Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy) Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

  After seeing the camp in which she had been brought up any kind of civilisation would be strange for her but with help she would fit in. Alex would help Lisa and between them she was sure the girl would have a good life with Simeon.

  Sam looked between Lisa and Alex and then at Simeon, – nodding her head. “I go where you go my mate.” was all she said and Simeon gave her a huge smile, bending and placing a very gentle kiss on her lips.

  “Here they come.” William shouted and everyone looked up, there in the sky, flying very fast were the twins. Very soon they ate up the distance and landed softly in front of them all.

  “Okay we saw what looked like some sort of basic camp with dead bodies …..” Conall started.

  Zach confirmed, “Yes, that's the Jaguar's camp, nobody left alive there.” and Conall frowned, the thought of a whole pack being butchered, that didn't sit well with him at all.

  “Okay, so just past the camp there's a blank area, looks like grass and trees from above but we can sense it's some kind of glamour hiding what's really there. On the outskirts of this area are four of those beasts patrolling around, obviously to make sure nothing gets in. So Lexi and I are going Wolf and we'll go on ahead to tackle them.....”

  Once more Zach interrupted, “Uh No, you aren't going on your own, we'll come with you!”

  Lexi was shaking her head, “Dad, if my magic doesn't work on your weapons you would be dead meat, those things would kill you, all of you, and they would do it easily!”

  Alex moved to Zach's side, “Well we'll just have to pray that your magic has worked Lexi, because your dad is right, we're coming!”

  Conall looked between his mum and dad, then at the rest of the group, each one had a steely gaze and didn't look like they were going to stay behind.

  “Well at least let us go a little way ahead, please?” Conall asked.

  Zach nodded, “Okay, but only a little way, if you two get into trouble I want to be close.”

  Lexi laughed as she started to shake out her arms and legs and Alex wondered what on earth she was doing as Conall started to copy his sister.

  Duncan changed to Wolf and stood next to Alex who thought he was big enough for her to ride on his back. William also changed to Wolf for the run in, otherwise he would be left far behind.

  William's Wolf was nowhere near as big as Duncan's but his looked as if his was made for speed, which he had already proved. Vlad hoped the young Wolf could keep up because they weren't going to be holding back on speed this time.

  James moved and kissed Lisa deeply, “Stay here my Wolf, don't come until we call – okay?” and Lisa nodded, running her hand down the side of her mate's face.

  Simeon also clasped Sam to his large body and kissing the top of her head said, “Stay here!” his tone firm and Sam nodded, she had tears in her eyes but they didn't fall.

  Then Lexi and Conall both turned Wolf – and everyone gasped – Duncan and William's Wolves whining loudly.

  Before them all were the two largest animals any of them had every seen. Lexi's Wolf was white with silver streaks and Conall's was black with gold streaks. The colours were not ones any of the party had every seen before.

  The colours weren't what made everyone gasp, it was the size, they were so large it was scary. Alex was the smallest of their group and the Wolves dwarfed her, the top of her head didn't even come up to the shoulder's of these beasts.

  Both animals reared their heads back and roared and it actually hurt everyone's ears the noise was so loud. Their huge maws so large that they could easily break the largest Vampire in two. The teeth were also different, not one set of teeth on top and bottom, no, they had two rows of razor sharp teeth on top and bottom with incisors that were so large they were bigger than even Zach's hands. One tooth, bigger than one of his very large hands.

  The two mammoth Wolves turned to look at the rest of their party and nodded their heads. The eyes showing that it was still Lexi and Conall, both keeping their own eye colour and the intelligence in them proving who they really were.

  They turned and started to lope off and everyone took off after them, trying hard to keep up. The Wolves weren't even running, only a sort of slow trot but their paws and legs were so large that it was difficult to stay beside them. The Vampires kept up but Duncan and William's Wolves fell behind.

