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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

Page 6

by Janelle Peel

  What? No way. My parents were powerful, sure, but I would remember a story like that. I thought hard, clenching my eyes closed as I tried to remember something, anything from my buried past.

  A single memory came forth. I was maybe 4 or 5. My Mother was teaching me how to swim. She wore a red swimsuit and I had asked her about a scar on her left shoulder. She said it was just an old wound.

  Seeing it in my mind's eye, I deduced now what my young self could not. Two ravaged parallel lines marred her perfect skin. They hadn’t healed properly and left a 4-inch scar. Two fang marks…

  Coming back to the moment, I quipped, “So?”

  Noting my acknowledgment, he replied, “As Vampires age, they gain power. That is why there is a Master in each Clutch. We police our own with that power, and gain power from our Clutch in return. I really don’t know what happened with whatever injury your Mother sustained, but Vampire venom can be incredibly toxic, lethal even, if the Vampire chooses it to be. If she was bitten, combined with her own power and that of a growing child, I don’t know what the outcome would be. There are too many variables to be certain, but I think that bite, while you were in utero, transferred something to you.”

  “And you think I am this child,” I asked bewildered. “I didn’t even have magic until a few days ago. What you’re saying makes no sense.” I barked out a laugh, dismissing his thoughts.

  With a guilty look on his face, he stated, “There’s more.”

  My hackles rose at the look in his eyes. I threw my hands up in an ‘out with it’ gesture.

  He stood and stepped closer to the door before turning to face me again. “That night at Curley’s, yes?”

  I nodded.

  “I could smell a touch of Vampire. As I left, I brushed against you to gather your scent. Curious, I waited until you left and followed you from a distance. I’m not sure exactly how I lost control, but one moment I was a block from you, the next my fangs were in your neck and you were sprawled on the ground.” He held his hands in a calming motion while I balled my fists into the mattress. “I sealed the wounds and moved you to the grass. I was confused, and with the taste of your blood, I was euphoric. I have never tasted anything so sweet in all my years. Your blood called to me. It was all I could do to resist. I had to leave you. I couldn’t risk losing myself to the bloodlust and injuring you further.” He rushed out, “I think my bite activated something in you on a cellular level, something dormant. You can control Vampires, something only a Master can do. You even smell like we do.”

  My clenched fists lit. The blue flames licked up my arms and my braid glowed liquid silver in the flickering light. Standing, I faced him and spat, “You. You’re the reason for all of this. You left me there?!?” I screeched, my flames growing larger by the moment, my face red in hurt and anger. “I was robbed! I could have died! YOU HURT AND LEFT ME?!?!”

  He stepped toward me, “Calm down, I honestly didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  I put a hand out to stop him from coming closer. Vivid blue light shot from my outstretched palm and raced toward him. He barely flashed out of the way before the light hit the door where he’d been and instantly ignited.

  Stunned, the fire on my hands winked out and I just stood there, watching as the white flames licked at the wood paneling.


  That was too close, he thought as he rushed into the bathroom and unlatched the fire extinguisher from beneath the sink. Flashing back to the bedroom door, he pulled the pin and sprayed the growing flames.

  It was dire-fire!

  Dropping the extinguisher, he turned to Sora. Gently, he grasped her shoulders and shook her, “Sora, Sora!” It wasn’t working! Taking her delicate face in his large hands he did the only thing he thought might work, he kissed her. “Sora,” he whispered against her mouth.

  She inhaled and life returned to her once vacant form. Beautiful sapphire eyes flecked with silver, like the bioluminescence of sea life deep below the ocean’s surface, stared back at him.

  “Call it back, Love. Call the flames back to you,” he whispered against her lips. Lifting his other hand, he placed his palm between her breasts where the center of her magic lay.


  Staring into the depths of his anguished cobalt eyes, I slowly came back to myself.

  “Sora, please,” he begged.

  Seeing me finally focus, he stepped behind me, his hands gripping my shoulders.

  Shocked at the destruction my magic was wreaking, I cried out, “I don’t know how!” As I watched, it crawled over the door frame and began licking at the walls, hungry for more fuel.

