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My Ex's Baby (Crescent Cove Book 8)

Page 26

by Taryn Quinn

  She scooped my hair back in that way she had. Gentle and loving, with a little extra tug for good measure to make me look up at her. “I love you, August.”

  My eyes stung as I gripped her hips.

  “I have for a long time. You make it so easy.” She gave me a wry smile. “Most of the time. When you’re not being grumpy or stubborn.”

  “Even when I’m being grumpy, I’m always going to love you, Kin.”

  Her lower lip trembled before she pressed them together.

  “I really don’t care if it takes ten years for you to really believe it. I’m going to show you every day.” I pressed another kiss to her belly. “And this little ladybug will always be loved.” I let her shirt fall back into place and pulled her astride my lap. “Just as much as her mama.”

  She cupped my face, kissing me softly. “How in the universe did I get so lucky?”

  I stood with her in my arms. “I’ll remind you of that on the grumpy days.”

  She laughed and wound her legs around my hips, her blue eyes lit with something other than tears now. “How long do we have?”

  “You guys ready to go?” Ivy’s voice floated down the hallway.

  I groaned. “I can’t wait for them to move into their house.”

  “You certainly changed your tune about that.”

  “Sharing a wall with my sister was only good to keep track of Rhiannon while Lucky Charms was out of town.”

  “He still works out of town, Becks.”

  “Now that I know about this drop in thing with the various apps, I definitely don’t need her all up in my business. Especially when that means you and I get to have way more naked time.” I squeezed her ass and let her slide down my body.

  She gave me a squeeze back before she smacked my butt. “To be continued.”

  “Count on it.” I nipped her lower lip. “We’re back here,” I called out.

  “Are you clothed?” Ivy’s voice was suspicious.

  “No,” I answered.

  The footsteps stopped halfway down the hall.

  Kinleigh shoved me away. “We’re decent.”

  “I’ve got ice cream in the car for your brownies. Don’t want it to melt. It’s already hot in April, which means we’re in for one hell of a summer.” She peeked in the doorway. “What are we doing? I mean, you’re clothed, so what else are we doing in here?”

  “Come look at what August made. He’s really outdone himself with this.”

  I flushed as Kinleigh waxed poetic about my craftsmanship. I wasn’t exactly the guy who looked for praise, but it was nice to hear how much she loved it.

  Two of the most important women in my life chattered about the future and expansive ideas about how much work they would be adding to my pile. They had their heads together over Ivy’s phone like the sisters they were.

  Ivy tugged her out of the room with talk of baby ice cream flavors and ways to overlap our respective companies. It looked like I’d created a monster with my initial idea. But it spoke of the future and that was just fine by me.


  “Yeah, coming.” I opened the top drawer of my dresser and pulled out the last thing I’d worked on this week. I tucked the small gift into my inside pocket and followed them down the hall.

  We rode together in Lucky Charms’ loaded SUV. Rhiannon was back to her old self with the antibiotics taking care of her ear infection. The girls were still bouncing ideas back and forth. I managed to add a few to the mix, but they were definitely blowing past me with a business plan.

  I’d probably have a contract proposal for the bank by noon tomorrow with the way they were talking.

  We pulled up to my parents’ ranch-style house. My dad was taking advantage of the sunny day. I could smell the barbecue as soon as I opened the door.

  Kinleigh slid out of the backseat, uncertainty stamped all over her face. I held my hand out and she took it immediately. Lucky Charms handed me our bag with the brownies and…was that a salad?

  Ivy came around with ten pounds of baby gear and a grinning Rhiannon kicking up a storm in her baby carrier. Rory smoothly took the carrier and they fell into step together. They really were a solid unit.

  I glanced down at Kinleigh and brought her hand up to my lips. “We’re in this together now.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  We bypassed the front door for the side yard, music pumping out of brand new backyard speakers thanks to their new son-in-law. Suck up. But I didn’t mind the Fleetwood Mac vibe.

  Caleb was running around with Bert, my dad’s idiot dog. The dog spotted Kinleigh and sprinted to her, tripping on his big, goofy legs before he got to her. She dropped down in front of him and loved all over him. Bert tilted his head and tried to climb into her lap. That wasn’t exactly a new thing, but the way he kept butting his head against her middle sure was.

  I gave him a quick rub and wondered if he knew something was a little different too.

  “There you guys are.” My mother came out with a big bowl in her arms. “Caleb, get over here and help me set the table.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Caleb brushed the grass off his jeans before trying to take the bowl from her.

  “Wash those grubby hands.”

  Caleb rolled his eyes, then planted a kiss on my mother’s cheek. He gave me a look, then noticed that my arm was wrapped around Kinleigh’s hip. “Finally.”

  Kinleigh blew out a slow breath.

  “Give me that sweet grandbaby.” My mother rushed around the picnic table. “It’s been—oh.”

  “Hey, Ma.” I slid my hand down to catch Kinleigh’s.

