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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 12

by A. K. Michaels

  Lisa was doing what she did so well, calming someone that was scared, and she was laughing at Sam's exclamations of the things all around her.

  Julia made a huge sale in her shop, Lisa getting loads for Sam, including bras. Sam had looked at it as if she didn't know what it was and Lisa suspected that was the case. Julia fitted her for the bras and Lisa made sure she got some practical ones along with some nice lacy ones which she was sure Simeon would like.

  When Lisa had explained this to Sam she became a lot more in favour of wearing one.

  When they left the shop their hands were full of bags and everything was charged to Simeon's account. Lisa loved spending someone else's money.

  As they left Lisa saw James sitting in his pick up waiting on them. She smiled at him as she walked over, “Thanks, I was just going to walk.” she said.

  James nodded, “I know but I didn't want you lugging a load of shopping around – I knew you would get a lot!”

  Sam looked at the large pick up, she had never seen one before. Lisa got her and the bags in the back and James drove them to the Guards apartment block.

  Simeon was outside pacing back and forth and he all but ran to the pick up before James had fully come to a stop.

  There were a load of Guards about, coming and going, just getting on with their own business. This had Simeon snarling and frowning deeply...he didn't want his mate around other males.

  James knew the happened to all of them when they first mated. “Simeon – maybe you should put in for a small house? Be less Guards about my man.” James spoke to Simeon with a smirk on his face and Simeon scowled all the more.

  “Yes, maybe you're right – I'll text Vlad – see what's available.” Simeon spoke as he was taking his mate from the back of the vehicle and his eyes went wide at all the shopping bags.

  “I hope you've got food in your place, remember Sam needs to eat.” Lisa said with one eyebrow raised. The shocked look on Simeon's features told her that, no, he didn't have any in.

  Lisa looked to James who sighed, “Okay – come on!”

  Lisa smiled, “We'll be back soon with some essentials Simeon – I'll text when we're on our way back and you come down and take them up.”

  Simeon's grateful smile and heartfelt “Thank you.” was all Lisa needed. She knew it was going to be hard for the guy, he wasn't as old as James but he was still old and had always lived on his own. To now think of another with needs that a Vampire did not require – well it was going to be a bit of a shock to his system.

  It didn't take Lisa and James long to get some things and deliver them to Simeon...who now looked a little less stressed. Lisa guessed because Sam was now up in his apartment – away from the prying eyes of other males.

  As they drove away Lisa had a good feeling in her belly, it was always nice to see a couple meet and fall in love. James' hand reached over and took hers, “You're a good person Lisa – a really good person!” and she just smiled back. Shit she hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. It was nice to help folks.

  James' voice got low and husky as he spoke again, “Oh I think we'll use the basement tonight my Wolf!” and Lisa's belly clenched in excitement.

  James had refitted the basement and it now housed a huge four poster bed – together with lots and lots of toys for their play. She wondered just what he was going to do to her tonight – her Alpha, her mate. His imagination always surprised her, as well as giving her immense pleasure.

  As Lisa was doing her good deeds Alex and Zach were sitting waiting on the twins. Alex had texted as soon as they landed and basically ordered them to come to their house.

  Alex had a large glass of her Zinfandel in her hands and Zach one of his latest single malt whisky. Both were nervous and both were uptight.

  A half hour went by and then there was a knock on the front door, Zach answered and their children walked in. Conall was his usual quiet self and Lexi had her head down – and so not her usual cheerful self.

  Zach sat down next to Alex, trying hard to stay calm. He knew that losing his temper would not get them anywhere – but knowing it and doing it were two different things entirely.

  “Lexi, can you please call Michael. This conversation should include him.” Alex spoke the words as a statement not a request and she had been surprised that Michael hadn't came with the twins.

  Lexi looked up and concentration came over her face but no words were spoken. A second later Michael appeared in their living room. His huge white and silver wings clasped tightly to his back, a frown on his face.