  “Shh,” his breath tickled my ear as he leaned down. “It will be okay. Just touch it, your body will know what to do.”

  My Chucks felt like leaden weights as I stumbled to the door, Blaze a reassuring presence at my back. Reaching out, I expected to be burned and was amazed when I wasn’t. It felt like warm bath water to my splayed fingertips. The flames licked and bumped against my hand, like a playful puppy. It was alive. Feeling the echo of it in my chest, I called it back. The flames receded from the wall first, then the frame, lingering on the door as they begged to stay and play. I tethered it to my center and pulled harder, absorbing it back into my skin. When it reconnected with my well of magic, I sighed and leaned against Blaze.

  The wall and door were completely untouched, as if my fire had never been.

  My thoughts tripped; I could have killed him.

  His lips brushed my ear and he whispered, “That’s my girl.”

  I no longer had the energy to fight. Turning out of his arms, I walked to the bed and laid down, curling into a ball. Tears hit the pillow, leaving dark grey splotches where they landed as I whispered, “Just leave me alone.”

  When the door clicked closed, I began sobbing uncontrollably. Eventually, I cried myself to sleep.

  Chapter 4


  He waited outside the door until her cries quieted and her breathing evened out. What was he going to do? She probably despised him now. The look of hurt on her face when he had admitted his guilt…

  Shaking himself, he vowed he would win her over. She was a rare gem, one that he couldn’t let anyone else have. Her power alone marked her as a threat to the entire supernatural world. She would be systematically broken down and abused if caught; bent toward someone else’s will or worse, killed. Even her own people would covet her power.

  He refused to allow it, she was his Firestarter…

  Turning on his heel, he went to do some more research.


  Rolling over, I stretched and languidly got to my feet. Reaching to the side table, I grabbed my phone. 2AM. I had only slept for a couple hours. Padding to the bathroom to take care of the necessities, I pondered my power and the harm it could cause. I needed practice. I couldn’t afford to shoot fire whenever my emotions got the best of me.

  Thank the Goddess Blaze wasn’t hurt. Although it wouldn’t have been a bad idea to singe him a little bit. After all, this crap had started with him.

  My emotions rebelled at placing all the blame squarely at his feet. True, I wasn’t exactly being fair. Sure, if he’d have kept his damned fangs to himself, I might have lived for a while longer in my bland little bubble.

  If he really did scent me at the bar though, it was probably only a matter of time before someone, or something else would have, too.

  Was this why I hadn’t been eating? That the only thing that tasted good at all, was rare, bloody meat? I needed more answers, I thought, splashing water onto my face. Pulling out my loose braid, I finger combed the silver strands.

  I turned off the bathroom light and froze.

  He’d kissed me.

  During my entire pity party, I had forgotten the kiss. Just a brush of his lips… my fingers traced where his had been, tingling with the remembered sensation. Was it just to shock me back into the present? Did it mean anything? I replayed the moment in my mind. ‘Call it back, Love. Call the
flames back to you.’ He’d called me Love, what did that mean?

  Deciding to tackle the one thing I could actually do something about, I decided to hit the kitchen. I was starving.

  Then I would hunt down everything related to magic in the library.

  I could hear dishes clacking as I approached the smaller of the two kitchens. Hesitating at the door, the smells of cooked meat swirled around me. I inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma and pushed open the white swinging door.

  Julian stood in the center of the kitchen, seemingly aware of every task the two women were undertaking.

  “Georgia, no,” he addressed a short woman with cropped hair chopping something green. “You must dice it if you want the proper texture.”

  Sauntering over to Georgia, a heavy-set woman with a brown bun pulled the knife from her grasp. “Like this,” she demonstrated expertly.

  “Yes,” Julian said, addressing Georgia.

  He turned towards me. “Ah, Miss Sora. What can we do for you?” he asked with a half bow.

  “Hey Julian, just Sora, please.” I fluttered my lashes.

  He nodded, “As you wish,” and waited expectantly.

