Found (The Crescent Chronicles #3)

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Found (The Crescent Chronicles #3) Page 16

by Ivy, Alyssa Rose

  “Can we go now?” Just thinking about being with Levi made me feel strong. The problem was that it also reminded me of how angry he was going to be. There was no sense worrying about it, what was done was done.

  “When are we going?”

  “As soon as I figure out how we’re going to get there. Buying a plane ticket isn’t exactly going to stay under the radar. My grandfather would do anything to prevent you from leaving. We have to keep this quiet.”

  I nodded. “Okay.” I worked out exactly what I was going to say to Levi while I waited for Toby.

  “Fuck.” Toby rarely cursed. It had to be bad.


  “My grandfather and a few of his men are on their way.” Toby let go of the curtain he had pulled back. I didn’t see anything, but something had to have tipped him off.

  “I thought they weren’t coming yet.”

  “I guess my grandfather didn’t trust me.” He pressed the palms of his hands against his forehead. “For good reason.”

  “We’re going to have to act like things are okay. We’ll sneak out later.” I wished I had the energy to muster some confidence for my words.

  “You’re right. He can’t stay forever.”


  Toby and I had barely made it downstairs when the door banged open. “There you two are.” Mr. Blackwell’s words were simple, but the way he said it still frightened me. I moved closer to Toby.

  “I left you a message. We need more time alone.” Toby looked his grandfather in the eye.

  The old man hung up his coat on a hook. His eyes never left us. “Surely you don’t mind my presence.”

  I used my anger and fear to stay strong. “How can I choose Toby with you here?”

  “Choose Toby?” He grabbed my hand. “Then why are you still wearing this?”

  “Maybe if you hadn’t interrupted us…” I tugged my hand from his.

  “By all means, carry on then.” He gestured to the stairs.

  “I know how well Pterons hear.”

  “I assure you, it won’t bother me.”

  Ugh. Dirty. Old. Man. “It will bother me. This isn’t a little thing, it’s big. I want privacy. It’s only between Toby and I.” I picked up Toby’s hand. He squeezed mine. The worst part of all of this was that I knew it had to hurt Toby. I reassured myself that once I picked a king, Toby would be back to normal and could finally move on.

  “You aren’t in the position to have an opinion, Ms. Davis. Your stunt this afternoon was quite enough of a temper tantrum.”

  “A temper tantrum? Wanting to get my friends away from their kidnappers isn’t a temper tantrum.” I resisted the urge to stomp my foot. That would have just played into what he was saying.

  “Inviting the Dalys to partake crossed a line.”

  “You never would have let them go. At least not alive.”

  He grinned. It was an evil, horrible grin. “I see you’re learning not to be so naive.”

  “I’m here. You can leave my family and friends alone.”

  He laughed. “Why would I listen to you?”

  “Because you have to.” I had the power—it was all about my choice.

  “I don’t have to do anything. I can make you do whatever I want. You just don’t want to know how.”

  I shivered. “Are you threatening me?”

  He stepped toward me. “Yes.”

  “Don’t move any closer.” Toby pushed me behind him.

  “Don’t tell me what to do, boy.”

  “Allie’s going to be my mate. I’m the only one who touches her or tells her what to do.” Normally I would have snapped at him implying he could tell me what to do, but he was probably acting—just like me.

  “Then make her your mate. It’s taking you long enough.”

  “I plan to, but we’re doing it alone. You’ve seen her. Now I’m taking her home with me where we can have privacy.”

  “Privacy?” He laughed. “You’re pathetic. Just like your father. How your mother married such a weak human, I’ll never understand.”

  Toby bristled, but he didn’t lose his temper. “We’re going.”

  Toby didn’t give me any warning. He grabbed me around the waist as he sped to the front door. I’d barely registered brown wings extending before we were airborne.

  Frozen. I felt almost agonizingly cold before Toby landed.

  “Damn it. I should have thought about the cold. I wish I had a coat for you.”

