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Page 14

by Frank Carey

  Veak looked up at her. “We would like to discuss formal admission to the League. Our seclusion ends now,” he said.

  “I'll arrange a meeting between your representatives and the council.”

  “There was a female. Fiona. What happened to her?”

  “She took the scientists and guards to a safe location. I realize she was part of this and …”

  “This one and the one in the ruins, the one with the missing hearts. They were the leaders?”

  “As far as I know, but…”

  “Then justice is served. We have no issue with Fiona.”

  “Thank you and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.”

  As they talked, a forensics team came in and surveyed the scene before bagging Thorenn’s and the Marauder’s remains. “Ma’am, we’re finished here,” the lead tech said.

  “Veak, we would like to take the probe's remains back to my facility to perform a detailed analysis,” Ciara said.

  “Yes, please do. We would like copies of any findings,” he said. “How do you know Fiona?”

  Caught off-guard and worried about his reaction, she decided the truth was the best route. “She’s my younger sister.”

  “Are you as feisty as she is?”

  “Umm, well, yes. I mean no. I’m considered the feisty one. Why?”

  He recounted the first time he and Fiona talked.

  “Wow. Fiona said that? Damn. I think my little sister is finally growing up. I hope she didn’t offend you in any way?”

  “No, no offense taken. I found it refreshing.”

  Meanwhile, Jason, Laya, and Nebulon were off to the side discussing things of a more business nature.

  “So, we must assume the forces that attacked the Erdexi have returned and know we’re here,” Laya said as she watched them wheel the alien’s body out of the room.

  “Not necessarily. They may only know that something activated the bridge and prevented their scout from returning.”

  “We’re not that lucky,” Dr. Kaean said as she flowed into the room. “I was upstairs helping with fixing up some of the Erdexi who got hurt when they took the compound. Nothing serious, just some scrapes. Their physiology is like the Countess's. Anyway, about the creature. I looked at the head they were wheeling out of here and I found an advanced telepresence transceiver unit controlling it.”

  “What does that mean, exactly?” Laya asked.

  “It means that someone was running that thing remotely,” Nebulon said.

  “Very good, Dr. Blyst,” Kaean said. “She’s right, which means whatever the unit saw, heard, and experienced was immediately experienced by the operator.”

  “Which means they know everything from when it walked through the portal to the point where Nebulon ‘killed’ it, though I'm unsure whether that term even applies,” Laya said. “Where is Ciara, she should be a part of this conversation.”

  “Having a discussion with Veak”

  “I think we should go over and help Ciara. Don't you agree, Nat?” Carla said with mischief in her voice.

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Nat said as they walked over to the little group.

  “I guess that leaves us,” Nebulon said to Jason. “Listen, I don’t…”

  She was interrupted by Jason kissing her hard, long, and not in a very Tralaskan way. “Doc, this may seem a little sudden, but will you marry me? I can go either Tralaskan or Earth style, by the way,” he said as he pulled a ring from his pocket, one he had bought a long time ago for just this occasion. He remembered the feeling he had when he first met her and the certainty that this day would come.

  Nebulon looked at him. Shock, happiness, and uncertainty flashed across her face before she kissed him back and replied with an emphatic, “Yes!” Around them people continued with their work as if all was right with the world.

  It wasn’t. Not by a long shot.


  About Frank Carey

  Frank Carey has been formally writing and publishing works of science fiction since late 2013. Over the years prior, he had dabbled in various forms of writing including haiku poetry, but that all changed when he and his wife, Jo, decided to try their hand at writing and self-publishing. All his work, to date, has been in the science fiction genre.

  Most of his stories take place about two centuries in the future when Earth joins the League of Planetary Systems. Many of his protagonists are strong females. He is an inveterate pantser who believes the story will go where the story wants to go.

  Frank’s background includes degrees in physics and extensive work as a scientific programmer and technologist.

  Frank and his wife produce a podcast—Xtreme Self-Publishing—which details their self-publishing efforts.

  Frank can be reached through his podcast at or via e-mail at or




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