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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 4

by A. K. Michaels

  Alex and the rest started to search the camp – finding imprints of huge paws in the mud and grass. “Christ, look at the size of those.” Vlad said and Alex and Simeon nodded, they were very big indeed and none of them relished the thought of coming face to face with the thing that left it.

  As they were making their way slowly and methodically through the camp Vlad stilled, held his arm up with his fist closed. A sign to stop, stay still, which Alex, Simeon and James did.

  Alex could see Vlad moving his head, as if listening for something and she put her own senses out. Scared that one of those beasts was nearby.

  However, the footfalls she heard were certainly not made by a huge beast but something a lot smaller and lighter. Something on two feet. Who the hell would be out wandering about here?

  Vlad motioned with his hands, sending Simeon off to the right and James off to the left and he motioned for Alex to hide herself. She bent down behind a large pile of logs and watched Vlad stalk slowly to the woods.

  Before he got there though there was a commotion and some shouting, mainly James saying 'Ouch' a few times. Then they saw him dragging someone behind him and that person was biting and kicking for all they were worth.

  Once they got to the clearing of the camp James moved the person and pushed them forward, all the while rubbing his arm where he had bite marks visible.

  Simeon came out just behind and the figure ran to him with a speed that shocked them all. It was Sam. How the fuck did she get there?

  Simeon was trying to loosen the grip the female had on him, her arms around his waist and holding on for dear life.

  Alex moved over, “Sam, Sam! What are you doing here? How did you get here?” and the girl looked at Alex's face, tears in her eyes.

  “I wanted to see and I wanted to help. My mum and dad are back there, I wanted to make sure they were dead and not just hurt.” The young Jaguar's voice was full of pain and sorrow. Alex's heart went out to her, shit to come across this and it to be your own family. Nobody should see this carnage.

  Vlad stomped over a scowl on his face, “Just how the hell did you get here?” he commanded and the young female grabbed even tighter to Simeon.

  What surprised the Guard was not that the girl was here, not that she was hanging onto him, but the rage that surfaced when Vlad spoke to her in that tone. He snarled at his boss! Pulled Sam even closer and placed his arms around her body.

  Alex and Vlad stepped back and Vlad's eyes narrowed, “What the fuck do you think you're doing Simeon?!” Vlad spat out and Alex lay a hand on his arm.

  “Vlad back away a bit, please?” she asked and Vlad looked at her as if she had gone mad.

  “What?! Are you serious?” his tone was one of shock but Alex just nodded her head.

  “Yes Vlad, I would like it very much if you would move back just a little.” and Vlad took two steps back, no more, he would not back off any more.

  James was making a sound and they turned to look at him, he was laughing. “Oh dear, you've got the bug Simeon!” he managed to get out and Simeon looked over, scowling but no longer growling.

  “What fucking bug?!” Simeon managed and James laughed a bit more.

  Alex knew, or thought she did, “I think you've found your mate.” she said quietly and Simeon's face was a picture.

  Shock was foremost and he looked down at the female in his arms, shit he had only just met her and hadn't even had a proper conversation with her. How could she be his mate?! This was ridiculous.

  “Don't be stupid.” he got out, still scowling at everyone.

  “Can you explain why you just snarled at your boss?” Alex asked and Simeon was shaking his head.

  “Uhm about that Vlad, sorry, I don't know why I did that.” and James laughed all the more.

  Vlad was frowning too, his Second in Command had just snarled a threat at him, usually any person that did that was soon dead. “Simeon – I don't know what's going on with you but I'll give you that one, only that one though!” Vlad spoke in a clipped tone, trying to get his own anger under control.

  Alex walked forward, “Okay now Sam, how did you get here?” and the girl's strange golden eyes met Alex's.

  “I hid in the back of one of the vehicles, then when you all left I got out and changed to animal and followed you here.”