  Her eyes filled. “Oh, finally.”

  “What, did everyone know?” I muttered.

  She hugged Kinleigh. “Of course we knew. You two were so blind. Or trying not to let anyone see, anyway.”

  Kinleigh’s arms went around Annie. Her obvious relief eased her shoulders. “You’re not mad?”

  “Oh, heavens, why would I be mad? You’re the perfect girl for my boy.” She gripped Kinleigh’s arms and set her back. “I’m just so glad you two finally got your act together.”

  “Right?” Ivy tipped her head against Kinleigh’s shoulder.

  “George, come out here,” she yelled through the screen door.

  “I’m prepping the steaks.”

  She shook her head. “That man. The steaks can wait.”

  My dad came through the sliding door. “They need time to marinate. Oh, well, there’s my girls.” He was more silver than blond-haired these days, but it seemed like semi-retirement was suiting him well enough. He already had a tan from golfing and there was no doubt he was happy to see every single person in the backyard. “What’s the ruckus?”

  “Kinleigh and August are finally out of the closet.”

  “Ma.” I laughed.

  Kinleigh dabbed at her eyes. “A little more than that, actually.”

  My dad gave Kinleigh a hug. “Oh? A proposal? Are we planning another wedding? Maybe this time we don’t have to go all the way to Ireland.” He winked at Rory. “Not that it wasn’t lovely.”

  Rory set the carrier down and unbuckled Rhiannon. “No offense taken. I’ll pass on customs nightmares.”

  Getting so many people to a destination wedding had not been the easiest feat.

  Kinleigh immediately covered her middle. “Well, maybe a little more cart before the horse there too.”

  “No.” My mother covered her mouth. “Oh, Kinleigh.”

  I pulled the little frame out of my jacket pocket and handed it to my mother. “Another Beck is going to be added to the family this fall.”

  She looked down, her eyes filling. “Oh, this is just the best news.” She held the sonogram close to her chest, then looked down at it again. “Is that a…”

  Kinleigh peeked over the edge. “You’re just going to make everyone cry.”

  “Let me see.” Ivy plucked the frame out of our mom’s hands.

  Our mom pulled Kinleigh close and there were
tears and questions and laughter and more questions.

  Ivy bumped me, the frame still in her hands. “Ladybug, huh?”

  I hooked my arm over her shoulder. “I guess it’s going to be a thing.”

  Caleb was sitting at the picnic table, digging into the bread and dip. “Don’t expect me to be adding to the scoreboard. You get all your grandbaby wishes fulfilled by these two.” Caleb pointed at me with a piece of bread. “I knew that cup was full.”

  Ivy frowned. “What the heck does that mean?”

  “Ignore him.”

  “Crescent Cove water,” Caleb muttered. “That’s why I’m sticking to beer.”

  I didn’t think I would be so happy to have two huge life changes on top of one another, but seeing Kinleigh laughing with a lap full of Rhiannon and my parents fawning over both of them was pretty amazing.

  My chest tightened. That was my future right there. Our ladybug would probably have the same red hair.

  I’d give Kin a little time to get used to all of…this before I asked her to marry me.

  A few days.





  Upstate New York was having an unprecedented heat wave. And of course it had to be the year I was pregnant. I dabbed the back of my hand against my forehead, then pushed my mask down.

  Because of course I had to wear a mask while painting. Even if it was just touch-up paint. August was going to kill me for doing it without him, but I wanted to get the sky done on the feature wall in the nursery. I wasn’t exactly an artist when it came to painting, but I could rock the heck out of a stencil set.

  He’d done the rest of the room in a soft buttery yellow to highlight the gorgeous oak furniture he’d been creating for our little girl.

  I winced and rubbed the side of my growing belly. “Soccer-playing girl.”

  Ivy was busy getting her own house put together. They’d finally moved into their dream home. Luckily for me, it was only a few streets over. I’d never dared to dream that our kids could grow up together, but now it was all I could think about.

  They’d be honest to goddess cousins.

  I had a family and everything was almost perfect.

  I tucked the paintbrush into the handy little can that kept it from drying out because there were still some places I needed to fix, but it would be good for now. I quickly washed my hands and put myself into some semblance of order.

  Being just about six months pregnant meant there was a lot more of me to get organized these days. Not that August seemed to mind. We’d found some inventive ways to deal with the added belly clearance.

  I checked my phone. August was on his way home and would be here any minute.

  I pushed the bookcase over in front of the window and set the changing table converter on top. The pads of my fingers found the little carved trio in the corner. Our hallmark for the baby line of furniture.

  August already had a waiting list for his designs, just like I knew he would.

  But our baby would always have the first one.

  I stacked the little pile of baby clothes on the changing table and added the carved ladybug August had gifted me for my birthday. It had more than one meaning for me now.

  Finally, I set the little onesie in the middle of the table on the blue polka dot pad.

