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Clover's Parent Fix

Page 1

by Ahmet Zappa


  Sage and the Journey to Wishworld

  Libby and the Class Election

  Leona’s Unlucky Mission

  Vega and the Fashion Disaster

  Scarlet Discovers True Strength

  Cassie Comes Through

  Piper’s Perfect Dream

  Astra’s Mixed-Up Mission

  Tessa’s Lost and Found

  Adora Finds a Friend


  Because I’m Your Dad

  The Monstrous Memoirs of a Mighty McFearless


  A Wisher’s Guide to Starland


  Gemma and the Ultimate Standoff

  Copyright © 2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

  Artwork © 2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

  Cover design © 2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

  Excerpt from Star Darlings: Gemma and the Ultimate Standoff copyright © 2016 by Shana Muldoon Zappa and Ahmet Zappa.

  All rights reserved. Published by Disney Press, an imprint of Disney Book Group. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.

  For information address Disney Press, 1101 Flower Street, Glendale, California 91201.

  ISBN 978-1-4847-1438-6

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  Title Page

  Also by Shana Muldoon Zappa and Ahmet Zappa



  Starling Academy: Student Reports



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10




  Preview of Star Darlings: Gemma and the Ultimate Standoff

  About the Authors

  Halo Violetta Zappa. You are pure light, joy, and inspiration. We love you soooooo much.

  May the Star Darlings continue to shine brightly upon you. May every step upon your path be blessed with positivity and the understanding that you have the power within you to manifest the most fulfilling life you can possibly dream of and more. May you always remember that being different and true to yourself makes your inner star shine brighter. And never ever stop making wishes.

  Glow for it….

  Mommy and Daddy

  And to everyone else here on “Wishworld”:

  May you realize that no matter where you are in life, no matter what you look like or where you were born, you, too, have the power within you to create the life of your dreams. Through celebrating your own uniqueness, thinking positively, and taking action, you can make your wishes come true. May you understand that you are never alone. There is always someone near who will understand you if you look hard enough. The Star Darlings are here to remind you that there is an unstoppable energy to staying positive, wishing, and believing in yourself. That inner star shines within you.

  Smile. The Star Darlings have your back. We know how startastic you truly are.

  Glow for it….

  Your friends,

  Shana and Ahmet

  Starling Academy:

  Student Reports

  NAME: Clover

  BRIGHT DAY: January 5


  INTERESTS: Music, painting, studying

  WISH: To be the best songwriter and DJ on Starland

  WHY CHOSEN: Clover has great self-discipline, patience, and willpower. She is creative, responsible, dependable, and extremely loyal.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Clover can be hard to read and she is reserved with those she doesn’t know. She’s afraid to take risks and can be a wisecracker at times.



  WISH PENDANT: Barrette

  NAME: Adora

  BRIGHT DAY: February 14


  INTERESTS: Science, thinking about the future and how she can make it better

  WISH: To be the top fashion designer on Starland

  WHY CHOSEN: Adora is clever and popular and cares about the world around her. She’s a deep thinker.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Adora can have her head in the clouds and be thinking about other things.




  NAME: Piper

  BRIGHT DAY: March 4

  FAVORITE COLOR: Seafoam green

  INTERESTS: Composing poetry and writing in her dream journal

  WISH: To become the best version of herself she can possibly be and to share that by writing books

  WHY CHOSEN: Piper is giving, kind, and sensitive. She is very intuitive and aware.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Piper can be dreamy, absentminded, and wishy-washy. She can also be moody and easily swayed by the opinions of others.


  POWER CRYSTAL: Dreamalite

  WISH PENDANT: Bracelets

  NAME: Astra

  BRIGHT DAY: April 9


  INTERESTS: Individual sports

  WISH: To be the best athlete on Starland—to win!

  WHY CHOSEN: Astra is energetic, brave, clever, and confident. She has boundless energy and is always direct and to the point.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Astra is sometimes cocky, self-centered, condescending, and brash.


  POWER CRYSTAL: Quarrelite

  WISH PENDANT: Wristbands

  NAME: Tessa

  BRIGHT DAY: May 18

  FAVORITE COLOR: Emerald green

  INTERESTS: Food, flowers, love

  WISH: To be successful enough that she can enjoy a life of luxury

  WHY CHOSEN: Tessa is warm, charming, affectionate, trustworthy, and dependable. She has incredible drive and commitment.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Tessa does not like to be rushed. She can be quite stubborn and often says no. She does not deal well with change and is prone to exaggeration. She can be easily sidetracked.