  We were in the middle of nowhere, in a forest with a thick cover of trees. Only a faint hint of light spilled through the canopy.

  “I need to sit down.” I fell down to my knees, wrapping my arms around myself.

  “I think you’re worse. You keep getting worse.” He started to pace. “Do you have Levi’s number memorized?”

  “Yeah.” I barely got the words out through my chattering teeth.

  “What is it? You’re too sick to travel. Maybe just being with him will help a little.” Toby kneeled down next to me.

  I shakily told Toby the numbers and waited for him to dial.

  I wanted to lie down on the ground, but Toby held me instead.

  “Levi, it’s Toby.”

  “Just shut up. She needs you. She’s sick, and I have no freaking clue what else to do.”

  He started describing our location, and I took small breaths to relax myself. I refused to pass out again.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “What did you do to her?”

  Levi landed in the clearing and immediately pulled me into his arms. I closed my eyes as I waited for my headache to subside.

  “What did I do to her? This is all your fault.” Toby paced back and forth. We were still in some random forest somewhere.

  “My fault?” Levi held me tightly against him. Despite how weak I felt, there was something so comfortable about being tucked in his arms. “What do I have to do with it? She was fine when I last saw her.”

  “It’s your messed up bond that has her sick. If you weren’t so stupid, you’d have figured it out already.”

  “How the hell did you even get her? I thought she was with Cade.” Levi’s whole body tensed. Talking about me being with two other heirs wasn’t easy for him.

  “Like you didn’t know. We knew you had the house under surveillance.”

  Levi shifted, his shoes crunching the fallen leaves covering the forest floor. “It shorted out a few hours ago.”

  “You knew Jess was at her own house?” I had to get the words out. If it had been that simple, he should have just told me.

  He looked down at me. “Allie? You’re awake.”

  “Yes, I’m awake.” I kept the part about feeling like hell to myself.

  Toby continued to pace. “Don’t make her waste energy. You have to fix this.”

  “Is it really that simple?” We all turned as Cade walked into the clearing where we waited, as though Levi and Toby in the same place wasn’t bad enough.

  “What the hell are you doing here? I thought Allie made it clear she wasn’t interested.” Toby’s eyes darkened.

  Cade stepped closer. “She also made me a promise.”

  “A promise?” Levi asked suspiciously.

  “Yes.” Cade looked right at Levi. “She’s picking me.”

  “No. There’s no way Allie would do that.” Levi’s voice wavered and he purposely avoided looking down at me.

  I made myself speak. “I promised to make him a king, but it’s not what you think.”

  “No.” Levi shook his head. “No.”

  Cade stepped toward where Levi still held me. “She gave a sworn oath. I have witnesses.”

  “What?” Levi’s entire body shook, and I knew that if I could see his eyes, they’d be black.

  Toby jumped in. “He can’t hold her to anything she said when she was sick.”

  Cade crossed his arms. “She wasn’t sick when she said it.”

  Levi didn’t say anything at first, and that scared me. I wanted to explain, b
ut I couldn’t do it yet. Finally, I felt his body relax slightly. “Not another word. No one’s accomplishing anything if she’s unconscious. We have to help her first. We’ll discuss this issue later.”

  Cade sighed, like he was realizing he didn’t have any other choice. “We should talk to your grandmother. If anyone can help, it’s Georgina.”

  I wished. “She doesn’t know how.”

  “She has to.” Toby said it like it had to be fact.

  “She’s the one who suggested I flirt with you to find out how.”

  “With me?” Toby pointed at his chest. “She thought I’d know?”

  “Yes. Evidently you fooled us both.”

  “If she doesn’t know, she’ll know someone who does,” Levi said it resolutely. “I’ll take Allie to see Georgina right now.”

  “I’m coming.” Toby stepped toward us.

  “Me too.” Cade mimicked Toby’s motion.

  Levi shook his head. “We don’t need you slowing us down.”

