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Compromising the Billionaire_A Scandals of the Bad Boy Billionaires Novel

Page 13

by Ivy Layne

  Aiden’s jaw was tight, flags of red on his cheekbones, but he didn’t move. He just watched as I shifted the tiniest bit and the bra fell away. I tugged it from my arms and tossed it over the side of the bed, laying back to brace myself on my elbows, my back arched, breasts high on my chest.

  Aiden leaned down and tugged my panties over my hips, taking care not to tear them. I bit my lower lip to hold in a laugh. Seeing it, Aiden said in a murmur, “I’m framing these.”

  I reached for his arm. He held back just long enough to roll on a condom before he covered me with his body, settling in between my thighs and taking my mouth with his.

  Long, slow, drugging kisses. He wrapped one arm around my back, pressing my breasts into his chest as his mouth moved over mine, drifted down to nip and suck at that so sensitive patch of skin below my ear.

  He pressed his hard cock between my legs, sliding it against my pussy, spreading my slick heat until we were both wet with my need for him, grinding together, the fat head of his cock rubbing over my clit, back and forth. I wrapped my legs around his hips, holding him tight, sliding closer and closer to the edge, and he wasn’t even inside me.

  The first orgasm hit me in a fast, hard wave that left me gasping as he ground his cock into my clit and let my pussy pulse against him. I was so caught up in the pleasure, drowning in it, that I didn’t tense as he pushed the head of his cock inside me.

  All I could do was fight for breath and roll my head back into the bed. If I hadn’t just come, it might have hurt. It had been a long time, and I’d never seen a cock like Aiden’s, much less had one inside me.

  My body pulsing with pleasure, languid with orgasm, I spread my legs further and rocked up into him, taking more, the painful stretch of it sharpening the last waves of my climax.

  He pushed, and I rocked until he’d fit every inch of that glorious cock inside me.

  Aiden pressed his forehead to mine, his breath coming in harsh pants. I clamped my knees to his sides, tilting my hips so the base of his cock ground into my clit. Aiden groaned.

  “Vi, baby, I wanted to make this good for you, but I can’t—fuck, Vi.”

  He was shaking from the sheer effort of holding back, and I was done with it. Sinking my fingers into his hair, I drew his head down and bit into his earlobe for just a second before I whispered, “Fuck me, Aiden. Hard.”

  Something inside him snapped. He pulled his hips back and slammed them into me, the thick base of his cock grinding into my clit, sending shards of bliss through every inch of my body.

  I held on, my mouth against his neck, my legs around his waist, as he fucked me in fast, brutal strokes, just the way I’d asked him to.

  I couldn’t get my breath before I came again, shivering, gasping, my pussy clenching on his cock as my body refused to let him go. I clawed at his shoulders, shaking from the force of it.

  He said my name. Just Violet as he went stiff and shuddered against me.

  Aiden rolled to his back, taking me with him. I melted on top of him, every bone in my body limp and satisfied. My head rested on his shoulder and I nudged it closer, reaching my tongue to taste the hollow of his collarbone. Salty and Aiden, he tasted as good as I thought he would.

  Our hearts pounded against one another as we lay there, his fingers stroking up and down my spine in a long, slow caress. I was half-asleep when he eased me to the side and got up. I thought about moving, heard water run, then shut off. He came back and lifted me, tossing back the covers, easing us both beneath.

  I never thought about it, just rolled into him, sliding my leg over his hip until it tangled with his, throwing my arm over his chest, and resting my head on his shoulder. We drifted like that. I think I slept a little. When I opened my eyes again, his fingers were moving absently in tiny circles on my arm.

  My hand drifted down his side, over his hip, between his legs, to find him half hard. His skin was like velvet where it covered his full sack, and silky smooth where it stretched over his rapidly hardening cock. I played my hand over his length, squeezing and stroking, enjoying the weight of him, the feel of him, soft and smooth, steely and hot.

  My thumb rubbed a bead of pre-come down over that tender spot on the underside of the head and he shivered.

