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Dirty Bastard

Page 5

by Sam Crescent


  He cupped her tit and heard her gasp. She tensed up. The bra she wore wasn’t padded. Running his thumb back and forth across her nipple, he stared into her eyes. “Your tits are hard, baby. Not only that, you’re liking the way I touch you.”

  “I’m cold,” she said.

  “You’re still lying. There’s one other way of finding out.”

  Before she could protest, he gripped her hips once again and spun her so that her back was to him.

  Locking an arm across her body so her arms were trapped against her sides, he placed another hand on her stomach.

  “What are you doing?”

  She could tell him to stop at any minute and he’d do exactly that. He wasn’t a rapist and had never taken a woman against her will in his life.

  Slowly, he slid his hand down inside her jeans. She wriggled in his arms but didn’t once tell him to stop.

  Moving between her thighs, past her panties, he cupped her naked pussy. As he slid a finger between her slit, Noelle stopped wriggling. She held herself still in his arms. Kissing her neck, he found just how soaked she was. Stroking over her clit, he heard her whimper.

  “Now, there’s no denying it. You are so wet, and you like watching people fuck. I think you should have a punishment for lying to me.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  “You can’t punish me. This is ridiculous. I’m Dane Hunt’s sister.”

  “Not in this room.” He held his finger still. “In this room, you’re Noelle. You’re my woman, and you have nothing to do with Dane.” He kissed her neck. “Do you want this? Do you want me to stop? To let you go and to pretend this never happened?”

  He could do it.

  He didn’t want to, but he’d do it if she really didn’t want it.

  “I want this,” she said. “I don’t know why you’ve changed your mind, but I don’t want you to stop.”

  He pulled his finger from her pussy. “Then strip.”

  She whirled around and stopped as he licked his fingers clean of her virgin cream. Fuck, she tasted so good.

  Watching her, he stared down the length of her body, and his cock ached to be inside her. He wanted to fuck her, but he also wanted to play. She was skittish, and he didn’t like that. Yes, he was playing with fire. Dane could learn the truth at any moment, but he would always take care of her.

  “You want me to strip.”

  “Yes. You lied to me three times. You’re turned on, and when you’re with me, you’ll tell me the truth.”

  “I don’t like this.”

  “Tough, I’m the boss. I make the rules. I want you naked for me. Right now.”

  “If I leave?”

  “We stop.”

  “I’ve never been naked for anyone.”

  “Then I’ll be the first man to see you naked, and I’ll be the only man as well.”

  She nibbled her lip as she pulled at the bottom of her shirt. The indecision was clear in her eyes.

  Finally, she lifted her shirt over her head, and he saw the black bra she wore was no real protection against her arousal. Her nipples would show in any shirt she wore.

  Her hands went to her jeans, and he watched her without making a sound as she wriggled out of them. She kicked off her sneakers, and she stood before him, in black lace lingerie that was so sexy, but again, he wanted it off.

  “I said all of it.”

  She gripped the edge of her panties and pushed them down. Next, she unhooked her bra. She turned to the side as she removed them. He couldn’t see her clearly, and he smiled.

  “Look at me. Face me.”

  She moved so slowly as she turned to face him.

  “Hands down by your sides.”

  She didn’t look at him, and he got a good look at her; full, rounded hips, juicy thighs, big tits, and her pussy. There was a light dusting of hair, and he was so turned on by the sight that the fit of his pants was uncomfortable. He wanted to take them off.

  Instead, he put his hand on his dick.

  “Look at me.”

  She lifted her head, and he saw her gaze land on where his hand was, touching his dick. “You see what you do to me,” he said. “How fucking turned on I am right now. My cock is rock-hard, and I want nothing more than to fuck you.”

  He got up from the desk he’d been leaning against and stepped toward her. She didn’t walk back this time. She stood perfectly still. Slowly, he stroked a hand down her arm. She didn’t flinch away from his touch, and as he cupped her hip, he drew her body close against him. “I think you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.” Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to her lips. “Go to my desk. Face my chair, sit down, and spread your legs.”

  She looked past his shoulder.

  “Do it, now.”

  She walked around him, and he turned to watch her ass wiggle as she stepped to his desk. She followed instructions, sitting on his desk and spreading her legs.

  He didn’t keep her waiting.

  The moment he stepped around the desk, she closed her thighs, and he tutted.

  Taking a seat, he sat in front of her. “No need to be shy. I own this pussy now, and I like to look at it.”

  He took her ankles in his hands and placed them on his knees. Slowly, he caressed up her thighs until he got to her knees and pried them open. She fought him at first, but something must have changed her mind because she slid them open without argument.

  “Lean back,” he said.

  She leaned back on the desk, and he skimmed his hands up and down her inner thighs, staring at her pretty, virgin pussy.

  He opened the lips wide, catching sight of her swollen clit and slick hole.