  Alex tried to take control of the conversation, she thought Zach was just a tad too upset. “So Lexi – Michael – can you please explain what's going on between you two?”

  Michael's wings fluttered...a sure sign he was upset or angry. “What exactly do you want to know?” he asked in a very clipped tone.

  The tone of the Angel's voice was all it took to set Zach off, “What the fuck do you think we want to know! The two of you are obviously 'involved' in some way – the looks, the touches – we are not stupid and not blind so, Angel, tell us what's going on!” Zach's voice had risen and only Alex's hand on his arm kept him sitting on the sofa.

  Lexi moved in front of Michael, “Mum, Dad – please – I don't want any fighting or arguing...please!” and at the tone Zach looked closely at his daughter, seeing tears in her eyes.

  Shit! He had put those tears there. “Lexi – I'm sorry if I shouted but we need to know what's going on. As I said in Scotland – I didn't think an Angel and a human could 'be' together?”

  Lexi nodded, “Yes well – dad – I'm not exactly human now am I?” and both Alex and Zach realised the truth of that. Did that mean she and Michael could be together?

  “Michael?” Alex spoke in a tone that meant she wanted all of it, not dribs and drabs as he was prone to do.

  “Okay – the truth is I have been drawn to Lexi from the moment of her conception. I was drawn to you all through your pregnancy and afterwards. Before the twins were taken I was always close by. I don't know why or how this happened, I have no explanation. Since the twins have been in my care I have looked after them with love – both of them. However, Lexi and I have a special bond – a close bond.....”

  Alex stood up, “What?! You were watching me while I was pregnant!” she shouted.

  Michael nodded, “Yes indeed Alex. So, as I was saying, Lexi and I have a very close bond – our feelings for each other have changed over the years and specifically over the past two years. Simply put...I love her.” The Angel finished with his wings fluttering even more.

  “I knew it!” Zach spat out. “So are you allowed to be with her?” Zach asked – he was sure an Angel couldn't – well – couldn't or shouldn't make love to his daughter.

  Michael's head dropped, “We have not had carnal relations Zach. I could not do that safely while I am an Angel. It would be very bad if I did – firstly Lexi could be hurt and secondly it is not allowed.”

  Alex's head was spinning, “So what? What now?”

  Lexi was the one to speak, “Michael is going to ask if we can be would mean he would no longer be an Angel...he would lose his wings. We've tried to fight it, tried really hard! Mum I can't live without him – I really can't!” and Lexi dissolved into tears, this time Michael grabbed her to him one of his hands rubbing her back while the other stroked her face.

  Zach was beyond angry, he wasn't absolutely sure about just what, just that he was. Alex could feel it and tried to calm him even though she was worried. Not angry – worried – worried for her daughter.

  “So....” Alex started to speak and there was a very bright light and both Michael and Lexi were gone.

  “Just where the fuck has he taken her!” Zach shouted but fear slipped into his belly at Conall's shocked expression.

  “Shit – he didn't do that dad – it was the Boss!” Conall said with more than a hint of fear in his voice.

  “What? How do you know?” Alex a
sked and Conall started to pace back and forth.

  “I just know mum – that was the Boss – and I don't think he's very happy!” Conall was now looking worried, and that worried his parents greatly.

  “Can you go and see what's going on?” Zach asked and Conall shook his head.

  “No dad, we can't go there on our own, in fact we've only been twice before and both times it was him that took us there...we can't access it ourselves. We can go to some other realms – even where most of the Angels are – but that's not the same place...not even close!”

  Zach joined his son pacing the floor, fear in his body, fear for his daughter. Shit she wouldn't get punished, would she?

  “We'll just have to wait, she'll be back when he sends her back, there's nothing we can do but wait.” Conall kept pacing and Alex knew he was suffering. Lexi was his twin and they were exceptionally close...her being taken like this...well it would affect him greatly.