  I pulled myself from beneath his arm and slid down the bed. He said, “Violet,” but I ignored him.

  I wanted this, and he was going to give it to me.

  Resting my cheek between his hips, I opened my mouth and licked at the next bead of pre-come that rose. Aiden shivered again, and his hand closed over my shoulder. Not pulling me back, just holding on.

  He was too big for me to take all of him, but I used my mouth and my tongue, licking and sucking, tasting every inch of that beautiful cock until his hands hooked under my arms and he dragged me up his body.

  His kiss was ragged. Desperate. Uncontrolled. He pulled me up the bed, up and over his body until I was straddling him before he filled his hands with my hips and brought me to his mouth.

  I’d barely braced my hands on the headboard before my eyes rolled up from the sensation of his lips sucking on my clit, tugging and pulling, devouring me, fucking his tongue inside me, taking me with a reckless hunger that had me shaking in orgasm twice before he flipped me to my back, rolled on a condom, and drove himself inside me.

  He pulled my hands over my head and held them there, burying himself deep between my legs over and over, his mouth on my neck, teeth grazing my skin, biting and sucking, claiming me with his body as he pushed me to another peak, spilling himself into the condom as the pulse of my body pulled him over the edge.

  This time I was out before he left the bed, my body limp, eyes drifting shut. I woke in the night curled into him, my leg over his, his arm tight around my shoulders. I wiggled closer to his heat, moaning a little with the pure pleasure of being so close to Aiden. He pulled the blanket up higher and brushed his lips across the crown of my head.

  I heard him say “Sleep, Vi,” before I drifted off again.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I felt Violet wake up before she moved. One moment she was curled against me like a warm kitten, her legs intertwined with mine, her arm thrown across my chest, the soft weight of her breasts on my skin. The next she went stiff, her breath catching in her lungs.

  I imagined her eyes flying wide with panic. I kept my own closed.

  I could have stopped her. If I’d rolled into her, pulled her to me, kissed her, I might have kept her in bed. But, I was playing a long game and this was about more than sex.

  I listened to her slip from the bed, her feet padding on the carpet as she crept from the bedroom, probably in search of her suitcase.

  When did I decide I was playing a long game?

  Before or after I’d had her in bed?

  I could be the arrogant asshole most people thought I was and say it was after I’d fucked her, but I’d be lying.

  At first, when we’d uncovered her scheme, I’d only been playing with her. She was smart, and hot, and I was bored. I’d been entertained by the idea of seeing if I could talk her into bed while I figured out what she was up to.

  Everything had changed, and I had no idea when it happened. In bits and pieces. The frost in her eyes when she put Elizabeth in her place. Her defiance and dignity when Gage had tried to fire her. Her ice queen and her innocence. All of it had chipped away at me until I’d known I was keeping her before we got on the plane.

  And now that I’d had her?

  The soft click of a door closing filtered through the hotel suite, followed by the hiss of the shower. I already knew she’d try to put distance between us after the night before.

  I’d let her, to a point.

  If she thought she was going to take control, she was very wrong.

  Now that I’d had Violet in my bed, she wasn’t getting away.

  I’ve slept with a lot of women. I’m not bragging, it’s just reality. I’ve always had safe sex, and I’ve never led a woman into thi
nking I was offering more than I was prepared to give. I didn’t need to lie or trick them. It was a side effect of being Aiden Winters.

  The bonus was that plenty of women were more than happy to spread their legs for power and money combined with decent looks. And the downside? I was sick and tired of the kind of women who wanted to fuck power and money.

  The world was filled with Elizabeths.

  I wanted Violet.

  She didn’t want me to spend money on her. She wasn’t angling to be my girlfriend. But when I kissed her, she turned to fire in my arms.

  I’d never had sex like that before. Not once. I’d never wanted to claim a woman like that. I’d been rough with her. I hadn’t meant to. I’d had some kind of idea I’d be gentle, seduce her with smooth words and soft touches.

