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Alexei's Passionate Revenge

Page 14

by Helen Bianchin

  Coinciding with Alexei’s disappearance from her life.

  ‘Don’t,’ she cautioned as he attempted to speak, ‘attempt to justify your actions. Your manipulative meddling was unforgivable.’

  ‘I wanted the best for you.’

  She battled with anger, and fought to contain it.

  ‘Without thought for my right to choose?’

  ‘Delandros had nothing. He could never have supported you in the style you deserved.’

  Leave now, a silent voice urged...before you say something regrettable.

  Natalya rose to her feet, caught up her bag and walked to the cashier’s desk, produced a credit card, paid the bill, then she emerged onto the sidewalk, covered the three blocks to where she’d parked her car.

  Alexei was at the industrial plant, the rest of the afternoon was hers, and there was a need to occupy her mind and minimise any inclination to dwell on her father’s actions.

  She aimed the car remote, then slid in behind the wheel, had a flash of inspiration and delved into her bag for her smartphone. Minutes later she engaged the engine, eased out of the parking bay and headed towards fashionable Double Bay.

  A relaxing facial, some one-on-one time with Anja...what could be better?

  ‘Thanks for fitting me in,’ Natalya greeted with affection as she took her place in one of the beauty rooms.

  Bliss, absolute bliss to simply close her eyes and let every muscle in her body slowly relax as Anja worked her magic.

  ‘Are you going to update me? Over the past few days a number of regular clients have quizzed me if the rumours are true about you and Alexei.’

  ‘Which you refrained from providing.’ It was a statement of fact.

  ‘You know better.’

  Yes, she did. They’d shared much over the years, and maintained a mutual trust.

  Yet she hesitated...the sex with Alexei was great. Okay, fantastic. The question being what their future might hold. Or if they had a future.

  There were words left unsaid, and while she ached for the whole package...did Alexei want the same? Or would it be her fate to remain his PA with benefits?

  ‘Hello?’ Anja prompted. ‘Natalya to Planet Earth?’

  ‘There are issues,’ Natalya admitted, and glimpsed Anja’s faintly wry smile.

  ‘Resolve them. Anything less is a cop-out.’

  ‘What would you suggest?’ Natalya queried, sotto voce. ‘Grab Alexei by the scruff of his neck, pin him to the floor, and demand his intentions?’

  ‘That would be my modus operandi.’

  Natalya bit back a light laugh. ‘I’ll remind you of that when the love bug strikes.’

  ‘Not going to happen anytime soon.’

  ‘Famous last words.’

  ‘Keep your eyes closed,’ Anja ordered. ‘I’m not done yet.’ Firm hands created their own magic, and Natalya uttered a pleasurable sigh. ‘Something you’re not telling me?’

  ‘Nothing to tell.’

  Not yet, Natalya perceived. She could wait, and would, aware there was a time and a place, and now wasn’t it.

  * * *

  Natalya’s phone chirped with an incoming text as she entered her home.

  Dinner tonight. I’ll collect you at six. Alexei.

  She checked her watch, saw there was ample time in which to change, and then took a leisurely shower, towelled dry, stepped into her bedroom, and riffled through the contents of her wardrobe. Formal or semi-formal?

  The latter appeared a safe choice, and she selected a stylishly cut dress in emerald-green.

  Ear studs, a simple necklace, black heels, a black clutch with essentials, then she caught up a black wrap and she was good to go within minutes before the appointed time. On cue the security gate buzzer sounded and she crossed to the video link, identified Alexei and released the locking mechanism.

  He was waiting for her as she opened the front door, attired in casual trousers, open-necked shirt and casual jacket. Tall, ruggedly attractive... Her stomach flipped as heat flooded her body as she walked into his outstretched arms, lifted her face for his kiss and breathed him in, relishing the moment as his arms pulled her close.

  Nice. She could have stayed longer...resisting the urge to invite him in, suggest they forgo dinner, and eat later. Much later.

