Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book Page 7

by Janelle Peel

  His words slowly sunk in, ruining my good mood. A weapon? The way I wield magic from my well? The questions swirled through my mind in an unending loop. “If I’m a weapon, what do you want out of this?”

  Looking at the roof again, he sighed. “I am partially responsible for your state. Had I not attacked you, this may never have happened. To make amends for my acts, I want to help you. Once you can defend yourself, you can do as you wish.” He met my eyes with his open honest ones, “Until that time, you are vulnerable. The Shifters already have your scent, it’s not safe for you to be anywhere else.”

  I debated the sincerity of his words for a moment. He had helped me so far, sending his Trackers to locate me after my unusual scent permeated Pacific Beach. Even providing a haven from the Shifters after my warding accident... He seemed genuine. He hadn’t intentionally harmed me since he lost control after the bar.

  I recalled all the strange looks from almost every human I had encountered since his bite. “What happened to my scent when you bit me? All the humans, except for Giselle and my friend, got a bit creepy. Some just stared, others made googly eyes at me. I even got a few dirty looks from some women.”

  “It’s the pheromones. Vampires have an innate ability in their scent.” He stopped, gathering his words, “It puts most humans into what we call thrall, making them easier to compel.”

  At my horrified expression, he shushed me, “Let me finish. New Vampire’s learn to control it fairly early after being turned. Giselle and your friend are probably immune to your pheromones, due to being near you for so long.”

  I pondered that for a moment, “So, I can control it?”

  His shoulder lifted, “Yes, with a bit of practice it should fade.”

  I mulled over this new information. “Why aren’t Julian, or the kitchen staff, affected?”

  “Practice, they live with Vampires. We can’t hold someone in thrall indefinitely.” He stood, “It’s mainly used to help us feed.”

  Man, I thought as my nose wrinkled, the hits just kept on coming.

  Shaking my head, I pushed off the muddy ground and stood. Dusting off my rear, I made my decision. “I will stay, for a while.” I faced him somberly, “I don’t have anywhere else to go, anyway.”

  His face softened, “I’m so sorry, Sora.”

  Lifting a shoulder in a half shrug, I turned and strode toward the door. “I figure it probably would have happened sooner or later. Then, I’d probably be dead.”


  As she walked back into the house, he shuddered. Thinking of her dead left him feeling ill.

  He quickly caught up to her in the hall, heading back to her room.

  “Where do you sleep?” she asked curiously.

  He paused, watching the sway of her silver hair over her shoulder. “On the main floor, since you took over my suite.”

  He smirked at the thought of her in his bed.

  “Ha, funny,” she snarked.

  He stopped at her door and lifted his brows, “Would you like a different room?”

  Hand on the handle, she turned, her face was incredulous, “Are you kidding? That shower is the best thing on Earth. This room is now mine, Buddy.” She stuck out her tongue.

  Chuckling softly, he went to say goodnight when the playfulness went out of her eyes. “What is it?”

  “Well, um,” she murmured. “I was wondering, could you stay in a room up here?” She motioned with her hand to the hallway of the second floor, her cheeks pinking in discomfort.

  Ah. Yes, he supposed a new house full of strangers would be hard for her. Especially after her encounter with his brother. He should have thought of that sooner. With a nod, he replied, “As you wish. I’ll be just there.” He lifted his arm and pointed to the door next to hers, “Rest well, Sora.”

  “You too,” she smiled and closed the door.

  Pleased that she felt more comfortable with him near, he went off in search of Julian to move his accommodations.

  Blaze found him in the pantry taking inventory.

  At his approach, Julian paused, “Yes, Master Blaze.” He bowed at the waist and straightened, “What might I assist you with?”

  “Good morning,” he said, to which Julian raised a brow. “I need one of the Menagerie to move my accommodations to the room next to Sora’s.”

  “Ah, yes. It will be done,” he replied with a smile. “How is Miss Sora settling in?”

  “Better, it seems. She is magnificent. Her powers might even exceed my own.” He grinned with a boyish look and continued, “I hope she stays.”

  Julian smiled, “We will do all we can to make her feel welcome. I will have your room ready within the hour. Will there be anything else? Sustenance, perhaps?”

  “No, that’s fine.” His stomach rolled at the thought of taking any vein other than Sora’s. “Thank you, Julian.”

  “Of course, Master.” Issuing another half bow, he reached for his phone as Blaze strode away.

  Still grinning, he zipped to the rec room for a drink.

  Approaching the bar, he had just snagged a bottle of whiskey whenhis brother arrived through the side hallway. His large hand tightened on the glass bottle so hard it almost cracked. Mine, his mind screamed. Snatching a rocks glass, he tried for a neutral tone and tipped his head in greeting while he poured. “Jackson.”

