Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book Page 5

by Janelle Peel

  “Unless you want to essentially be a slave for Mel, you will. As I told you last night, your presence will only endanger anyone that you knew before.” His tone sounded neither mocking or jovial. It was a simply a fact.

  My thoughts bounced around in my skull. How could I leave the life I had just barely built? I loved Giselle like a mother. What could I say to make her understand? I didn’t want to be anyone’s slave. Slapping my curled fists onto the bed, I shouted, “I can’t just leave everything!”

  He raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at my outburst and patiently waited for me to come to my own conclusion.

  Why did he have to be so reasonable? I wanted a fight and he just sat there, waiting. Dammit all! Taking a few deep breaths, my shoulders slumped in defeat. I leaned back into the plush pillows. I guess I could have a family emergency, some lost relative or whatever. Giselle had never pried about my life before, she assumed my parents were dead.

  I sighed, “How long?”

  Leaning forward, he braced his elbows on his knees, “I don’t know. A few weeks at least.”

  “Weeks,” I whispered, closing my eyes against the ache in my chest. Resigned, I uttered, “I need a phone.”

  A thump drew my attention to the bed. He’d tossed my Nokia near my hip.

  Irritated by his nonchalance, I snapped, “Um, some privacy?”

  Slowly he stood, his large build making the room seem smaller. I tried not to cower as I remembered that he was an apex predator. Staring hard at the bed, I grasped the phone in my hand, hearing only the click of the door handle as he departed.

  With shaking hands, I found her number. Tears blurred my vision and I connected the call.

  “Hey Hon! Good morning,” she cheered. “I was just getting ready to text you. I know you work the lunch rush today, but I thought maybe we could get together for dinner tonight? I have someone I’d like you to meet.”

  My thoughts screeched to a halt. Who could she have met? If anyone took advantage of her from the fucked-up parts of my life… My left hand flared with blue flame, responding to my heightened emotions.

  Shaking out the flames, I tried to inject enthusiasm into my voice, “You met someone?”

  “Yes! His name is Gary. He’s a longtime friend of mine. I finally decided I’ve grieved enough and want to try for some happiness with the years I have left.”

  Oh, thank the All Mother, a longtime friend. She sounded so happy, I hated myself for ruining it. “That’s amazing, you totally deserve it.” I took a deep breath, “I was calling to tell you I’ll be out of town for a while. I left last night, actually. A relative of mine in Seattle passed, my uncle. I need to help my cousins with the estate.”

  Sorrow colored her voice, “Oh Hon, I am so very sorry for your loss. You take as much time as you need, and let me know if you need anything.” Her words took on a mother hen tone, “I mean it. I know you’ve been saving, but do you have enough money?”

  Fat tears rolled down my face and I sniffled, “Yeah, I’ll be alright. Thank you though, really. For everything.”

  “Come on now,” she chided. “You’ll be home soon. I’ll even make that pie you like to celebrate. Just be sure to keep in touch, okay?”

  Clearing my throat, I swiped my cheeks with the back of my hand, “Okay, sounds good. I miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too. Sometimes these things just happen. You stay safe up there, alright?”

  “I will, bye Giselle.”

  “Bye, Hun.”

  I sat there while the line disconnected and my emotions ran rampant. I hated this.


  He paced in the hallway, listening to the soft sniffles and one-sided conversation with his enhanced hearing. He felt strangely sympathetic for Sora. After centuries of ruling his Clutch and placing their interests before his own wellbeing, the emotion was oddly foreign.

  Several times he stopped at the door, hand hovering over the knob without realizing he had stopped at all.

  He wanted to comfort her. That thought alone stayed his hand.

  As he continued to pace, he only hoped she wouldn’t hate him when he told her the truth…


  My feet sank into the thick black carpet as I staggered to the attached bathroom. I tried to rub away the ache in my chest with one hand and flipped the lights on with the other. Shock coursed through me as the room lit and my mouth dropped open in awe. Wow, this bathroom was bigger than my entire studio. A porcelain jacuzzi tub took up at least 8 feet on one wall. The sounds of rushing water brought my eyes to the giant glass enclosed shower with 10 shower heads and… a waterfall inlaid with a mermaid scale colored mosaic pattern.