  Soon, he’d claim her virginity, but he had no intention of doing it in his office. Part of him was tempted to take her virginity with his fingers, but he wanted to feel her give beneath his cock.

  He stroked his tongue across her clit, sucking on the nub before flicking back and forth. She cried out.

  Her moans echoed off the wall, filling his office. Hearing her pleasure was far better to him than listening to the fuckers on screen. He’d been wanting Noelle for a lifetime, and he was going to have her.

  For now, he’d play it her way, keep it secret. One day, he’d tell Dane and deal with the consequences.

  With a few strokes of his tongue, she was ready to come apart. As she neared her orgasm, he pulled away.

  Getting to his feet, he held her up. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he plunged his tongue into her mouth so she had no choice but to taste herself.

  “That is your punishment.”


  “That is your punishment.”

  Noelle wrinkled her nose as she threw into the creamy cheese and bacon sauce the pasta she’d cooked herself. After being denied an orgasm and then made to sit on his desk with her legs open as he worked, she’d been ready to scream. Instead of screaming, she’d gotten dressed when he told her that her punishment was over. She’d not looked back at him when he dropped her off at her apartment, and she slammed the door in his face.

  Taking a long shower, she was ready for some serious carbs.

  With everything mixed together, she served herself some food and sat on the sofa, flicking through the television as she ate her pasta.

  There was nothing on the television, and right now, she felt completely riled up. When there was a knock at her door, she wasn’t interested in answering, but she had no choice as they kept on knocking, not stopping.

  Putting her plate down, she walked to the door, and sure enough Dane and Jaxson stood on the other side, waiting.

  “Hey, sis, you cooked. Something smells good.”

  He was already marching past her and heading toward the living room.

  She closed the door, and as she turned around, Jaxson grabbed her face and took possession of her mouth. Her heart raced as she looked at him.

  “Do you have a death wish?” she asked.

  “He’s more i
nterested in your food. Me, I want to know if you’re still wet for me.”

  “Bite me.”

  “I intend to. I’m going to make sure that I leave a mark as well.”

  He winked at her, and she stormed past him. Jaxson didn’t let her leave though, as he grabbed her hand and pulled her back against him. “Remember who you belong to.”

  “If you keep doing this, you’re going to get caught.”

  “I’ve got nothing to hide.”

  “I don’t want you to end up dead.”

  “You have no faith.”

  “I’ve got a lot of faith, but I know what he’s like and he’ll kill you.” She pulled out of his arms, and rounded the corridor to find Dane already on her sofa, eating her food. “I was eating that.”

  “Well, I bet you made loads. You always cook too much pasta.” Dane filled his face with more. “This is really good though. Awesome. Jaxson will love it.”

  She walked to the kitchen and saw there was indeed plenty, more than she could eat.

  “Do you want some?” she asked, seeing Jaxson watching her.


  She turned back to the counter and started to serve them up two plates.

  “I don’t like punishing you,” Jaxson said, whispering against her ear. His hands were once again around her. One hand moved beneath her shirt, cupping her breast as the other moved into her pants. Dane could catch them at any minute, but as Jaxson started to stroke her body, she couldn’t tell him to stop.

  “I don’t like being punished.”

  “Then don’t do anything that’s going to make me punish you.”

  “Are you a … Dom?”

  He chuckled against her neck. “No, not even close. I’m the one in control. That doesn’t make me a Dom. You’ll never need a safeword with me. If I’m scaring you, hurting you, upsetting you, just tell me to stop and I will.”

  He pushed past her panties, and when he touched her pussy, she thought she was going to pass out from the pleasure. She’d never felt so overcome with need before in her life, and feeling his hands on her was the best thing in the world. Even better than her bacon-cheese pasta.

  “I feel how wet you are for me, my sweet little virgin.”

  “Dane will see.”

  “Then I suggest you better start thinking about that orgasm and how much I’m going to fuck you one day, and when I do, no one is going to be around to interrupt us.”

  He stroked her clit, teasing through her slit, driving her mad with need.

  She bit her lip in an attempt to keep her screams locked up. She couldn’t handle the kind of pleasure that was rushing through her body, driving her higher and higher.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me.”

  One more stroke over her clit and suddenly his hand was across her mouth. Any moans she had were captured by that one action, keeping her silent.

  “I will always protect you. Come, I’ve got you.”

  She was shaking, moaning, whimpering, and pleasure flooded every single part of her body. Still, he held her close as she came so hard.

  He nibbled on her neck, which only drove her need higher.

  She’d never experienced this kind of pleasure before, not even at her own hand.

  When she was finished, he pressed her against the wall and slammed his lips down on hers, taking possession of her in every single way that counted.

  Then he stepped back, smiled at her, and nodded toward the counter. She moved quickly and started to serve them up.

  Seconds later, Dane walked around the corner, empty plate in hand.

  “You got any more, sis?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course.”

  She quickly served him up some more food, and then her and Jaxson a plate.

