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My Ex's Baby (Crescent Cove Book 8)

Page 15

by Taryn Quinn

  Rather than climbing on top of me, he tucked my breast away and laid his head on my chest, giving us both a moment to settle. And in my case, to contemplate how my life might be changing.

  Our lives.

  A sharp knock sounded at the door. “Kinleigh? It’s past ten. Are you okay?” Ivy’s voice seemed strangled. Or maybe worried. “You never,” cough, “sleep this late.”

  More coughing. Almost choking. Had she picked up a bug? That wasn’t good with the baby.

  No, she picked up you were banging her brother in her guest room, you horndog.

  I glanced at August, certain he would be as freaked out as I was at the possibility she’d heard something incriminating. We hadn’t been very circumspect.

  His eyes were closed. A moment later, he let out a soft snore.


  Then the time sunk in. Past ten? The store was opening at noon. I had so much to do to prepare before I did my walk of shame out of here. If it could be called that when we were trying to procreate.

  We hadn’t even dated—and probably wouldn’t—yet we were attempting to have a child. Made sense.


  August made another sound in his sleep and I smothered a giggle. I didn’t have much choice but to pretend to be snoring the day away until Sleeping Beauty roused, assuming that occurred in the next twenty minutes. I had to get ready for work so I couldn’t spare much longer than that.

  He would have to hide in the bathroom while I lured Rory and Ivy out of the house. Or something. We’d figure it out.

  Since August obviously wasn’t aware, I gave in to the urge to stroke his hair. As far as potential baby daddies went, so far I’d picked a good one.

  Even if I might need earplugs.


  “What kind of spread would you like today?”

  I flattened my hands on my desktop and tried desperately to center myself. It was Friday, always a crazy day at the shop with women hoping to find that special outfit. Normally, I tried to do my weekly reading with Luna and Ryan on Sundays, but that day hadn’t gone as planned considering I’d woken up from my Saturday night wine bender in bed with August. Add in babymaking practice and a tarot card reading just hadn’t been in the plans.

  The rest of the week had been a flurry of work and a couple of buying trips to trunk sales in a couple of nearby towns. Then I’d had dinner last night with Ivy after Rory left town once again, and she was in a woe spiral.

  Seeing how upset my bestie became when Rory traveled for work had me evaluating a lot of things. Maybe this baby idea with August was actually a really smart plan. We were friends yet we could have a kid and not get tangled up with messy feelings that just complicated matters.

  For two busy business owners, this made sense. It was like having the best of both worlds.

  And I’d just keep telling myself that.

  “I’ll take a Past-Present-Future reading, please.”

  “Okay, Luna will shuffle while you think about your question.”

  “Hold up.” Luna leaned toward the webcam, her bright blue eyes going wide. “You’re making a big life change. You’re red. Bold red today.”

  I looked down at my white man-styled shirt with oversized cuffs paired with a long gauzy pink and purple skirt dotted with tiny wildflowers. “Not wearing a stitch of red.” I played dumb, though I full well knew she was referring to my aura. Typically, she tended to say I was a cool blue. “But I did pull out my favorite red lacy thong for this weekend.”

  “I knew it! You’re seeing someone.”

  Ryan leaned in closer, tipping her sleek long dark hair close to Luna’s bouncy blond shorter waves. “Oooh, I totally missed it. You’re right. She’s sexing on the regular. Tell us.”

  Luna smacked her friend’s arm while I fixated on the pendant lights August had brought me and tried not to flush eight shades of crimson. “No, you don’t have to tell us.” She grabbed the deck of cards and shuffled gleefully. “The tarot will tell us all we need to know. Past-present-future, you said?”

  I laughed and clutched the chunk of labradorite dangling from today’s necklace. I’d been called to this stone, probably because my spiritual path seemed very shaky lately. “Why do I do this to myself every week?”

  “Because you love us and we always help interpret the cards in a way you appreciate.”

