Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book Page 4

by Janelle Peel


  I fell back on my rear, unprepared for the concussion. Blinking hard to clear the spots from my vision, I shakily stood and peered outside. The landing was empty, save for one lone green flip flop. Leaning further out, my fingers clung to the frame as I looked around. There, sprawled on the grass, awkwardly trying to move its forelegs, was the biggest Wolf I had ever seen. The size of a chocolate brown pony, he raised his head and lifted a lip, revealing one very large finger sized fang. He was not happy.

  Taking a sharp breath at his reaction, I smelled burnt hair. I squinted my eyes harder. His left leg was bald and smoking. He rumbled a vicious growl, then loped off through the grass.

  Shuddering at the mess my life had become, I gently closed the door. Thank the Goddess the frame was undamaged. I ran my fingers over the panel and the ward hummed in response.

  All Mother, what was I going to do? It was a good thing Giselle was at work tonight, that was the last thing I needed.

  Tucking my legs beneath my sore rear on the couch, I debated picking up the phone. Blaze said to call if I required assistance, that others would have caught my scent, and that’s exactly what had happened.



  He grinned as he watched the charred Wolf retreat to lick his wounds.

  Sora seemed to be handling herself well enough.

  He wasn’t sure why he’d returned just after dusk. Something in her scent called to him. If he was honest with himself, it wasn’t just her scent. Ocean colored eyes in a perfectly sculpted face, high cheekbones paired with full pink lips. He yearned to run his fingers through her silver hair. Christ, she even managed to make a bathrobe look seductive as it molded to her soft curves.

  The scent of her anger at the wolf turned him on; the crisp bite of sea water more pronounced than before with her outrage. Licking his lips, he replayed the memory of her taste. She’d only smelled mildly of the ocean then, he mused. It’s what had caught his attention at the bar.

  Settling back on the balls of his feet, he waited for her to call.


  After making my favorite brand of coffee and pouring it into a chipped mug, I debated whether or not to call Blaze. Taking a sip, my stomach soured, instantly causing me to spit it back into the cup. Damn, I couldn’t even enjoy my coffee now. Dumping the ruined drink in the sink, I rinsed the mug and set it back on the rack.

  Pulling out my sleep shorts and tank from my tiny linen closet, I quickly dressed. Padding to the bathroom, I grabbed my comb from the vanity and headed to my window seat. Untangling the messy strands, I watched my reflection in the glass.

  With a sigh, I reached for my phone and hovered my thumb over the keys. Screw it. I punched in the numbers; half hoping to get voicemail after the third ring when the line connected.

  “Yes?” A deep voice rumbled, making my stomach flip.

  I sighed, “Hey, Blaze? Um uh, hi. It’s Sora.” I cringed internally at my stammering.

  “What is it?” He replied, all business.

  I rushed, “Well, you said I could call, that others would come…” I whispered lower, “that I might require assistance?”

  The pause on the other end was so long, I checked my phone to make sure I hadn’t lost the signal.

  Finally, after what seemed an eternity, he replied, “What do you need?”

  Goddess, he was going to make me ask for help. Damn him! I snarked, “Well, you tell me, I didn’t ask for any of this crap.”

  He chuckled in response, causing butterflies to dance in my stomach at the deep sound. I held my breath, waiting for him to say something, anything.

  Knock, knock.

  I jumped, nearly falling off my chair. Who the hell was at my door now? It was like grand central station around here.

  “Well, are you going to let me in?” His voice came from the door a second before it echoed through the speaker pressed against my ear.

  Shit, he was here? Now? I ended the call and padded to the door. Pausing for a moment to compose myself, I flipped the lock and pushed it open.

  My eyes widened as I took in his tall, muscular form. Goddess, he looked good. His eyes seemed almost black in the low light, their dark lashes further enhancing the effect. My heart beat faster while I slowly looked my fill from his boots to his chin.

  He cleared his throat and lifted the corner of one lip, amused at my perusal.

  I stepped aside, tucking my chin to hide my blush behind the curtain of my hair and murmured, “Please, come in.”

