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Dirty Bastard

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “You don’t like waffles?”

  He wrinkled his nose. “Nope, too sweet.”

  “You’re officially weird. Everyone loves waffles. I refuse to believe it’s possible for you to not love them.”

  He shrugged. Taking a sip of his coffee, he watched her.

  She wasn’t perfectly made up. Her hair was messed in the back from sleeping in the car, and the clothes she wore were way too big for her. She looked cute, adorable even.

  “You keep staring at me. It’s kind of creepy.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  She tilted her head to the side, watching him. “You don’t find this creepy?”

  “I love having your gaze on me.”

  She looked away, and he saw her nibbling her lip.

  “Do I make you nervous?” he asked.

  “You know you do.”

  “Good. I like that you’re nervous. It gives me an edge.”

  “Why did you do this today?” she asked.

  “I wanted you to have something that you’ve been dreaming about for a long time. I know it means something to you.”

  “Does it mean anything to you?” she asked.

  “Seeing the happiness on your face, it means the world to me. For a guy like me, I can’t ask for anything more.”

  “You’re not a bad guy, Jaxson. I don’t know why you keep thinking that you are.”

  “I know what I am and what I’m capable of doing. I’m not a good guy. You shouldn’t paint me as if I was.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I know what you’re capable of.”

  “And yet, you’re still here.”

  “Now, you’re confusing me. Do you want me to run?”

  “There’s nowhere for you to run to. I’ll always find you.”

  “You make no sense. You find it strange that I’m still here, and yet, I wouldn’t be able to run from you? What should I do?” she asked.

  “All you have to do is say the words and mean them.”

  “The words?”

  “You know the words.”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll listen to them, and if at any time you think I’m going too far, say them.”

  “I like being with you, Jaxson. It scares me because I know my brother will hurt you.”

  “You’re so sure about that?”

  “He’s very protective of me, and I’d hate to see you hurt.”

  He grabbed her hand. “I would never hurt you. Dane knows that. Also have a little faith. You brother knows me well enough to know that he can’t take me in a fight.”

  They were evenly matched.

  “That’s what scares me. He’d fight dirty, would you?”

  He would.

  “I can’t lose both of you. I won’t.”

  “Here’s the thing, Noelle. Until you tell me to leave, to stop, to leave you alone, I’m not going to.”

  The choice was hers.


  “What has gotten into you?” Noelle asked as Jaxson fastened the necklace that he’d just given to her. It was a small silver diamond in the center of a heart.

  “Can’t I treat you?”

  “I don’t know. You asked me to get all pretty, and now you’re giving me jewelry. What’s going on?” She turned to look at him.

  They’d been going back and forth now for nearly three weeks. He still hadn’t had sex with her, and besides the time in the pool, he’d been very gentlemanly.

  “Dane’s had to go out of the country on business. He asked me to take care of you, and I want to take you out on a date.”

  “A date?”

  “Yes, an actual date.”

  “What about seeing the sunrise at the beach?”

  “That wasn’t a date. Just a spur of the moment thing I cooked up. Now, I want to take you out, have some fun. I’d love to see you laugh, and we’re going dancing.”



  “This is an actual date?”

  “Yep. Starting off with eating some good food at this little French restaurant that I know.”

  “You know a French restaurant?”

  “They do a really good steak. They’ve got no complaints from me, and you don’t know everything about me.” He cupped her face and kissed her. “Now, do you want to argue about this some more or do you want to have a little faith I know what I’m doing?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I have faith in you. More than you realize.” She put her arm through his, and they left her apartment.

  Jaxson took over closing and locking her door.

  Her heart raced as they stood in the elevator. “How come you didn’t go with Dane?”

  “He needs me here. He’s gone to talk with some contacts that he’s made.”

  “Did everything get handled?” she asked.

  Jaxson never kept anything a secret from her, but he also didn’t tell her everything they did together. She imagined she wouldn’t like it all that much.

  “We got a sticky situation handled, but now we’ve got a few other problems that we’re working on.”

  “You mentioned one of the guys having pictures of me a few weeks ago. Do I still need to worry?”

  He hesitated, and she glanced toward him.

  “Do I need to worry?”

  “Be on your guard all the time. Don’t let anyone in you don’t know. If you notice anyone lurking around that shouldn’t be, call me or Dane. No one else.”

  “What about Smith or Frank? They’re always around.” She didn’t like how scared she felt.

  “There is always someone near you. If it’s not me or Dane, we have men we can trust.”

  “But you’re worried.”

  “We’re not worried. It’s why we’re so careful. Our lives and what we do put yours at risk. We don’t do this on purpose, but we will protect you to the end.” He grabbed her hand as the elevator doors opened up.

  She rushed to keep up with him.

  An uneasy feeling filled her, and she didn’t like it. Pushing it aside, she followed closely behind him, trying not to worry about every single shadow that could be lurking.

  “This is why Dane didn’t want to tell you,” Jaxson said. “He knew you’d worry.”

