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Angels and Magic

Page 25

by E. J. Bennett

The cold air does little for my body. The dress offers little warmth let alone comfort. Shivering, I proceed forward, walking straight ahead. Glancing back every so often, not feeling comfortable being this close to where my captors are, I jog, willing my weak body forward.

  Who are the red eyed men? What do I have that they want? Twice now I have been confronted by them. There must be something I am missing.

  I stagger for around half an hour or so, until I collapse on a nearby bench in a children's playground. Children run around freely their parents keeping a watchful eye on them whilst chatting with other adults. The children's laughter is like music to my ears.

  The adults give me disapproving glances. I must look a sight for sore eyes, my dress ripped with blood splatters, my body covered in cuts and god knows what else.

  Is this what my life is going to be like from now on? Constant danger, waiting around every corner, ready to strike when I am least expecting it.

  The children leave one by one. Night falls slowly. Darkness surrounds me.

  I should move, find help. Maybe I can go back to Clara and David and forget about everything. Somehow I doubt that will happen. They will find me.

  My heart hammers frantically in my chest. A gigantic dog runs towards me, his grey fur stands on end. An old saying that Clara used to say floods my mind. "The only thing you cannot trust a dog with is your uneaten sandwich." The thought brings a smile to my face. I burst into fits of giggles. Why I am laughing I have no idea. Maybe it's laugh or cry. I don't know, but the giggles won't stop.

  The dog skids to a halt in front of me. Its slobbery tongue assaults my bare legs.

  Disgusted, with all the strength I can muster, I push at the dog's head. "Shoo, shoo." The words are barely audible, just below a whisper. My giggles evaporate as quickly as they came.

  My eyes begin to droop. My body strains to stay awake. A howl fills the air, vibrating my body. Within a second the Michaels stand before me. My unwanted giggles burst forth at the sight of them, horror and fascination in their eyes as they all stare.

  "I think she has gone mad," Misty says with wide eyes.

  "Trauma can do strange things to people," James adds.

  "She's been through a lot a lately, it's too much for her mind to process," Chris says, looking at me intensely. Their words penetrate my fuzzy mind, but have no meaning. Chris pulls me into his arms, and the warmth and comfort of his body seeps into my chilled skin. I press myself closer, burying my head in his chest. The giggles die down giving way to hiccups. I hold onto him tighter as I begin to sway.

  The dog growls, his yellow sharp teeth on display.

  "What is with that mutt?" I ask, my head still buried.

  Chris lets out a little snort as to stop himself form laughing. He rubs my back, sending warmth through my muscles. The dog continues to growl.

  Misty places her hand on the dog's head. They disappear in a swirl of light blue colors.

  "Heal her before Belinda sees," James commands, authority in his voice. He too disappears in a swirl of blue. Great, leave me alone with the Michael that hates me.

  Chris places me back on the bench and kneels before me. His hands glow a light blue. My cuts and aches disappear.

  He pulls me up and buries his face in my hair. Although I am shocked at his behavior, his sudden display of affection, my body moves on its own accord, snuggling closer, for warmth or comfort I am not sure. The feeling of safety sweeps over me. The familiar electric static feels good against my freezing skin.

  He pulls back slowly, and my eyes lock with his. A glazed look covers his iris and my hand reaches for his face. Slowly, my fingertips graze his cheek. His hands become tighter on the small of my back, bringing me closer to him.

  A black object whizzes through the air just millimeters away from my ear. It embeds itself into his left shoulder knocking him of balance. He quickly rights himself, his eyes scanning our surroundings. Nothing but darkness can be seen.

  I jump into his arms, startled. Black mist seeps up from the ground. The mist swirls round and round, growing larger by the second.

  "Do the blue light thing." I command in desperation.

  "I can't, the dart has stolen my powers," he states. Terror rips through me.

  The black mist drags us forward, its strength frightening, sucking us in like a vacuum. My still weak body cannot fight. My body is pulled forward at an alarming speed. My eyes water as my breath catches in my throat. The mist fully surrounds me, clogging my airways. I can't breathe. My stomach does somersaults as darkness sucks us under.

