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The Prodigy Slave, Book Two: The Old World: (Revised Edition 2020)

Page 37

by Londyn Skye

  Julia’s tears finally made their way down her face. “P-please don’t say that. I’m s-so sorry, Mary Jo.”

  “It’s okay,” Mary Jo replied, suddenly stepping forward and embracing Julia tight. “You can make up for it.”

  “T-tell me h-how,” Julia begged, tearfully resting her head on her cousin’s shoulder. “Pl-please, I’ll do anything.”

  Mary Jo kissed Julia on the cheek and whispered in her ear, “you can tell our maker his finest specimen says hello.”

  Julia pulled back with a look of confusion on her tear-stained face. “What?” was the last word she uttered before Mary Jo shoved her hard over the railing of the observation platform. She flew backward off the speeding train after being caught off guard in that vulnerable moment.

  Lily was softly striking the three lowest keys of the piano, tenderly ending her song the very second Julia’s head was striking the ground hard, shattering her skull, and instantly ending her life. She had just finished celebrating her reunion with James and her mother, while Mary Jo had just finished punishing who she felt was a treasonous traitor and a useless pawn that had just caused her to lose one of her battles in her war to win James. Much like how Lily was feeling when her song was over, a sense of peace and calm came over Mary Jo as the distant sight of her cousin’s lifeless body tumbled down a steep ravine, slamming against tree trunks and boulders along the way. The moment Julia came to rest in the gorge below, anger and tension flushed completely from Mary Jo’s mind and body like she had just released the ultimate orgasm. At that very moment, Lily got up from the piano, put the key cover in place, and instantly had a flashback of her own ultimate orgasm while standing in that very spot just hours before. After having purged her mind of her lovely melody and briefly reliving the loving moment she had shared with her man, Lily walked away from the piano with a smile, feeling high. Mary Jo Parker walked away from the murder sight floating on that exact same end of the spectrum. The polar opposite actions that lead to their current similar euphoric feelings were both, ironically, motivated by their love for the very same man.

  Still feeling the aftershocks of James’s love, Lily continued walking toward the kitchen with a sexy sway in her hips and her illustrious smile firmly in place, while Mary Jo stepped back inside the train, walked back through the empty observation car and into her private cabin. Mary Jo made the entire trek with a princess-like air in her step, a tomato-red grin stretched across her face, and not a single ounce of guilt coursing through her. She then locked the door to her plush room, sat down near the window, and picked up her book. Lily, in turn, sat down at the kitchen table and picked up a pen and paper, feeling compelled to write James one of her loving, yet erotic, letters motivated by the manly way he had expressed his love for her earlier. While Lily constructed her letter, Mary Jo continued reading her romance novel, imagining her and James as the love-struck main characters. Mary Jo sat there reading with her delightful smile still in place, digesting the contents easily, even becoming highly aroused by the words. In fact, the pleasure she was feeling seemed far more intense with the euphoric sensations of her homicidal, orgasmic eruption still tingling throughout her body. She breathed a sigh as she crossed her legs, leaned back, and nestled into the comforts of her seat. Sitting nice and cozy, Mary Jo remained lost in her story and quickly forgot about her cousin’s lifeless body at the bottom of a gorge, as if Julia was no more than an annoying gnat she had just swatted from her shoulder.

  At a layover stop, Mary Jo gathered her purse, placed her book inside of it, exited the train, and headed to a hotel. During the time that she was paying for a room to hide out in, James was hiding out in an unused barn, tenderly making love to Lily all over again after reading her passionate letter. At daybreak, James and Lily lay asleep, comfortably cuddled up together. Mary Jo, in turn, was taking the first train back to Fayetteville alone. Midway home, Mary Jo, once again, stepped out onto the observation deck of the speeding train. A glorious smile emerged on her face the very moment she passed the eternal resting place of the one person who dared to intervene on the delusional romance story she was attempting to create with a man who, ironically, would have thrown his own self from a speeding train if ever he was forced to spend a lifetime with a raging lunatic like Mary Jo Parker.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Sunday, March 1860