  I’d done all right when we were dancing—until I kissed her. Just thinking about her hands pulling on my buttons, dragging off my clothes, and my cock was half hard.

  I hadn’t had to seduce Violet. She knew what she wanted, and she’d wanted me. Not my wallet. Not my company. Me.

  She thought this was just for the weekend, had told Dylan she’d been about to resign. He thought she was kidding, but I knew she wasn’t.

  Violet thought we understood each other, but she was wrong. She needed me. She just didn’t know it yet.

  I emerged from my room freshly showered to find the other bedroom door closed, her shower still running. It only took me a minute to order up a full breakfast. Violet was still in her room when it arrived.

  I poured myself a cup of coffee and settled in to wait her out. She couldn’t stay in there all day. She had too much dignity to hide from me.

  The door finally swung open to reveal a Violet I’d never seen before. Her eyes were cool, but this was my ice queen doing weekend casual. Like me, she had bare feet and wore jeans. Her long hair fell around her face in shining sheets. I liked it even more than I had the night before. In the daylight streaming through the windows, it gleamed silvery-gold. At the edge of the boat neck collar of her T-shirt I caught a glimpse of pale pink lace.

  She was wearing the underwear I’d bought her. I was absurdly pleased. Even more so when her hair slid back off her shoulder to reveal a bite mark on her neck. I should have been remorseful. I’d been too aggressive with her, should never have marred that perfect, creamy skin.

  I didn’t care.

  I wanted to mark her.

  I wanted every fucking person who saw her to know she belonged to me.

  “You ordered breakfast?” she asked, eyeing the carafe of coffee and my half-empty cup, the trays of dishes covering half of the dining room table.

  “I got a little of everything. I didn’t know what you’d want.”

  Pulling out the chair catty-corner to mine, Violet sat, tucking one bare foot under her leg. I poured her a cup of coffee as she lifted the lids on the plates.

  “Do you mind if I eat the omelet?”

  “It’s all yours.” I said. Wanting to poke at her a little, I said, “Did you sleep well?”

  Violet’s eyes flashed up to meet mine before she looked back at her plate, a flush rising on her cheeks. Refusing to let it get the better of her, she lifted her chin and held her hand out for the cup of coffee.

  “I slept fine. You?”

  “Great. Right until I woke up alone,” I said, giving her a pointed look. If she thought we were going to pretend nothing had happened, she was going to have to think again.

  Violet didn’t apologize or try to justify sneaking out, only took a long sip of her coffee, watching me over the rim of the china cup.

  That was fine. I had no interest in talking about it. Our bodies had communicated perfectly. We didn’t need words. I was fucking thrilled to have breakfast with my ice queen because I knew the second I got my mouth on hers, she’d catch fire again.

  No, I wanted to talk about something else, something she’d said the night before to Leigha that I was betting Violet hoped I hadn’t heard.

  “Are you going back to school to finish your master’s degree?” I asked casually, refilling my coffee and pulling the plate of French toast in front of me.

  Violet let out a quick breath of surprise before she covered it and said carefully, “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?” I challenged.

  I loved her ice queen act, but I was tired of her hiding things from me. She raised her eyes to mine, that dusky lavender wary. Thoughtful. I stayed silent and watched her as she studied me.

  Finally, she let out the breath she’d been holding and said, “I’ve been meaning to. I just—” She popped a bite of omelet in her mouth to stall.

  “Is it the money?” I asked, enjoying the way her eyes narrowed in annoyance before she shook her head.

  “It was, for a while. And then it was…other things.”

  “Other things?” I prodded.

  Something about her discomfort with the subject unsettled me. Violet did not strike me as the kind of woman who left things unfinished, especially something as important as her master’s degree. She wouldn’t have pursued graduate school unless she’d wanted to go, so why had she quit one year in?

  “It’s hard to explain,” she said, cutting into her omelet with the side of her fork, separating a precise piece before she stabbed it with the tines and popped it between her lips.