  He prowled through the doorway, denim flexing with every step. Without the leather jacket, his black t-shirt looked painted on, highlighting the v of his hips as he pivoted toward me.

  I inhaled through my nose, parsing his scent, while I closed the door. He smelled delicious. Home, my body screamed.

  “Well?” He inquired.

  My mouth ran dry. I swallowed and snarked, “That was fast, are you still stalking me?”

  Returning my glib, he stepped closer, just inches from my chest and rumbled, “If I am?”

  My body betrayed me as I leaned toward him. What? No, focus Sora!

  Rocking back on my heels, I shook my head. “Then you know why I called. What the hell is going on?”

  He silently strode toward the couch and sat, a smile lighting his face when it once again squealed its dissent. “I came to check up on you. I saw the Wolf, nice work there.” His eyes flashed to sky blue, he truly had enjoyed the show.

  My heart warmed at the praise and I snickered, “It was pretty funny.” Instantly, I sobered. I needed answers, not admiration from a Vampire I barely knew. “Please, just tell me what is going on.”

  “Tit for tat, if you want information,” he replied, his poker face back in place.

  I walked to the window and sat. I had to keep my distance from him. Never had a male affected me so drastically before, nor had I met one that changed moods so quickly.

  Hesitantly, I asked, “What do you want to know?”

  “Where are you from?” He asked, lifting a brow.

  I slid a pony tie off my wrist, tipped my head back and gathered my damp tresses to begin a loose braid over my shoulder. “Seattle,” I muttered, watching my hands work the strands. “I kind of migrated down the coast and ended up here.” Raising my eyes to his, I noticed he was again staring at my neck. Blushing, I cleared my throat.

  He quickly averted his eyes, but not before I saw the need reflected in his dark irises.

  Tying off the end, I bounced my leg and pondered my own question. “Why are you stalking me? I mean, um, what is so interesting about my scent? First your Trackers, then you, and now a Shifter.”

  He nodded in anticipation, “Your scent is unique, as I said before. You smell of the ocean, with hints of mint and lavender. It’s intoxicating,” he sighed. “The kicker is, only Vampires smell like the sea. That brings us to my question, what are you?”

  His eyes were so earnest, I found that I really did want to tell someone of my past. Taking a deep breath, I began my story. “I was born to some of the most powerful Mages in our Seattle Stronghold. It was assumed that I would be incredibly powerful. Most come into their power at puberty, I didn’t.” I lifted a shoulder and stared at the floor, trying to push down the hurricane of negative emotions. “My parents tried everything, tutors, enhanced spell books, hypnotism. Our Seer couldn’t see me, or my future. I was just a blank space, void of magic, worthless. On my 21st birthday, my parents were called before the Council. I’m not sure what was said, but I was suddenly kicked out of my home because I had no magic. My Mother and Father were so embarrassed they didn’t even say goodbye. I was left like trash on the curb, alone, with nothing but the clothes on my back in Downtown Seattle.” I took a shaky inhale, held it, then let it hiss out slowly between my clenched teeth.

  I met his azure gaze as he leaned forward with interest. At least it wasn’t a look of sympathy, thank the Goddess. “You see, I have never had magic until after that night after
the bar.” I paused when his lips tipped down into a frown, “I’m not really sure what I am.” I cocked my head, my brows forming a v, “Do you know what I am?”

  His granite mask slid back into place and he shifted back to his original position. “I have some theories, but I’m not prepared to share them yet. I need to do some research first. Do you have any other questions so we can continue?”

  I nodded, “Yes. What do you think Mel, the Wolf Shifter wanted?”

  Blaze’s entire body flexed as he rotated his torso toward me. His eyes darkened, once again mirroring the churning ocean on a moonless night. “Mel was the Wolf?” His words rumbled with disapproval, “The one charred by your ward?”

  I stammered my reply at the abrupt change, “Ye, Yes. He came to the diner where I work today. He had some other guy with him. He wrote his number on a fifty-dollar bill and left it with the cashier.” My shoulders rounded as the menace radiating from him increased. “He stalked me home and said he wanted to issue a request. He wanted to come in to talk and I refused. He put his hand on the doorframe and boom,” I threw out my arms. “The ward activated, blasting him off my landing and across the yard.”

