Found (The Crescent Chronicles #3)

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Found (The Crescent Chronicles #3) Page 15

by Ivy, Alyssa Rose

  I turned to the men. “Where’s Jess?”

  “They’re downstairs.”

  “In the basement?”

  Toby swiped a chip from a bowl on the side table. “You make it sound like a dungeon. That basement is nicer than half the apartments in New York City.”

  I stepped away from Toby. “Someone unlock that door now.”

  “What do you say, boss?” one of the guys asked.

  Toby nodded. “Go ahead.”

  One of the guys got off the couch and did it, but only after Toby nodded. I didn’t care, I was so close. I wondered when the Dalys were going to act.

  I took the stairs two at a time and found Jess and Emmett curled up on a sectional couch. Toby hadn’t been exaggerating. The basement was easily the nicest spot in the house.

  “Allie?” Jess set aside a book. Seriously? She was reading. Maybe Levi hadn’t been crazy…

  “I’m so glad you’re okay.” I ran over and hugged her. After weeks of worrying, it felt so good to finally see her. “I’m so sorry.”

  Jess held onto my sleeve. “What’s going on?”

  “Toby?” The surprise in Emmett’s voice made it obvious he had no idea Toby was involved.

  I turned back to Jess. “Do you know anything about the people who are holding you?”

  “No. The only thing we knew was that it had to do with you. Is it Levi? Did he get you into trouble somehow?” It was weird hearing Jess talk to me like that. Like I was the one with bad judgment. It was usually the other way around.

  “Something like that.” I struggled to figure out what to say next, but I was spared from having to think about it for long.

  The loud noises from upstairs tipped us off first, but it was the door being thrown open that made Cade’s presence known. Smoke filled the basement as a booming explosion sounded.

  Toby wrapped his arms around me, and I knew he had no clue what was happening as loud sounds from above us permeated the air.

  I was suddenly jerked from Toby’s arms. As the smoke cleared, I wasn’t surprised to find myself in Cade’s grasp. “Let’s get out of here.”

  I shook my head. “Not yet.”

  He growled. “We’ve lost the element of surprise. Blackwell reinforcements are coming.”

  “Where’s Jess? Emmett?”

  “We got them. We need to go.” His hand tightened on my arm.

  “I’m staying.”

  “What?” Cade pulled me back against him. “Not a chance.”

  “I’m staying.” I elbowed him in the chest and spun out of his arms.

  I took a step back, right into Toby’s arms. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around my waist. Surprised or not, he knew what he wanted. “I’m staying with Toby.”

  Cade scowled. “You made a promise. A sworn oath.”

  “I will keep my promise.” I looked Cade square in the eye, hoping he’d understand I wasn’t lying to him.

  He did. “If you think it’s best.” Wow, Levi probably would have made me work so much harder.

  “You’re really not going with him?” Toby asked from behind me. He hadn’t released me. I took that as a good sign.

  “I’m staying with you.”

  “Then let’s go.” A loud crash upstairs made it clear more Blackwells had arrived. Toby didn’t stay around to catch up with his family. He towed me to his car like he thought I was going to change my mind.

  “Where are we going?” It didn’t take long to realize we weren’t heading back to the tree house.

  “To a place up state.”

  “I’m sorry.” I was saying those words so often now.

  “For sending the Dalys after me?” He didn’t take his eyes off the road.

  “I didn’t send them after you. I sent them to get Jess.”

  “Why? Why not Levi? What the hell did you promise Cade? He isn’t someone to play around with, Allie.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  His hands tightened on the wheel. “Of course it matters.”

  “All you need to know is that it has no bearing on why I’m with you.”

  He groaned. “Way to be cryptic. What other surprises do you have waiting?”


  “When’s Levi going to show up?”

  “He’s not.” It hurt to say it. I missed Levi so much already.

  “Likely story.”

  “It’s true. He’s not coming. He doesn’t even know I’m here.”

  “Why? I get why you got Jess out. I get that you didn’t trust I’d really let her go, but why stay with me?”

  “Because it wouldn’t really have ended. Yeah, Jess is free but what about my family? You know your grandfather won’t give up.”

  “But he’ll have no choice but to stop if I’m king…” Toby placed a hand on my leg. It was too much like what Levi did.

  “You’re taking me to see him, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. My grandfather wants to see you, but I promise I’ll be with you the whole time.” He pulled onto the interstate. “Besides, he won’t be there until tomorrow. He was under the same impression I was, that we were spending the night at my dad’s.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to leave me.” His grandfather terrified me. I’d been around plenty of Pterons, but he seemed even less human than the rest.

  He took his eyes off the road for a moment to look at me. “I’m going to take care of you. No one’s going to hurt you.”

  “I hope you’re right…”

  “It’s going to be okay. We’re going to be more than okay.” He took my hand.

  “It’s not just fear.”

  “What isn’t?” He glanced over at me again.

  “You were right about what you said the other day.” It was time to get back to work.

  “What exactly was I right about?” He switched lanes, passing a van.