  A waterfall… in the shower. I’d died and gone to heaven. Panning the rest of the room, I noted the marble double vanity with reflective veins of silver running throughout the white stone. The lighting was excellent, brushed nickel sconces lit the 12-foot-high ceiling, further drawing the eye to the flecked travertine tile on the floor and walls.

  Taking care of the insistent urge of my bladder in the separate powder room, I located my bag tucked into the corner under the light switch. Hmm… turning, I pressed in the lock on the door. Where would the towels be, I wondered. More importantly, which would be better, a nice long soak, or a shower under a waterfall… I opted for the waterfall. Yes…

  Over an hour later, I stepped back into the bedroom with a bounce in my step. I wore my favorite navy fitted band tee with the holes strategically placed to bare parts of my defined midriff. My grey jeggings hugged my curves like a second skin and made my legs look even longer. Admiring myself in the floor length mirror, I quickly plated my wet hair into a sloppy braid down my back while musing internally over the extraordinary shower. I could definitely get used to that bathroom.

  A knock at the door drew my attention. “Yes?” I answered hesitantly.

  The same man that had delivered the succulent steak entered.

  I quickly regarded his attire. Pressed black Dockers paired with shiny dress shoes; his simple tucked in white polo almost made him look ready for a casual Friday at the office. I judged his age to be somewhere near 45. His crinkled brown eyes and thinning hair confirmed it.

  With a pleasant smile, he said, “Hello Miss. The Master has turned in for the day. Would you like a tour?”

  My brows drew low, “Turned in?”

  “Yes, to sleep.”

  “Oh, right,” I replied, slightly disappointed. “Um, sure.” I lifted my hand and wiggled my fingers, “I’m Sora, by the way.”

  “Julian, Head of the House. Pleased to meet you,” he responded with a half bow.

  I cracked a smile at the pomp and circumstance, “Likewise.”

  “This way, please,” he gestured his arm with a flourish.

  Grinning like a maniac, I followed him out. Could this get any crazier?

  Evidently it could. This place was huge. At least 6 floors of towering stairs, 2 kitchens, and a rec room complete with a bar and pool table. The formal dining room could seat over 30 people!

  My mouth gaped as we stopped at the entertainment room. A giant projector took up one wall opposite multiple overstuffed leather reclining chairs and tables.

  There was even an indoor infinity pool! The water ended with a glass wall, giving an underwater view into a well-manicured courtyard complete with topiaries. The birds of paradise were in full bloom, the orange petals open in their mock avian beaks giving them their name.

  This was the only place that I had seen with sunlight. Glancing up, I could see it also had a steel retractable roof. Bewildered, I wondered just how loaded Blaze was.

  Curious, I turned toward Julian, standing just inside the doorway. “Are you not a Vampire, then?”

  He chortled, “No, Miss Sora. I am human, part of the Menagerie that Master Blaze employs here. I take care of the day to day things.”

  My cheeks reddened, “Uh, sorry about that, this is all very new to me.”

  Eyes softening in compassion, he
replied, “It’s quite alright. I can imagine the shock of it all. I was born into this role, generations of my family have served Master Blaze.”

  Shocked, my voice quivered, “Generations...” Just how old was Blaze?

  If he noticed the question in my eyes, he ignored it. Turning he gestured back the way we came. “Come now, would you like a snack, or perhaps you’d like to take a drink service in the library?”

  My brows rose, “Library?” Maybe I could get some answers there.

  “Of course, we have everything one could need here. Right this way.” His shoes whispered on the endless black carpet, leaving me to follow.

  I don’t think I would classify it as a library, more like a museum of rare books. The rows extended beyond my vision, with lighted cases sporadically butted up against the stacks. Plush chairs were strategically placed near nickel lamps at varying intervals. A genuine crystal chandelier hung overhead, 30 feet in the air at the center of a tinted domed glass ceiling.