  “Conall, why don't you stay here tonight?” Alex spoke quietly as she moved nearer to her son.

  He lifted his eyes and nodded - “Yea – think I will.” he said just as quietly.

  Alex moved to the spare room, or rather the nursery as it had once been. It was still a nursery...she couldn't bear to change it for the more than three years the twins were gone. However, there was a small bed in it, one that Tatiana had used and which they hadn't gotten rid of. She realised they would really have to get this room back into a spare room, they had no need of a nursery any more.

  As that thought hit her she felt very sad. She had fallen pregnant with Zach's babies – an impossibility – and had them for such a short time before they were taken 'upstairs'. She still felt mournful that she hadn't brought up her own children.

  Zach was at her back, hearing and feeling her thoughts and sadness. His arms pulled her back into him and she revelled in his strength. He was the one that had gotten her through the past few years...his love the only thing that made things bearable.

  “I'll make up the bed for Conall, I think he needs us tonight.” she said and Zach held her for a moment longer before letting her go. She moved across the room to the built in wardrobe and pulled out bedding – a duvet folded neatly at the back. She got everything organised and Zach stayed there watching his little mate.

  She had gone through so much in the past few years, he was glad he could help her, even in a small part.

  Alex turned to look at him, “It wasn't a small part Zach – it was huge – you got me through. If I hadn't had you...well I dread to think what I would've done. I know I've not really said it...but...Thank You.” her voice low, near tears, and she swallowed hard. Their son needed strong parents just now she had no time for self pity and crying.

  Zach took her hand and led her back through, Conall still pacing the living room floor. Worry etched on his face.

  “So, will I get some burgers delivered?” Zach asked – knowing how much Conall loved them.

  His son looked up, “Yea, thanks dad.” and he went back to pacing.

  After the burgers came Alex made Conall sit down and eat, making small talk and trying to ease his worry. She didn't think she had helped at all.

  Zach started to tell them stories of him and Vlad from a very long time ago and soon Conall and Alex were laughing. The exploits of the two vampires were more than amusing, they were downright comical and Alex realised that Zach had taken Conall's mind off of his sister.

  'Thanks.' she pushed the thought to him and he nodded slightly with a wicked smile as he told yet another story.

  They talked for a long time, it was very late when Conall finally yawned and Alex showed him to the bedroom. Her son stood looking at the nursery, “I'm sorry you didn't have us for long mum.” he said sadly and Alex just gave him a small hug before turning and leaving the room.

  As she left she had that weird feeling again – as if she had forgotten something important. It was beginning to annoy her but she was too caught up in Lexi to try and remember what it was.

  Zach was tidying the kitchen when she joined him and he looked more than a little worried when she walked in. He must be thinking about Lexi, she thought as she helped him.

  Zach's mind was whirling about again...Alex was still getting the feeling of something she should know and it worried him greatly. If it came to her she would be very angry but more importantly she would be very hurt. They always said they would never lie to one another and he had lied big time.

  Alex took his hand, “Come on, I'm bushed, we'll try and rest tho no hanky panky tonight my Vampire – our son is in the room down the hall!”

  Zach half laughed, “Okay meine Kleine – tho that means I get double tomorrow!” Alex got a slight blush just thinking about it.

  Both lay restless in bed, neither thinking they would get any rest. After a while though, they lay dozing – until Conall started hammering on their door.

  Chapter 15

  Conall was torn from sleep with the sense of a Fallen. Shit! What should he do? He and Lexi always dealt with them together, he had never had to do this on his own.

  Conall jumped out of bed and pulled on his jeans, boots and jumper and then did the only thing he could think of – he ran to his parents bedroom door and started thumping on it loudly.

  “Mum, Dad – wake up!” Conall shouted loudly and Zach pulled the door open.

  “What?! What's wrong?” he asked, alarm in his tone.

