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Starship X-15

Page 4

by Alan VanMeter

  After dinner I follow the information maps to find one of the observation lounges that Wilkins spoke of. The wild events of the very long day flood my mind. Just the previous morning I was in Houston, hoping to be sent to the ISS, I still can’t reconcile all the developments since then though. I’m going to the stars! Get Sirius girl!

  The observation lounge is in a plexi-glass bubble on the inside rim of the wheel. It gives a view to die for. The moon is so huge, and it’s the side we never see from Earth. Even though there are several other people enjoying the view, everyone is mostly silent. I could stay longer and not be bored at all, but I need some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day.

  Before I hit the sack, I check the closets and drawers, and find my new Star Command uniforms there. I must assume my rank is cadet, as that is what the Admiral called me. This is just the beginning of the damnedest adventure I know I’ll ever have, for sure!

  Before oh six hundred I am ready to go, and I open the door to my stateroom. Wilkin’s waits in the corridor.

  “You ready cadet?”

  “Yes sir!”

  “Let’s get a move on then.” He commands, and I follow.

  We walk to a stairwell, and down one deck, then along another passage way that curves upwards at the ends.

  “So just how big is NET Nine sir?” I ask as we walk.

  “A thousand meters in radius, and over six kilometers circumference.”

  “Damn! How long did it take to build it?”

  “Three years, it has been operational just over a year. This is where we will train the people of the future Devon, meaning you too.”

  “Must be pretty hard to keep a project this size a secret, huh?”

  He pauses. “Very difficult. Sooner or later though it will come out, or be announced. We need to make sure we are well underway when it does. You do understand this Devon, don’t you?”

  “I know nothing. I see nothing, I hear nothing!” I make a bad German accent.

  “Very good Sergeant Schultz. Keep it that way, for your sake.”

  That makes me swallow a dry lump in my throat.

  Wilkins drops me at the classroom, and bids me good learning. I go in and see it is a very large auditorium. Several hundred people in Star Command cadet uniforms are taking seats and talking to each other. I take one quietly. As I realize I don’t have anything to take notes with, I look around in panic, but am calmed seeing no one else does either.

  A man speaks into the microphone on the podium up front.

  “Class, take your seats, and pipe down!” He waits until everyone is seated and quiet before he continues. “I am Captain Goodwin, the Commanding Officer of NET Nine. I welcome you all aboard.” He pauses and there is some spurious applause.

  “Protocol please! No applause. Yet cheering in the appropriate Star Command fashion, with a nice loud AYE, is acceptable.”

  Several cadets holler, “AYE!”

  “That’s the spirit cadets. Now the station rules and protocol are simple. One; you must be in pressure suits when transiting to and from the hub. Two; Eat as much as you want, whenever you can. Three; conserve water every chance you get. Four; behave on my station, or I will personally space you. Five; enjoy your stay here cadets. We are here for you. Your training is why this station was built. Utilize everything at your disposal. The resources here are truly astounding.” He pauses again and gets a resounding AYE from everyone. The Captain seems pleased.

  “Now that’s really the spirit of Star Command right there cadets, and so without further delay, I would like to introduce you to the very first human being to travel to the stars. The woman who is leading us into the next age in all ways possible… Fleet Admiral Stephanie Romero!”

  He stands aside voicing AYE loudly, and everyone else joins in. It is Stephanie who talked to me last night that walks up to the podium, and I swear she gives me a smile as she looks right at me. Then she continues looking all around, at her Cadets.

  “First I would like to congratulate all of you, job well done just getting here. We only take the very best and brightest from humanity. Aye!” She cheers. “Next I welcome every one of you to Star Command Academy.” Now many Cadet’s cheer, including me. I feel a big tingle running up my spine.

