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My Ex's Baby (Crescent Cove Book 8)

Page 24

by Taryn Quinn

  And her mouth was around my cock, sucking hard, one hand gripping my shaft and the other toying with my sac. Teasing me with her nails while she drew on me with enough heat and pressure to make me fist the cushion.

  “Baby, I can’t last.”

  Between the worrying and the fighting and the fucking dream of having Kinleigh’s hot, wet mouth clasped around me, I was too close to the edge already. My thigh muscles bunched beneath her as I sunk a hand into the thick ropes of her hair to guide her where I needed her to go. Farther, faster. She went, her big blue eyes never leaving mine as she pleasured me. Her tongue dipped into the slit on the head of my dick and my touch grew rougher. I couldn’t control it. Couldn’t keep from watching her perfect ass bounce in time with the strokes of her hand and her mouth.

  The tingle at the base of my spine warned me to stop. Stop flexing my hips. Stop fucking her throat. Stop rocking toward a moment we couldn’t come back from.

  In so many ways.

  If it wasn’t about a baby, it was about us. Just us.

  “Kin, I’m going to come.”

  I waited for her to climb astride me and finish things the way we meant to. My balls were so full, my length throbbing. But she kept right on sucking me, adding another layer of torment when she reached down to fumble her breast out of her bra to pluck at the beaded tip. She made a deep sound of almost pain and I would’ve stopped her if she hadn’t started circling her nipple restlessly. I covered her hand with mine and helped her, squeezing her flesh, absorbing her moans humming around my length.

  Dropping my head back, I let out a shout as she took me exactly where she wanted—straight into a dark, drugging place where all that existed was Kinleigh drawing out every drop of my release. She swallowed again and again while I shook and gripped her fingers like the last lifeline to my sanity.

  But she didn’t release me then. She kept right on licking me, sliding her tongue up and down to chase whatever she’d missed.

  All I could do was groan and pray that this never ended.

  That we never ended.

  When she finally slid her body up mine, I rued the few pieces of clothes left between us. We’d rushed and skipped steps and now her soft, used lips were teasing mine, transferring my taste mixed with hers as if it was ours to share. I cradled her face between my hands, pouring my gentleness into her the same way I’d fed her my anger and hurt. Cherishing her to erase the harsh words I would wish forever I could take back.

  “Kin,” I whispered, tracing my fingertip over her swollen mouth. “I lo—”

  The sound of crackling filled the room. “Kinleigh? Are you there?”

  For one final instant, Kinleigh kept moving against me, her body flowing as sinuously as water against my spent shaft. She drew back, the flush of arousal fading from her cheeks.

  “Ivy?” She covered her mouth with her hand and frantically shook her head.

  I should’ve been far more relaxed. My jagged edges should’ve been dulled. But my cock was already hardening again, and beyond that, the white-hot ball of frustration in my gut hadn’t gone anywhere. She’d soothed it, soothed me, but nothing had changed.

  My sister’s voice on a speaker was enough for her to go ice-cold in my arms.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Sorry I’m doing that Alexa drop in trick again. Is it a bad time? If it is, you could just tell me, and I’ll leave you alone to do…whatever. But if you don’t tell me, I’m going to be really pissed because seriously, hasn’t this gone on long enough?”

  Kinleigh’s gaze swung to mine as I nodded although my sister couldn’t see me. And thank God for that, since my state of undress was inappropriate, to say the least. But she was about to hear me.

  As was my girl.

  “Yes, it has.” I didn’t lower my voice when Kinleigh rose to yank on her blouse and tugged her skirt back into place. I couldn’t stand the fear that telegraphed on her face, and I didn’t have the slightest clue if what I was doing would help or hurt even more.

  But I had to do it. No more waiting.

  “August?” If I wasn’t mistaken, my sister didn’t sound surprised I was at Kinleigh’s. Far from it.

  “Yeah. It’s me.”

  I shut my eyes. I just hoped for the sake of her sanity—and mine—that she hadn’t dropped in to Kinleigh’s living room any sooner than she’d made herself known.