  They all watched and listened as the young Jaguar spoke, her halting timbre strange to their ears. The grip she had on Simeon was like a death grasp, she wasn't letting go any time soon.

  Alex sighed, Vlad cursed, James was only now stopping laughing and Simeon only stared down at the female in his arms. Her scent invaded his nostrils and he took a deep breath, taking it further in, imprinting it in his brain, so he would always know it.

  Shock then entered his mind – what the hell was going on?

  Sam looked up and gave a slight smile, and he found his lips moving to smile back, without his brain telling them to do so. She rubbed her body against his and to his complete astonishment found himself becoming hard.

  As a Vampire he had always had complete and utter control over his desires and never had this happened to him before What was this female's powers that she could get such a reaction from him so instantly?

  Simeon tried to pull back but as soon as there was even a minute space between their bodies his heart sped up, fear enveloping him completely. He tugged her back close and stood with his mind not knowing what was going on.

  “Fuck!”Vlad cursed again, “Now what? She shouldn't be here, she needs to leave. It's not safe.” and at those words Simeon was nodding.

  “Yes, she can't be here. I'll take her back to the vehicles and wait for you there.” Simeon's desire to get Sam away from any danger was so deep inside him that he wanted to pick her up and run as fast as he could, away from here, away from danger.

  Alex was nodding too, “Simeon I'm pretty sure you have no idea what's going on inside you just now but I think this little Jaguar has decided you are her mate. Whether you agree or not isn't the point just now but you should take her away, she needs to be kept safe. Christ if Duncan finds out she was here he'll go nuts!” and already Simeon was moving, pulling Sam after him.

  When they were out of sight James chuckled again, “There must be something in the air, all us single guys are finding mates, shit Simeon looked shell shocked!” and he laughed again. Alex had to agree, the large Guard did look shocked, but the little Jaguar looked at him in longing.

  “Bugger, does anyone know how old she is?” Alex got out, thinking she might just be a child.

  Vlad had the same thought at Alex's words, “Shit she better be old enough! I don't think Simeon's going to let her go any time soon!”

  As Vlad finished talking they all stilled, there was a noise, a loud noise. One which none of them had ever heard before and Alex, for one, was scared.


  William and Zach had been walking for only a short time when Zach sensed something coming towards them – fast. He couldn't get a read on what it was, only that it was big and moving quickly. He placed a hand on William's shoulder to stop him going any further.

  “Something's coming this way William, better prepare for whatever you've got in mind.” and William nodded his head.

  He took several deep breaths, moved his legs wide, and started to chant so low that even Zach's Vampire hearing couldn't make it out. William's hands flew fast, making intricate patterns in the air and Zach was amazed at the complexity of the spell this young Wolf was casting.

  The sounds of the beast or beasts were now clear, the noise of them crashing through the trees but also a low grunting, growling sort of noise. Again, this was not something either of them had heard before and it was very loud indeed.

  Zach was straining his senses, trying to get a proper read on the things heading their way but he struck out time and time again. He was getting angry at himself when the first beast emerged from the trees in front of them and Zach's first thought was - 'We're in fucking trouble!'
/>   The thing was huge, more the size of a horse than any kind of Wolf. It had four legs but no tail, no hair or fur, just dark, dappled skin, and a head that was so large it could break a man in two with it's jaws.

  The eyes were a dark red, shining bright, and those eyes were now locked on Zach and William.

  Zach looked to the young Wolf who at that moment pushed his hands forward at the end of his spell. Much as he had done before when they fought the demons to allow Alex to close the gates of hell. On that occasion William's spell had killed a smaller demon and knocked out a much larger one.

  This time the effect was not even close to that, it did nothing whatsoever. The point the spell hit was clear for them to see, the beast threw back it's head and roared, then continued on as if stung by a bee.

  Zach grabbed William's arm and Moved them, just as the great beast had made a large leap in their direction. It's huge jaws wide, rows of razor sharp teeth visible to them both.