  “Of course I’d worry. You’re talking about a guy I don’t know taking pictures of me. It’s weird and twisted.”

  “It’s because of us and what we do. It has nothing to do with you.”

  “I don’t like it,” she said.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you. Have a little faith.”

  “I do, in you.” She took his hand and kissed his knuckles. They were scabbed over after his latest fight. “You really need to stop hitting people.”

  “Some people need to be hit.”

  He pulled his hand away, and she watched him as he pulled out of the parking lot, heading out into the night.

  It was getting so cold now. She loved this time of year. Fall and winter were always her favorite, especially with snowfall. There was nothing more magical to her.

  Pushing some hair off her face, she leaned her head against the window, looking out into the night.

  She was so aware of the man beside her. Jaxson, her brother’s best friend. He was fierce and deadly. She’d never seen him in action but could only imagine how strong he was. Dane had told her he never lost a fight. She’d seen him covered in bruises, split knuckles, cuts all over his face.

  It was strange at times to think of him as a crime lord or whatever he was called. Jaxson always dressed in the best, pristine-looking suits. He looked more a businessman than a deadly killer. He and Dane were not part of the mafia, or a kingpin. They were a deadly duo together. She’d always been the little sister.

  The person in the way.

  Glancing toward him, she saw he navigated traffic with such ease. Nothing seemed to bother him as he pulled up outside a restaurant. It wasn’t one she recognized.

  There was private parking in the back. She stayed in the car as he climbed ou
t, moving to her side to help her.

  He was the perfect gentleman in everything he did.

  “You look so beautiful.” He wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “Aren’t you worried about being caught?” she asked.

  “Noelle, you need to learn to stop worrying. I’ll handle your brother when the time is right. Besides, I’m the one that has been trusted with your safety. Calm down. You’re going to give me a complex at this rate.”

  She chuckled. Resting her head against his shoulder, she sighed. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Nothing will.” He kissed her head. “Now, let’s go and have some food.”


  Jaxson didn’t know what possessed him to take her out for a meal. It was a risk. He and Dane had men all over the city. It was the way they survived. To have spies in enemy camps was also necessary.

  Lifting his wine glass, he took a sip and saw Noelle smile.

  He loved her so damn much. The past three weeks had been torture to him. All he wanted to do was to take her in his arms, but he knew she was scared, nervous, worried. She had a right to be as well. He’d be able to defend himself, but Dane was unpredictable. She knew this. He wondered if she even realized yet that she loved him, or if she was still in denial of that emotion.

  Her feelings were what kept holding her back.

  The reason he held back was once he had her, there was no letting go.

  Her body craved him though. Every time he was near her, he saw the change deep within. She wanted him, and soon, she’d have all of him.

  “How’s the steak?” he asked.

  “Delicious, as you knew it would be. It seems kind of strange seeing you drink wine.”

  “I can handle the taste every now and then, but it is an acquired one.” He put his glass down. He wouldn’t be drinking anymore as he wanted to take her to a nightclub. One that Dane didn’t own and there wasn’t a risk of meeting any of his associates. Tonight was about creating memories, not destroying them.

  She finished off her steak and sat back in her chair. She looked totally sated.

  “That was amazing. The wine. The music. All of it.”

  “Good. Would you like dessert?”

  “No, I couldn’t eat another thing.”

  “Finish your wine.”

  “Are you in a rush?”

  “I want to take you dancing. Enjoy your wine, and we’ll go for a little walk. There’s a nightclub not too far from here that I’d love to visit.”


  She finished her wine, and as he settled the bill, she made her escape to the bathroom. He waited in the main reception for her. Taking her arm, he led her outside, and they walked down the long street. It was fairly busy, but no one interrupted them or bumped into them.

  “I could get used to this,” she said, resting her head against his arm.

  He intended for her to get used to it.

  “You can have this every single day with me, Noelle.” He stopped, standing in front of her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m telling you that you may want to keep this a secret from Dane for now, but it’s not going to last. I’m not going to keep you a secret forever. He’ll find out or I’ll tell him.” He cupped her face when he felt her fear. “Don’t. You don’t need to panic.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Not at all.”

  Taking hold of her hand, he walked her across to the long line of waiting people. He didn’t have to wait as he had a seat in the VIP section. This club wasn’t owned by him or Dane, but he used an alias so no one knew who he was.

  The crowd booed as he walked straight in.

  “Can you just do that?” Noelle asked.

  “Of course I can.” He took her straight to the bar. “What would you like to drink?”


  “Is that really the only drink you know?”

  “Yes, and I know I can handle it.”

  “One tequila for the lady. Water for me,” he said.

  Music filled the room, and he kept his hands on Noelle. There were a lot of people here tonight, and he didn’t like it. He had this horrible feeling they’d let too many people in at one time. This was a potential hazard, and he wished he’d gone to another place.

  Once the shot had been given to her, he nodded at the barman, and took her hand, leading her onto the dance floor.

