saw her brother.

  “Wait, I didn’t think Dane would be here and whoever he has drooling all over him,” she said.

  He stared at her. She’d curled her hair, and the long, brown locks looked so glossy and sexy. He wanted them spread out over his pillow. The black dress she wore hugged her figure and only seemed to emphasis the full, rounded globes of her tits, and her ass. He wanted to stand behind her to see her full ass.

  “He wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  She sighed. “You told him?”

  “I didn’t exactly have much choice. We don’t keep secrets.”

  “I don’t want to go.”

  “Don’t be like that.”

  “I thought tonight was going to be fun. Not me watching him neck some woman. He’s my brother, and I have to have space.”

  “You’ll never know he’s there.”

  “Seriously?” she asked. Her head tilted to the side, and she gave him that condescending look.

  “Have a little faith. Trust me.”


  “Who is she?” the woman asked the moment Noelle climbed into the car.

  “What’s the matter, babe? Jealous?” Dane asked.

  She folded her arms, staring out the window.

  “I don’t want to share you. Not tonight. Maybe a threesome another night.”

  Dane burst out laughing. “Babe, it’s not going to happen.”

  “I’m his sister,” Noelle said, spinning in her chair to glare at the heavily made-up woman. “There, your date is more than safe, believe me.”

  “You look pretty tonight, sis,” Dane said.

  She ignored him. She was pissed off.

  This was just another element of why she hated living in the same town as her brother. She couldn’t be free of him, not ever. He had the ultimate control.

  She couldn’t even feed people on the street without him interfering. It annoyed her. Rather than say anything though, she sat back in her seat and stared out the window.

  Listening to Dane and whoever she was neck was disgusting.

  She was very much aware of her brother’s sex life, and for her, it was all just a little too much.

  Pushing her hair off her face, she was tempted to tell Jaxson to just take her back home. There was no point in being out. Dane wouldn’t allow her to have any fun. He’d constantly be reminding her of who he was and how important it was for her to keep her damn mouth shut.

  This was the first time she’d ever told anyone that she was Dane’s sister.

  The danger that constantly surrounded her brother and herself often made her feel like she couldn’t breathe.

  One day, she’d leave. She didn’t have to stay around everyone.

  Running fingers through her hair, she turned to Jaxson.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he said.

  “You don’t know what I was going to say.”

  “I’m not taking you back. Have a little faith.”

  “I don’t want to be in the car with them,” she said.

  “You’re going to have fun tonight even if I have to tickle you to make you laugh,” Jaxson said.

  She rolled her eyes, but she didn’t know if she could get him to tickle her. It would be nice to have his hands on her body, touching her.

  She craved being touched, kissed,; craved affection. After Dane killed their parents, there was no room for love in her life.

  Just studies.

  That’s all she did.


  Work wasn’t allowed. Dane had told her to focus on her schoolwork, and now he just wanted her to walk around shopping and having a good time.

  Life shouldn’t be this complicated, and yet that was exactly how it felt. Arriving at one of Dane’s clubs didn’t exactly help either.

  Dane and his girlfriend got out as she and Jaxson sat in the car.

  “Take me home,” she said.

  “Not happening.”

  “Why? I don’t want to be here. I thought tonight was going to be fun and a very not Dane date.”

  “Your brother wanted to tag along. She’s not his girlfriend. Give it a couple of hours, and then, if you’re still hating it, I’ll take you home.”

  She didn’t wait for his reply.

  Getting out of the car, she rounded the vehicle, and he was already there, placing a hand at her back and escorting her inside. The guard at the door nodded at Jaxson, and she couldn’t help but wonder how many other women he’d brought here.

  Get it out of your mind. He’s not a virgin.

  You know he’s had girlfriends.

  You’ve just never gotten to know them.

  Stepping into the loud club, she felt the energy surrounding her, and she couldn’t help but smile. The dance floor was crowded, and she watched people as they danced. Jaxson was talking to someone, and one couple caught her attention. The man held the woman close to his body, his palm flat against her stomach. One leg was between her thighs, and her head leaned back against the man’s shoulder. It looked sensual, intense.

