Mystic Firestorm 2
Page 16
“Silence,” the stern, cold voice echoed along the valley. “This war must end, the powers of darkness march upon you. You will be assaulted in a matter of minutes,” his voice trailed off. “The Crimson Seekers have burned the Midlands and converge on the Snap.”
Prince Lurgan and King Omagh advanced toward the Mystic. A moment later, Kraken, Wrent, Ballic, Granite and Denter marched to the Mystic, their faces were in apparent shock as the troops stood still awaiting their commanders orders.
“Hear this Dwarven King and Gnome Chieftains, you have little time. The Seekers march. You must refortify your positions and join together to hold them back, then you must flee to your homelands.
“Never,” Granite cracked his voice boisterous and challenging.
“If they do not concede then we shall continue fighting,” King Omagh uttered.
“Listen to the Mystic,” Prince Lurgan announced as the others murmured amongst themselves.
“I tell you that they march upon us!” he waved his arm to the edge of the western edge of the Snap. The warring forces scanned the horizon and watched dark smoke rise as fire burned. “You must evacuate this area. Go now!”
“No, we stay and fight,” Denter replied as the others murmured.
“Hear this foolish Chieftain. You cannot defeat the dark magic of the Seekers. They carry the Hearthstone Blade. I cannot withstand its power. I may only delay them for a while.”
“Then we shall assist,” Prince Lurgan answered.
“No,” Dayven added as he made his way through the shocked lines of soldiers. “Prince Lurgan, you must go.”
Dayven,” he acknowledged. “What of Shannon?”
“Shannon has the aid of the Elven Magic to assist the onslaught of the Crimson fire. The Seekers do not march south, the stronghold of their power lies in Skydark. They march to the north of Wilder Run.” Allenor managed. “There is no army. The Seekers and their dark things are enough.”
Without a word the commanders gave the orders as men regroup and retreated. Soldiers moved back and replanted their positions as Flicker waved down to get the attention of Dayven, behind him Tullamore and the two children trailed. Just south the flexible old body of Splint Quill migrated down, behind him were the group of Dwarves followed with Packer and Brea. The Wildergirl ran at Dayven and grabbed with a fond embrace, they held one another for a moment. Tullamore smiled as the two children ran affectionately over to Allenor. The Mystic crouched down on one knee meeting them face to face. Patch and Aaron smiled for a second.
“Your mother is safe,” he whispered. “She is at River Run; we are going to take you there.”
“Well Mystic, what kind of trouble are we in this time?” Splint Quill’s arms flew up among the massive moments of troops.
“Much, my old friend. How are you?” Allenor shook his hands.
“Ah, my bones ache, but I got some of them deviled things. Black as ash, they were.”
Tullamore strode up to the Mystic in an uncomfortable stance, “what now?”
“I empathize with your anger. We must get the children to their mother and move them to Wilder Run.” Allenor explained. Brea made her way over to Bellower and Sly who remained silent. The Gnome hesitated then gave her a smile.
“You are stubborn,” the Gnome added. “I thought you were going home.”
“They destroyed it,” Brea responded in anger. Bellower and Sly examined the two exhausted children. “Allenor, I can take the children to their mother and lead them into Wilder Run.”
“Gweyn needs your help,” he added. “Dayven and I must go to Skydark to retrieve the Book of Power,” Allenor finished.
“I’ve grown fond of Brea,” Bellower whispered. I can lead her to Wilder Run.”
Packer and Sly examined each other cautiously, both remaining quiet, the Gnomes and Dwarves feeling uncomfortable about the whole situation. The group stood in stern silence then a cold feeling came upon the valley. It appeared that all life had been instantly snuffed out as a dark robed figure entered the valley, hunched and guarded. Allenor turned as the dark figures poured into the valley, their misshapen shapes trudging along, awaiting its masters order.
“One Seeker,” Dayven whispered.
“It has the Hearthstone blade,” Allenor said mechanically. “Go now, take the children, we must go to Skydark. I shall hold them off. Go Wildergirl before it’s too late.”
Just as Brea moved, fire erupted along the ridgeline of the Snap as the Seeker waved the Hearthstone blade. Crimson fire exploded as the valley shook and timber burned. Dwarf and Gnome raced forward in sheer panic as Allenor attempted to halt them.