  “That you were my first…that means something.”

  He moved our hands to my leg. “Of course, it means something…it means a lot.”

  I wanted to move our hands, but I couldn’t. At least I was in jeans.

  “It’s going to be like taking your virginity all over again…it’s going to be that new of an experience for you.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt sick and my head was pounding again.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I just haven’t been feeling well lately.”

  “What kind of not feeling well?” he asked with concern.

  “Headaches, dizziness, even passing out…”

  “That doesn’t sound like you at all. You hardly ever even get colds.”

  “I know…”

  “Maybe it’s stress. You’ll be able to relax now. I’ll make sure of it.” He squeezed my leg.

  I kicked the bag at my feet so I could stretch my legs out. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything—as long as it’s not going to upset you. I don’t want you worrying while you’re not feeling well.”

  Where was this super worried Toby coming from? He was always an attentive boyfriend—but certainly not like this. “Why did you ask me out?”

  He didn’t hesitate with his answer. “I wanted you to be mine.”

  “When did you decide that?” I turned in my seat to look at him.

  “The first day of sophomore year. You sat down in the desk next to me in English, and you were wearing that white sundress. You know the one with the tiny holes?”

  I laughed. “The eyelet dress?”

  “I guess. Anyway, I was in a really bad mood because of my dad, and you turned to me and said ‘you must have had a good summer.’ I had no idea what you were talking about and asked what you meant. Do you remember what you said?”

  “No… should I?”

  “If you’re that unhappy about being back in school, you had to have had a good summer. Then you shot me this smile, and I was gone.”

  I laughed. “Wow, I was so cool back then.”

  “You were. I couldn’t concentrate
after that. I spent the whole day thinking about the ways I could get you out of that dress.”

  “If you liked me sophomore year, why did you wait so long to ask me out?”

  “Are you kidding? You were Allie Davis. You ate guys like me for breakfast.”

  “Very funny. You had a reputation of your own. You never said yes to anyone.”

  “I would have said yes to you—” His voice was low, like he was lost in thought.

  “Even before I wowed you with my witty intellect?” I grinned.

  He took a minute to respond. I was probably right about his mind moving somewhere else. “Uh yeah. I thought you were hot before that, especially in those tennis skirts you wore at the club…but I never let myself give it much thought. But that day in class—I knew you saw me.”

  “How’d you finally work up the nerve?” I unzipped my coat, the car was getting warm.


  “Jess?” He had to be kidding.

  “She caught me staring at you one day, and she told me you were into me.”

  “She did what?”

  He grinned. “I knew she was lying, but I decided it was worth a shot. You’d just broken up with that idiot you were dating at the time.”

  “He was an idiot.”

  Toby laughed. “Do you remember what you said when I asked you?”

  I nodded.

  “Only if I’d take you out that night. You needed something to cheer you up.”

  I laughed. “You should have seen your face. It was a mix of elation and absolute panic.”

  “You didn’t give me much time to prepare, but I think I did pretty well.”

  I tried to find a comfortable spot, but I just wanted to get out of the car. “Pizza and a movie at your house.”

  “What did you expect? I didn’t have my license and my dad was away.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, well, you cheered me up.”

  “In other words, you thought I was a good kisser.”

  “I was impressed you didn’t try anything else.”

  “I wasn’t going to push my luck.”

  I crossed my arms. “Yeah, you were a gentleman for all of three dates. After that, you got on my back.”

  “You were such a tease.”

  “A tease?”

  “Yeah. Every time I thought I was going to get lucky, you made me stop. I think we probably have the record for the most time spent naked in a bed without having sex.”

  “Why don’t you have slits?” That reality dawned on me. I’d been with a shirtless Toby a million times. How had I never noticed it?

  “Wing slits? I have them.”

  “Really? How did I not notice them?”

  “They’re not visible, and they would only feel like tiny bumps.”

  “Levi’s are visible…” I still remembered the first time I saw them. I couldn’t believe wings could come out of something so small.

  He squeezed my leg again. “I’m not Levi.”

  “I know.”

  “Any more questions?”

  “What color are your wings?”

  “Brown. Already excited to see them?”

  “Shouldn’t I be?” I needed to start flirting again. “Are they big?”

  “Yeah…they’re bigger than Levi’s crow wings. You’ll see them soon.” He arched an eyebrow.

  “I can see your wings without having sex with you.”

  “Technically, yes, but it would be more fun to do it during sex.”

  “I want to see them before.” I slipped off my jacket.

  “Are you hot? I only have the heat on for you.”

  “Yeah. I’m still not feeling well.”

  “Why don’t you take a nap? It’s going to be another few hours.”

  “I think I will.”

  I leaned my head back against the warm leather seat and closed my eyes.


  “Wake up, sleepyhead,” Toby cooed in my ear.

  “Are we there?” I opened my eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the darkness.

  “We’re here.” He shut off the engine and got out.

  I’d just unbuckled my seatbelt when he opened my door. “I’m guessing those boots aren’t actually made for snow?”