  “We need to leave,” he barked, moving to stand.

  Struck dumb by the entire exchange, I just stared at him.

  He took two steps toward me, his boots clomping loudly in agitation. I cringed away in fear, turning my face and closing my eyes, expecting a blow. Instead, he placed his fingertips on my chin, gently turned my face toward him, and waited until I met his gaze. “I will never hurt you,” he said, his face scrunched in anger and disgust at the thought. “We have to leave. That wolf is the Alpha of the SoCal pack. This slight, accidental as it was, will not be forgiven. He will come back, with reinforcements, and force you to do whatever he requires. We must go, I cannot handle thirty wolves on my own.” He paused before adding, “Or their Mage.”

  Heart racing, I asked, “A Mage? Go where?”

  “My Clutch,” he replied simply, releasing my chin and turning toward the door.

  “What about my home? Giselle? I can’t just leave!” I shouted and stood, my posture changing to defend what was mine.

  “Your presence does nothing but endanger the old woman. Ward everything, but we have to leave, NOW!” his voice boomed in the tiny space, leaving no room for argument.

  I ran to the linen closet and pulled out a rolled-up duffel bag. Throwing in half of my clothes and makeup bag from the bathroom, I pivoted, snagging my jacket off the couch. Shoving my arms through the sleeves, I stomped to my mini fridge and grabbed my savings. No way was I leaving without that. Dashing past the couch, I tugged my charger from the wall and pocketed my phone. Blaze tapped his impatience on the window frame with his fingers, staring intently into the night.

  “Ready,” I bit out, glaring at his turned back. It had only taken me a moment to pack, leaving the only place I had felt any peace since I was kicked out of my home. I was livid.

  “Good. Outside, go. You need to ward the perimeter.” He turned, opened the door and pushed me through. He used his magic to snick the lock after us and tugged me down the stairs.

  “How the hell do I do that?” I asked incredulously.

  “Figure out how you did it the first time,” he hazarded a guess, “but bigger.”

  What the fuck? Damnit, I thought, squatting to the ground and closing my eyes.

  I imagined a large rectangular shape, big enough to cover the garage and Giselle’s’ home, but small enough to leave the sidewalk untouched. Holding the image firmly in my mind, I placed my hands in the dirt. No one will enter without her or my permission. I held her face prominently in my mind, glossing over her silver streaked hair and warm smile before I reached for my center. My hands immediately lit with blue flame. Opening my eyes, I struggled to concentrate on the ward and her face. Slowly, the flame lit the grass and swayed gently in the breeze. With one last mental repeat of my will, it shot off into the night, almost as if it was following a trail of gasoline. It hit the first corner of the house while I rose to my feet just in time to see it come from the other side. A heartbeat later, the flames came rushing toward me from behind the garage, meeting the start and completing the circuit. It flashed a foot-high cobalt flame, turning brilliant white, before it winked out without a trace.

  My chest ached with the expenditure of magic. I squatted back down and reached back into the damp soil. Pride ran through me as the hum of my magic coursed through the earth and tickled my palm.

  Blaze pulled me to standing. I swayed, completely exhausted. I heard a Wolf yip on the wind before I passed out against him.

  Chapter 3

  A voice broke through the nightmare, large snapping teeth slowly gave way to softly whispered words.

  Swimming to consciousness, I first evaluated my body. Goddess, my head hurt and my stomach was trying to eat its way through my spleen. When was the last time I had eaten?

  Lying on possibly the most comfortable bed in the world, I inhaled. It smelled like home. Home… what?

  Snapping my eyes open, I immediately located Blaze sitting near the foot of the bed on a black leather wingback. The ankle of one scuffed combat boot draped over his knee, his mass dwarfing the chair beneath him.

  Nodding toward my open eyes, he spoke louder into the phone, “No, I don’t care… Send one of the Menagerie.... I know... no, it must be at least an inch thick... A few pounds, yes... Right, the thickest cuts... Good.” His phone made an audible clicking tone as he ended the call.