  “Um, do you have any more of that delicious ribeye, from earlier?” I asked, hopefully.

  Without taking his eyes from mine, he said, “Julie, could you be a dear and grab the rare steak for Sora you just finished searing?”

  The woman with the bun quickly ducked behind a microwave door, removed a steaming plated ribeye and handed it to Julian.

  “Thank you,” he nodded graciously toward her.

  “Mis, er, hmm,” he stuttered as he grabbed a tray setting off the sideboard, “Sora, would you like to take this in the formal dining room?”

  I blushed, “Um, could I take it at that spot over there?” I pointed to a stainless-steel bar with two matching wooden stools, just out of the way of the chefs.

  He paused for a moment, “Of course.”

  I could tell from his reaction that this was definitely not the norm for guests.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, raising my brows. I didn’t want to get him into trouble.

  “Yes, yes,” he nodded, “Absolutely fine. Would you care for a drink, wine perhaps?”

  I thought for a moment, hungry as I was I didn’t want to risk anything other than water. I had research to do. “Yes, please. Ice water is fine, thank you.”

  I settled on my stool and the kitchen continued to bustle around me. The steak was set on the counter directly in front of me and I almost swooned at the sight. Perfectly cooked, the juices ran red when I cut into it and popped a bite in my mouth. Scrumptious. I barely noticed the water as it was placed off to my right.

  After devouring almost every morsel and using the last few bites to soak up as much of the blood as I could, I pushed the plate away, wiping my red stained cheeks with a napkin. I was stuffed.

  Georgia snatched the plate up on her way to the dishwashing station.

  “Thank you,” I called after her.

  A bob of her head was the only acknowledgement I received that she’d heard me.


  Hopping off the stool, I noticed that the kitchen was strangely empty. Shrugging, I made my way to the library.

  I had gone through ten more books before he appeared, hesitating at the end of the closest stack.

  “Hey,” Blaze rumbled.

  Glancing up at him and frustrated that I hadn’t learned one thing that pertained to my situation, I snapped, “What?”

  He stepped back, apparently uncomfortable with my response.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled. “I’m just frustrated.” I tipped my head back onto the plush chair and pinched the bridge of my nose. Peeking at him beneath a fan of lashes, I watched him stare at my exposed throat.

  He audibly gulped, then cleared his throat, “I could help, if you want. My manipulation of magic is different than yours, but I’m sure between the two of us we can figure something out.”

  I smirked at his reaction and nodded. “That would probably be best.”

  “Perhaps,” he hesitated, “we could go to the courtyard? It would be…” he paused, seeming unsure of his words, “less traumatic for my Menagerie.”

  Now the silence in the kitchen made sense. They had probably heard all about my near miss with their ‘Master’, I mentally air quoted.

  Disappointed with myself and my own lack of information, I shrugged. “Sure.”

  We navigated the hallways leading to the pool/courtyard and I couldn’t help but admire the view as he walked before me.

  His black shit-kickers made no sound. The fabric of his faded jeans bunched and released with each step, defining the curve of his well-defined rear. His black tee rippled, highlighting every muscle as his thickly corded arms swung with the momentum.

  Why did he have to look like walking sin?

  Finally, we reached our destination. The blooms seemed to smell sweeter in the predawn hours.

  “We don’t have much time,” he stated, gazing at the slowly lightening sky.

  Where exactly were we, I wondered. I could see each star, something not visible in PB due to the light pollution.

  He rotated toward me, his face nearly indistinguishable in the gloom and said, “Light your fire.”

  I closed my eyes and focused my attention on the well of energy in my chest. I felt a shift and opened my eyes. My hands illuminated with flickering blue flames, casting dark shadows against the foliage.

  “Good. Focus on the flames. Feel your magic, manipulate it. Use your will to cast an image into the air, anything you’d like to see.”

  Closing my eyes once more, I conjured an image of the beach. I could hear the roar of the waves cresting and slapping against each other. Palms swayed in the breeze. Children laughed, playing in the wet sand. At Blaze’s sharp inhale, I opened my eyes.

