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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 2

by A. K. Michaels

  Shit, she was a Jaguar and none of them had ever even met one. Most saying it was all legends and folklore – that they didn't truly exist, and here in front of him was a stunning female whose scent was one he had never came across before.

  Zach coughed and broke the eye contact between Sam and Simeon and the girl blushed again and made her way to the corner of the room where she proceeded to sit on the floor.

  “So Duncan, can you give us anything regarding these beasts you encountered?” Vlad asked and Duncan was slowly sipping his whisky.

  Scott moved in his seat and took over, “Vlad – they are fierce – jet black but no fur, bigger than even Duncan's Wolf by quite a bit. Even when there were a few of us attacking one of them we didn't seem to slow them down. It's as if they don't feel any pain and just kept on fighting even when they had what would normally be a mortal wound. The worst thing tho was their speed, they could move so fast that we didn't stand a chance. Most of us had to stay Wolf to heal enough to stay alive. Our wounds were bad but they wouldn't heal properly. Even in Wolf form we weren't healing as we should. I can only guess it was something in their bite, or shit I don't know. All I know is we didn't heal right.” Stuart finished and winced once more as he tried to move in his chair.

  Zach didn't know what to make of it, “Bri, William – have you sensed anything, possibly magical, that could be behind these beasts?” and Bri was nodding as William started to talk.

  “Yes, both of us – before Samantha got here both Bri and I felt something off, we tried to locate what it was but couldn't. Then Sam got here and we tried even more, there's something magical at work but we don't know what. I've put a call in to my mother's office – asking for her help – but she's away in Europe at the moment and won't be back for a while yet.” William finished and Alex remembered that his mother was the Head Witch in the UK. She hoped that his mother could get back soon and maybe help.

  “Okay so we've got something magical at work, some kind of deadly beast and a pack killed and females missing. So how do we proceed?” Zach asked and everyone was silent, with their own thoughts, and trying to come up with something.

  After a couple of minutes of silence Simeon spoke up, “I think we need to go and see, we are faster than Wolves so maybe we can outrun these beasts if we come across them?” he said and there was a strangled cry from the corner – all eyes turned to the young Jaguar who was still sitting on the floor.

  Sam's eyes were wide with fear, “No, please don't go – I don't want you getting hurt.” she said, stuttering over the words. Everyone noticed that her words were directed solely to Simeon.

  Simeon stared at the Jaguar and gave a small smile, “It's okay, we're vampires and very fast, far faster than Wolves.” and the girl just shook her head.

  Duncan broke in, “She's a Jaguar Simeon, not a Wolf, a Jaguar is far faster than us Wolves, very fast indeed. I can't say for certain but I think Vamps may only be a little faster, certainly not the difference between you and us Wolves.” he explained and that set them all to thinking again.

  Shit, if jaguars were as fast as Duncan said then maybe they wouldn't be able to outrun them.

  Zach took a deep breath, “I'll go alone.” he said and Alex was moving fast – pushing her chair back and standing up.

  “No!” she said quickly and just as quickly Vlad said - “Not a fucking chance!”

  Zach looked around, “Look, we're up against something we don't know anything about, yes Vamps are fast but what if these things are faster? I can Move, if there's too much danger I can Move, none of you can do that so I'll go on my own!”

  Zach's tone had gotten more forceful as he spoke and he finished it with a deep frown on his face. Daring anyone to argue.

  James was shaking his head,“Look Zach, we all know you can Move, but none of us is willing to let you go alone, so we need to come up with something else.”

  “Yes, James is right, you are NOT going on your own Zach, no way my Vampire!” Alex spat out the words, she was angry and upset and downright scared.

  “What then? What do we do?” Zach asked.

  Nobody spoke.

  “I think I'll have that whisky now Duncan.” Vlad said and Margaret shot up and got glasses and brought the bottle over. All the men took some, only Lisa and Alex saying no.

  Alex's head was spinning, what do they do and how do they do it? She didn't know but she knew they had to come up with something soon, there were girls missing and they had to be found.