  Toby bristled. “As if we’d slow you down. I don’t think she’s in the shape to fly.”

  “Obviously not. I’ll get us a ride.” Levi shifted me in his arms so he could get to his phone. I waited while he spoke to someone. He hung up. “Let’s head to the road.”


  Nestled in the backseat of a car with my head in Levi’s lap, I tried to comprehend what was happening. I was driving across the country with three Pteron heirs to talk to someone who already told me she had no idea how to help. For the first time, I was scared for myself. This wasn’t just feeling under the weather. The headaches were one thing, but overwhelming exhaustion and passing out was another. There was something seriously wrong with me.

  “It’s going to be okay.” Levi’s words did little to soothe me, but his hand resting on my chest helped. In the past few months, I’d grown so close to him, I couldn’t even stand the thought of having to say goodbye.

  “I love you.” Getting words out was becoming harder, but those were too important to leave unsaid. I couldn’t explain myself to him until we had time alone. I had a feeling that wouldn’t be happening for a while.

  “Georgina still hasn’t called back?” Cade asked from the driver’s seat. Levi had fought Toby off when he tried to get in the back seat with us. He’d settled for sitting sideways in the passenger seat so he could watch me. I must have dozed off when Levi called his grandmother, because I couldn’t recall the conversation.

  Levi gently stroked my stomach through my sweater. “She said it could take a few hours to make contact.”

  “Does she realize how serious the situation is?” Toby still hadn’t turned around.

  “Of course, she does. She promised she’d be ready for us when we got there.”

  I sighed loudly.

  “Are you still awake, Allie?” Cade asked. “You should probably try to get some sleep.”

  Having three grown men worrying about me wore me out. Sleep would probably be a welcome distraction. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feel of Levi’s hand.

  I spent the entire ride fading in and out of consciousness. One great thing about Pterons is that they don’t need to sleep much, so we drove through the night. The sun shone through the window when we pulled into Georgina’s drive.

  “Where is she?” Georgina yelled loudly enough that I could hear her through the closed window.

  She pulled open the car door before Levi could open it himself. “Take her inside, now.”

  Levi stepped out of the car without setting me down. “Did you find someone who can help?”

  “Of course I did, Leviathan. Quit wasting your breath on such pointless questions.” Despite my state, I had to smile. I’d never heard anyone talk to Levi that way. I’d also never heard anyone call him by his full name other than at formal events.

  Georgina didn’t bother to acknowledge the other guys. It didn’t surprise me at all. A servant held the door open, and Levi carried me inside to a sitting room down the hall from the screened in porch.

  “Is this the girl?” A tiny old woman asked when Levi walked us into the room.

  Georgina nodded. “Yes. This is the next queen. Do whatever it takes.”

  A cold hand touched my arm as the old woman examined my hand. “How long has this ring been on?”

  “Since August, Mayanne.” Georgina didn’t give Levi a chance to answer.

  “Your grandson is the one who bungled the bond?”

  “Bungled it—” Levi started to say before Georgina cut him off.

  “Yes, she’s my grandson’s mate. What I care about is fixing it.”

  “It can’t be fixed,” Mayanne said flatly.

  “What? Why are we wasting our time here if she can’t help?” Toby yelled.

  The old woman glared at Toby. “Calm yourself, boy. It can’t be fixed, but it can be undone. First we need to get her strength back.”

  “How do we do that?” Levi still cradled me against his body. I held on to consciousness by running my fingers down his chest. “And who are you?”

  “My name’s Mayanne. I knew your great-grandmother Carol well.”

  Levi shifted me slightly. “Are you a witch?”

  “Yes,” she said resolutely.

  “Can we trust her?” Levi asked Georgina.


  Levi sighed. “We don’t have any other choice…”

  “No, you don’t.” Mayanne grabbed a large tote bag. “I need to make a drink. Georgina, please assist me in the kitchen.”

  “Very well.”

  The two women left the room.

  “A drink? You don’t think she means liquor, do you?” Toby asked no one in particular.