  They appeared in Duncan's kitchen and William was visibly shaken, both by the Move, which was making him feel sick, and the vision of that damnable beast.

  Zach said nothing, only releasing William and moving back to warn the others. He had to make sure Alexina was safe.

  Chapter 5

  Zach appeared at the camp just at the moment that the rest had heard the beast - “Run!” he shouted and they all took off.

  James was very fast and was past the rest in seconds, his thoughts were to get to Simeon and get them moving as quick as he could.

  Vlad was running next to Alex, both of them looking to Zach for some kind of info on what was happening. Zach ran just behind his mate, covering her back, but started to shout to let them know what had happened.

  “It's fucking huge and William didn't even slow the fucker down. Alex you need to pick up your speed, these things are fast!” Zach was worried – Alex wasn't moving as fast as he would've liked.

  At his words she started running faster and all three were soon flying through the woods.

  James caught up to Simeon, shouting as soon as he was within hearing distance, “Simeon – run – now – quickly!” and the large Guard looked down at the female walking next to him, his fear for her was immense in his chest.

  Sam smiled up at Simeon and started running and mid stride changed to her Jaguar. Both James and Simeon gasped, the beautiful animal in front was astounding. It wasn't quite as large as say Duncan's Wolf but it was still much bigger than the normal size for a Jaguar. Her markings were so stunning it took Simeon's breath away. However, what amazed both vampires most was the speed, the female took off like an bolt fired from a crossbow – very fast, straight and true.

  Soon they caught up to her but it had taken them a few minutes which was a surprise to both of them. When they got to her Simeon kept talking to her, urging her on, “Come on Samantha – faster – you need to run faster princess!” and James looked over at the endearment that came from Simeon's mouth. James wasn't sure who was more surprised – him, Simeon or Sam.

  Soon they could hear the other three catching up and that scared them, “Samantha you need to go quicker – fast as you can!” Simeon was shouting now, urging the Jaguar to run even faster than she was. James was astounded when the animal picked up speed again and they had to run faster to keep up with her.

  Zach was now shouting from behind, “What the fuck is a Jaguar doing here!”

  Vlad answered, “Tell you later!” and Alex didn't even nod, she was running so fast that she thought she was going to pass out. She was having difficulty getting breaths into her body and she was actually beginning to feel sick.

  Vlad, Alex and Zach caught up to the other three and they all ran together – that is until they realised that the beast was gaining on them

  “Alex, Vlad you need to go ahead – get away, now!” Zach roared and Alex upped her speed again – thinking all the while – shit Zach sounds scared. What in holy hell could have scared him?

  Vlad, however, only moved on slightly, not leaving the rest of them behind. As long as he was between whatever was coming and Alex that was fine, he would stay with the rest.

  Next Zach tried to get James to go on ahead – James was by far their quickest runner and he could easily have left Simeon and the Jaguar far behind.

  “James, go, I'll stay with Simeon.” Zach panted and James shook his head.

  “Nope – shut up I'm running here!” he managed to get out and Zach smiled, James would never leave and he should've known it. Although it was a direct order and he had just disobeyed him.

  Zach was listening intently, trying to feel how many were behind them – one – only one? Shit he hoped so, any more and they were definitely goners.

  Just as that thought entered his mind Simeon went tumbling over, a huge beast knocking the Guard away easily. James cursed – loud and long – looking at the thing in front of his eyes – Fuck!

  Simeon rolled and got to his feet and turned around trying to see where Samantha was. She had stopped and turned back to come to him, “NO!!! Keep going – don't stop!” he roared and she faltered – she didn't want to go on without Simeon right there next to her.

  Zach grabbed Simeon's arm and started to haul him along, he was hurt, the huge beast had broken at least some ribs probably more. Just as Zach was thinking he should Move Simeon away the beast attacked again – and knocked Simeon right out of Zach's hands.