  “Does it have to do with the reason you took a job at Winters, Inc.?”

  “No,” she said, so quickly I had no doubt she was telling the truth. “No. It’s—” Violet sighed and shook her head. “I don’t like to talk about it.”

  Tough luck. I’d known there was something off when she’d mentioned it at dinner. I’d find out one way or another, but I wanted to hear it from her.

  Something had happened to derail Violet’s life, and I needed to know what it was. Logic told me any damage had long since been done, but Violet was mine. If someone or something had hurt her, I needed to know about it.

  I set down my fork and reached for her hand, taking it in mine, rubbing my thumb across her knuckles. “Vi, I want to know you.”

  Her hand went still. She remained like that, frozen, for a long moment. So long, I started to wish I hadn’t pushed. When she moved it was to draw back, pulling her fingers from my grip and bracing her heel on the edge of her chair. She wrapped one arm around her raised knee and picked up her coffee cup.

  Her defenses in place, she said, “I wanted to go to graduate school right after college. But my parents didn’t want to pay for it. They’d been unhappy that I majored in accounting. I was supposed to major in something more ladylike. Art history, or English literature. I was supposed to be in college to find a husband.”

  “You’re kidding,” I said. I knew the women in my mother’s generation faced these kinds of archaic expectations, but these days?

  Violet shrugged one shoulder. “My parents are old-fashioned. They’d already disowned my older brother for being a little wild. They were very strict with me. Anyway, I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of taking out loans to cover the cost, so I thought I would work for a few years and save up the money. I probably wouldn’t be able to put together enough to fully cover tuition, but I could at least get a start.”

  “That’s practical,” I said.

  “That’s what I thought. And then my father offered me a third option. One of his good friends had an opening in their accounting department for a junior bookkeeper. The company had a tuition match program and after I’d been there for a year they would pay most of the costs of graduate school. It seemed like the perfect solution.”

  “You took the job?” I asked, wondering why her father, who didn’t seem to want her to work, would have hooked her up with a job.

  “I did, and for the first year, it was fine. It was great. I like bookkeeping. I’d like to be able to do more—that’s why I wanted to go to grad school—but I liked the job, the other people in the department were nice, and I was still living at home, so I was saving a ton of
money for school.”

  “What happened after the first year?”

  Violet’s eyes darkened and her lids dropped, hiding her gaze. “After the first year, I applied and got into a graduate program in accountancy. I loved it. I went at night and worked full time. I didn’t have much of a social life, but I didn’t really care.”

  “And?” I pushed.

  “And then things started getting weird.”

  “What do you mean, weird?” My mind raced through all of the ways work could get weird, particularly for a young woman. I didn’t like any of them. The way Violet shifted in her seat, tightening her arms around her raised knees, didn’t make me feel any better.

  “The owner of the company, my father’s friend, started—” Violet paused searching for the right words. “He started taking an interest in me. It was little things at first. Stopping by my desk, emailing to ask me to pop by his office. He said he was just checking on me, that he wanted to reassure my dad that I was doing well. I didn’t think much of it.”

  I was afraid I knew exactly where this was going. “And then?” I prompted.

  “And then, he started doing it more. Taking me out to lunch. Other people in the office noticed, commented on it. I was uncomfortable with the attention, but I wasn’t sure what to do. It wasn’t like I could go to human resources about it. I’d known him since I was a little girl.”

  “Name?” I asked, trying for casual.

  Violet was too smart to fall for that. Shaking her head, she refused to answer. I let it go. For now. I’d find out later. Cooper probably already had the name in her file.

  “Did you talk to your father about it?” I asked.

  “I did,” Violet said. “He told me I should be happy to have the attention. That I shouldn’t waste the opportunity.” She let out a harsh laugh. “I was so stupid. I had no idea what he was talking about.”

  “Did you ever confront your employer about it?”

  Violet shook her head. “I should have. I was so busy between work and school, I was distracted, and I didn’t realize what was going on. Not really. It was an annoyance. Until it wasn’t.”


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