  The Vampires stayed with the twins, knowing if they slowed they would only go on ahead and none wanted them to go into this battle on their own. However, as Alex ran and looked at these creatures she imagined that there wouldn't be much that they couldn't take on.

  They ran and ran and soon came upon the camp, stopping to catch their breaths and let Duncan and William catch up. William changed to human form and took great gasping breaths.

  “Jeez, what they hell are they?” he wheezed.

  Vlad was almost laughing, “Fuck if I know – I'm just glad their on our side!” he chuckled and William had to agree. The thought of those two beasts being their enemy just didn't bear thinking about.

  As soon as William had caught his breath the two huge beasts took off again, a little slower this time and even William managed to keep up, just.

  Both of the twins stopped dead, the noises coming to everyone's ears. Those magic beasts had their scent and were on their way.

  The twins took off again, faster this time and none of them could keep up, soon they were out of sight.

  “Fuck!” Zach cursed and tried to go even faster, him, James and Vlad pulling away from everyone else. Alex tried to keep up but just couldn't. Neither could Simeon and Duncan was even farther behind and William farther behind even more.

  Lexi and Conall had seen an open area from the sky that they wanted to reach, they didn't want the confines of the trees around when they took on the beasts.

  Soon they came across the open land and they saw three of the beasts coming straight for them. They were large but nowhere near as big as the twins, however, the twins knew that these things didn't feel pain. That was a problem, a huge problem.

  The first beast reached Conall and they both leapt into the air and crashed together more than a few feet above the ground. Jaws snapped and the beast just missed getting snapped in two by Conall's huge teeth.

  The beast, however, managed to bite down on Conall's thigh and his Wolf roared loudly before his body started to heal itself.

  The roar of pain carried far and as soon as it hit Zach's ears adrenaline burst into his system and he ran faster, faster than he had ever moved before. Then he broke through the tree line and saw the battle in front of him.

  Lexi was taking on one of the beasts and she had mangled one of it's hind legs but still the beast carried on.

  Conall had two of them circling and was finding it difficult to keep both at bay at the same time. The beasts were getting in bites and swipes of their clawed paws and Conall was in pain again and again, before he healed.

  Zach roared and ran straight for the beast in front of him and his sword was in his hands. He couldn't even remember pulling it from it's sheath on his back.

  The beast was totally focused on Conall and didn't even turn towards Zach as he got nearer and nearer. Zach raised his sword up high in a two handed hold and brought the sword down with all his Vampire strength.

  The sword cleaved right through the beast at it's back end...the hindquarters falling to the ground. A black substance soaking the grass, no, not soaking, burning. The disgusting black liquid that ran from the beast seemed to be burning through the very ground.

  The front of the beast continued on fighting and Zach was more than shocked...he had dealt it a death blow and half it's body was still trying to attack his son.

  Vlad was next to Zach in the next second, “Tag team!” his friend shouted and both attacked the remains of the beast with their huge battle swords.

  "Watch out for that black blood - looks as if it can burn!" Zach shouted and he saw his friend incline his head in answer.

  Soon there was only a black gooey
mess lying on the ground and they turned, swords raised, to take on the next threat.

  When they looked around they saw Conall had the second beast in his jaws, obliterating it with his double rows of huge razor teeth. Zach looked to Lexi – who was sitting down on her rear end and watching her brother.

  The beast that had been at her lay in pieces around the ground. Some bits still moved, small whisps of smoke swirling upwards from the black blood, the sight sickened both Vlad and Zach. So much that both moved with their swords and decimated what remained of the moving parts of the animal.

  At that moment Simeon and Alex broke through from the trees and came to a shuddering halt. Taking in the scene in front of them.

  Alex screwed her face up, “Jeez what the hell is that smell?”

  Vlad coughed, “Yea I know, this black stuff, must be like their blood but it fucking smells awful and it burns too so stay away from it.” the large Vampire managed to get out, coughing again and then spitting. As if trying to get the smell and taste out of his mouth and nostrils.