  “There are those amongst you who will become starship pilots, co-pilots, navigators and such. There are others of you who are already highly skilled scientists.” She looks right at me again, and another wry smile. I love it! “Though these may not be as challenged by the training as the others, they will still be challenged to bring out their boldest, and their best. This career is not for everyone, but each of you have been carefully screened, in ways you wouldn’t believe. So knowing that, also know that we believe in each one of you completely, otherwise you wouldn’t be here now. For those who do not pass the training, you have already been exposed to great secrets, and you will be closely monitored for the rest of your lives, or until we de-classify the information. Don’t talk! If you do, Captain Goodwin will space you.”

  Again the spacing thing… what the heck? Oh wait… I understand. They will push your ass out of an airlock, without a pressure suit I figure. Damn, they are serious… I can see why.

  “Now my assistants will hand out your personal data system, or PDS. It is a smart phone and so much more. There is a tutorial app included. Have fun with them, but they don’t connect to any open servers, just ours. Oh… bummer. I know. What does this mean? It means that they are for Star Command business only.”

  Another red uniformed officer gives me what looks like a small tablet, and continues to hand them out to all the other cadets. It is just bigger than a phone. I start to play with it, as Admiral Stephanie goes on, “Now before we introduce the Ambassador, I will tell you that he requires an honest oath to truly embrace the Prime Directive, or Sacred Edict as it is also known. Yes, this is the same Prime Directive from that famous television series. The oath and solemn promise not to interfere with developing species. I know this may sound contrite, but it cannot be that way in your hearts. Hopefully most of you do already have it in your hearts, because we go to the stars not to conquer, but to grow with others in peace. This is sacred law, and violators will become extinct. Now, to let you know a little back ground information; when we made the quantum leap to the stars, a very advanced race stopped us at first, demanding we agree to a sacred treaty, the Prime Directive, if we were to be allowed to use the new technology. This race is known as the Donox Legacy. They are extremely advanced peace keepers of this section of the Universe. War between the stars is not allowed. Peace is enforced with unstoppable power. The power to destroy whole galaxies. This is why we understood the undeniable logic in peaceful expansion, slowly, with care for any environments we utilize. This is the only sane avenue to proceed upon, and if we do… then humanity will not become extinct.” She lets that sink in, and all are quiet. “Without further delay, I introduce to you the Ambassador to Earth, of the Donox Legacy; TKX-112, of the 1030th filial generation of the Chondeauxk sequence of the Donox Legacy. Attention on deck!” She barks, and everyone stands at attention quickly.

  A small being with a large head, and shimmering blue skin enters to walk up to the podium. Its’ eyes are large pure black orbs, and a gasp runs through the cadets.

  ‘Greetings new cadets.’ I hear it clearly, but its small mouth slit didn’t even open. ‘You may address me as Ambassador TKX. I will now ask you to take the sacred oath, ensuring the sacred edict is obeyed.’ He isn’t talking! He’s telepathic!

  ‘I will forfeit my life rather than harm a developing species, and if I do harm such, my life will surely be forfeit. Now each of you say it, and mean it, because it is truth.’ He transmits.

  I repeat it, I remember it, and I do mean it. It is the only way that makes any sense after all.

  The blue shimmering Ambassador turns to Captain Goodwin, and he nods at the Ambassador. The Captain goes into the rows and asks a male cadet to follow him. I look back to the podium and the Ambassador
is looking at Admiral Romero. She nods, and walks right up to me.

  “Please come with me Cadet Stanley.”

  Oh shit, I nod and follow her from the room. She takes me to the door the Ambassador had entered from. There are several other of the shimmering blue beings in here.

  “Relax Devon. The Ambassador told me he wished to speak to you.” Admiral Stephanie pats my arm, as I freak out.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, not at all.”

  It takes a few moments before Ambassador TKX enters, and it comes right up to me.

  ‘Devon Stanley,’ He sends to my mind. ‘I sense a great joy in you, and wonder of the truth. Your destiny will be great as such, and I wish to encourage you to fulfill it. I sense that you are in exactly the right place at exactly the right moment for you to fulfill your great destiny. This is for you alone to hear, and know. Tell no one of this, it is classified.’ The small mouth slit of the being forms a slight grin.

  ‘Yes Sir Ambassador TKX, I will not repeat this!’ I beam my thought loudly, as if I knew how to do so.