  Except he trailed his mouth to the sweet curve of her neck, savoured briefly, then took hold of her hands linked behind his neck and brought one to his lips.

  ‘Food,’ Alexei opined with a wicked smile, and led her to the sleek Aston Martin waiting kerbside.

  Natalya wondered which restaurant Alexei had chosen as he eased the luxury car into traffic. A boutique place in one of the suburbs, or city venue.

  Not a restaurant, she discovered as the car headed towards one of the elite northern suburbs where residences commanded multimillion-dollar prices, and were guarded by high-tech security.

  Alexei turned into a tree-lined street and slowed the car before a wide set of high black elaborately scrolled gates, beyond which stood a graceful two-level residence at the apex of a semi-circular driveway.

  Were they dining as guests at a private home?

  His home, appeared the correct answer, as he used a remote to open the gates and eased the car towards the front entrance.

  Immaculate lawns bearing some decorative sculpted shrubbery, and there were borders bearing a beautiful array of flowers lining the driveway.

  The front door opened as he disengaged the engine, and a middle-aged woman stood waiting to welcome them.

  ‘My housekeeper, Lisette,’ Alexei informed her quietly as he curved an arm across Natalya’s shoulders and drew her forward, effecting introductions.

  Together they entered a large circular foyer with a marble-tiled floor, showcasing a sweeping double staircase leading to an upper level.

  Lisette greeted Natalya with a pleasant smile before turning towards Alexei. ‘I expect you would enjoy a drink in the lounge. Dinner will be served at seven in the private dining room.’

  ‘Thanks, Lisette.’

  He turned towards one of four heavily panelled doors leading off from the lobby and led her into a spacious lounge, closed the door behind them, then pulled her close.

  What began as a gentle kiss soon became an evocative tasting as he explored her mouth, and she met and matched him, luxuriating in his touch as she lifted her arms to link each hand at his nape.

  Natalya’s entire body came alive, as the kiss moved up a few levels, where the urge to dispense with his clothes...and have him remove her own, became almost impossible to ignore.

  She wanted to slide the palms of her hands over his naked skin. Explore the tight muscles sculpting his body, admire the strength apparent, and savour every inch with her mouth as she drove him wild.

  Then welcome him into her body as they became lost in each other...lust, avid, earthy and beyond mere words.

  Love, as it had been in what seemed to be another lifetime when they had implicit trust in each other.

  Alexei gently shifted his hands to cup her face. He traced her cheek with his thumb, his eyes dark as he examined her features.

  ‘I’ll get you a drink.’

  Did she look as if she needed one? Probably. ‘Preferably non-alcoholic.’ It was a while since lunch, and she recalled she’d eaten very little. ‘I’ll have some wine with dinner.’

  Alexei moved to the drinks cabinet, retrieved two crystal wine glasses, filled one with mineral water, the other with white wine, then he retraced his steps and placed a glass in her hand.

  She avoided the prosaic, and went for the most relevant.

  ‘I had lunch with my father today.’

  His eyes sharpened. ‘He upset you?’

  ‘In hindsight...not so much.’ Surprising
, given how much pain Roman’s actions had caused her. ‘I said what I wanted to say, paid the bill, and walked out of the restaurant.’

  She possessed an inner strength. Yet he sensed the hurt, her loss of trust for her father’s almost criminal meddling. Worse, perhaps, for having been totally unaware of her father’s other life.

  Roman had created the perfect cover in choosing Natalya as his PA.

  Which bore the question of Ivana’s wealth and social standing...somehow it didn’t add up with the woman he’d come to know. Her values, her unconditional love for her daughter.

  Perhaps a woman was entitled to her reasons, none of which were his to attempt to explore.

  Of one thing he was certain. Natalya’s total loyalty to her mother.

  ‘You have a beautiful home,’ Natalya complimented as they entered a tastefully furnished dining room.

  ‘Which I will show you after dinner,’ Alexei said as he led her to the table and withdrew her chair.