  I frowned at Luna. “Does that mean you tell me what I like to hear?”

  “No, of course not. The cards are the cards. We don’t lie. But there’s always a way to focus on the positive. That’s one of the tenets of Tarot Tramps.”

  Ryan nodded sagely. “We came up with ground rules before we started the podcast. We always try to leave people with a smile, even if they’re going through rough stuff. The cards are always honest. We just frame things in the best possible way so we can help our listeners find constructive solutions.”

  “Right. I knew that.” I tucked my hair behind my ear and took a quick furtive look around my store. For this instant, it was empty. I’d known I was taking a risk calling for a reading now, but Luna and Ryan would recap it for me later if I got busy, and I desperately needed some guidance. No matter how many times I told myself August and I were doing a practical thing, my heart was not nearly as convinced.

  Mainly because he just kept being so damn sweet. Bringing over meals and flowers and offering to make furniture for my shop without asking for anything in return, other than those pillows for Seth’s anniversary present for Ally. August was fixated on those. I kept putting him off, but little did he know I’d taken a swatch of the fabric Seth wanted last time I was in August’s shop and was already sourcing something close.

  “Okay, Luna’s shuffling for you. We’ll make the preliminary reading quick because we know you’re dealing with customers and then we’ll film an expanded one for you to watch later. How’s that?”

  Since I kept looking at the doorway, expecting customers, that was probably smart. “Perfect.”

  Luna’s armful of bangles jangled as she shuffled and cut the deck before shuffling again. “Tell me when,” she said.

  “Now. And those two cards on the end too, please.”

  She set down my three cards from the colorful witchy tarot deck she was using and flipped them over. “Oh, this is very interesting. In the past position, you have Seven of Wands. In the present position, you have Four of Pentacles. In the future position, you have Ace of Wands.”

  “Uh oh. That looks ominous.” I pointed to the past card, depicting a witch surrounded by hands holding brooms pointed in her direction.

  “A little bit, but it’s largely due to your perception. In the past, you felt as if you had to defend yourself.”

  I nodded. That was scarily on point. “Yes.”

  Ryan tapped the Four of Pentacles. “In the present, you’re holding everything dear to you close. Your valuables, your gifts, even your spirit. Keeping them away from someone, as if you fear losing them if you share yourself freely.” She cocked her head, shrewdly narrowing her eyes. “Joy shared is joy multiplied.”

  I fumbled for my necklace and said nothing. “I’m trying to be freer.”

  “Sex is but one expression of such. A good one,” Luna conceded, resting her chin on her hand. “But it’s only a beginning. There’s so much more inside you to give.”

  I didn’t even flush. I knew what they were saying was accurate, and I couldn’t deny I probably had a sex glow going on. It wasn’t hard to imagine since August and I were…active. As in every night and occasionally during lunch times too.

  This was just the first week. Things would settle down sexually soon enough I was sure, but right now, my body was happily humming for the first time since probably ever. I’d never had this much sex before, even when I was seeing someone.

  Then again, I’d never tried to make a baby before either.

  I hadn’t even precisely charted my ovulation yet. I had a doctor’s appointment later this afternoon and I was going to a
sk a bunch of questions and hopefully, find out the best dates for trying. I knew there were do-it-yourself methods to pick your best days. I certainly had a clue when I was reaching that point, but I wanted confirmation. I was already taking lots of notes in the new bullet journal Kelsey had helped me pick out a few days ago after we’d met up at the café. I was not so stealthily picking the brains of all the mamas I knew. All except Ivy, for obvious reasons. And I wasn’t going to feel guilty about that.

  Lies. So many lies. I already was.

  I took a deep breath and considered again Luna’s words about sex being just one form of expression before I spoke. They were used to waiting me out while I processed their readings. Yet another thing I appreciated about them.

  “I’ve never been particularly free in that area either,” I admitted. “I’ve been locked down in a lot of ways. But the man I’m…with,” I finally settled on, “gives me the space I need and encourages me to explore.”

