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My Ex's Baby (Crescent Cove Book 8)

Page 20

by Taryn Quinn

  Gina had a pair of jeans draped over her arm. “Oh, that’s smart. You have such nice stuff, but you never pretty it up.”

  “I’m not really a pretty kind of guy.”

  “Yes, but your customers are.” Gabby set a pair of jeans on the desk. “Need some help picking out things?”

  “Uh.” I scanned the room for Kinleigh.

  “Or are you looking for a certain redhead?”

  I cleared my throat. “We were discussing a few different things. I think she set some stuff aside for me.”

  “I’m sure she did.” The brunette from earlier came out of the dressing area. That must have been where party central had been located. “Maybe we should leave these kids to it.”

  “Oh.” Gina glanced from me to the dark-haired woman. “Oh.” Her eyes went wide. “Well, then.”

  I didn’t disabuse her of the idea. I was damn tired of lying to everyone about my intentions. But I was smart enough not to add any fuel to the fire. Not that the Cove needed help in that arena.

  Two blonds came out to join the little crowd around me. Suddenly, I had the need to flee. I wasn’t usually uncomfortable around people, but this amount of estrogen rarely ended well for any man.

  The smaller one with the short hair gave me an assessing look. “I’m going to go find Kinleigh before we get out of here.”

  “Is she all right?” The question was instinctive. It wasn’t like my girl to leave people on their own in her place.

  The sprite-sized blond stuck her hand out. “I’m Kinleigh’s new assistant, Luna Hastings.”

  I shook her hand and my eyebrows shot up when the jolt of something warm hit me. Not attraction—that seemed to be solely for Kinleigh these days. But something else. A little intense. I couldn’t put my finger on it. “August Beck.” I stuffed my hands into my pockets.

  A little smile tilted up her lips. “Hmm.” She glanced to the dark-haired woman wearing all black. “Be right back.”

  I cleared my throat. “I’m just going to go…over there.”

  Gabby grabbed her jeans off the desk. “Running, Beck?”

  “Yes,” I said without shame.

  I was instantly drawn to one of the skinny tables draped in scarves. Discreet tags hung from the corners, but resting on top was a long, carved bowl full of wooden toys. A truck, a star, and a moon. I tucked the bowl into the crook of my arm.

  I wasn’t exactly a this is a sign kind of guy, but that seemed like it should go in the window display. I picked out a few more items. Sturdy trays and a few large vases meant to group around a living room design would do well with the rocking chair I’d set aside for the window.

  I kept checking near the storeroom where the women had congregated. They seemed to be discussing something a little deeper than when the next meeting of the minds would be. Finally, they waved and left.

  Kinleigh seemed lost in thought so I didn’t approach her, but finally, she seemed to shake it off. She went back into the storeroom, and then returned with a box. “Hey.”

  I set my current find down, little wind chimes that reminded me of her. Dragonflies in a soft blue stained glass the same color as her eyes.

  Jesus, I was turning into a sap.

  I’d almost put them back when she took them from me and set them in the box. “That’s perfect. Exactly what your window needs.”


  She nodded.

  Her blue eyes were sad. Dry and red like they hurt. I stroked the back of my knuckles down her cheek. “What’s wrong?”

  “Been a long day.”

  “Are you sure that’s all it is?”

  She swallowed tightly. “I don’t really want to go into it.”

  I sighed.

  She pressed a hand to my chest. “Only because I need to do some damage control first.”

  “Ivy?” Maybe she’d finally started talking to her about us.

  Dream on, Beck.

  “I hurt her feelings. I just have to fix it.”

  Disappointment stabbed me deep in the gut, but I wasn’t used to her being so down. And only one thing made Kinleigh happy. Someday I hoped more than my dick would be in that list. “Giving my store a makeover should cheer you up.”

  A smile curved her lips. “Anything I want?”

  I was probably going to regret it, but I nodded. “Carte blanche.”