  Meet me at noon. You know where.… That was all that was written on a note that James had placed at Lily’s bedside. It brought a smile to her face and instantly trumped the disappointment of waking up with James no longer lying next to her. Over the last couple of weeks, Lily had been adamant about not sleeping in the guest bedroom with James anymore since Jesse was upstairs. She realized that she always lost a sense of logic while under the sexual spell of James Adams. She was now unwilling to put herself in the position of being caught. James, however, was just as adamant about not spending another night without Lily in his arms. Every night after his father drank himself into a stupor, James began sneaking out to the slave quarters and sliding under the covers with Lily. She had awakened briefly on the first night to the wonderful surprise of a warm kiss on the neck and a strong pair of arms encircling her body. They melted into each other and quickly faded back into sleep.

  James was not expecting to go beyond simply having the honor of lying next to the woman he loved every night. He would have been more than content to just have Lily in his arms, especially considering that there were an array of bodies sleeping on the other side of her bedroom wall. But Lily wanted more. The wonderful feeling of having James there nightly began to build within her until she felt the need to express it. On the third night, James had awakened to the feeling of Lily rubbing her bare buttocks against the cloth of his pajama pants. Within seconds, the part of his body that she was gliding against was standing at full attention. He freed his swollen member from his pajamas, allowing Lily to hide it in a much more warm and pleasurable place. Lying on her side, with her back nestled against her man, Lily maneuvered her hips and guided him into her body. She then began a slow rocking motion with her hips while squeezing the entire length of him with the strong muscles of her slick internal canal. James let out a quiet sigh near her ear as he reached around and began massaging her swollen pearl with his fingertips. Feeling the pleasure intensify, Lily let the same quiet breathy cry escape. She continued to grind James slowly, contracting and releasing her insides around him while he tattooed her neck and shoulders with an array of soft kisses. They kept their encounter intentionally slow, purposely leaving their bodies teetering on the edge of gratification for as long as they could. After a wealth of time happily suspended together in rapture, they intertwined their fingers, kissed each other passionately, and jumped off into a wave of pure satisfaction together.

  Other nights, Lily coaxed James into an unused barn to make love to her there whenever she wanted to be free to verbally express her gratitude for his hard work. No matter where they snuck off to for their playful trysts, the night always ended with James cuddled up with his woman in her room. Lily would wake him just before dawn so that he could climb back through his bedroom window, and she could start her day before Jesse woke up, like all was normal. But on this Sunday, Lily had slept in and woke up alone. She walked out of the slave quarters, tilted her head back, and let the spring sun warm her body as a smile overtook her face.

  Corrina glanced over at Lily and a smile emerged on her face as well. She then approached her. “I saw James on his way out this mornin’ … again,” Corrina emphasized, smiling devilishly. “I take it you two done made up.”

  “Mm-hmm,” Lily replied as her smile grew. “In every possible way imaginable.”

  Corrina laughed. “Oh, trust me honey, the way you been floatin’ around here, I already figured that was the case.”

  “Is it that obvious?” Lily blushed.

  “Hmph, between you floatin’, and the way James is walkin’ ’round here with his chest all poked out, it’s blatantly obvious that
you two been havin’ quite a bit ‘a, umm…” Corrina cleared her throat, “fun!” she teased.

  “Oh, you have no idea!” Lily concurred, a giddy grin still plastered to her face.

  “Look at ya’! Can’t even get that silly smile off yo’ face. Y’all two are like night and day compared to a few weeks ago. James was walkin’ ’round here lookin’ like somebody had done stole his damn puppy. And hell, you’s ready to throw blows at me,” Corrina giggled. “Can’t hardly believe the difference a little time has made.”

  “Time and one amazin’ gift.”


  “James took me to see my motha’ again.”

  “Lily,” Corrina gasped. “I couldn’t be happier for you. I know how much you’ve missed her all these years.”

  “Yeah, it worked a miracle on me just to see her again.”

  “My God, it seems that man truly is willin’ to go to the ends ‘a the earth for you.”

  “That’s so true. I’m ashamed ‘a myself for eva’ doubtin’ that he would.” Lily suddenly took hold of Corrina’s hand. “So, I thank you for seein’ that about James for me while I’s blind to it. I can’t tell you how sorry I am for how awful I was to you, Corrina. I’m sorry for puttin’ you in the middle of our madness. I get sick to my stomach thinkin’ about what I asked you to do for me.”