  ‘I believe you Devon.’ It sends me. Then he turns to the Admiral, and she motions for me to follow her.

  The indoctrination hall is clearing out as we leave the room.

  “The other Cadets have been released to the library, or study hall to learn the PDS, and take the tutorials. I was hoping you would join me for an early lunch, or brunch as it is, instead Cadet Stanley.”

  “Absolutely Admiral Romero Sir, I would be delighted.”

  She leads the way.

  Stephanie recommends the soup of the day, a vegetarian green chile’ stew. I notice that all the dishes seem to be vegetarian. I follow her recommendation, and we go sit down together in a private booth.

  “Oww… that’s too hot. I have to let mine cool.” She burned her lip it seems. “Don’t worry Devon, I won’t dare ask what the Ambassador told you; that is always personal, otherwise I would have heard it too.”

  I stir my stew, to let it cool faster. “Admiral Romero, is all this real? It can’t be a dream… it’s too real!”

  “It is in fact a dream come true Devon, and in personal space like this, please call me Stephanie, Okay? I’d like to be friends.”

  My eyes widen uncontrollably. “I’d like that, Stephanie. I mean damn! I got a lot of respect for you. I mean how old are you? And you are the very first human to travel to another star system, and you are the CO of Star Command! Damn girl! Way to go!” I gush without restraint.

  Fortunately she gets a giggle fit, and I know I’m cool.

  “It still freaks me out too girl! I can’t freaking believe it myself!” She gushes back, and now we both have a silly giggle fit. Yes people are looking, and the wonder is in their eyes.

  “I am so down for this, I want to breathe air on another world, and see animals and insects never seen before, by humans anyhow.”

  “It’s all real, and even more than we can dream of Devon, seriously. There is no end to the Universe. Infinity.”

  “And beyond!” I add. It causes some mutual chuckles.

  As we settle down, I ask her, “So, these Donox are cool it seems, right?”

  “In every way possible Devon. They are the true Angels of old, and the peace keepers in our part of the Universe. I trust them with my soul.”

  “Okay, that says a lot actually.” I take her for her word, and wisdom. “They are my new friends as well. I like the Ambassador particularly well.”

  “That’s the spirit Devon. Okay, look; you have a good friend in high places, or two rather, and we will help you all we can. Then you will help us. Deal?”

  “Deal.” I shake on it and she laughs.

  “Oh… you are going to be so famous girl. I promise.”

  My eyes are full of stars. “Like you perhaps, Stephanie?”

  “Yes.” She giggles again. “Like I will be, someday.”

  The afternoon is filled with more indoctrination lessons, and I pay close attention. Protocol is very important. Everyone needs to be on the same page after all. This has to be done properly, or not at all. We learn about various safety procedures of the station first, and then of the fast transport craft like we arrived at the station in. It is explained that we will be using these craft to shuttle to and from the actual starships with. So their safety procedures are important as well. They cut us loose late, just after the main mess call at eighteen hundred hours standard station time, though it is very difficult to equate this to any Earth time zone, as we were told that we experience time at a much faster rate than on Earth. I migrate with the other cadets to the cafeteria, and get some good vegetarian food. This really makes me wonder, as I still can’t find a meat dish one, not even fish!

  I sit alone, but three other cadets join me shortly. One greets me. “Hi, I’m Angela.” She smiles, and she is gorgeous.

  “Hi Angela, I’m Devon.” I smile back with my brightest.

  She seems to take a deep breath. “I thought you were getting washed out when they called you out.”

  “Huh? No, everything is good.”

  “That other guy was washed out, that’s why I thought that.” She clarifies for me.

  “So, what do you do in particular Devon? I mean to get you here?” Angela smiles again.

  “Theoretical Astrophysics.”

  “Oh my.”

  One of the other cadets, a young man, has been listening, and he jumps in. “So you already fully understand the principles behind the quantum shifting star-drive then?”

  “Not all of it I’m afraid, but I’m hip to fluid time-space.”