  “There's a Fallen – I just sensed it – and I don't know what to do. Lexi and I always do this together! Dad what do I do?” Conall was shouting and Zach did the only thing he could.

  “Okay, Alex suit up – we've got to help Conall.” Zach turned round and moved with superfast speed getting dressed and Alex was right beside him. Soon both were suited up as if going on a mission and Zach was pleased they hadn't put their weapons away in the basement.

  He got his knives and sword and placed them on his body – they felt at home on him and he shrugged his shoulders to make sure the sword was secure.

  Alex had her throwing knives in her belt and some others and daggers about her body. The small sword she had been training with in a sheath on her belt.

  “Okay son – we're ready, take us to where we need to go.” Zach was now all business and his tone sharp, commanding and Conall didn't know if this was a good idea. No probably not a good idea at all.

  Conall grasped his parents hands in his and moved them...very close to the Fallen he had sensed.

  When they appeared Conall sent his senses out as he usually did, taking in everything and assessing the situation. The situation wasn't as bad as he had thought – only one Fallen in a dark, damp, alleyway in down town Vegas. It had a young girl in his arms and she was screaming, whether in fear or pain he didn't know.

  Conall moved very quickly and flew at the large being, he noticed it only had a tiny portion of it's wings still intact. That meant it was probably living here on earth somewhere and didn't have the means to disappear into another realm. Good.

  As Conall got closer he pulled an arm back and clenched his fist, landing a great blow to the face of the being. It yelled loudly in surprise and pain and let the girl go.

  She took off running and Alex watched her until she was safely out of the alley. Alex surmised that she hadn't been too badly hurt for her to be able to run like that. She didn't think the girl would stop running until she either got home or found a policeman.

  Zach had moved forward, his sword raised high and waited on his chance to strike.

  He had to be careful as his son was in a full on fight with this thing. Shit his boy could fight!

  Conall was landing blows all over the Fallen and each one made a huge impact. The being yelled each time and tried to hurt Conall, but he was too fast and few of its blows landed.

  As it didn't try any of the magic shit others' had done Zach thought maybe this one didn't have that ability? He had no idea, he just kept looking for a way to help.

  Conall landed a blow t
o the stomach and the being reeled backwards then moved incredibly fast and picked Conall up and threw him away. Conall flew through the air for more than thirty feet before hitting a wall and sliding down to the ground, shaking his head from side to side.

  Zach roared, that fucker had hurt his boy! His sword was high in the air as he ran and jumped as high as he could, bringing the sword down and sliced right into the shoulder. A horrendous roar erupted from its mouth as it turned to look at Zach, hatred on it's face.

  Zach stood, sword held in his two handed position and then things were flying past his head with speed and precision. Alex's throwing knives. Zach stood perfectly still as the knives flew through the air – hitting it's mark each and every time with force.

  The effect was immediate, the thing stumbled and as it nearly fell to its knees Zach struck again...this time a downward stroke to behind its knee. The large blade sliced through and came out the other side – the bottom half of the Fallen's leg now hanging from it with only a small sliver of skin holding it together.

  Another roar and then Conall was back, pummelling and punching and soon it lay unconscious or dead. Zach didn't know, only that it now lay still on the ground.

  Conall took several deep breaths and then sent a silent call to the Angels to come and retrieve the Fallen. Two huge brothers of Michael appeared, inclined their heads to Conall and disappeared again taking the Fallen with them.

  “Shit, I wasn't sure we could do it.” Conall said and Alex was smiling - “Didn't you know your father is a bit of a warrior!”

  Conall laughed, “Yea – and you're not so bad yourself mum – the way you threw those knives, that was good!”

  Alex actually blushed and Zach chuckled and pulled her to him, “She is one tough cookie – remember that if you ever think of doing something that'll annoy her!”

  Alex punched Zach in the arm, “Don't be silly!” she said as she started to retrieve her knives from the ground – when the Angels had taken the Fallen the knives were left behind – strange.


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