  Dear God.

  Ivy didn’t ask why I was there. Somehow she already knew. Granted, I’d kissed the hell out of her best friend at the hospital, but still. Putting it together with some of the odd little looks and comments she’d made recently, it all added up.

  “You know we’re together, don’t you?” I asked while Kinleigh buried her face in her hands much as I’d done in my truck.

  The difference was I’d been at the end of my rope. She didn’t realize it yet, but this might be the thing to finally free us.

  “Yeah.” Ivy sounded hurt. “I just don’t know why you’ve been lying all this time.”

  “It hasn’t been that long,” Kinleigh began.

  “Since the wedding,” Ivy corrected. “That’s pretty long to me. Three months? Really? And you thought you were pregnant and didn’t tell your best friend?” She let out a sharp laugh. “At least I thought I was your best friend.”

  Kinleigh turned her face away but not before I saw the accusations fly across her face. She looked as if she’d been slapped.

  By me.

  “I didn’t tell her.” When Kinleigh wouldn’t meet my gaze, I shook my head. “Ivy, did I tell you one damn thing?”

  “No. You lied to me every bit as much as my best friend. Really makes me feel good. What I don’t understand is why. Do you both trust me that little?”

  “We trust you. Kinleigh just somehow thought you wouldn’t be happy.”

  Kinleigh rose and walked out of the room, taking a chunk from my chest with her.

  “Are you freaking kidding me? When Rory and I heard, I basically wanted to beg you two to try again for a baby. That would be unreal.” She sniffled. “At least it would’ve been, if anyone had bought a clue and realized I want nothing more than for you to be happy. If you’re happy together, bonus round for me. Another cousin for Rhiannon would be wonderful, since God knows Caleb won’t ever settle down. Like…ever.”

  I laughed at the truth in that statement as I sat up and stuffed myself back into my boxers and jeans. Talking about having babies with my baby sister while my dick was hanging out was skating too close to about fifty lines.

  Then the rest of what she’d said hit home.

  “Wait a second, when you and Rory heard what? How did you hear anything? From who?”

  Kinleigh chose that moment to reappear, her face scrubbed of all makeup. My cock still jumped in my jeans as if I hadn’t come ten minutes ago. She lifted a brow at my obvious erection as she sat at the opposite end of the couch, but she didn’t say anything.

  Neither did I. I just moved toward her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. She was board stiff, but I didn’t care. We were having this out once and for all. Time to let the chips drop all over the damn place.

  And my sister still wasn’t spilling.

  “Ivy? Hello? How does Lucky Charms know about my sex life?”

  “We were at the bed and breakfast, okay?” Ivy blurted. “We figured we’d use the time you guys were babysitting to—”

  “Don’t say it.” I covered my ears. “Do not violate the fragile balance of my well-being that comes from imagining the stork visited my baby sister.”

  Ivy laughed and I was almost positive Kinleigh joined in. Quietly. Since it was better than her sobbing in the corner, I’d take it.

  When I dropped my hands from my head, I took one of hers between mine and rubbed her knuckles. She was so cold. Freezing.

  She’s afraid, you asshole. What she’s been all this time.

  I just didn’t understand why. Ivy and I weren’t monsters. We just wanted to love her. That was all

  But she wasn’t relaxing. If anything, she was turning a lovely light shade of green.

  “I don’t feel bad for you though. How do you think I feel imagining my brother and my best friend having sex?”

  Kinleigh and I looked at each other. Her expression said clearly told you so.

  Until Ivy spoke again.

  “If you think I hate it, you’re wrong. I kinda skip imagining the actual process part, because icky, but the fact that it’s you two, that you guys are together, well, that makes me ridiculously excited. It’s basically the most amazing thing ever. Minus my own wedding, giving birth to Rhi, and opening Rolling Cones of course.”

  It was my turn to give Kinleigh a told you so glance of my own.

  Not that Ivy’s declaration had helped much. Kinleigh didn’t seem any more at ease. Worry lines pinched her forehead and her lips were pressed so tightly together they were white.