“Fools, they’ll all be killed.”
Brea grabbed the children as Packer and Sly shoved the girl and the kids forward. Allenor raised his hands and laced the blue fire forward as the evil minions of the Slavelings and Devilings vaulted into the valley. Screams echoed as the disfigured monsters came by the hundreds. The Devilings scurried out with quick cunning and ferocious fury, tearing apart men in seconds, leaving their bodies broken and still. Ogres, huge and cumbersome trudged along and were met by Dwarf and Gnome fighters. Prince Lurgan’s Freedom Fighters cut through the flanks of Slavelings and Devilings, sword cutting bone and flesh as the things fell to the ground. The hunched creature moved and raised the Hearthstone Blade as fire swept into the oncoming Dwarves and Gnomes. They were cut down and fell back as their screams died away, their frames turned to ash. Ogres armed with battle-ax cut their opponents down as King Omagh met them head on, his cries echoing through the valley giving the others hope. Flicker watched in horror as the dark-vile things charged up slope to greet them with fang and claw. Tullamore reacted cutting them down as the Dwarf and Gnome grabbed the kids and ran southward. The creatures threatened to cut them off, but Allenor held them at bay, his blue fire exploding into them. The creatures faltered before him and fell. Packer, Brea and Sly headed down the valley as Dayven watched helplessly. Then they met a Deviling face on, Packer swung his mace which stunned the creature as is decided to retreat and then counterattack. Dayven found himself running down the hillside as other things went to outflank him. He raised his hands in a sweeping motion as blue fire burned into the creatures. Grunts and screams echoed from the dying masses as the battle wore on. Flicker and Tullamore reacted to the advancing Ogres as Allenor’s fire swept across to slow their pace. Then an explosion rocked the side of the valley as the Crimson Seekers attention turned.
“Go Mystic, retreat!” The fiery voice of Splint Quill echoed. The oldster reacted and released a bolt which flew at the Crimson Seeker, it hit the ground as its minions were cut down by a large explosion.
Dayven’s fire lanced into the creature as he raised his arms in despair, below the other made their way past a clearing as the elf retreated back to the side of Allenor.
“Do whatever it is you can,” Allenor ordered Dayven.
Dayven raised his arms and blue fire lanced out at the Crimson Seeker, the black thing pointed the Hearthstone Blade which exploded red fire, a wall of towering flames advanced like a crushing tidal wave. Tullamore and Flicker retreated as the entire valley was thrown asunder. Allenor rushed forth blue fire as Dayven stepped forward.
“I call upon the Dragons Breath,” Dayven said as his hand lanced out fire that crushed the dark imps. As the crimson fire erupted, a strange event occurred, a mist developed. The vapors appeared to rise up out of the ground and engulf everything as Gnome and Dwarf retreated into the hills and backed their way through the Snap. The Dragons Spine utterly vanished through the oncoming wall of white as the Seeker rose up and let forth another explosion of fire. Gnome and Dwarf retreated into the hills of Sleigh Mish and some ran south toward the Green Mountains. The Freedom Fighters rerouted for a final attack as King Omagh led the way with his men. Prince Lurgan fell from his steed, rolled and rebound as he fought off the cumbersome moves of an Ogre and cut it down. Omagh and his men crested the hill and directly charged the Seeker. Allenor sensed the dan
ger and attempted to stop them as he let forth a wall of flame into the mist. Suddenly the whole of valley erupted and exploded into flames, dirt and rock forced up and showered the remaining fighters. King Omagh gave a final cry as the Crimson Seeker washed the valley with fire. Prince Lurgan watched in horror and remained silent then the mist engulfed the entire valley. Prince Lurgan began his retreat and disappeared, leaving the minions to themselves. Dayven, Tullamore, Flicker, Bellower and Allenor raced out of the mouth of the Snap. Splint Quill simply vanished one moment then suddenly, he reappeared out of the mist like an old ghost. Tethered to him were a corral of horses. No one spoke a word as the Dragon’s Breath engulfed the Snap, within fire exploded from the anger of the Crimson Seeker. The new company mounted and charged east into the Green Mountains toward crossroads.