  Ryan waggled her eyebrows. “Depending what kind of exploring you’re doing, I know of some very educational sites. Oh, and videos. There’s this one on RedTube where the guy lifts her up over his head and—”

  Luna poked Ryan’s arm. “Sometimes she misses the finer points in her lust for, well, lust.”

  “Hey, do you know how long it’s been since I’ve gone for a good ride? Porn is all I have left.”

  “Tell that to the pink power drill I saw on your coffee table just last week.”

  “It’s a real power drill.” Ryan shook her head while I laughed. “She’s just convinced if it’s hot pink, it has to be an implement of sexual pleasure. Which, hey, not saying I might not get to that point someday. If some people use cucumbers as sex toys, then clearly anything goes.”

  Luna picked up the future card and held it toward the webcam. “Moving on from Ryan’s libido for a moment, if we can.”

  “I suppose.” Ryan’s downtrodden expression made me laugh again.

  It was so good to be able to laugh and have fun with girlfriends. I’d been blessed with a great circle in town, even if things had been a little weird for me since Ivy’s whirlwind pregnancy and marriage. I was so happy for her, but it had been a big change to go from being carefree single women who could hang out anytime and drink wine and watch Netflix to having a baby and a husband in the mix. At the same time, anyone could see she was so made to be a mother and how much she loved her husband.

  Watching Ivy with her new family made me wonder. I couldn’t help it.

  I rubbed my stomach. Maybe I’d know what the baby part was like sooner than I ever expected. August was certainly working hard at doing his part.

  “Okay, for the future, Ace of Wands suggests you’re being given some opportunities right now that you need to seize with both hands or risk losing.”

  “Opportunities?” I asked quietly. “Or people?”

  Ryan and Luna exchanged a look. “The cards are up to interpretation. Your opportunity could be a person. Could be a choice you need to evaluate with your whole heart. Be open to what comes your way. Unlock any doors you’ve barred shut and see what flows inside.”

  Ryan fought to keep her face straight. “She didn’t mean that in a dirty way, she swears.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  I laughed and curled my fingers against my belly under the lip of the desk. “Whichever way she means, she’s very wise. You both are.” The chimes over the shop door sounded as a pair of shoppers entered. I swallowed a sigh. Break time was officially over. “Gotta go. I’ll look forward to the extended session video. Thanks again as always.”

  “Don’t you have someone else who can take over for a few minutes?”

  “No. It’s me. Just me.” I put on my brightest smile and glanced away from the computer toward my new customers. A familiar blond head turned toward me as she hitched her giant bag up on her shoulder and my smile grew. “Hi Vee. Looking for anything in particular?”

  “Kin! We’re just window shopping right now. Probably. Not sure. I need something va-va-voom for my first post twins dinner date with Murphy. And Bess needs,” Vee glanced at her companion, a chic older woman in a smart pantsuit with her snowy hair up in a chignon, “something funky for her new place. Right?”

  “Kinleigh, did you say you’re looking for help for your shop?” Ryan asked from my laptop. She nudged Luna just as I glanced back. “Go on, say something.”

  “What’s up, Lu?”

  She ducked her head, a few of her loose waves falling into her face. “Just wondering if maybe you’re looking for an assistant. I’m always on the search for a fun new gig.”

  Hmm, was this one of the opportunities I was supposed to stay open to? I had been considering bringing on at least some part-time help for the store. I couldn’t do everything myself, especially if this baby plan worked. The child would need a lot of my time.

  I let out a slow breath. And I needed to take this step by step. No racing ahead. Reasonable and rational Kinleigh for the win.

  “Sure, maybe you could come in for an interview?”

  That wasn’t so reasonable, but what the hell? Sure, she might not have any retail experience, but I knew and trusted her. I did need the help. Besides, the cards wouldn’t lie.

  I hoped.

  “Absolutely. Let’s hammer out details later.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks again.”