  Noting my gaze, Julian tilted his chin upward. “It’s strong enough to keep out 98% of UV light.”

  I nodded, “Impressive, I’ve never seen a tinted dome before.”

  He smiled, “Quite. Well I must be off. Are you sure you don’t need anything else?”

  My cheeks flushed, “Of course! I didn’t mean to keep you. Um, just one more thing, I haven’t seen another soul.” I stammered, “Is everyone… asleep?”

  Cocking his head, he was silent for a moment as he evaluated me. “Most of the Menagerie keeps the same hours as Master Blaze.”

  He didn’t mention any other Vampires. What the hell was a Menagerie, anyway?

  “Oh. Okay then. Sorry for keeping you for so long.”

  With a shake of his head, he replied. “Nonsense, it was my pleasure. I trust you can get back to your room on your own?”

  Definitely not. I feigned confidence and lied, “Of course! Thank you,”

  With another small bow, he left.

  I wandered around for a good 15 minutes before I found anything noteworthy. Yes! An entire section on magic. I perused the stack, looking for a rhyme or reason to the organization. It seemed to be divided by the type of magic…

  Blood Magic

  Water Magic

  Memoirs of a Fire Mage

  Defensive Magic

  I kept skimming the titles before finally finding what I was searching for.


  Excited, I grabbed the thick tome, relaxed into a cushy chair, and tucked my legs beneath me.

  The book was well over a hundred years old. The spine was bound with thick, leather cord. I ran my fingertips over the tooled cover. Gently, I opened the book with shaking hands. The vellum was yellowed with age; the writing painstakingly written in cursive, complete with whorls and flourishes popular during that period. Thank the Goddess it was in English. I began at the beginning…

  By the third book, I was beyond frustrated. Every single page spoke of spellcasting, circles, ingredients to imbue a portable ward; but nothing on what I had done with my magic.

  I stood, stomping out the pins and needles in my legs.

  Skimming the titles again, I settled on Defensive Magic, and hoped there would be something useful in this one.


  He rose at dusk, not immediately recognizing his surroundings. A quick breath, and everything came rushing back with the information he required.


  Quickly dressing, he left off in search of her, following her unique delicate aroma.

  The scents crisscrossed all throughout the mansion. He checked his personal suite first. Empty.

  She had obviously taken the tour with Julian. Perhaps he should check in with him first.

  Zipping through the multiple hallways and flights of stairs at Vampiric speed, he quickly arrived in the kitchen.

  “Julian, report.” His tone was more brisk than usual, anxiety to find the woman in question coloring his words.

  Julian bowed, “Good evening, Master. All is well.” He smiled thoughtfully, interpreting his Master’s quarry, “I left Miss Sora reading in the library.” He checked his watch and his eyes widened, “Several hours ago. Has she not returned to your suite?”

  Blaze barely heard the last word before he flashed away toward the library, his mind a storm. In his haste to get her settled, and his strength sapped by the dawn, he had forgotten to issue the order that she was not a part of the Menagerie.

  She had better be safe…


  The feeling of being watched jerked me awake. A man loomed before my chair. Startled, the book I had been reading hit the floor with a dull thud.

  My hands gripped the leather chair as I choked out, “Who are you?”

  “Jackson,” he replied, inhaling deeply. “My, my, don’t you smell delicious.” He grinned, flashing two canines against his lower lip.

  Vampire, my mind screeched, jolting me fully awake. Time seemed to slow. I whispered, “Stop.”

  Jackson’s eyes glazed over and he froze, the tip of his tongue touching one fang as he leaned toward me.

  Standing, my heart slowed to a calmer rate.

  Slowly, I circled him.

  Dirty blonde hair, cropped close in a military cut. Dark eyes, hunger clearly visible by their almost black color. High cheekbones paired with a thinner jaw, but the eyes and nose, just like… like Blaze, I realized. Strong, commanding. Corded in the same thick muscle, but shorter. Almost identical in their dress; hunter green t-shirt, dark denim, and combat boots.