  “Careful, Jaxson,” she said. “You’re marching me around. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Why?” He wrapped his arms around her.

  “You don’t seem … happy.”

  “I’m good. I just want you to have a good time.”

  “I am having a great time. The best.” She held him close, and he smiled at her. “You make me forget all my worries.”

  Pressing his lips against hers, he felt his cock stiffen, and he wanted nothing more than to bend her over the first available surface and fuck her.

  Not tonight.

  Spinning her around so that her back was against his, he banded a hand around her waist, pressing his lips against her neck. Pressing his cock against her ass, he heard her moan.

  “You feel that? It’s what I want to do to you. No one else has ever had the power to make me hard quite like you.”

  She turned her head, and he took the invitation, sucking and kissing at her neck. She cried out his name, and fuck if he wasn’t losing it already.

  He wanted her.

  There was no denying his need for her.

  Why are you waiting?

  He wanted everything to be perfect for her.

  “Do you have any idea what I want to do with you?” he asked.

  “I’ve got an idea.” She turned in his arms. Her hands rested on his shoulders. “What I want to know, Jaxson, is why you keep on waiting. What are you waiting for?”

  He stared into her eyes. “Do you want me?” he asked.

  She nodded her head. “Yes, I want you. I’ll always want you.” Gripping the back of his head, she brought his head down to kiss him.

  He was lost.

  Chapter Eight

  Noelle couldn’t believe she had made that first leap. With Jaxson’s arms around her, pleasure rushed through her. She felt alive, and knowing he wasn’t worried about her brother, she found that she was able to relax.

  “Tell me what it is you want,” he said, breaking the kiss.

  She stared up at him and smiled. “I don’t want to run or to worry anymore. I want you, Jaxson.” She licked her suddenly dry lips. She didn’t know why she was changing her mind or what had happened for her to take this sudden leap. “Take me home. I want you to … fuck me.”

  Her cheeks were on fire. They had to be. She couldn’t believe what she was saying or doing.

  “You want this?”

  “Yes. I want this with you.”

  He pushed some hair off her shoulder. “All right.”

  Taking her hand, he started to walk off the dance floor. Her body was so alive, and she was so turned on. As they left the floor, however, someone shoved into her, and unable to hold her balance, she fell to the floor, releasing Jaxson’s hold on her.

  The breath rushed right out of her, and she moaned as the impact had winded her.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” Jaxson said. He shoved the man and helped her to her feet. “You okay, baby?”

  “You should keep her on a fucking leash or something. She can’t just walk in front of people and expect others to move. This is a free fucking country. Your ugly bitch should learn to move out of the way.”

  Jaxson released her and stepped up to the man. “What did you say?”

  “You heard me.”

  “Explain it to me again.”

  “Your whore—”

  She released a cry as Jaxson slammed his fist against the man’s face. He went down instantly.

  She glanced around them, seeing a couple of men approaching.

  “Jaxson, come on, let’s go.”

/>   “Not going to happen.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” one of the men asked.

  “You this piece of shit’s friend?”

  “You think you should be talking to us like that. There’s one of you and three of us.”

  “I count two, and the other is already knocked out. You want to do this?”

  She grabbed his arm. “Please, let’s go.”

  “No. I want him to apologize.”

  “I don’t want him to apologize. Please, Jaxson. If they call the cops, I won’t be able to bail you out.”

  She didn’t have that kind of money and also, she hadn’t brought her car.

  “No, I want an apology,” he said, turning to the other men. She winced as the one on the ground groaned as he got to his feet.

  “Noelle, go to the car.”

  “Not without you I’m not.” She made another grab for his arm.

  “Why don’t you listen to your whore and get the fuck out of here?”

  Why did they have to insult her? She had already figured out that he got pissed off when someone did that.

  She tried to grab Jaxson, but it was no good.

  The fight had already started, and she watched as Jaxson expertly took out two of the other men just as the one who insulted her got to his feet.

  “She must have a golden pussy for you to protect her like this.”

  She didn’t want to stay and watch, but within a matter of minutes, all three men were knocked out and Jaxson was in handcuffs. Whoever owned the bar had already called the cops.

  “What do I do?” she asked Jaxson.

  “Call Andrea, my lawyer.” He tossed his keys toward her. “Meet me at the station, follow the cop car.”

  Her hands shook as she ran back to the restaurant where he parked the car. Just as she was about to climb inside someone clearing their throat stopped her.

  “You weren’t just about to drive in that car, were you, miss?”

  She turned to see a police officer had followed her.

  What happened next was the worst thing that ever happened to her. The officer forced her to take a breathalyzer test, which showed she was over the limit. The fight that broke out had completely scared her, and she’d forgotten about the alcohol she’d consumed. Instead of getting help, she ended up in the back of another police car.

  The one with Jaxson hadn’t driven off yet, so he saw her, climbing into the back of the car. She watched as he started to lose it.


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