  I’d spent all morning embroidering the little ladybug on the white cotton. Not to mention the words below it. Part of me wondered if I should wait until the baby came, but the other part knew it was right.

  Will you marry my mama?


  “Back here,” I called.

  I curled my shaking fingers into my palms.

  “I smell paint. Did you paint without me? I told you I didn’t want you on that ladder without me around.”

  I turned around, leaning against the padded edge of the table. “No ladders here, Mr. Bossy Pants.”

  Goddess, he was pretty. Even if he was getting bossier every day.

  He reached above the doorjamb, stretching out his back. He wore a hunter green T-shirt that was minus some sleeves. Sawdust dotted his tanned shoulders and he had his toolbelt slung low on his hips. A tiny pencil was tucked behind his ear and there was more sawdust on his backward ball cap. “You’ve been busy.”

  “You too, evidently.”

  “Yeah, I just delivered the princess bed over at Sage’s. Star loved it.”

  “Of course she did.”

  He grinned. “You have to say that. You’re biased.”

  “No, I’m just right. Come here.”

  He looked down at himself. “I’m dirty.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Not what you said yesterday.”

  Goddess, he was a pain in my butt. “That was yesterday.”

  He lowered his arms and walked in. “Looks really good.” He stopped in front of me and dropped a light kiss on my lips. “Exceptional.”

  “Sweet talker.”

  He waggled his eyebrows and went for a deeper kiss.

  I twisted my fingers into his shirt and nearly caved when he unbuckled my overalls. I pushed him back. “Hang on a second.”

  He licked his lips and tugged me closer. “We have the whole house to ourselves, we don’t have to hang on a second anymore.”

  I laughed. “I have a question to ask you.”

  “Anything.” He brushed my nose with his.

  I moved to the side and turned him toward the changing table.

  He grinned down at me. “I love it. Are we setting it up for the Instagram page or something?”

  I laughed. “Look closer.”

  He looked down and his hand went to the onesie. “Kinleigh.” His voice was hoarse.

  “It could be cute for the Instagram page too, with the—”

  August swung me up into his arms. “Yes. Yes, I will marry Ladybug’s mama.” He let me down and pressed his forehead to mine. “You beat me to it.”

  I framed his face and thumbed away the tear that escaped down his cheek. “I love you so much, August Beck.”

  He shoved his hand into his pants pocket and pulled out a box. “I’ve had this for about two months.”

  My eyes filled. “Two months?”

  “Took a bit to get it made. My girl’s not exactly traditional.” He went down on one knee. “Not exactly how I meant to do this, but then again, we make our own timetable, don’t we?”

  I pressed my fingers to his chest. “We sure do.”

  He flipped the box open. “Marry me, Kinleigh Scott.”

  Laughing, I simply let my tears flow. There was a simple diamond set with two tiny gold ladybugs on either side. “Yes.”

  He stood and our hands were both shaking as he slid the ring on. “I love you, Kin.” He gathered me in and I held him tight.

  I never believed it would be possible to be this happy. But I was about to do my best to make sure this was just the beginning.

  Our beginning.

  You know that little confession that Ivy knew Kinleigh and August were a thing? Well…there was a wee little scene we took out of the book, but it was just too good to leave on the cutting room floor. Sooo…we made it into a bonus.


  Thanks so much for reading MY EX’s BABY. As Sheriff, I’m used to being in charge. But handling changing diapers and two a.m. feedings? Not so much. Luckily, my best friend Gina stepped up when someone left a baby on my doorstep. Now I can’t seem to remember we’re supposed to be just friends... One-click Daddy Undercover now.

  A baby in a basket left on a doorstep is such a clichè...

  It’s also my life.

  I carry a gun and a badge and help keep order in small town Crescent Cove.

  What I don’t do?

  Change diapers.

  Sing songs about sharks.

  Or...ask for help.

  But my best friend, Gina Ramos, knows I’m in over my head. She’s the only one keeping me sane. And p
laying house with her is starting to feel way too real.

  And get way too hot.

  Because the biggest thing I don’t want to do?

  Is to lose my best friend...or find out my little girl isn’t really mine.

  Author’s note: This daddy isn't just undercover…he's clueless he has a baby! Daddy Undercover is a standalone romantic comedy with a HEA ending and no cliffhanger.

  One-click Daddy Undercover now.

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  Bonus Shennnigans

  We love to write in-between scenes to get our readers excited for new books. This one includes Sage, Oliver, Macy, Gideon— with a little extra cameo by August & Kinleigh.

  You can find that bonus scene HERE.

  As always, join our NEWSLETTER for early access to all of our bonus content!

  Crescent Cove World

  What started out as a duet about twin brothers has now evolved into a small quaint town full of hot DILFs and baby mamas…P.S. watch out for the water.

  The who’s who of Crescent Cove

  Crescent Cove World Character Chart

  Crescent Cove Reading Order

  Crescent Cove Reading Order

  Sometimes our worlds collide…

  Rockstars & Babies Reading Order (no spoilers)


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