  “Oh honey, it’s okay. We all succumb to rough times in our lives once and a while. That’s why I ain’t put nothin’ in that elixir that would’ve harmed you or that baby. Hell, you’d’ve been been worse off drinkin’ orange juice,” she laughed. “I didn’t care if you whupped my ass or not, you’s gon’ keep that damn baby!”

  Lily laughed and embraced her dear friend. “Thank you, Corrina,” she said, tearing up a little. “I’m glad you ain’t listen to none ‘a my foolishness.”

  “No thanks necessary, baby.” Corrina pulled back from their embrace and held both sides of her face. “Seein’ you and James happy again and knowin’ yo’ baby is safe is thanks enough for me.”

  Lily hugged her one last time to express her gratitude for the ease of her forgiveness. “Well, let me go and get ready,” she said after pulling back from their embrace.

  “Ready for what?”

  “James is meetin’ me down at the creek in a little while for a date. I’m gonna go get cleaned up.”

  “Mm-hmm, just a date?” Corrina smiled.

  “Well, maybe a little more,” Lily joked.

  “You two have fun.”

  “Oh, trust me, we will.”

  “I have nooo doubt about it!” Corrina laughed as Lily turned and headed down to the creek to wash up before noon.


  James and Lily stuck to the agreement of just living life in the moment. Two weeks of freedom from guilt, problems, arguments, dark confessions, complaining, and dwelling on the past was what they vowed to each other. For fourteen straight days, they just wanted to pretend that the perils of the world did not exist. They wanted to do nothing but focus on mending each other’s minds, spirits, bodies, and souls through the retelling of wonderful nostalgic memories, laughter, and lovemaking. In two weeks, they were determined to fortify their unique and beautiful bond in a way that it could never again be broken. They then wanted to use their strengthened love to tackle all their problems … together. With that goal in mind, James had written his simple note and invited Lily to the very place where their bond was first forged. They had enjoyed an extravagant meal that James had prepared while his father was away at church. He now sat leaning up against their old childhood tree with Lily nestled comfortably in his arms while they took turns reading from a suspenseful short story. They were near the end but stopped reading when they had an unexpected interruption.

  “I think he likes the story,” Lily said, suddenly holding her stomach. “He just started kickin’ like he’s tryna bust his way outta here.”

  A joyous smile came over James’s face. “Can I feel?”

  “Of course.”

  James laid the book down and placed both of his hands on Lily’s stomach.

  “Right here,” Lily said, guiding his hand to where the incessant kicking continued.

  “My baby,” James whispered with the utmost joy in his voice. He kissed Lily’s neck gently after finally feeling the movements of the life that their love had created. He then leaned her back and kissed her tenderly on the lips, expressing his appreciation for all that she was enduring to carry their baby.

  “Whoa!” Lily suddenly yelled, quickly putting an end to James’s affections.

  “What?!” James quickly sat her up. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Lily laughed. “Lord! It just feels like this baby’s doin’ backflips off ‘a my ribs all of a sudden.”

  “Heeey, you behave in there!” James yelled, caressing her stomach again. “You’re not s’pposed to be interruptin’ moments like this for a while now, ya’ hear?” he teased.

  Lily laughed.

  “Aside from your belly takin’ a beatin’, how’ve you been feelin’?” James asked.

  “Well, at first I’s just tired as can be. But now my back is startin’ to hurt a little more every day.”

  “That’s actually a good sign. Means this little one is gainin’ and growin’ the way it should be,” James smiled as he began to massage Lily’s lower back.

  “Mmm, right there. That feels good,” Lily responded when he had found just the right spot. “Much as my back’s been hurtin’, it’s suddenly got me scared of all that pushin’ and pain I’m gonna be in come delivery day. When I’s just a little girl, I heard this woman screamin’ and cryin’ from way ’cross the fields when she was givin’ birth on my fatha’s plantation. Hell, made me wanna scream with ’er,” she joked. “Sounded like some ‘a the worse torture God could eva’ impose on a woman.”