  “Anyway, Rory had gotten into town early that day. Of course we wanted some alone time, so if you and Kinleigh were watching Rhi anyway, why not take advantage?”

  I grunted.

  “So we get there and Rory decided to check the app so he could see the baby. Because he missed her that much. Isn’t that the sweetest thing?”

  “Ivy,” I warned. “What app?”

  She cleared her throat. “So, um, we have the entire place wired with cameras and sound.”

  “What?” I was pretty sure I roared it. “What kind of perverts are you two anyway?”

  “Oh my God, does your mind live in a sewer? It’s not for that. It’s for the baby. You know, Rory’s into the audiovisual side, and this was a prototype for the system for the house when it’s done so we can make sure Rhi is safe. He wanted to be able to check on her from his app when he’s not home. Just that day, well, we both got more than we expected. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you could’ve knocked up my bestie. And Kin, that whole baby convo in the car the next weekend when you got wine wasted. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to act like I didn’t know anything?”

  Kinleigh chose that moment to escape. I couldn’t begrudge her leaving the room. I wished I could too. Thank God we hadn’t done anything too lewd that day at Ivy’s.

  Physically, we’d behaved perfectly. I’d just mentioned us fucking half a dozen times and she’d taken a pregnancy test.

  I covered my face with my hand. No big.

  “What baby convo in the car?” I demanded. It was about the only way I could act when I couldn’t get the idea of Rory and Ivy listening to my private conversation with Kinleigh out of my head.

  “Look, I know you’re mad we overheard. We didn’t mean to.”

  “Did you turn it off?”

  Ivy cleared her throat again. “Not exactly?” A thud echoed across the speaker. Then another. “Look, I couldn’t find out the goods any other way. God forbid either of you tell me. So I took matters into my own hands.”

  “And Rory’s hands.”

  “I swear, he didn’t say one thing about you not hitting the mark when he did the very first time.”

  I growled.

  Kinleigh reappeared in the doorway, my ancient red sweatshirt dwarfing her as she clutched her belly. “So, uh, yeah, that might actually not be true.”


  I stared at her before jerking to my feet. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sick. Tossed my cookies twice.” Kinleigh rubbed her hand over her mouth. “My boobs are sore too. Big time. I barely could stand when you touched—” She shut her eyes. “Whoops. Sorry, Ive. Blame the evening sickness. Maybe.”

  I crossed the room to her, already forgetting everything but the reality standing before me. That the loveliest, most irritating, most perfect woman in the world was looking up at me with hope and nerves and emotion in her eyes. She lifted her hand to touch the spot behind her ear with her tiny ladybug tattoo and I had to swallow hard before I dropped to my knees. I couldn’t speak, so I just laid my cheek against her stomach and closed my eyes.

  Someone let out a sob. I wasn’t entirely sure it wasn’t me.

  “Oh, Kin! Are you serious? Oh, God. This is literally the best news. Eeeep!” She broke the sound barrier with a cheerleader-worthy squeal. “I’m coming over. Did you take a test? Can we take it together? I’m coming. Don’t do anything until I get there.” A pause. “Make sure you’re both dressed. There are boundaries, you know.” Click.

  I grinned up at Kinleigh, well-aware my eyes were wet. So were hers, that sunwashed blue that never failed to make my heart skip. “She gets excited.”

  “I hope I’m not a disappointment. I’m pretty sure it’s a lock. But on that small chance I’m wrong…”

  “How long?”


  “How long have you suspected?” With Kinleigh, anything could be possible—from an hour to a week to more. Her poker face belonged on the Las Vegas Strip.

  She swallowed hard and scooped her hand through my hair, her touch so gentle that it eased the part of me that wanted to insist on hearing her every truth. “I haven’t taken any tests. I have one. I just didn’t.”

  “So you can’t see the negative again.”

  “No. More like I know it’s going to be positive, and once I see it in black and white, everything changes.” She swallowed audibly again. “I feel the differences in my body. I know, August.”