  Spinning, twirling, my body is pulled and pushed in all directions. I feel like I am taking a spin in a tumble dryer. The air warms up considerably.

  Pitch black is all I can see.

  "Chris" I yell, over and over again. No answer. The only sound I can hear is the sound of a very loud lawn mower.

  I crash to the floor hard. My back hits the floor with a crack. My head follows suit. Pain shoots down my spine. Stars dance behind my closed eye lids. I lay there a few moments as foul air enters my oxygen deprived lungs. I push myself up from the damp grass. I am in a small clearing and just beyond the field the scenery is swallowed up by giant trees. Long thick branches cover the ground below in darkness.

  Chris slowly gets to his knees. Rushing over I help him up. The moonlight gives enough light for me to see his face. Pain is evident on his features. He places his hand over his wounded shoulder.

  "We could have run," I state while struggling to hold his body weight. Pushing me to the side, he slumps to the ground.

  "The darts they use don't just take your powers; they also freeze your muscles. I couldn't move, so that wasn't an option."

  Leaves rustle in the distance. Chris curses under his breath as men surround us, bow and arrows firmly in their hands, all aimed at us. Their black clothes help them to blend into the background. Red eyes glow on every man as they descend upon us.

  They waste no time. Hauling Chris to his feet and yanking me by the arm, they march us through the trees. Feeling defeated, I have no choice but to follow blindly.

  I glance at Chris, his head is raised high.

  I stumble over an unexposed tree root and fall forward, scraping my knee.

  Fed up of my clumsy walk, without warning, the man picks me up and throws me over his shoulders. A scream escapes my lips at the sudden movement. Blood rushes straight to my brain as dizziness settles in.

  Distant sounds of owls tooting pierce the eerie quietness. The men had yet to utter a sound. The snapping of twigs and the crouching of leaves echo loudly.

  After hours of walking the trees begin to thin as a clearing comes into view. Large hilltops and cliffs lay ahead. In the middle of each hilltop sits a grey metal door.

  The men march forward until we come to the third hilltop. One man opens the door as another thrust us inside roughly. I fall to the floor with the sheer force, grazing my already sore knees on the hard, freezing concrete. The cold rushes to my bones, its frosty hands chilling my skin. The door slams loudly shut. The vibration runs through my body.

  "Now, what?" I ask him as I get to my feet.

  "We wait." He struggles to his feet, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He shines the light around the cave, using it as a torch. A single rusty bed lies in the center, along with an old chipped wicker chair the stone room was mostly bare, and a few candles line the walls.

  Chris finds some matches and lights them all until there is a soft glow in the cave, casting shadows on the walls.

  I take the phone out of his hand.

  "A torch, seriously, and here I was thinking you were the smart one." I search through his contacts until I come upon James number. I hit the call button. Triumph on my face.

  The phone has no service bars. I shake it frantically, hoping that by some miracle service bars will appear. I have no luck. I raise my hand, every intension of smashing the frustrating object against the wall. The phone is snatched out of my hand.

  "Just r
emember this is mine when you are finished." He shoves the phone in his back pocket. I scowl at him, and then turn my back.

  He places an old dusty blanket around my shoulder. The blanket smells of damp and rot. I fling it to the floor, running my hands over my body to get rid of any excess germs or god knows what.

  "Jesus on a bike, that thing is horrid," I mutter while shivering.

  "First of all, I am pretty sure Jesus never rode a bike, and secondly ... you are obviously freezing and that is the only thing available." He places the blanket around my shoulders again. I try to imagine that it is a brand new fluffy blanket that smells of lilies, my favorite flower. It does not work and the stench is revolting. The material is rough, scratching my bare skin. Sighing, I wrap the blanket tighter around myself.

  "How do you get your powers back?" I ask as I sit on the bed, laying my head back to rest on the metal head board. I'm both physically and mentally exhausted.