  NAME: Gemma

  BRIGHT DAY: June 2


  INTERESTS: Sharing her thoughts about almost anything

  WISH: To be valued for her opinions on everything

  WHY CHOSEN: Gemma is friendly, easygoing, funny, extroverted, and social. She knows a little bit about everything.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Gemma talks—a lot—and can be a little too honest sometimes and offend others. She can have a short attention span and can be superficial.


  POWER CRYSTAL: Scatterite

  WISH PENDANT: Earrings

  NAME: Cassie

  BRIGHT DAY: July 6


  INTERESTS: Reading, crafting

  WISH: To be more independent and confident and less fearful

  WHY CHOSEN: Cassie is extremely imaginative and artistic. She is a voracious reader and is loyal, caring, and a good friend. She is very intuitive.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Cassie can be distrustful, jealous, moody, and brooding.




  NAME: Leona

/>   BRIGHT DAY: August 16


  INTERESTS: Acting, performing, dressing up

  WISH: To be the most famous pop star on Starland

  WHY CHOSEN: Leona is confident, hardworking, generous, open-minded, optimistic, caring, and a strong leader.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Leona can be vain, opinionated, selfish, bossy, dramatic, and stubborn and is prone to losing her temper.


  POWER CRYSTAL: Glisten paw


  NAME: Vega

  BRIGHT DAY: September 1


  INTERESTS: Exercising, analyzing, cleaning, solving puzzles

  WISH: To be the top student at Starling Academy

  WHY CHOSEN: Vega is reliable, observant, organized, and very focused.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Vega can be opinionated about everything, and she can be fussy, uptight, critical, arrogant, and easily embarrassed.




  NAME: Libby

  BRIGHT DAY: October 12


  INTERESTS: Helping others, interior design, art, dancing

  WISH: To give everyone what they need—both on Starland and through wish granting on Wishworld

  WHY CHOSEN: Libby is generous, articulate, gracious, diplomatic, and kind.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Libby can be indecisive and may try too hard to please everyone.


  POWER CRYSTAL: Charmelite

  WISH PENDANT: Necklace

  NAME: Scarlet

  BRIGHT DAY: November 3


  INTERESTS: Crystal climbing (and other extreme sports), magic, thrill seeking

  WISH: To live on Wishworld

  WHY CHOSEN: Scarlet is confident, intense, passionate, magnetic, curious, and very brave.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Scarlet is a loner and can alienate others by being secretive, arrogant, stubborn, and jealous.


  POWER CRYSTAL: Ravenstone


  NAME: Sage

  BRIGHT DAY: December 1


  INTERESTS: Travel, adventure, telling stories, nature, and philosophy

  WISH: To become the best Wish-Granter Starland has ever seen

  WHY CHOSEN: Sage is honest, adventurous, curious, optimistic, friendly, and relaxed.

  WATCH OUT FOR: Sage has a quick temper! She can also be restless, irresponsible, and too trusting of others’ opinions. She may jump to conclusions.


  POWER CRYSTAL: Lavenderite

  WISH PENDANT: Necklace

  You take a deep breath, about to blow out the candles on your birthday cake. Clutching a coin in your fist, you get ready to toss it into the dancing waters of a fountain. You stare at your little brother as you each hold an end of a dried wishbone, about to pull. But what do you do first?

  You make a wish, of course!

  Ever wonder what happens right after you make that wish? Not much, you may be thinking.

  Well, you’d be wrong.

  Because something quite unexpected happens next. Each and every wish that is made becomes a glowing Wish Orb, invisible to the human eye. This undetectable orb zips through the air and into the heavens, on a one-way trip to the brightest star in the sky—a magnificent place called Starland. Starland is inhabited by Starlings, who look a lot like you and me, except they have a sparkly glow to their skin, and glittery hair in unique colors. And they have one more thing: magical powers. The Starlings use these powers to make good wishes come true, for when good wishes are granted, the result is positive energy. And the Starlings of Starland need this energy to keep their world running.

  In case you are wondering, there are three kinds of Wish Orbs:

  1) GOOD WISH ORBS. These wishes are positive and helpful and come from the heart. They are pretty and sparkly and are nurtured in climate-controlled Wish-Houses. They bloom into fantastical glowing orbs. When the time is right, they are presented to the appropriate Starling for wish fulfillment.

  2) BAD WISH ORBS. These are for selfish, mean-spirited, or negative things. They don’t sparkle at all. They are immediately transported to a special containment center, as they are very dangerous and must not be granted.

  3) IMPOSSIBLE WISH ORBS. These wishes are for things, like world peace and disease cures, that simply can’t be granted by Starlings. These sparkle with an almost impossibly bright light and are taken to a special area of the Wish-House with tinted windows to contain the glare they produce. The hope is that one day they can be turned into good wishes the Starlings can help grant.