  Staring up at her, feeling her utter certainty permeating into my bones, I knew too.

  Holy fuck, I was going to be a father.

  For real.

  With shaking fingers, I pushed away the familiar cotton of my sweatshirt and undid the buttons on her button-down shirt to spread the sides wide. Her stomach was still so flat, the pale skin dotted with freckles. I pressed a kiss just above her navel and she sucked in a breath, quick and deep.

  “It’s early for the practice to be kicking in,” she whispered, feathering her fingers through my hair again.

  I didn’t hear her at first. I was too busy trying to see with my X-ray eyes if there really was a baby inside her. In the meantime, I was quite happy molding my hands to her belly to see if there was even the most minute of changes. Already I was beginning to know her body so well.

  “You’re right,” I murmured, awed. “You are changing.”

  Her eyes overfilled and a tear slipped down, splashing on the back of my wrist. I reached up to smear them away, finally really comprehending what she’d said. “Wait. You don’t think this is from—but it was negative. You took two tests.”

  “And I thought I got my period, but now I don’t think so. Oh, goddess, I have to sit.”

  Before she could move, I stood and scooped her up, making her release a watery laugh as I carted her to the couch and set her as carefully as spun glass on my lap. When she would’ve buttoned her shirt, I slid my hand into the gap, cupping her stomach as protectively as she’d done in the car.

  I should’ve known. Even when she didn’t tell me things, I could pay more attention.

  If I wanted to be with Kinleigh—and I did—I was going to have to.

  “Anyway, I had a little spotting and I assumed it was my period, but it was super light and didn’t last very long. I figured it was just stress making it weird.”

  I didn’t even let her finish before I was rising again with her in my arms. “We should get you to the doctor.”

  Her laughter stopped me in my tracks. “It’s after hours now, and we don’t even know I’m pregnant yet.”

  “Yes, we do,” I argued. “You said you were and I see it.”

  “You see it?” She gazed down at the slice of her stomach revealed by her open blouse. “I don’t see anything.”

  “Yeah, well, I spend more time in that particular area than you do. Some nights a damn lot of time.” And I didn’t mind when she blushed, because it was the truth.

  She could never say I didn’t keep her well taken care of, that was for certain.

  “The bleeding was weeks ago and it wasn’t
much. I got it right after I took the tests.”

  “You mean—whoa.” I sank back to the sofa, still holding on to her.

  “Yeah, whoa. So maybe, just maybe you did hit the mark the first time. Or we hit the mark. The male doesn’t cause pregnancy alone. Just a FYI to all you penis-wielding members of society.” She shook her head again. “Then again, John Gideon’s trick condom probably played a part too.”

  “It was a real condom.”

  “So you think. Could’ve been five years old.”

  “You really think he got that little action?”

  “I haven’t considered it. But I got pregnant somehow. Maybe I’m all wrong and it’s from practice. Maybe the condom slipped. So many maybes. But I’m choosing to blame John.”

  “It could’ve been my incredible thrusting powers.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Goddess save me.”

  There was one point I just couldn’t let go. “But the tests…”

  “Tests can be wrong. Could’ve been a little too early.” She ran her fingertips along my scruffy jaw. “Also, as an aside, I shouldn’t be turned on by the way you can hold me as easily as a sack of potatoes while standing up and sitting down, but I kinda am. Good thing I’m not nauseated anymore.”

  I shut my eyes and dropped my forehead to hers. The timing for this was so crazy. Probably all wrong. I should wait until I was certain she wouldn’t mix it up with my excitement over the baby.

  Holy shit, was I excited. I could barely sit still. But that wasn’t why I was about to say what I was going to say.

  This moment was all about Kinleigh.

  “I love you. So much it makes me act like a jackass.” I felt the shock go through her body, but I didn’t stop. Now that I had the freedom to say the words that had been lodged like a splinter in my throat for too many weeks, I wasn’t backing down. “You’re going to think it’s because of the baby. No, the reason I wanted to have a baby with you is because I love you. I’ve probably always loved you.”


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