  The roar from the Jaguar was loud, as if the animal was in pain, and it turned and ran back at full speed. The magestic animal leapt high into the air and tackled the beast.

  The beast had retreated a few steps and had taken one step and jumped – it's mouth open, ready to kill Simeon. The Jaguar met it mid-air and the mouth encircled the Jaguar around the middle.

  Blood flew everywhere and the beast bit down once and then dropped the Jaguar to the ground. The Jaguar made no sound, before, during or after it's encounter with the beast who had dealt with it so easily.

  Alex screamed, they had stopped and watched what was going on and she shouted loudly - “Lexi, Conall we need help now!”


  Lexi and Conall were trying to make themselves a sandwich and having quite some fun doing so when Lexi's eyes rolled back so that only the whites showed.

  Conall moved to his twin's side and held her upright – waiting on the vision to pass.

  In her head Lexi saw her mother and father running – as if for their very lives and then suddenly she was back in the kitchen of her apartment. Conall holding her upright.

  A look of fear was on her face, “I think mum and dad are in trouble!” she got out and at that moment both heard her calling them.

  They Moved immediately and appeared next to their very scared mother.


  The instant the twins were next to their mother their eyes wide at what was going on in front of them.

  The beast had now made it's way back to Simeon and was just about to launch itself at him when Zach ran – and threw himself down over the Guard.

  “NOOOO!” Alex screamed but in the next instant both Zach and Simeon were gone – Zach Moving the Guard to safety – once more in Duncan's house where Margaret screamed loudly and Duncan started shouting for help.

  Zach Moved straight back and was beside the young Jaguar. The wound was deep and looked like mortal! Alex was screaming, “Get us all out of here now!” and Zach only then realised his children were there.

  Lexi stretched her arms out and in the next second they were a few miles away – in the middle of a field.

  “Sorry – I didn't know where to take you – where should I take you?!” Lexi was babbling and Alex was nearly crying, fear was rife in her and she ran over to Zach and the Jaguar.

  “Zach, are you allright?” she was shouting as she moved to her mate – her eyes going all over him to see if he was hurt in any way.

  “I'm fine but we need to get this little one back to Duncan's – quickly.”

  Lexi and Conall came ove
r, with Vlad and James right there next to them. “Dad if you hold my hand and Move to wherever you want us to go I can bring the rest – I'll follow your Move so to speak.” their daughter said and Zach didn't even speak just grabbed hold and Moved.

  They ended up in the parking area in front of the farmhouse and Zach bent and picked up the Jaguar and stalked inside. “Lexi, we'll need you, come quick!” Zach shouted over his shoulder and she ran to keep up with his long strides.

  As Zach entered the farmhouse he was shouting - “Clear the table!” and when they got to the kitchen they saw Duncan and Margaret quickly removing the few things that were on top of the large wooden table.

  Zach gently lay the Jaguar down and Lexi moved forward, placing her hands on the animal and concentrating. A few seconds passed and she frowned - “It's not working! She's not healing!”

  Conall came forward - “What was that thing?”

  William spoke up. “We don't know but my magic did nothing to it – my magic took down a demon and it didn't even touch that thing!” His horror was evident in his tone and his hands kept running through his hair – his whole body was shaking – he was in shock.

  Conall looked at Lexi, “Those things last night – maybe it was made the same way?”

  Lexi nodded - “Well if that's true then I need my magic, I need everyone to stand back.” and everyone moved – though Simeon was lying on the floor in great pain he was trying to reach the Jaguar.

  Zach placed a hand on his shoulder, “Wait Simeon let Lexi try to help.” and the Guard was snarling and growling so much that Margaret stepped behind Duncan, fear clear on her face.

  Lexi started to chant – in a language none of them knew and she placed her hands above the animal lying dying on the table. Her voice got stronger and a blue light started to glow all around her – the light moved – heading towards her hands and then shot out of her fingertips and into the bloodied animal.


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