  After the whisky had been drunk, rather quickly in Alex's opinion, all the men started throwing ideas about. Every time they thought they had something they could work with another would point out the faults and they would start over.

  After about two hours Zach sighed, “We're getting nowhere, I still think I should go on my own – at least to see if I can scent where the females were taken.”

  Again Alex shot to her feet, “Zach! No, no and oh wait – NO!”

  Zach was getting angry, they had came to help and so far all they had done was find ways NOT to help. He could get in, look around, and Move if there was any danger, why couldn't everyone see that made sense.

  Vlad coughed, “Okay Alex, sit down, we all agree so we need to come up with something else. Zach, you are not going on your own so stop bringing it up else Alex will be making you sleep in the barn tonight!” Vlad laughed at the end, trying to lighten the mood.

  However, on looking at Zach's face he realised he had failed miserably.

  “So what if you all came as far as the pack camp and I could go on just a little further on my own? Duncan – you said it was a good hour from the camp before you were attacked?” Zach asked and looked at the Alpha.

  Duncan was looking back and forth between the Vampires, “Well yea but that disnae mean that ye wid be safe, we jest cannae say Zach. Ah cannae think straight, fer the first time as Alpha ah don't know whit tae dae!” and everyone could hear the despair in his voice. It tore at every single one of them.

  William had been listening to everything and he made a decision, “May I speak Alpha?” he asked and Duncan nodded. “Zach – you know how strong my magic is, I could come with you, surely these beasts aren't as strong as those demons we fought? I could take those down so maybe I can do the same to these beasts?” he finished and looked around the table.

  Zach was looking thoughtful and Vlad was smiling, “Hell yea, Duncan what do you think?” and the Alpha was staring at William, his look one of great thought.

  “Ah dinae know, William ah wid hate fer ye tae get hurt son, even in Wolf form ye couldnae keep up wae Vamps speed, ye wid get left behind laddie.” Duncan looked very worried.

  Zach sighed, “Well what if I kept William close to me, then if those things come I could Move him away, that is if his magic doesn't work?” and at that Duncan was nodding.

  “Aye that could work, tho ye need tae promise me Zach, ah cannae lose any mair oh ma pack.”

  Zach looked the large Alpha straight in the eye, “I will keep him beside me Duncan, I promise.” and the large Wolf nodded once, the burden he was carrying plain for all to see.

  Lisa was scared, shit, she thought they all were and she knew James was, she could feel it. Tho she was sure the fear was for her and not himself. She lay a hand on his thigh and gave it a squeeze and he turned and smiled, covering her hand with his. He mouthed 'sorry' which confused her but then he spoke.

  “Zach, I think only vamps and William should go, Lisa won't be able to keep up, even in her Wolf form.” James said and Lisa felt – well she didn't know – her first instinct was to be angry but when she saw Duncan and Scott hurt well she was scared. They were both much larger than her and more powerful and if they couldn't deal with these 'things' then she was pretty sure she couldn't.

  Zach had been giving James a very appraising look and took a moment before replying. “James I understand your worries and to be honest I share them. If Duncan had trouble with these things then I think Lisa should stay her
e.” Zach finished and James let out his breath. He hadn't realised he had been holding it.

  James was glad that Lisa would be safe, he didn't want her anywhere near these beasts, so he was happy that Zach agreed. Lisa didn't argue and James was even happier about that.

  Margaret started clearing away some dishes and checked on her son – still sound asleep in the travel cot in the corner. Bri was still cuddling her daughter but stood up, “I'm going to feed Shona and put her to bed – your dinner will be waiting Scott.” and she bent and kissed the top of Scott's head. He smiled up at her - “Won't be long Bri.” and his mate walked out with a still quiet little girl.

  Alex smiled, “She's gorgeous Scott – and Shona is such a lovely name,”

  Scott beamed at her, “Yea we had rather a disagreement on names at first but we both liked Shona, it means God is Gracious.” and at that Zach let out a little noise, showing his thoughts on God.