  "Without the antidote, I don't," he mumbles, taking a seat in the chair, which groans and squeaks its protest at the added weight.

  "Oh." I have no words, my body too drained to feel any emotions. I sink lower onto the bed, resting my head on a stained dusty pillow, which causes me to have sneezing fits.

  "Do you think they know where we are?" I ask as I close my eyes.

  "Just get some sleep while you can," he answers. Yeah, because sleeping in a cave has always been on my bucket list. Let's not mention the red eyed men may come back at any minute and he wants me to sleep of all things.

  "Do you think we will get out of this place?" I want him to say yes, to tell me he has a plan and that everything will be okay.

  "Kay, get some sleep." I guess he is just as unsure as I am. I cannot deny how tired I am and sleep does sound appealing.

  "Are you planning on sleeping in the chair?" I ask, shaking violently from the cold.

  "Yeah," he whispers.

  "I could really use your body heat." I hear him sigh, then the squeak and groan of his chair as he stands. I would never under normal circumstances ask a male to lay with me. The cold is too much for me to bear. How I wish I had my comfy jeans and a sweater on right now.

  He lies down, pulling me tight against him until my back rests against his chest, and his body heat is an instant relief. My body relaxes. A feeling of safety spreads over me. My body molds perfectly to his. The feeling of his strong arms wrapped around me gives me a sense of security.

  His heart beats rapidly against my back. His warm heavy breath tickles my neck. His heart beat becomes a sweet lullaby, sending me to sleep.

  Chapter 16- Kayla

  I wake to soft snores in my ears, arms wrapped tightly around me. One hand covers my own, fingers interlacing mine. Feeling uncomfortable, as slowly and quietly as I can, I wiggle myself free. Once standing I glance back. His hard lines are gone. The serious cocky look that is a constant facial feature is replaced by the innocence of sleep.

  Pain stabs my bladder. I really need the toilet. I walk around the tiny cave. I graze my hand across the solid stone wall. In the far corner a dirty brown sheet dangles from the wall.

  Pulling back the sheet, dust rains down on me. I sneeze as quietly as possible. A quick glance at Chris, he does not stir. I walk forward and light a lone candle that sits on a stone ledge. The candle gives little light. A portable toilet sits alone, the kind you would find in a touring caravan.

  Well I guess it will do.

  I run my hands through every grove, the hope that a trap door will open up, just like in the movies. Only this isn't a movie and I am not that lucky.

  "What are you doing?" Startled, I jump. Chris lies with his hands behind his head. "Do you think there will be some toothpaste and maybe a tooth brush hiding inside a hidden compartment in the wall?" He answers with a laugh, a deep laugh that goes on forever.

  Annoyed, I cross my arms and give him a look that could kill.

  "We are stuck in a cave and you are worried about cleaning your teeth," he says amusement clear in his voice.

  "Yeah, I really don't want to have to walk around with morning breath," I state. Men really are not hygienic.

  "Why don't you look for a bathroom and take a shower while you're at it," he says through his laughter.

  "I already did, there is a portable toilet, no shower," I say looking around the tiny space. How long are they going to leave us trapped in here? Every minute feels like torture waiting for them to come and just get it over with, I wish they would hurry up with whatever they have planned for us.

  I hobble back to the bed. I sit on the edge and look into his dazzling blue eyes. It's strange how his eyes can change colors so rapidly from bright baby-blues to cold ice to a bright dazzling blue. Then again mine change from blue to green depending on my moods.

  "What do they want with us?" I want to know the answer, but I am scared of the answer at the same time, however the question has been bugging me since we arrived. If I know what they want then at least I can prepare myself.

  "I don't know," he replies as he bends down and snaps the heel of my shoe.

  At least I won't hobble now.

  "Thank you," I whisper, my body suddenly feeling drained. His warm arms wrap around me pulling me tight against him.

  My body shivers uncontrollably. I did not notice how cold I was.

  His hands run along my arms. A shiver runs down my spine. He places his jacket over my shoulders.

  "You need it as much as I do." I try to shrug the jacket off.