  Starlings take their wish granting very seriously. There is a special school called Starling Academy that accepts only the best and brightest young Starling girls. They study hard for four years, and when they graduate, they are ready to start traveling to Wishworld to help grant wishes. For as long as anyone can remember, only graduates of wish-granting schools have ever been allowed to travel to Wishworld. But things have changed in a very big way.

  Read on for the rest of the story.…

  Together we face the music.

  Together we take a stand.

  We’re one for all and all for one.

  We’re the members of the band.

  Clover paused, Star-Zap in hand, as she swung slowly back and forth on her hammock, composing a song.

  At least, Clover was trying to compose a song. She was the main songwriter for the Star Darlings band, although—by her own choice—she wasn’t an official member. Clover could play just about any instrument on Starland—from the keytar to the googlehorn—and had a true stage presence. But she was taking a break from the starlight. After all those staryears performing with her circus family—traveling with “The Greatest Show on Starland”—she wanted to concentrate on her real love: songwriting.

  If only this song was coming easier! It was supposedly about Star Darlings the band. But it was really about Star Darlings the star-charmed group of students fated to save their world. And Clover was having a tough time with it, despite her strategies.

  First: to set a goal. And that was to finish the song before the Battle of the Bands competition.

  Second: to keep to a routine. And she did, working first thing in the morning, before breakfast, even if inspiration didn’t hit…even if she’d stayed up late the night before and wanted extra sleep. Even now, she thought.

  Across the room, Clover heard her roommate, Astra, tossing a star ball into a net. Thump, thump, thump. It was the perfect backbeat.

  She returned to work.

  Together we face the music.

  Together we sing our song.

  We’ve faced a lot of startrouble,

  But we always stay starstrong.

  Strength. Clover considered how strong each Star Darling had to be. Every mission they’d gone on had been riddled with problems: mixed-up Wisher and wish identifications, for starters, and Leona’s Wish Pendant’s burning up on the trip back. And poor Adora, whose Wishworld transformation hadn’t lasted one starday. Sparkly and glowing, she’d had to hide in a bathroom!

  Of course there was Scarlet, too, whose trouble had started before her mission even began. She’d been kicked out of the Star Darlings and replaced by a girl named Ophelia. Lady Stella, the headmistress, had claimed Ophelia was the true Star Darling. Luckily, Scarlet wound up collecting wish energy anyway. But had Lady Stella switched the girls to mess up another mission? Clover hated to admit it, but it certainly seemed that way. In fact, all the evidence pointed to Lady Stella as the evil mastermind behind the problems. And that included both the poisonous flowers that had made the Star Darlings bicker and the toxic nail polish that had made them act so strange.

  Did she have an accomplice? There was that mysterious woman Astra kept spotting havi
ng meetings with Lady Stella. What did it all mean? And what could the Star Darlings do about it?

  Clover wanted a faster beat to match all those questions. Something with an edge. Astra began to bounce two star balls at once. Double time.

  Clover picked up the rhythm.

  What is Starland’s fate, fate, fate?

  It’s time to lend a hand, hand, hand.

  We’re all in sync, sync, sync.

  We’re the Star Darlings band, band, band.

  Fate. That was a powerful refrain, Clover thought—for the song and for the Star Darlings themselves. Tessa, Cassie, and Scarlet had discovered a secret underground chamber holding an ancient prophecy, a book proclaiming that twelve Star-Charmed Starlings were destined to save Starland. (And it was clear now that Starland was certainly in trouble and needed saving! Power outages and energy blips had become frighteningly common.)

  Of course the Star Darlings figured out they were those very Starlings—just before getting trapped inside the chamber. Thank the stars we found them, Clover thought. But was that another evil act by Lady Stella?

  Clover slowed down the tempo.

  Oh, we believe in the truth.

  Please don’t tell us these lies.

  We believe in the stars

  Shining high above in the skies.

  Hmmm. Clover considered the next lines. The Star Darlings had confronted Lady Stella, demanding the truth. But what would Clover write about that meeting? How Lady Stella had—

  Clover’s Star-Zap flickered and chimed with a holo-call. She glanced at the screen. It was her mom, hanging upside down on a trapeze. In the background Clover saw the circus big top, the view swinging wildly as her mom moved back and forth.

  These trapeze calls could last for starhours. Each time her mom swung past another relative, she’d pass the Star-Zap. Clover bit her lip. She was just getting started on these lyrics. But it meant so much to her family, particularly her mom, to talk to her. She swiped the screen and a holo-image appeared in the air before her.


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