  She did a little wiggle and the silver chains she wore tinkled and scraped against the box. “You’re going to need a few more trips then. I have a bunch of stuff in the back.”

  I sighed. “Just tell me what to do.”

  She patted my arm. “I shall reward you handsomely.”

  “Damn right you will.”

  “I have so many ideas.” She twirled on her toes and practically ran to the door. She paused at the doorway. “Well, come on.”

  I grabbed the few things I’d picked out and followed her.

  She definitely hadn’t been kidding about trips. In no time, I was sweaty and dusty, definitely hungry, and ready for a beer.

  Two hours later, she had her T-shirt knotted between her breasts and the stretchy pants she was wearing were distracting me like crazy. Especially the little purple thong string that kept flashing me when she bent over.

  “Stop staring at my ass.”

  I came up behind her and grabbed her hips. “Then stop shaking it in front of my face.”

  She glanced out the window and I exhaled, backing away from her. Heaven forbid someone see us in the damn window.


  I held up a hand and went to the small fridge behind my customer service desk.

  She blotted her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand. “We’re almost done, and then we can go take a cool shower together.”

  I broke the seal on a bottle of root beer. It wasn’t the beer I was thirsty for, but it would do. “Tomorrow is going to be a damn long day. We should probably take the night off.”

  She came around my desk and hopped up on the countertop. “You don’t want to come home with me?” She inched over and trapped me between her thighs. “Sure about that?”

  I took a long sip and stared at her.

  “Don’t be like that.”

  “Be like what? Even a stud for hire needs a night off sometimes.”

  She took the bottle from me and set it down a few feet from her. “That’s not all we are. It’s more than that.”

  “Really? Because you practically dive for cover if someone sees us together.”

  “I just want to keep us…between us for now.”

  “People aren’t stupid, Kin.”

  She stared at my chin, then my mouth before leaning in to lick my lower lip. “I never really liked root beer until it tasted like you.” She brushed her nose along mine. “I need you. Not just for these little guys.” She bypassed my dick to trace a path around my damn balls.

  “Nothing about me is little.”

  She grinned up at me. “That’s for sure.” She hooked her knees around my hips. “I mean, making a baby. I love how you make me feel. I would really like to enjoy some of that right now.”

  I slid my hand over her bare midriff. “You can tell me about what happened today.”

  “I know,” she whispered against my mouth. “I don’t want to talk.”

  Did she ever?

  Her tongue flicked along my upper lip. I dragged in a deep breath of her. Fresh lemons and the earthier wood scent of my shop melded. All the things I loved right here. I tried to block out the love part, but it was no use.

  After weeks spent touching her, laughing with her, and the history we shared, how could I not love her?

  My fingers dug into the back of her pants, getting a good handful of her ass. I tipped her forward to rub against my shaft pressing against my zipper. “Then let’s not talk.”

  I slanted my lips over hers, her taste making my head spin. She arched against me, her breasts pressing into my chest.

  “Off,” she said breathlessly.

I reached behind my neck to jerk my shirt up and off. I lost my hat in the fumble of cotton and greed.

  Her nails scraped through my chest hair, the sharp side of her thumbnail coasting around my nipple.

  I lifted her to shove down her pants. She tightened her legs around my hips, moaning my name as she bit my shoulder. “Goddess,” she panted into my ear.

  I knew that was a good sign.

  Sometimes I hated the fact that she destroyed me so damn fast, and other times I leaned into it. Tonight was a fucking hard lean.

  I peeled down her pants, dropping her back down on the counter. Her huge blue eyes were unfocused and just a little wild.

  Here, we never faltered. Even if the back of my mind was crawling with the knowledge it wasn’t enough, I rode the adrenaline high. I believed the lie for one more day.

  She fumbled with my zipper and then I was free. I didn’t even wait to check if she was ready for me. The needy little sighs that followed me into dreams told me she was with me. I plunged inside of her, hard and deep, until there was nothing but Kinleigh around me.