  “Now now Zach, I know you're not keen on the man upstairs but I go to church every week and my faith is important to me.” Scott's tone was just a little annoyed.

  Zach sighed, “Yes Scott I know and if your faith gives you any kind of comfort in this fucked up world then that's good. Me – well I have other thoughts on the matter but we won't get into an argument over it.” Zach finished with a slight smile and Scott only nodded his head, letting the matter drop.

  Vlad got his phone out, “Here, see how big Tatya is now.” he said as he passed his phone over to Duncan. The huge Alpha smiled, and Alex realised it was the first time he had since they got there!

  “Oh she's jest a bonny wee thing – looks just like you Vlad!” then Duncan realised what he had said and stuttered.

  Before Duncan could get anything out Alex jumped in, “Yes she does doesn't she, it's amazing the likeness.” and Duncan relaxed. How stupid of him to forget that Vlad wasn't the biological father.

  Duncan passed the phone to Scott and Margaret was looking over his shoulder, “Jeez she's gorgeous Vlad – you're going to have to keep an eye on her when she's older!” Margaret said with a huge smile only to notice the huge frown on Vlad's face.

  “Uhm yea I know!” the Vampire said.

  Margaret laughed, “Oh dear, I pity any boyfriends this little one brings home!” and everyone either laughed or smiled, their thoughts exactly.

  Lisa yawned and Margaret saw it, “Okay, sleeping arrangements, Lisa, James, Vlad and .. sorry.. we weren't introduced?” she said in Simeon's direction.

  Vlad spoke up, “Sorry Margaret, this is Simeon, he's my new Second in Command – after those two stole Dmitri from me!” he was giving daggers to Alex and Zach who just smiled.

  “Right okay, you four are in the bungalow next to Scott's, he'll show you it. It's got three bedrooms so plenty of room. Alex and Zach, you've got your usual room.” Margaret finished and Lisa wondered about the house they would be staying in.

  “Margaret, I hope we've not put anybody out?” Lisa asked.

  Duncan did one of his 'harrumphs' “Nae lassie, the family whose hoose it is are away doon south – to that godforsaken land called England – visiting some theme park or other!”

  Margaret gave him a punch in the arm. “Hey! I'm English!” she retorted.

  Duncan laughed, “Aye but yer mine so that makes a difference!” and pulled Margaret onto his lap and planted a kiss square on her lips.

  Margaret wriggled about, “Let me up Duncan! We've got guests!” and Duncan just held her tighter and gave her behind a good squeeze for good measure.

  Scott stood up, “If you guys want to follow me I'll show you where to go and I'll see you all in the morning, bright and early.” and the four that were staying in that bungalow got up and followed him out, all saying their 'byes' on the way past.

  Alex relaxed, just slightly, and Zach pulled her onto his lap, just as Duncan had done to his mate.


  As Zach and Alex were in the kitchen talking with Duncan the others made their way to their own sleeping arrangements. Vlad and Simeon going straight to bed.

  Lisa and James were in their own bedroom and James grabbed his mate and pulled her close. They loved each other dearly and went everywhere together but they had two different kinds of relationships.

  In the bedroom James was in charge – and Lisa his submissive. Only in the bedroom though, at other times they were just a normal mated couple and argued about all the usual things people do.

  As soon as sex was involved the power shifted and James was an expert in this field. Having practised this for a very, very long time he was a different person regarding their love life.

  Lisa melted into her mate's body, his arms encompassing her completely. “No noise tonight my Wolf, none whatsoever!” he ordered and Lisa whined, just a little before nodding her head.

  “Good, now you will come twice for me tonight – understand?” and once more Lisa nodded.

  James undressed her slowly, “Stay there, do not move.” his voice low, commanding, and Lisa's excitement grew.

  James took his clothes off in a controlled methodical manner and folded both his and Lisa's clothing into a neat pile on the chair in the corner. As he turned Lisa could see his arousal clearly and she took a deep breath – God she loved this man.