  The housekeeper had excelled herself, providing a seafood entree, followed by perfectly grilled salmon steaks accompanied by a delicious salad, with fresh fruit compote for dessert.

  Later they took coffee on the terrace, relaxed following a pleasant meal. The view over the harbour to the city with its buildings lit and rising high against a darkened sky presented a superb panorama. Coloured neon signage promoting varying products, the moving headlights of passing traffic...mere pinpricks observed from this distance.

  Peaceful, tranquil. A place that could be a home, filled with love, perhaps children...

  A vision of which the stuff of dreams was made. Not always the reality.

  So where did they go from here?

  The word love hadn’t been mentioned.

  Alexei unwound his length from the chair, leant forward to take hold of her hands and gently pulled her to her feet and into his arms.

  His touch, the brief flare of unguarded emotion in his eyes...dear heaven, his kiss...sensuality at its peak as his tongue curled around her own, tasted, teased, gentling a little at the sound of her despairing groan as he went in deep, persuasive, pervading as he gifted his heart...his soul.

  It was more, so much more than she believed possible, and seemingly an age before he lifted his head, his eyes dark as he glimpsed her flushed cheeks, the soft mouth slightly swollen from his touch, and caught the faint quiver as she visibly sought control.

  He lifted a hand to smooth the pad of his thumb over the fullness of her lower lip. ‘Stay with me tonight.’

  Her eyes lit with a tinge of humour. ‘Presumably this isn’t a work-related request?’

  ‘Not even close.’

  ‘I’ll give it some thought,’ she said, delighting in teasing him.

  Without a word he led her inside, secured the terrace doors, set the security alarm, moved towards the beautifully curved staircase leading to an upper floor and the master bedroom.

  He took it slow and easy, removing each item of her clothing, as she unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it from his body. Loving the muscular chest, the tight abs, the strength apparent in his broad shoulders.

  ‘Don’t stop.’

  Natalya reached for the belt at his waist. ‘Just savouring the moment.’

  ‘Uh-huh. You want some help there?’

  She traced the bulging length of his arousal pressing against the zip, and offered him a witching smile. ‘Got it covered.’

  ‘Uncovered is better.’

  ‘No foreplay?’

  ‘As much as you can take.’

  ‘That sounds interesting.’

  Interesting didn’t equate to what they shared as he slowly removed each item of her clothing, pausing to press his lips to each pulse, his hands intent on shaping every curve until she trembled, on fire, wanting, needing him inside much, she was unaware of the faint sounds slipping unbidden from her throat, the way her hands moved on him...and her satisfaction as he took her mouth with his own in a kiss that sent her over the edge.

  ‘You want to hear there has been no one who mattered since you?’ Alexei queried quietly.

  In one easy movement he leant forward and stripped the covers from the large bed, then he laid her down on the cool sheets and moved over her body.

  Now...or she’d have to beg.

  And then she did, as he trailed his lips down her stomach to the moist heat below, using his mouth, his tongue, to drive her wild.

  Then he positioned himself and drove in hard, exulting in the feel of her, the way her inner muscles contracted around his length when he began to move, slowly at first, building sensation to an exhilarating peak, held them both there as an intense orgasm took them high, consuming mind, body and soul.

  So excruciatingly sensual she had no memory of crying out in ecstasy...nor was she aware of his own groan of release as they lay joined together, too caught up in the deliciously slow ebb of exquisite pleasure.

  Natalya didn’t want to move...wasn’t sure she could, until the wonderful lethargy consuming her body settled a little.

  It felt good, so incredibly right to snuggle her cheek into the curve of his neck, to bury her lips into the hollow and savour his musky heat, feel the strong beat of his heart as he tethered her close.

  Later, so much later, Alexei gathered her up into his arms and headed to the en suite bathroom, set the shower into action, and held her beneath the pulsing warm water as he smoothed liquid soap over every inch of her body with such evocative slowness it was nothing less than seduction.