  She hooked her arms under mine and her nails dug welts in my flesh as she took each strong thrust. I gripped her hips, dragging her up against me before I turned to find the wall. I couldn’t get close enough from that angle. I needed more.

  I always fucking needed more.

  I cushioned her back and gripped her ass as I pinned her to the wall. Each pummeling thrust was matched by the soft curve of her body, the heightened scent of her arousal, the sharp tang of her taste.

  More, more, more. It was a chant in my blood.

  I tore my mouth from hers and buried my head between her neck and shoulder, into the curls I loved, the home I was longing for.

  “Kinleigh.” My voice was a guttural growl as I drained myself into her.

  As my mind went utterly blank and my muscles jittered in reaction to such a swift and complete release.

  She slid her fingers up my neck to my hair, pulling my mouth to hers. If I could crawl into her bones, I would have.

  Jesus, she was going to destroy me. And I was going to let her.

  I wasn’t sure which of us was the bigger asshole.

  Finally, my arms wouldn’t hold the weight of her anymore. I didn’t want to step back from her. All too soon, she’d make excuses to leave.

  I set her down, but instead of rushing for her clothes, she stood on my boots to get closer to me. For God’s sake, I hadn’t even gotten her shirt off in my haste to get inside of her.

  Evidently, I was taking the crown for asshole tonight.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so rough.”

  She licked her lips and grinned at me. “Knowing you want me like that—don’t ever say you’re sorry.”

  I fisted my hands into the back of her shirt. “I do. I wish you’d see that. I’m always going to—”

  She held her finger up to my lips. “Don’t say it. Not tonight. Not now while you’re still high from this.”

  “It’s not pillow talk, Kin.”

  She shook her head. “Today was too much. I can’t.” The sparkle that had been there in her eyes went out and the sad crept back in.

  “Tell me.”

  She cupped my face as tears welled in her eyes. “Please, August.”

  “Okay, okay.” I curled my arms around her and laid her cheek against my chest. Tears killed me and Kinleigh didn’t pull that girl card too often. Whatever was on her mind had to be more than just Ivy finding out about us. Everything inside of me wanted to demand to know, but I gentled my voice and forced my shoulders to relax. “It’s okay.”

  If only she understood I’d do anything to make sure that it was.


  Sleep was for the weak.

  At least that was what I told myself as I drank my second coffee of the morning, and it wasn’t even seven o’clock yet.

  Luna was happily humming as she made the fourth floral arrangement for the stairs. We had an assembly line of pots and baskets overflowing with silk flowers and succulents I’d thieved from all over the store. Since miniature plants were the new favorite thing in everyone’s Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook posts, I figured it was one of the easiest items to use to lead people into my shop.

  “I just love these furry brown ones.” Luna gently stroked the petal of one of the succulents I’d planted with Ivy.

  I swallowed down the ache that had kept me up all night. Well, that and the big, pressure cooker pot of emotions I had no control of for her freaking brother too.

  “Aren’t they sweet? I can’t believe how big it’s gotten.”

  “This place gets so much amazing light.” Luna was wearing a pair of Converse sneakers—one pink and the other yellow with a big ol’ daisy painted on the top of each. She’d also worn the embroidered daisy jeans she’d gotten as payment for modeling for me yesterday. She’d paired it with a cute pink polka dot shirt knotted at the waist. Her blond curls were tamed into a pair of braids with daisy elastics.

  However, she didn’t look the least bit innocent with her winged eyeliner and fuchsia lips. She was obviously a hell of a lot more rested than I was. I wanted to hate her for humming, but she was such a light. I might not be able to pick up auras like Luna did, but she gave off a burst of happiness anyone could see.

  She gathered two of the terra cotta pots. “I’m going to bring these down.”


  She beamed at me. “I just love this so much.”

  “I’ll remind you of that statement at around ten this morning when we’re running around like crazy people.”

  “I can’t wait.” She turned on her toes and hurried out the door and down the stairs.