  James moved closer and walked around Lisa's still body, his hand slowly moving over her as he circled her. When he came to her front he moved a step away, “Open your legs Lisa and then stay still, no movement, no noise.” and she did as she was instructed.

  “A little bit more, legs wider.” and Lisa moved again. When James was satisfied he dropped onto his knees in front of her and moved his head closer, his tongue darting out to tease her. One of his hands moved behind and grabbed her ass and kneaded, quite roughly. Lisa took a little gasp in, trying not to make a sound.

  Once more his lips came towards her and this time he moved in earnest, lapping, sucking, and teasing. Lisa stood perfectly still and marvelled at the sensations he was forcing through her body.

  James didn't stop and Lisa was now desperately trying not to make any sound. A little mewl escaped her lips and instantly James' hand slapped her ass, his mouth not wavering. Lisa concentrated harder, biting her bottom lip, enough to draw blood – in her fight to stay silent.

  James worked his mouth harder and Lisa rose – higher and higher and then her climax shook her and her legs trembled. James continued sucking and lapping until she was completely finished and then he stood up smiling.

  One of his hands traced her jawline and he placed a finger inside her mouth, she sucked on it and realised she could taste herself. James smiled “Good girl, now on the bed, present that lovely ass to me.” he spoke in a low tone but the command was there for her to hear.

  She turned round and stepped to the bed, crawled up and into the middle. She grabbed some pillows, placing one under her head and two under her stomach, then placed her head down and arched her back and pushed her behind up.

  “Good – though that back could be arched just a little more.” James said and swatted her behind hard, a sting hitting her senses. As soon as it did her core began to heat once more and she did something she knew would get a reaction. She wiggled her behind and James gave a low snarl.

  “Oh you want a spanking, very well.” and he proceeded to spank her ass until it was rosy red. Lisa was forcing her face into the pillow to hide her moans of pleasure and it still shocked her at how much she enjoyed this play.

  James started to rub her behind and stared down at the redness, visible to his eyes even in the darkness of the room. The sight never failed to arouse him and he gave her a few more, just for the hell of it.

  James moved forward and placed a hand between her shoulders, “Back – arch.” he growled and Lisa did so, the arch was so much it ached but she held her position and kept her backside as far up as she could possibly get it.

  “Good – now I've not decided just where to take you tonight Lisa.” James' hand entered her very wet folds and playe
d there for a few moments before moving to her tight ass. Lisa gasped again – she didn't care where he took her as long as he did – soon.

  James entered her wetness and pushed in and out a few times – completely covering his hardness in her juices. Then he pulled out and this time she moaned loudly. James' hand landed on her ass cheeks quickly and with more of a sting this time – punishment – not play.

  “I told you Lisa – no noise.” and then his hands rubbed where he had hit – and Lisa bit into the pillow. James moved his manhood to her tight hole and pressed slowly inside and he fought to keep his own groan inside.

  Lisa was now panting and James started to move – holding her cheeks apart so he could fully see himself entering her. He nearly shouted “FUCK!” but only just stopped himself, “Lisa – you may make noise now – not a lot – understand?” and his mate sighed heavily.

  “Oh thank God!” she whimpered and James smiled – his thoughts exactly. He continued to move inside her and picked up his tempo – Lisa's gasps were getting closer and closer together.

  “Lisa you need to breath slowly, you'll hyperventilate honey – slow down – yes that's my girl – now I think we'll do the countdown.” and at this Lisa moaned loudly.

  Shit! James had taught her this and it was bloody hard sometimes. He would count down to a particular number – whichever he chose – and he would order her to come. The first time she hadn't made it but from then on she had, it was very hard though, but the orgasm that she had when they did this was always beyond words. She just couldn't explain it.

  “So Lisa – on the number two this time – I want to play a little while longer first.” he said and Lisa groaned, shit, she was near and didn't know if she would last.

  James played with her ass and continued to move and then Lisa did that little noise she did – like a kitten purring – and he started to count.

  “ fuck Lisa you know how much I love you? Six....five....four....” and Lisa was desperately trying to hold on, her heart racing so fast she thought she was going to pass out.


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