  Zach was watching Conall finishing the beast and when he was done not one part moved, and Zach was glad, he didn't want to hack anything else to pieces.

  Duncan and William appeared with William so out of breath Alex wondered how he had continued on. Then the smell hit their nostrils and Duncan's Wolf roared and William gagged, trying hard not to throw up.

  Just as everyone was relaxing, slightly, there was the hellish howl of another beast. It ran straight for them and seemed to be trying to figure out which one of them to attack.

  With quite a number of enemies in front of it the beast hesitated and Conall too advantage, moving quickly, running and leaping high into the air. The beast looked up as Conall's huge Wolf came down at it very quickly. Conall's jaws wide – and completely biting the head clean off.

  Zach and Vlad also moved fast, their swords swinging, and completely destroyed the remainder of the body. Cutting and slicing until there was nothing left. Alex watching with wide eyes at the death her mate dealt out so easily.

  Chapter 9

  The twin's gigantic beasts shimmered and disappeared, the twins once more standing in front of everyone. Both had huge smiles on their faces.

  “That was fun!” Lexi giggled.

  Alex frowned ,“Lexi, Conall – that was not fun! It was bloody dangerous!” their mother's ire was up and she was angry that they thought that such a fight had been 'fun'.

  Conall looked a little contrite, Lexi did not.

  “Sorry mum – it's just we don't get to go Wolf very often – and it was kinda fun.” Conall said with a small smile on his face.

  Vlad went over and slapped Conall on the back - “I agree with Conall – it was fun watching them, shit they are some big mother......” and Zach coughed – knowing what Vlad had been about to say.

  “Ooops sorry.” Vlad said while smiling broadly at the twins.

  "Are you both allright? The black stuff, which I assume is some kind of blood, seems to burn? It was smoking and burning on the ground where it fell." Zach asked his children, wondering how they weren't hurt by that thick, black, blood.

  "We're fine, that magic has no effect on us, you lot though should be careful, it will burn your skin." Lexi told them and each of them looked at the smoking blackness on the ground, making sure they stayed well away.

  “Okay, William come with me, we'll do the spells together, we need to try and get this glamour down so we can see what we're dealing with.” Lexi motioned for William to join her as she spoke and the young Wolf moved forward. His body language still speaking of a hint of fear.

  Lexi walked forward for about a hundred yards and William was at her side. Everybody else followed a few paces behind.

  “Be ready, for anything, we don't know what's going to be here.” Lexi threw over her shoulder and Duncan growled while the vampires made sure they had at least one weapon in their hands.

  Lexi and William started chanting together, with their hands moving fast. A feeling of power came over the area and all that were there could feel it. It was like static electricity in the air.

  Alex put a hand up to her unruly curly hair, she could feel the static in it.

  The chanting got louder and louder and then both sets of hands were thrown wide and power flew out in front of Lexi and William. It was clear for all of them to see and it flew forward until it hit something that none of them could see.

  As the power hit the hidden obstacle a bright flash enveloped the area, so bright that everyone closed their eyes. A second later all blinked to clear their sight and looked in front of them.

  There, now visible, was a large building – which looked like a very posh country estate home. There was the main building with several outbuildings and then the sounds hit their ears. Sounds that moments before none of them head heard.

  Crying and sobs were now clear for them to hear and Alex's heart sped up. Anger sped through her body and she stepped forward, ready to go to the outbuildings where the noises were clearly coming from.

  Zach held out an arm and she tried to shrug it off but then Conall and Lexi both held out their arms – stilling any forward movement.

  “Fallen, several, in the house.” Lexi said and Conall was nodding.

  “How do you want to do this sis?” he asked and both of the twins looked thoughtful.

  “Mum, you go with Duncan – take Simeon with you and William to the outbuildings, the rest of you follow us in. Be careful everyone, the Fallen are very strong.” Lexi finished by turning round and making eye contact with everyone – making sure they knew the seriousness of any contact with the Fallen.