As the whole valley exploded and erupted into mist, Brea, Packer, Sly and the two children raced along the edge of the forest. Behind them the screams and echoes of the Devilings howled within the oncoming mist. Fire exploded directly behind as the entire Dragons Spine burned behind them, cutting the Snap from their grasp. The children gasped in fear as things raced behind giving chase. Sly realized they were not going to make it and he stopped out of breath.
“Go on, foolish girl,” Sly spat.
“No,” Brea forced herself as Packer pulled her to continue on.
“My quest ends here Wildergirl. You were right. I shall end this battle once and for all. The mist comes, now go. It will protect you and the children.”
Brea suspended all arguments as she kissed him on his cheek, the Gnome winked at her as a Deviling converged toward the Gnome. Brea, the Dwarf Master Packer and the two children rushed into the forest, their bodies disappeared as the magic of Dragons Breath engulfed everything in secrecy.
“Come on,” Sly said heatedly as vapors swirled around.
A moment later the Deviling leapt at him, he wielded his mace and cut with his broadsword. The thing screeched from the pain as he gave out a battle cry. The Deviling roared with teeth and fang as the Gnome watched it crouch on all fours. The mist of Dragons Breath swept across the Dragons Spine swathing them within their heated battle.
Behind them, crimson fire destroyed the mountainside.
Iclandia's mountain remained a quiet spiked enigma in the mid-afternoon's sunlight. Storms from the far north spread torrents of snow throughout the Kingdom. Snowbanks towered twenty feet high with subzero winds. Shadown, Ariq and Prince Grandur walked the lonely towering halls. The base entrance of the mountain spiraled into dozens of stairwells which twisted up through the embedded rock. To their dismay, no one was in Iclandia's mountain. Valendor moved with mistrust, carefully watching the Prince who appeared to be confused. Sentries were absent as an uneasiness began to overcome the group. Shadown felt his skin crawl, the entire Kingdom forebode the presence of evil, something spawned and magically released within the mountain. They were expecting something, a greeting, an assault, but the halls were void of all life. Everything remained in place as if it were frozen in time. Torches burned brightly on the walls, weapons and armory were neatly stored, beds were made and clean in their compartments, and heat emulated from the furnace pits below, but not one single life stirred.
“What has happened?” Shadown whispered, his voice trailing away down the hall.
“Nothing is wrong,” Ariq added. “Maybe it's some ceremony in the peaks.
“I sense evil,” Prince Grandur plainly stated.
“Just be ready,” Valendor mouthed, placing his hand on the hilt of his broadsword. “And remember Prince Alec, no tricks.”
“You are a fool,” Payne Axel chided. “I tell you that I'm not Prince Alec. You did not listen. I have no idea where I am or who these people are that you search for.”
Valendor grabbed Payne Axel and shoved him into the wall as Shadown attempted to pull him off, Ariq stood by smiling. “Listen Prince, my family and his family suffered because of the rule of the Darkmages. You allowed them to outcast us and then destroy us. Javern's power has been unstoppable, especially with the Blue Star.”
“Blue Star?” Prince Grandur asked questioningly while halting in his tracks, the others slowing their pace in recognition of his feelings.
“Don't start,” Valendor pressed. “That is the main reason that Quaid's family is being held captive.”
“He cannot be trusted,” Ariq added while moving toward Grandur, his dark eyes examining the Prince then glancing back at the emerald green eyes of his friend. Shadown ignored the comment and pushed him into the next corridor.
Prince Grandur wondered about this individual named Prince Alec and why he had been mistaken as the Prince. Was another Prince whose semblance took on the Prince's? Was it possible that two individuals could be mistaken for one another, but then the thought collapsed? They had only seen the Prince one time and their memories appeared flawed. The one goal he needed to complete was to find Quaid’s family and release them. It sounded simple, but he was unsure exactly where they could be kept, then an insidious thought flanked his mind, suppose they were dead? Prince Grandur attempted to avoid the outcome of that possible impending situation. Other matters crossed his mind, the fact that Noleann was missing, Arieal was gone and he ended up in a catastrophe between two feuding providence’s. Traces of regret formed as he contemplated his next move, then he spoke as they moved.
“I think our best approach is to top the spiral and see if the family is held captive. If they are up there, then we need to plan an escape.”