  Her body grew hot watching them.

  Jaxson may not be a virgin, but she very much was and would probably be so for a long time to come.

  Dane never allowed her to have any boyfriends.

  “I need a drink,” she said.

  She walked to the bar, smiled at the bartender, and ordered a shot of tequila. She rarely drank, so there was no way she’d know any of the fancy names for the cocktails they loved to serve on television shows.

  Just as the bartender put the shot down in front of her, Jaxson was by her side, downing the shot in one.

  “Hey!” She glared at him.

  “Another shot, Rick,” Jaxson said.

  She crossed her arms and waited.

  When the shot came, Jaxson left it.

  “You don’t want to steal this one as well?”

  “Nope. Go ahead, enjoy.”

  She picked up the glass and downed the shot.

  What Jaxson and Dane didn’t know was tequila was a drink she really enjoyed. It was the first bottle she bought when she moved into her new apartment. She loved doing shots.

  “Another please,” she said.

  “Go easy,” Jaxson said.

  “This is supposed to be fun and kind of a date, and yet you brought my brother along.”

  “Ouch,” Rick said.

  “Exactly. You know my brother?” Noelle asked.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then you know it has been a very bad day. Keep these coming,” she said, knocking back another shot.

  Rick laughed.

  Jaxson shooed him away, and she turned in her seat to look at Jaxson.

  “So, how often do you come here?” Noelle asked.

  “This is the first time that I’ve come here on a date.”

  She fake gasped. “That makes me special.”

  “I wanted today to be special.”

  “Jaxson, you should know by now that my brother likes to control everything. If he could, he’d put every single person here on puppet strings for his own amusement.”

  “I don’t care what he wants. You’re going to have a good time.” Suddenly, he grabbed her arm and started walking her toward the dance floor.

  “Hey, I want to keep on drinking.”

  “You will. As soon as you do as you’re told and have some fun.” He didn’t stop until they were in the center of the dance floor.

  She couldn’t help but look around to see if her brother saw them.

  “Eyes on
me.” Jaxson cupped her face, tilting her head back so she had no choice but to stare into his eyes.

  When he let her face go, she kept on looking at him.

  “You’re really bossy.”

  “Babe, you’ve not seen anything yet.” He stroked a finger down her body until he cupped her hips, pulling her against him.

  She let out a little gasp when she felt his cock rub against her. It was kind of surreal to feel the length of him.

  “You feel that?” he asked. “That’s why I didn’t want Dane here. I don’t want him to know everything I want to do to his little sister.” He leaned in close so that his lips pressed against her ear. “He’d kill me if he knew what I wanted to do to you.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” she asked.

  “Because I don’t want you thinking this was all part of my plan. To build your hopes up only to dash them with Dane’s presence. It wasn’t my plan.”

  “Next time, don’t tell him.”

  His hands moved from her hips, going down to her ass and holding her close. “Believe me, I won’t.”

  She’d never been touched in this way before. As he pressed himself against her, it was hard for her to focus on anything else but this man.

  His touch.

  The way he smelled.

  It was all intoxicating, and she couldn’t focus, not for one second.

  He consumed all of her thoughts.

  “You have any idea what I want to do to you?” he asked.


  “Maybe that’s a good thing.”

  “I want to know.” She looked up at him. “I do.”

  “You’re not ready.”

  “Why now?” she asked. “Why here?”

  “I had every intention of telling you, Noelle. I just didn’t want it to be in front of your brother.” His lips were against his ear, and her entire body heated beneath his touch. “You belong to me. You know that, right? You’re mine.”

  She pulled away from his lips, and when she looked into his eyes, it sent a shiver up her spine. This wasn’t the carefree man she knew. Her brother’s best friend and colleague. This was someone else. The intense way he looked at her filled her with need. No one had ever wanted her before, but something in Jaxson’s gaze told her she didn’t have a choice when it came to him. He’d staked his claim, and now there was no way out.


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