  Dane didn’t linger in the kitchen, and as she turned to Jaxson, he smiled at her as he licked his fingers … the ones that had been inside her.

  Her cheeks heated, and after he finished, he took both plates from her. She had no choice but to walk ahead of him, and she wondered if Dane even had a clue that she’d just been fingered in her kitchen. The way he was staring at the television screen, she doubted it.

  “How was your interview?” Dane asked.

  “It was good.”

  “Good. Jaxson has already told me he’s going to take you there every morning and bring you back.”

  “Awesome.” She glanced over to see Jaxson watching her.

  Had he always done that and she was only now just noticing it?

  Realizing her crush for him at such a young age, she’d tried to avoid all eye contact with him in case he saw through her, saw her feelings for him, and he didn’t like it. Swirling her fork in her pasta, she took a bite, but the food had little head any more.

  “If anything happens though, you’re not going back,” Dane said.

  Her brother had been talking, and she’d been more interested in Jaxson and why he kept looking at her.


  “If anything happens. If someone keeps watching you or something like that, you’re out. I won’t have you hurt.”

  “You can’t control my life. Not everyone knows about you,” she said.

  Dane turned toward her. “I’m being serious here, Noelle. I promised to protect you.”

  “Did you think this would affect my life when you killed Mom and Dad?” She glared at her brother.

  Silence filled the room. She lost her appetite. “I’m really tired.”

  Before anyone else could say anything, she put her plate on the coffee table and went to her room. Closing the door, she leaned against it.

  She didn’t know why she’d brought that up. Dane had never hidden from her what he’d done and why he’d done it. She didn’t always agree with him, but he was the boss, the one in charge.

  Removing her clothes, she changed into a fresh nightshirt and went to her bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She wasn’t going to go out there again, not after what she just said.

  Switching off the light, she paused as she entered her room.

  Dane was sitting on her bed.

  “I don’t like fighting with you about this. I know you miss Mom and Dad. I get it.”

  “I get why you did what you did.” Beneath the happy family they played, they’d been drug dealers as well. They’d been the ones to sell the stuff to their friends. With their sweetness, they’d sold the idea of being wonderful parents, and they had been, only with a darkness that clouded their lives.

  She sat down next to him.

  “It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but they were putting our lives in danger. They were taking some of the coke they were being given and putting it aside to make money for themselves. They got caught, and I made a decision.”

  “I know.” She took Dane’s hand. “I was selfish. I just … it’s hard. For a long time, I always imagined living a simple life that didn’t involve people wanting to kill me because of my brother. I’m no longer in my old apartment, but here, and yeah, at times, it’s scary.” She rested her head against his shoulder. “Forgive me.”

  “Always. You’re the only person I’ll ever forgive. Love you, pancake.”

  She smiled at the old name. He’d not called her pancake since she was a kid.

  “I love you, Dane.”

  “Love you too, sis.”

  Chapter Six

  One week later

  Jaxson stood inside the chemical setup Dane had installed near the docks. It was out of the way, secluded, and no chance of anyone stopping by. He had a mad scientist working on the breakdown of the dope the woman he fucked had brought to him.

  “How long does this take?”

  Ronald opened his mouth, and Jaxson held his hand up.

  “Don’t give me any science or all that talk that I don’t understand. Common terms, got it?”

  “You’ve given me three samples, and I’m comparing them against our own product as well as the sample from our business partners. Our stuff is relatively cl
ean in coke, but I can tell you that part of the ingredient in the three other samples has a similar makeup to the date rape drug.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “The date rape drug stops women from being able to move, so with the high and being completely incapacitated, I’d say it’s a dangerous mix, which could also be why people are dying. Too much of this ingredient, and it can kill people. There’s also a hint of rat poison. Someone is making their own coke and playing with the ingredients, that’s what we know so far.”

  “And they’re labeling this shit to look like ours,” Dane said, dumping a tiny wrapped bag onto the table.

  Cops were on their payroll, so they would have this kind of information. They paid them to look the other way but to also bring them this kind of information.

  Jaxson picked up the bag. He’d never done any drugs in his life. Never wanted to.

  Dane had played with them when his parents first brought them into his house, Jaxson knew that. He also knew that Dane swore to never use again, and as far as Jaxson could tell, he never had.

  His best friend wasn’t just muscle, but brains as well.

  He made everyone think he was just a dumb asshole, but he wasn’t. He played on it to see who would take the piss out of him, and when he found the right answers, he made sure no one was mistaken about the kind of man he was.

  They were both in charge. Their names brought fear within the city. They’d both grown up on the streets. Dane had been exposed to the harshness of his parents’ life and had admitted to taking a few beatings because of them. He’d never allowed Noelle to take any hit though.

  It was always him.

  The constant big brother.

  “We’ve got to put a stop to this. One more dead body with that on them, and we’re fucking screwed,” Jaxson said, throwing it on the table.


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