  "Says the girl that is practically wearing nothing." He pushes my arms through the sleeves and folds them up. The jacket comes to just above my knees.

  "I am going to kill, Misty, I said it was too short," I mumble. "I stole the dress. I did not mean to." The realization that I never paid for the dress hits me.

  "A thief is the worst kind of person. You can never trust someone who can steal form helpless people. Always ask for permission before you take something. Never steal from a shop store or any other businesses, remember they have worked hard for what they have got." Clara's lecture rings loudly in my mind.

  "You didn't steal the dress. They did when they kidnapped you."

  I turn and rest my head on his chest. I hold his t-shirt in my fist. His heart beats fast. His breathing becomes heavy. I press my body firmly against his, curling up in his lap. I feel him shiver. I try to give him as much as my body heat as I can.

  "I cannot even return it if we ever get out of here."

  "The dress does not matter, Kay." He brushes my hair with his hand.

  "It matters to me," I whisper.

  Screeching echoes through the hollow walls, piercing my skull. I place my hands over my ears, blocking out the deafening noise.

  A stocky, muscular man steps inside, black stubble coating his chin, along with three other men who keep to the shadows, only their red eyes visible, alerting us to their presence.

  I press myself harder to his body.

  All four men stand still, their faces expressionless.

  They all walk forward, each of their steps, in perfect rhythm.

  One second I am sat in Chris's lap, the next I am stood on the floor my body unsteady.

  The sound of breaking wood sets my nerves on fire.

  One of the men turns to ash as Chris drives a piece of wood through his heart. I scream.

  A few weeks ago the only thing I had to be worried about was whether or not I would pass the surprise test our teachers thrust upon us. Now, I'm pretty sure these red-eyed men are vampires.

  The three remaining men pounce on Chris at once. He pulls his elbow back and rams it into one of the men's chest. The man stumbles back.

  His boot connects with the second man's shins sending him tumbling to the floor. He thrusts the broken piece of wood into the fallen man's chest. Within seconds that man is ash.

  The third man jumps onto Chris's back. His eyes glow, fire burns in the place of his pupils. He sticks a sharp combat knife into Chris's shoulder.

sp; Chris holds onto the man's hair while moving backwards. He slams the spiky-haired man's head against the wall. Once the man loosens his grip he flings him over his shoulder. The man crashes to the ground with a sickening thud.

  Without wasting a second, Chris plunges his make shift stake into the man's chest.

  One man remains. He eyes Chris with caution. At the speed of light he moves. Chris falls to his knees as three more red-eyed men enter our holding cell. All three rush forward.

  My terror turns to anger. The anger ripples through my veins, bursting out of my hand in the form of a light blue electric ball. Chris pushes one of the men into the line of fire. The man is ash instantly.

  Another ball forms in my hand. With accuracy I did not know existed, I hit another red-eyed man.

  The last two men stare at me, their eyes transfixed. Chris picks up another piece of wood. He launches one of the make shift stakes through the air. The stake embeds into the back of the red-eyed man's chest.

  The commotion causes the remaining man to turn around, only to be welcomed by the same fate.

  As the last man turns to ash, Chris grabs hold of my hand, dragging me forward. He pulls me out of the door and through the field keeping to the shadows.

  Once we enter the woods he pulls me behind a large tree trunk.

  "Get on my back." He lowers himself.

  "What? No, I can walk," I state.

  "They took my physical powers, but I still have my speed. We can cover more ground this way." I do as he asks.

  As soon as I am settled we set off at a rapid speed. Trees wiz by, and the strong wind takes my breath. My stomach lurches as he jumps and turns sharply.

  The trees begin to thin and become far between as we come upon another clearing.

  He sets me down. Closing his eyes he looks in deep concentration.

  "What are you doing, meditating at a time like this?"

  He has got to be kidding me.


  Folding my arms I plonk myself on the ground.

  If he wants to meditate while the red eyed evil things are after us what can I do. Oh yeah, I can sit like a sitting duck and wait for them to catch us.


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