  The third cadet with my new group, also a supremely gorgeous young woman, asks, “Where are you from Devon, LA I bet?”

  I tell her with a shake of the head, “Sacramento.”

  “Close enough.” She grins. “Cali girls are always so good looking.”

  I feel my face flush.

  Angela asks, “So what did they call you out for then?”

  “Uhmm… Ambassador TKX wanted to talk to me.” I say too much, damn it!

  “Oh… okay” She says looking away.

  The man sighs, “This is so freaking unbelievable! Just the other day I was thinking I was going to go to the ISS. This blows that away!”

  My eyes bug out. “Me too!”

  “No shit?” he asks.

  “Really, say what is your name, and yours too girl?” I demand from the two of them, but fix my gaze on the lovely young woman.

  “I’m Ed, nice to meet you Devon.” He offers his hand, and we shake.

  “My name is Alicia.” She slides over and hugs me, and I like it.

  “So what do you guys do?”

  Angela proudly says, “I’m a pilot, an interstellar starship pilot, or I swear I will be anyway.”

  “Whoa, you got it the hardest from what I understand.” I offer, almost as a condolence.

  “So am I.” Ed too is proud.

  “How about you Alicia?” My eyes are drawn to her beautiful face. She reminds me of my dorm mate the year I actually did go to MIT. My funds made me split the next year, or rather the lack of them. Still that year with my sexy roommate sure did open my eyes to a whole different world, similar, but very nicely not the same.

  “I am soon to become an Astrogator.” She starts to chuckle.


  “An interstellar navigator that is.” She clarifies.

  Angela suddenly lets out a loud, “Ha!”

  It startles the rest of us.

  “I just realized,” She grins. “We make almost a full crew here with us alone, all we need now is an engineer.”

  “And Spock.” Alicia adds.

  We all just about die laughing, and yes everyone else is looking at us, but with smiles.

  “We have to have some classes together I hope.” I wonder aloud.

  “Let’s find out. Call up your class schedules from the curriculum app. We’ll compare.” Ed said.

  “Tomorrow morning I
have ‘base principles of time-space’ with a Professor W.” Alicia volunteers first.

  “So do I.” Angela tells.

  “Me too.” Ed nods.

  My schedule is the same as well. “I’ve met Professor W once. He’s a brilliant man. This will be good, trust me.”

  “You met him? He is the guy who discovered the fluid nature of time-space, and he invented the quantum shifting drive! Damn Devon!” Alicia is befuddled, or in awe, I don’t know which.

  “Briefly, but he certainly left an impression. He really invented star-drive?” It makes sense to me… but damn, that really is something!

  “Yeah, that is what my history app detailed. He did more than that too, but nobody has heard of any of his inventions…yet.” I am growing fonder of Alicia by the moment. Maybe…

  “I didn’t get into the history app yet, but I did find the new detailed star, and system maps of the places we have gone already. The pictures and videos are amazing. Alpha Centauri, three suns and no planets, but the vista is unbelievable, check it out.” Ed hands the PDS to Angela and she gasps.

  “Well, I found that the Donox Legacy are also what our ancestors knew of as Angels. They have been helping us every way possible for a long time, within the boundaries of the sacred law.” Angela starts to go on, but the video leaves her breathless. She hands it to me, and OMG! This is real wild stuff here. The stars are stripping thin streams of gasses off each other, the delicate light effects on these swirling gas trails is spine tingling with awesome beauty. I take a breath and hand the PDS to Alicia. She gasps, and squeezes my hand that gave her the tablet. I feel her warmth, and my body starts to tingle with her electric touch. I know now that she will be my lover, there is no denying it. At least I sure hope so!

  “That is amazing.” She gasps.

  Then something Angela had said hits me. “Wait, you said the Donox are Angels?”

  “They aren’t the Donox, they are their Legacy. All we know about the Donox themselves is that they created the first of their Legacy’s genetic sequences, and that they all left our realm a long time ago. The Angel part is true though, at least that’s what the history app states. It’s like reading the true history of humanity, wild stuff there.” Angela grins.


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