  “Bye!” Ryan’s cheery wave was the last thing I saw before the connection ended.

  “Are you hiring someone for the shop?”

  I shifted on my stool and smiled at the woman Vee had called Bess. She had kind eyes, lined with lots of grooves from laughter. A life well lived. “Thinking about it. You look familiar, but I’m not sure we’ve met. I’m Kinleigh Scott.” I held out a hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “I’m Bess Wainwright. Pleasure is all mine. I’m moving into the third floor loft apartment above Brewed Awakenings that’s just finishing up renovations. I have a big old house right in town, but at my age, I don’t need all that space.”

  “The apartment with the Art Deco touches,” Vee filled in as she walked over to us. “Not sure if you saw the spread they just did in the paper, but it’s going to be stunning. I love how they’re making sure every apartment and workspace in that building is unique. Guess Gavin Forrester has an eye to go with his massive vault of money.”

  “Oh, yes, the place is so perfect for me. I’ve always loved Art Deco.”

  All I knew about Gavin Forrester was that he was a big shot property developer and landlord in town, but I had other concerns right now.

  Bess kept talking and I kept on smiling, but I lost the entire thread of the conversation.

  Dear goddess, had August and I christened her new home?

  From how she was describing it, why, yes, we had. If our luck had been different, we might’ve even made a baby there.

  “Excuse me,” I choked out before fleeing into the storeroom to drink half a pitcher of iced water and fan my cheeks.

  How was I supposed to face her? I usually had a pretty good poker face—at least when August’s faux latex allergy wasn’t on the menu—but I’d been taken by surprise.

  I yanked out my phone from the pocket of my skirt and sent off a text to August.

  We desecrated Bess Wainwright’s newly finished apartment!

  Yes, even including the exclamation point. It was an exclamation point kind of day.

  Only to get a text from Ivy a moment later.

  We did? How did we do that? And who is Bess Wainwright?

  Oh, goddess, wrong Beck sibling. Must’ve been my brain was so programmed to text Ivy that I’d pulled up the wrong text window by mistake. Now I had another mess to fix while I’d only wanted to vent about the last one.

  Not that said sex with August was a mess. It ranked right up there as one of the best nights of my life. It had led us to the place we were in right now, which I had no complaints about.

  Even if I was occasionally—often—freaked out about how my li
fe was changing.

  Bess is the sweetest lady. She’s here right now with Vee. Hey, what do you recommend for something sexy for Vee’s date with her husband?

  Classic misdirection. Would it work? Tune in at two to find out.

  Bess who? I have no clue who that is. I’m still stuck on us desecrating her apartment. How did we do that?

  So the answer was no. It was not working. Not even close.

  Next option? Plan B.

  I pulled up the right text window and hurriedly texted August.

  Text your sister and distract her. Make something up. Tell her your table is on fire. I don’t care, something.

  He replied immediately.

  If I tell her my table is on fire, I have to set my table on fire. I quite like it.

  I grinned and thunked my phone against my forehead. He was so ridiculously logical.

  Fine, then you come up with an idea. I messed up and I’ll only tell you how if you fix it.

  Blackmail, Ms. Scott?

  Is it working?

  Send me a picture of your tits and I’ll fix whatever you like.

  My throat flushed hot, along with my chest and all the rest of me. Had I really thought of August as sweet? He definitely could be, but then he’d let loose with a little dirty talk or a couple of well-placed sexy words and I turned into a puddle. As soon as he’d realized how I blushed when he said those words—and how much my body responded—he’d made sure to pepper them in as often as possible.

  Well? I’m waiting. I’m sure Ivy is too.

  I glanced over my shoulder at the door I’d shut behind me. At least no one would come in. But I had customers, including a new one whom I felt immensely guilty about already since we’d christened her apartment without her permission.

  Even so, I didn’t send up a token protest. I definitely didn’t consider ramifications. I just…opened a door.


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