  Eyeing him from my prone position, my voice cracked when I whispered, “Water.”

  He tipped his head toward the side table, blonde hair slid over his eye with the movement.

  Sitting up proved to be difficult. My muscles twanged at the abuse. I felt like I had run a marathon. Giving him the stink eye, to which he just smirked; my seeking fingers finally curled around the glass. Bringing it to my parched mouth, I slowly sipped.

  Clearing my sore throat, I snarked, “What happened?”

  “You passed out. Too much magic for your newly awakened powers would be my guess. I had to carry you here.”

  Still dressed in my tank and shorts, I fingered the soft grey duvet tucked in around me. Looking around the room, I noted I was on a king-sized bed. The walls were a lighter grey, nothing like the cheery canary of my home. Home. “Where is here, exactly?” I asked, my eyes drifting toward the vacant fireplace and over the dimmed nickel wall sconces.

  “My room,” he rumbled. His cobalt eyes twinkled as he issued another smirk, daring me to judge his audacity.

  “Your room,” I whispered. Closing my eyes to shut out the familiarity of the scents around me, I breathed through my mouth. Pretending nonchalance, I queried, “How long was I out?”

  “Just the night. It’s 7 in the morning,” he glanced at the blacked-out window and his face took on a lost look. “I always know where the sun is.”

  “Did the Shifters come?” I inquired, shuddering in remembrance of my dreams.

  “Yes. It was close. Too close.” He said, closing his eyes, and tipping his head back against the chair.

  We sat in silence while I tried to make sense of the next step.

  A knock at the door startled me from my plans.

  “Enter,” Blaze commanded.

  The handle turned. Before I knew what was happening, I was out of bed and pulling the door open. The aroma of fresh grilled steak was too strong to deny. I snatched the plate from the startled man like a rabid animal, licking my lips. His strange look slowed my movements. “So sorry,” I muttered as a blush lit my cheeks, “I don’t know what came over me.” That was embarrassing, I thought, and swallowed hard against the saliva pooling in my mouth.

  “No problem, Miss,” he smiled tentatively, then bypassed me and walked to the side table with the tray. “You must be famished.” Turning toward the wingback, he continued, “Will there be anything else, Master Blaze?”

  Master, huh? I rolled my eyes and stalk
ed over to the bed, busying myself with arranging the plate and tray over my legs.

  Blaze’s amused tone colored his reply, “No, thank you, Julian. That will be all.”

  The door had barely closed before I was stuffing barely cut up bites of rare heaven into my mouth as fast as I possibly could. The bed dipped and I almost growled, MINE. Mine? That thought snapped me out of my haze. Where the hell did that come from?

  I looked down at the remains of my steak.

  What must have originally been 2 pounds of meat, only the fatty edge remained. I fought back the urge to lick the blood off the plate. Sighing softly in contentment, I sat back while Blaze removed the setting.

  Pinching the napkin in one large hand, he strode toward the door and placed the tray outside. I caught a glimpse of silver lined wallpaper in the hall as it closed. He walked silently back over to me with the napkin and reached toward my face.

  I instantly pulled away. His eyes flashed black before he set it down on the table. Turning away, he said softly, “You have blood on your cheek,” and moved back to his post on the chair.

  Cheeks heating, I grabbed the napkin and mopped my face. Ears now turning red as I looked at the evidence of my savagery on the white cloth, there was indeed blood on my face. I met his eyes through my lowered lashes, trying not to die of embarrassment. “Have you had a chance to do any research?”

  He nodded, thankfully not drawing further attention to my animalistic behavior. “Yes, although we have a few things to discuss before I get to that.” His stone mask slid back into place.

  I found myself missing the smirk. “Well, I have to work today. Can we address that issue first?” I requested calmly, my face mirroring his and immediately stifling the urge to stick out my tongue. I could do all business, too.

  He shook his head, “You can’t go back to work. You need to come up with an excuse to take a leave of absence.”

  “What?!” I exclaimed. “I can’t do that! What about my home, money, Giselle?” My poker face was quickly lost to the hurricane of my emotions.


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