  Alex moved quickly and quietly, Simeon at her side and Duncan out front. Alex followed the Wolf – his nose better than her ears.

  The Wolf took them to the buildings, stopping at the first and sniffing all around before moving on. At the second he sniffed and growled then whined, pushing the door open and going in. Alex and Simeon right behind with William coming up the rear.

  With their enhanced eyesight they saw clearly in the dark of the building. What they saw had Alex's stomach clenching in anger and fear. Fear for the females in cages in front of her. Fear because she could smell blood, fresh blood, and blood meant some were hurt. How bad? They didn't know.

  Alex moved slowly towards the first metal cage, which basically looked like a large animal cage with a huge chain and padlock securing it closed. Alex instinctively moved her hand to the padlock to break it open but as soon as her skin came into contact she hissed.

  Silver, the padlock and chains were silver. Her hand was burnt and she reached for her gloves – ones she always carried in an inside pocket. Thick leather ones, for use on silver.

  The young female inside was cowering at the back of the cage, tears streaking her face. She was stark naked and had blood on her – around her mouth but what angered Alex was the blood on the girls inner thighs.

  “Shh we're here to help, we're going to get you out of here.” Alex spoke softly, trying not to scare the girl even more.

  The young girl's eyes widened, “No you can't, I don't know what they are but they're strong – really strong.” she cried and Alex's heart went out to her, she was terrified.

  Duncan nudged Alex out of the way – and changed – he knelt down, “It's okay noo – we'll git ye oot oh here – dinae worry. Keep quiet tho.” he also spoke quietly, but the Alpha power was there for the youngster to hear.

  The effect it had was amazing, the girl moved closer to the front of the cage and moved a hand. Duncan's huge paw of a hand couldn't reach through the cage but the girl's fingers touched his and it seemed to calm her even more.

  Alex now had her gloves on and she easily broke the lock and chain, freeing the girl who immediately launched herself at Duncan. The large Alpha cuddled her close – and they moved on to the next cage.

  In all there were eight young Jaguars, each having been subjected to rape, all had blood on th
eir inner thighs and haunted looks on their faces. Some were very young, Alex guessed only just past puberty.

  Simeon was snarling, showing his anger at what he saw. “Are any of you Samantha's sister?” he asked and one small girl moaned - “Me.” she got out and Simeon moved towards her.

  The girl shrank back from the huge Vampire, “It's okay, my name's Simeon – Samantha is safe.” he told the girl who started to cry, quietly, softly, and Simeon pulled her to his large frame. Rubbing her back - “It's okay, we'll get you out.” he told her and his words seemed to help, the tears slowing down.

  William and Simeon took the eight they had freed to the door, staying hidden, inside. Not wanting to put them in any danger.

  Alex and Duncan continued on, still looking for survivors. What they found made both hot with fury.

  There at the rear they found four females. All human, all dead, all raped, and the sight made both want to rip something apart.

  Alex and Duncan moved back to the front of the cold and dirty building and then they heard the noises.

  Coming from the main house, a fight...a large one...was going on inside.

  “Stay here, keep them safe.” Alex hissed to Duncan just before she ran full speed for the house.


  Once Alex, Duncan, William and Simeon had moved towards the outbuilding the rest moved silently to the main house.

  It was grand and looked so out of place stuck here in the middle of the highlands. A huge marble double door was at the front, Zach ran at supernatural speed around the outside and arrived back at the front door. “No back doors.” he said and they started to move onwards.

  At the door it took all of Zach and Vlad's strength to open one of them, the marble standing over twenty feet high and inches thick, but they managed and they went inside. The twins and James right behind them.

  The entranceway was huge, all black marble which seemed to make the place dark and dangerous. A huge crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, which was very high indeed. Much higher than any of them could even think was possible in the structure.

  They realised that the building was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside and it was very strange indeed.


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