“Now, you’re thinking,” Shadown patted him on the back.
“What about our escape?” Ariq demanded. “If they begin to assault then we will be trapped in this place.”
“I'm fully aware,” Shadown added. “I have some own tricks up my sleeve.”
“This does not feel right,” Valendor added. “No one is here.”
After Valendor made his statement, a shadow broke down the extending corridor, as the company pushed Prince Grandur back and stepped ahead in a strategic triangle. Ariq halted the Prince pointing his sword as noised developed down the hall. Prince Grandur felt naked without the use of a broadsword, Valendor had a small one strapped to his side but did not unsheathe it to give to him. The tall man examined the hall as noises vanished as if no one were left there. They inched forward, down the white marble mixed with stone. Statutes of the former leaders of Iclandia lined the walls like cold-hearted sentries waiting to strike. The group wondered if their uninvited opponents had seen them. From the turn of events it, no alarm sounded, no battle cries echoed throughout the hall. The surpassing mood of silence grew heavy upon the questers. Valendor found a large spiral staircase which twisted into the darkness, nothing was seen moving from the top. Above a small pinnacle of light danced from an open vent as cold drafts wilted by. The fact that the light was discovered gave an indication that they were going in the right direction. The Nomads whispered among themselves as Valendor took the first step, his boots echoing off the stone floor, Shadown backed him up as Ariq pushed Prince Grandur to move on.
“There it is,” Shadown whispered. “There is someone up there.”
No one responded as his voice echoed and they moved around, torchlight grew dim and the landing was dark as if a monster from an untimely void would sweep out and destroy them. As they neared another landing, another bracket flashed light. The sounds of chains echoed somewhere from above as the sound of running feet boomed downstairs. Shadown motioned to his companions to stay against the wall and go up in single file. If someone were to attack from above, they would be at a disadvantage, a shot from a bowman could easily wound or kill them. Hand-to-hand combat was different, sounds would alert them. The company felt that Javern the Darkmage would simply appear. He'd have no reason to hide. The Darkmage could use his Druid like powers to destroy or disable them. How would they fight against Druid magic, that of fire? The whole idea of their secret entry into the keep was to go unnoticed. The evil essence
continued to perpetuate their fears as they moved, now the pinnacle of light spread out before them as the stairs disappeared and rotated around the edge of the walls, spiraling up to a bridge. The position they were in presented to be more dangerous as time went on. The bridge led into the side and off into other exits. As they left the spiraling staircase the walls appeared to buffet the noises of their boots, sound appeared to dissipate in the gloomy darkness. Each step appeared one of the same and went around to the base. They rose up toward the bridge with the remaining light from below fading like some dark abyss. No railings had been engineered to assist. They surmised that it would be best for fighting, just throw your opponent over the edge. The stone steps faded and appeared more worn and weathered, their bright shine dulled with the age of time. The trespassers strode up in sullen silence, one after another, mechanically and unshaken. Valendor approached the bridge and halted the company as Shadown watched him unstrap his broadsword. He handed it Prince Grandur, when Ariq went to protest, but the large man silenced him and pressed them further into the limbo world. Moments later, they crested the steps and torches lined the walls, orange firelight flickered lightly from the small updrafts, embers softly floated up and died out with quick passage of time. The two men took to the bridge and began to cross it as a wooden door barred their way across. The bridge was made of stone and appeared to be carved directly out of the mountain of Iclandia. The structure appeared impressive, a massive tunnel of spiraling staircases, rooms and bridges that passed through the rock, only an ancient race could have conceived of such a feat, not man, but one of the fairy races. They tapped across the bridge and noticed mini balconies built directly from the stone walls, empty spaces which appeared to hide dark shadows. The wind howled as they moved in the undying draft. They made their way to the center of the bridge as something clicked from above. The noise was barley heard, almost nonexistent in a non-threatening manner. Shadown and Valendor halted them as they formed an arch and examined the wooden door, it remained bolted while no one approached from the steps. The noise eerily passed them again, this time from above. Prince Grandur watched as nothing came from the darkness. He expected some gigantic monster to push forward with hair, teeth and claws, but nothing came. The men waited another minute then broke their protective stance and made their way over to the door. Valendor attempted to push it but it was locked.