  With a witching smile Natalya took the container of liquid soap from his hand, moved to stand behind him, cupped a handful of soap and administered slow sweeping strokes across his shoulders, down his back, covering the taut slopes of his buttocks, then turned him round to face her.

  She could do evocative slowness as well as he did, and his eyes became dark, faintly hooded, as she teased a little, plucking lightly at his nipples, felt them tighten beneath her touch, then she moved to his shoulders, his arms before trailing down his ribcage to settle a hand on each hip.

  ‘If you stop there,’ he declared with a throaty drawl, ‘you will suffer.’

  ‘I’m afraid,’ she mocked quietly, and offered him a mischievous grin as he caught hold of her shoulders. ‘Very afraid.’

  ‘Witch,’ Alexei accorded with dangerous softness as he lowered his head and took her mouth in a passionate kiss that robbed her of breath.

  At the same time his hands slid down her back, cupped her bottom and lifted her high against him, caressed the softness of one breast, then sought her burgeoning nipple, tasted, teased, before drawing it into his mouth.

  Intense sensation spread through her body, coalescing at the most sensitive part of her femininity, and she gasped as he trailed a hand over her stomach, palming the indentation as his mouth moved to render a similar salutation to her other breast, where he took her almost to the edge as he teased, tasted and lightly caught the nipple with the edge of his teeth.

  Heat rose deep within, and she gasped as his hand trailed low...way too low as he sought the sensitive folds protecting her clitoris.

  Her mouth parted with a soft gasp as he stroked the delicate bud until she almost reached begging point.

  He slid a finger into the moist passage, heard her unbidden groan and felt the restless movement of her legs, aware she needed more...more than this slow delicate, exploratory, teasingly intimate foreplay.

  Natalya curled her fingers around his thick arousal, squeezed a little, and sensed Alexei’s quick intake of breath.

  In one easy movement he carried her into the bedroom, tossed back the covers, then he sought her mouth with his own, staking a claim that seared every erogenous pulse in her body as he brought her to tumultuous orgasm, stilled a little, then he began to move, slowly at first, then with deep
er intensity, driving them both towards a mutual orgasm that left her temporarily bereft of the ability to breathe. Sensual overload...and then some.

  There were no words, just a whisper of a heartfelt sigh escaping from her lips.

  She didn’t want to move...didn’t think she could as Alexei held her close for what seemed an age, until sleep overcame them both.

  Only to wake in the early morning hours to the touch of his mouth against her own as he made love to her with such exquisite gentleness she wanted to weep. Lazy pre-dawn sex, infinitely sensual, Natalya managed as Alexei curved her close to his muscular frame. Exquisite and a beautiful beginning to a new day.

  ‘Sleep,’ he murmured as he pulled up the bedcovers.

  * * *

  The next morning, showered, dressed, they shared a wholesome breakfast together on the terrace, took a refill of coffee, after which Alexei drove her home, settled his mouth on her own, then headed into the city.

  There was time to feed Ollie, exchange her clothes for office wear, a slimline skirt, silk blouse, jacket, make-up, check her satchel and head into the city.

  A day where work took priority, which was a blessing, for it allowed Natalya little or no time to think...or in her case, over-think.

  Alexei slipped easily into professional mode, moving it up a notch as he liaised with Marc Adamson, chaired an intense meeting, took a business lunch which ran over time and by day’s end she required every ounce of energy in order to match Alexei’s pace...while he appeared as if he’d enjoyed a good night’s sleep instead of a mere few hours.

  In truth, she was in a state of ambivalence. Unsure of what their future held.

  * * *

  One day led to another, each following a familiar pattern as Natalya dealt with everything Alexei threw at her.

  While the nights were something else...spent at his mansion, her apartment. Emotive, passionate.

  Until one evening when Alexei offered the words she longed to hear.

  ‘Marry me.’

  Not I love you...can’t live without you.


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