  I pressed my forehead to the table. I’d probably gotten a total of three hours of sleep. Between being revved up after August tried to fuck me through his wall and Ivy not answering my texts, I was a hot mess.

  But work always saved me. I straightened and gathered the leftover flowers and silks. That was what I could focus on. I dug out my phone and checked on my texts. Still nothing.

  I popped open my music app and set my 90’s playlist on repeat. No Doubt played from the store speakers.

  Footsteps stomped up the stairs and Luna burst through the door, singing along with “Don’t Speak” in a perfect mimic of Gwen Stefani’s voice. I laughed and we sang along to the best of pop and hip hop for the next hour.

  I peeked down at the town from the back of the store where it overlooked the park and the pier. The gazebo was decked out with various vendors selling their wares. I had the windows open to soak in some of that spring air. It had been a cold winter and I was happy to push all that stale air out.

  It was a rare sunny day without a cloud in the sky. The wind was a little chilly off the water, but we were running around enough that it felt good on my skin.

  I had on white tank top under a pair of overalls. Huge colorful flowers decorated the pockets and bib section then danced down one leg in a rainbow of colors. The cheery outfit helped me push back the uncertainty of everything for now.

  By the time people started to drift up from the sidewalk, Luna and I had fallen into a surprisingly easy rhythm of customer service and ringing. What she didn’t know, she asked or figured out. She seemed to have an intuitive way about finding what customers needed. She chatted them up and sales were multiplying.

  The morning flew by. We’d sold so many of the little floral pots that I stole twenty minutes to make a few more.

  “I’m going to bring these down.”

  Luna waved me off. “Go take a walk. Maybe get some of that fried dough I keep smelling.”

  “I don’t want to leave you alone.”

  “I’ll be fine.”


  “Go. Get some food. Then I’ll go take a break too.”

  I huffed out a breath and took my zip-up hoodie off the hook. “Text me if you need me. I’m just going to check everything is—”

sly, Kin. Take a break.”

  “Fine. If you’re sure.”

  I brought three arrangements downstairs and tucked the smaller pots along one side of the stairs. I double checked the huge wine barrel full of ice and free bottles of water for the people walking by, then refilled the three huge bowls of water I’d set out for dogs.

  Since I shared the space with August, we’d agreed that it was worth losing a little sidewalk space to put an old glider swing between our doorways.

  A couple with a wiggling puppy was currently swaying gently on it while they licked ice cream cones. I waved hello and left them to it. Across the street, Ivy’s truck had been brought out from winter storage behind the café.

  My stomach flipped as a head peeked out from the window of the truck, but I couldn’t decide if it was relief or regret when I recognized Jodi slinging ice cream instead of Ivy.

  “Looking for me?”

  I spun around toward Ivy’s voice.

  Rory was next to her, rubbing her back lightly as Ivy gripped the stroller handle.


  She gave me a half smile. “Looking cute, Pippi.”

  I rolled my eyes and played with the tail of my braid. “Didn’t have time to tame the crazy.” I probably looked like I’d had no sleep while Ivy seemed rested. Her cheeks were rosy and matched the pink spring jacket she was wearing.

  “About yesterday.”

  “It’s too pretty a day to get into that right now.” Ivy’s face was a little closed off, pain still shimmering in her eyes, but there was understanding there too.

  It wasn’t a hard leap to make. I never mentioned family and I always changed the subject, deflecting with questions about her family tree instead.

  I hadn’t lied, but my not sharing was just as hard to swallow. Shame wasn’t an easy thing to live with when you lived in a place like Crescent Cove, which was basically a postcard for a family town.

  Oh, it wasn’t perfect. No place on Earth was really Pleasantville. But the Cove was damn close, especially with the baby boom putting a shiny happy glow on everything.

  I looked down at my sensible shoes and tightened my hoodie around me. Maybe we just wouldn’t talk at all. What exactly could I say to her?

  “Can you walk with us? We were going to meet August at the pier.”


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