  Returning to perch on the edge of my chair, I asked, “What do you want?”

  Without missing a beat, his tongue slipped back into his mouth. “To taste you.”

  He stated it so nonchalantly, I shuddered. I was NOT chattel.

  Glaring into his eyes, I confidently ordered, “I am NOT food. You will respect me. You will forget your hunger for me.”

  “I will respect you,” he parroted in a monotone. “You are not food. I will no longer seek your blood.”

  Satisfied, I nodded, “Go.”

  He was there one moment and gone the next.

  Blaze instantly appeared, his eyes flashed as he barked, “We need to talk.” Turning, he strode away.

  I scrambled after him, his long legs quickly outpacing mine.

  What the hell did I do now? He was going to bite me! Me! What does he have to be so pissed off about?

  By the time we reached the interior of my room, I was furious.

  “What?” I half yelled, standing my ground and kicking the door closed with my heel. No way was I going to sit on the bed for one of his mood swings.

  He paced in front of me, his long legs eating up the short width of the room.

  “You,” he whispered, then yelled, “you lied to me!”

  I scoffed, jutting out my chin defiantly, “About what?”

  He stopped, still as stone and faced the wall. “You compelled my Trackers,” he turned to face me, frowning in disapproval, “and my brother.”

  “So, what!” I spat, absolutely hostile at this point. “He wanted to EAT ME!”

  At my outburst, his shoulders slumped. After a lengthy pause and a defeated sigh, he said. “It’s my fault.” I should have told my Clutch you were off limits.” He stared at the floor and uttered, “I’m sorry.”

  Taken aback, my mind stuttered to a halt at the flip of his emotions. I expected a fight, and yet… he was apologizing.

  Studying his stance, I tucked my chin and muttered, “It’s okay, we both have our secrets.”

  He all but fell onto the wingback, rubbing hard at his eyes before running his fingers through his hair.

  As I watched the blonde strands settle, I had an overwhelming urge to touch it. Focus!

  My Chucks sank into the carpet as I strode to sit on the edge of the bed and faced him. “Where should we start?” I questioned.

  “I need a promise from you first,” he said, his eyes roaming my face.

  “A promise,”
my face screwed up in suspicion. “What kind of promise?”

  Leaning back in the chair, his eyes drifting to the white ceiling. In a factual tone, he stated, “Your powers are new, I have some things to tell you, but I don’t want to be fried to a crisp by any outburst of that power. My Clutch needs to be kept safe.” He tipped his head and met my eyes with a raised brow, “Can you promise to keep a level head?”

  I waited a beat and answered honestly, “I’m not sure. I guess it would depend on what you tell me. I can promise to try, though.”

  He jerked his head, seeming to have come to a decision. “Okay. I’ll start with what my research revealed. I placed several calls while you were sleeping last night, trying to ferret out secrets from the Seattle Clutch. Individual Clutches are extremely territorial and don’t share lightly. About 23 years ago, the previous Master went mad. He had just passed his first millennia.”

  Appalled by the thought of a millennia old mad Vampire, I interrupted, “How old are you?”

  He shook his head, “That’s not important, just listen. His erratic behavior gained the notice of Seattle’s Magic Council. They in turn deployed two of their most powerful Mages to make an example of him. There was a massive battle near the shore of an unpopulated stretch of Oak Harbor. Both mages were badly injured, but managed to circle him in a ward. Using his blood on their weapons mixed with their own, they summoned dire-fire and burned him alive.”

  He paused, tipping his head to see if I knew what he was talking about.

  I knew of dire-fire from the many tutors I had as a teen. It could only be summoned by the strongest Mages, and only with Blood Magic. Nothing could survive it; the soil where it was used would be fallow for decades. “Yes,” I answered his unspoken question.

  He made a noise of approval and continued, “The Mages survived. From what I gathered, there was a male and female. The female was pregnant. Eight months later she birthed a healthy baby girl.”

  I waited.

  Sighing, he spelled it out for me, “I think that baby was you.”


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