  Like a motion picture drawn with the ember tip of a smoking campfire stick, every detail I had imagined glowed with starlight in front of us. The children buried one another in the sand; a breeze swept through the courtyard, teasing my hair and the glittering palm fronds. The waves of the ocean crested and I could hear the audible crack of thunder somewhere in the distance.

  The sound startled me, causing the leash on my magic to slip. Water leapt out of the infinity pool, creating a live wave that soaked my Chucks.

  With the cool sensation seeping into my socks, I released the tether completely. The picture continued for a beat, paused, then snapped in a shower of sparkling white fairy dust, disappearing as it hit the wet soil.

  Slightly dizzy, I sat down; my grey jeggings soaking up the pool water like a sponge.

  I did it. I looked up at Blaze’s hulking figure with an excited grin on my face, “Like that?”

  His mouth hung open in awe as he turned his head to me. “I think that was a little different,” he pinched his thumb and forefinger together, “than I had imagined.”

  I sighed, “Me too, but amazing, right?”

  “Was it a memory?” he questioned, staring where the image had winked out.

  “Yes,” my tone hardened. “I saw it from my hotel window in Cancun. My family had business there. I was stuck inside, reading about magic I didn’t have.” I frowned before continuing, “It looked like so much fun, to just play in the surf.”

  Thunder crackled again overhead, opening the cloudy sky. Rain poured down, further soaking us.

  Walking over to a switch on the wall to close the retractable roof, Blaze asked, “How do you feel?”

  I listened to the soft whir of the motor and took inventory. Other than the quickly passing dizziness, I felt good. Giddy even. “I was dizzy, but now I feel great.”

  As the roof closed, shutting out the rain, Blaze squished his way over and sat with me. “That’s good. You ate before though, right?” At my nod he continued, “Your magic needs fuel, or it will use your body as a source for it. Have you,” he paused, “had any strange cravings?”

  Blushing, I tu
cked my chin and hid behind the curtain of my rain dampened hair. “Yes,” I whispered. “Nothing tastes right. The only thing that I seem to crave is rare steak.”

  He reached out, tucking my hair behind my ear with his fingertips and tipped my chin up. His eyes sparkled like sapphire gems in the near darkness. “It’s ok,” he said, tracing the curve of my jaw with his thumb.

  His eyes shuttered and he removed his hand before continuing, “I think you need blood.” He must have seen the repulsion on my face because he rushed out, “I think you’re some kind of hybrid. A Mage and a Dhampir. It makes sense that your powers might be tied to certain cravings. It’s not so bad, really. If you’re not ready, we can try other things. Keep it in mind though,” he looked at me earnestly, “please?”

  “Okay,” I nodded. “What now?”

  He looked up, listening to the rain hit the steel roof. “Well, obviously you have an affinity for the weather.” Grinning, he added, “A thunderstorm wasn’t forecasted.”

  I giggled. Then guffawed.

  His shoulders shook, was he laughing too? A loud snort from his direction confirmed it.

  The corner of my mouth lifted. “Nice,” I teased.

  He cleared his throat. “Clearly water as well, judging by my half-drained pool. I felt the breeze, too.”

  “So that leaves earth, right?” I asked curiously.

  “Yes. I think we should try for that tomorrow night, though.” He beamed at me, “I don’t want to take a mud bath.”

  I sniggered, “Afraid of some dirt?”

  Chuckling, he answered, “No. I don’t want to push you too hard, too fast.” He sobered, “We need to talk about something.”

  Reluctantly, the grin slid off my face. I was actually enjoying the banter, it felt good.

  I sighed, “What now?”

  Eyeing me, he stated in a factual tone, “I’ve never seen what you have done so far. Fire, Water, Weather, the Wind. Even now you are incredibly powerful, like a mini sun. I can sense your well of magic, it calls to my own. You can control Vampires, something only a Master can do.” He paused, “These things alone will make you highly sought after. If you can also control the earth, there won’t be a limit to what you can do. I’ve also never seen a Mage wield magic like you. They use spells, rituals, and the like. You would be the ultimate weapon.”


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