  “Well, I can promise you, I’ll be there to help deliva’ our little miracle into the world. Well, I guess technically, you’ll be deliverin’ it,” James laughed, “but I’ll be there guidin’ you through it every step ‘a the way, tryna comfort and support you in any way I can.”

  “I’d love that. I don’t wanna go through this one minute without you by my side.”

  “You won’t.” James smoothed his hand over Lily’s stomach again. “And I promise you, you’ll forget all about that pain the minute I lay this baby on your chest.” He then ran his hand down her cheek. “I can’t wait to see the look on this beautiful face when I do.”

  “I can’t wait eitha’,” Lily smiled, melting into her man’s body a little more. “It feels like he can’t get here fast enough.”

  “You keep sayin’ he. You have an intuition it’s a boy?”

  “Nah, just wishful thinkin’ maybe. I really hope to give you a son one day. I want you to feel complete. Just don’t seem like a man can be without one.”

  “A son?” James stopped and pondered that possibility and smiled. “A miniature version ‘a me to roughhouse with. Anotha’ set ‘a eyes to look afta’ you with, and anotha’ strong pair ‘a arms to protect you with. That would truly be amazin’.” He kissed Lily on the cheek. “Or just as amazin’ as that…” He leaned Lily back and gazed down at her. “A little replica of you. A little girl whose eyes I can do no wrong in, and who clings to me like she’s got glue on ’er tiny hands.”

  Lily smiled at the vision. “A daddy’s girl.”

  “Yeah, exactly,” James smiled, gliding his hands over Lily’s stomach again after imagining it for a moment. “Eitha’ way I’d feel complete, Lily. Just the fact that I get to share a child with you at all means the world to me. I’d neva’ dare be picky about what we’ve created togetha’. I can promise you that whateva’ we’ve got growin’ in here, I already love it unconditionally.”

  “I have no doubt about that. Me too,” Lily replied, smiling as James planted another warm kiss on her neck. “I still say it’s a boy, though,” she defiantly teased.

  James laughed lightly. “You think so, huh?” />
  “Mm-hmm. I’ll neva’ forget this lady on my fatha’s plantation that had three sons. She always used to act like she was mad about the fact that she had nothin’ but boys. She was so sarcastically funny about it. But those boys loved her to death. They’d do anything for her without hesitation. They were always so protective and loyal. My motha’ even used to tell me stories about how attached my half brotha’s were to her at one point. It’s hard to believe that now considerin’ what Wyatt did to ’er the day I’s sold, not to mention the way he manhandled her the otha’ night. But from what I rememba’, Wyatt’s motha’ was dismissive and mean to him and his brotha’s. So, they much preferred bein’ by my mama’s side to help ’er in the barn. All day long, she said they used to follow her around like little baby ducks. My mama used to say that they just wanted to feel loved and needed. She claims all boys have an innate drive to give loyalty and love to a woman. My mama said she felt so honored that Wyatt and his brothers chose her. And I truly do believe it’s innate. I’ve even seen it with you and your motha’. There just seems to be an ease in the way a motha’ loves a son and a son loves his motha’. I’d love to experience that one day. I guess that’s why I’ve always imagined cookin’ for you and our little guy while lookin’ out the window and watchin’ y’all work and play in the fields togetha’.”

  James smiled, excited to hear how positively Lily now spoke about their future family. “Funny, I feel the same way about the ease of fatha’ and daughta’ relationships. As odd as it may sound, I think even ol’ rotten MJ and ’er fatha’ are proof ‘a that. My motha’s proof too. Her and her fatha’ were extremely close. I rememba’ she used to lay with me at night and tell me stories about all the fun adventures they had togetha’. Even as a grown woman, she still had a sparkle in ’er eyes and a certain tone in ’er voice wheneva’ she spoke of ’er fatha’. You could tell the happiest days ‘a her life were spent by her daddy’s side. I rememba’ she always said he could do no wrong in ’er eyes. ‘He was my hero,’ she’d always say. Eva’ since then, I’ve wanted to know what that feelin’ was like, to have the unconditional love that a little girl always seems so eaga’ to give ’er daddy. I wanna be the man who can do no wrong in ’er eyes … I wanna be her hero.”


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