  Cade laughed dryly. “I’d hope it’s more than that. Besides, how would that get her strength back? It would just make her more tired.” He crossed his arms and turned to Levi. “You could sit down you know. You don’t have to play the hero and hold her all day.”

  “It’s not like she’s heavy. I prefer standing.” Levi didn’t sound like himself, and that worried me. He was always the one who stayed strong.

  I snuggled my head into his shirt. Staying awake was probably more work than Levi was using to hold me.

  Georgina and Mayanne returned before I could drift off again.

  “Drink this.” A cold glass was pressed against my lips.

  “Wha?” I tried to ask.

  “Don’t waste your energy. Just drink it.” Mayanne was surprisingly forceful for such a small woman. Still, I wasn’t going to drink something without knowing what it was.

  I shook my head.

  “Just drink it, babe. It’s going to make you better.” Levi put his hand on top of mine.

  “I never said it would make her better. I said it would make her strong enough to get through what she has to get through.”

  “It’s safe, Allie.” Georgina appeared next to me.

  I nodded. For one reason or another, I really trusted her. I opened my mouth and let the cold, bitter drink spill down my throat. There was something familiar about the taste.

  Mayanne must have read my expression. “It’s pomegranate juice. That’s what you’re tasting.”

  “Pomegranate juice? That’s your great idea?” Toby fumed.

  Mayanne smiled, and her whole face lit up. “Natural antioxidants have a lot of healing properties.”

  Georgina laughed. “There’s more than pomegranate juice in there, but that’s all Allie needs to know about.”

  I wanted to regurgitate the drink. What was I drinking?

  “It may take up to an hour.”

  “Were you being serious? Is it really that dangerous?” Levi finally sat down. I clung to him.

  He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Even if you let go, I’m not putting you down.”

  I smiled, but the next words out of Mayanne’s mouth wiped that smile away immediately. “An improper bond is lethal.”

  Levi hung his head. “I’m such an idiot.”

>   “Glad you finally admit it.” Toby was back to his pacing again.

  “How does it work? You said there was something we could do.” Levi sounded calmer. More resolute.

  “The one who made the improper bond has to undo it. You have to repeat the same sequence of events that led to Allie receiving the ring, and you have to ask for it back.”

  “Ask for it back?” His voice shook. My chest ached.

  Mayanne nodded. “Yes. That’s essential. You need to take the ring back, and you have to do it in exactly the same way you gave it to her. Same place, same time, same clothes.”

  “How do you know this is going to work?”

  “I don’t…but it’s the only possibility I know of.”

  “How do you even know? Where is this information from?” Toby sat down on the arm of the sofa.

  “I can’t give you all the details. All I can say is that Allie’s great-grandmother taught me everything I know.”

  “What?” I sputtered out.

  Mayanne smiled at me kindly. “That’s a story for another time.”

  “Wait. How do you know her? Please.”

  “We grew up together. Save your energy.” She put a hand on my forehead, and then nodded. “I think the drink is going to kick in soon.”

  Levi squeezed my hand before running a finger over the ring.

  “You can give the ring right back to her.” Georgina tried to comfort Levi.

  “Like hell he will,” Cade snapped. “She made a sworn oath. She’s taking my ring.”

  “She is making her own choice this time.” Toby was calmer, but I didn’t doubt his determination.

  After only ten minutes, I felt different—more normal. Whatever it was that Mayanne gave me was working. “How much time do we have?”

  “No more than a week.”

  “Then we’re doing it now. No sense cutting it close.” Toby had finally stopped moving.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you’re right.” Levi brushed some hair off my face. “As soon as Allie is up to it, we should go.”

  “I’m feeling better.” I wasn’t in a rush to separate myself from Levi, but I was tired of feeling sick. We needed to find a resolution to this whole mess.

  Georgina placed a hand on my shoulder. “Why don’t you rest upstairs for an hour or so, Allie. The boys can wait down here.”


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