  “Snow? Who said anything about snow?” Were we really that far north? There hadn’t even been a flurry close to the city.

  He laughed. “There’s quite a bit on the ground.”

  He was right. I must have slept for hours to have driven that far. “My boots will be fine.” It couldn’t be too long of a walk to the front door.

  “If you say so.” He held out a hand, and I used it to get down.

  I slipped as my feet touched the ground. He caught me. “You said it was snow. This is ice.”

  “Ice covered snow.”


  “Want me to carry you?”

  He was too much like Levi, always offering to carry me like it was nothing. “Just hold my arm.”

  Toby was smart enough to realize that I wanted him to hold my weight but let me feel like I was doing it on my own.

  We reached the front porch, and he unlocked the door without letting go of my arm.

  I followed him right inside. I was ready to get out of the cold and was completely exhausted.

  “Are we the only ones here?” I tentatively walked into the dark corridor.

  “Yes. No one’s going to bother us tonight.” I reached out for the wall. What was taking Toby so long to turn on the lights?

  I was about to turn when I was pushed into the wall. He pinned me against it, his arms on either side of me. “Why are you so nervous?”

  “It’s dark. Please turn on the lights, Toby.” His lips brushed against my earlobe, and I forced myself not to cringe.

  “I can see perfectly.”

  “Please, Toby, turn on the lights.”

  “What’s the hurry?”

  I didn’t get a chance to answer.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I tried to roll over, but I couldn’t move. I struggled, finally opening my eyes. I was cocooned in a strong set of arms and legs. Levi always slept with me that way, but something was off.

  “You awake, baby?”

  My chest clenched. It wasn’t Levi.

  I struggled harder, and the arms loosened. I couldn’t see him in the darkness, but I was sure Toby could see me.

  “What? How did we get here?” My voice was hoarse, I needed water.

  “You passed out on me. You didn’t even wake up when I undressed you.”

  “Undressed me?” I ran my hands over my body. I was still wearing my clothes.


  “You mean you didn’t want to take advantage of me while I was sleeping?” I croaked.

  Toby figured out what I needed, and he pressed a glass of water into my hands. My eyes were gradually adjusting, and I could at least make out the glass and its contents. “Well, you probably would be more comfortable without the clothes, but…”

  I gulped down the entire glass. “I don’t sleep naked.”

  He ran a hand down my cheek. “I know for a fact that isn’t always true.”

  “Sleeping naked after sex is different.”

  “It’s a good thing we’ll be having sex every night then, isn’t it?” His hand left my cheek and moved down my neck. I wanted to recoil, but I couldn’t.

  “I’m not having sex tonight.”

  “I assumed that. I don’t want our first real time together to be when you don’t feel well.”

  “How thoughtful.”

  “I’m always thoughtful.” He took my empty glass.

  “Ow.” My head pounded. What the heck was going on? If I were back home, my mom would have dragged me to a doctor already.

  “When did this start?” He took my hand.

  “The physical stuff? It’s been getting worse the past few weeks. It’s been ten times worse today.”

  “You were with Levi last night?”

  “Yes.” Had it really
only been the night before?

  Toby sighed. “All right, try to sleep. We’ll figure this out in the morning.”


  “I’m here for you. I always have been, and I will be for as long as you let me.” Those were not the words of someone who believed their ex had come back to them.


  “I’m taking you to him.” Toby sat on the edge of the bed watching me. I was hot, oppressively so.

  “Who? And why’s it so hot in here?” I struggled to pull my sweater over my head. I still had a tank top on underneath.

  He helped pull off my sweater and set it down next to us on the bed. “Levi. I’m taking you to Levi.”


  He let out a deep breath. “Come on, Allie. You’re sick. You only got more sick when you started spending time with Cade and with me. You need Levi.”

  “You think it’s related?”

  “Yes. You already know that, just like you know that you’re going to pick him.”


  “Save your energy. You said his name like twenty times while you slept.”

  “Toby…” I struggled to find the right words.

  “I know why you’re here. You want to know how to fix your bond with Levi.”

  “And you’re okay with that…” I attempted to sit up, but gave up, eventually relaxing back against the pillow.

  “I don’t want you sick. You look like hell, and you’re only getting worse.”

  “Do you know how?” My voice was strained again.

  “You have to get the ring off.”

  “But how?”

  “You think I know?”

  “You have to know. You told me you knew how we could be together.”

  “Of course, I did. I wanted you to pick me.”

  “So you have no clue how this works?” Panic filled my voice.

  “I thought you did.”

  “Oh my god.” This had been for nothing. Absolutely nothing. “You knew I didn’t know. You just said you knew I was here about the ring.”

  “I figured it would just come to you.”

  “It’s not coming to me.”

  “Obviously, but it’s now a bigger problem. If we can’t fix this damn bond, you’re probably going to stay sick.”

  “You’ll really take me to Levi?”

  “Yes. Your life means something to me. I care about you whether you want to accept it or not.”


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