  Jackson smirked, “Blaze.”

  Remembering Sora’s commands to respect her, he decided a test was in order.

  “So, have you met Sora?” He inquired, taking a sip.

  Jackson’s eyes glazed, “Yes, she’s a very nice girl.”

  “Yes, she is. Have you noticed the delicate notes of her scent?” Blaze baited.

  Face scrunching in confusion, Jackson slowly replied, “No, I mean, she smelled pleasant.”

  Not wanting to push Sora’s compulsion too far, he eased off. “What are you up to so early in the morning?”

  Jackson lifted his shoulders and shrugged, “Just came in for a nightcap.”

  Blaze grabbed another glass and poured a few fingers for his brother.

  Taking another sip, he asked, “How’s the perimeter?”

  Jackson tilted his head and squinted his eyes. Blaze didn’t normally worry about his duties. “A few extra Shifters were scented, but nothing too abnormal.”

  Blaze’s face turned to stone. They’d followed. Damn, he had hoped he’d lost them. That was a foolhardy thought. A gift like Sora would definitely be worth pursuing for the Pack.

  Mine, his mind whispered more insistently.

  Draining his glass and setting it onto the polished oak, his voice sounded like tumbled stones as he rumbled, “Increase sentries, day and night. Move the majority of Feline Shifters to the day shift with the Protectors.”

  His brother shrugged at the change in mood, used to the abrupt swings. “Consider it done. Care to tell me why?”

  Pouring another drink, Blaze debated on how much he could tell him. Jackson was his brother, best friend, and second in command. He’d also lusted after Sora’s blood, but so then again so had he. Decision made, he knocked his knuckles on the bar for luck, “Sora.” He hesitated, knowing the words would cement what he had known all along, “She’s a strong Mage, the strongest I’ve ever seen… and she’s… my Mate.”

  Jackson laughed, full peals roaring out of his mouth. Looking at his brother’s deadpan expression, he immediately sobered. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” His eyes widened, “You are. Do you know how rare a female Vampire is?” Doubt colored his words, “Let alone to find one and have her be your Mate?”

  “Yes,” Blaze rumbled his disapproval, “I am aware.”

  “Wait,” he said. “You said Mage, when did you have the time to turn her? I’ve never heard of a Mage Vampire.”

  Sighing, he shook his head, this was the crux of it all. Looking Jackson straight in the eye, he pitched his voice lower, “I didn’t, she’s still in her first life. She’s a Dhampir Mage Hybrid.”

  The words dr
opped like bombs in the quiet room.

  Jackson’s pupils dilated, his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

  Baring all his secrets, Blaze continued, “Her Mother was bitten while she was in the womb, by that psychotic Master Vampire in Seattle. Her parents are the most powerful Mages in the Supernatural Community. Something happened, I don’t know what.” Waving his hands at the situation, he added, “Then I fed on her.”

  Jackson gasped.

  Frustrated with himself, Blaze began whisper yelling, “I lost control Jackson! I haven’t done that since I was a Fledgling!” Taking a deep breath, he calmed. “My venom awoke her powers. She had none beforehand.”

  Understanding dawned on Jackson’s face. “Who else knows this?”

  Worry creased lines in the shape of a v between Blaze’s brows. “A Shifter caught her scent. He visited her home.” A deranged laugh escaped him as he filled Jackson in on the charred Wolf flying from Sora’s landing and skidding through the grass.

  Jackson sniggered, “So, you brought her home?”

  “She called me. An accident, she’d said. Regardless, the fool shouldn’t have tried to enter her home. I believe he was testing her powers and literally bit off more than he could chew.”

  Jackson was a quick study. His brows dipped, “What are you leaving out? How did she have your number?”

  Blaze wasn’t prepared to air all of Sora’s secrets. He didn’t want his Clutch to know she also exhibited a Master’s powers and label her as a threat. It was a delicate balance, swearing fealty to another Vampire. He’d never had to place a compulsion on any member of his Clutch, and hoped to keep it that way. In a tone that brooked no argument, he replied. “It’s not relevant to the matter at hand.”

  “Okaaay,” Jackson drew out the syllables, shrugging off his brothers’ secrecy. “What happened next?”

  “It was close.” Blaze ran his hands through his hair, “Once she told me the wolf was Mel, I convinced her of the danger and made her pack a bag.”

  “Mel, Mel, the Alpha Mel?” Jackson asked, flabbergasted.

  “Yes. Sora wouldn’t leave without making sure the woman that had taken her in was safe.” He threw his arms wide open, “She made a type of ward I have never seen, without uttering a word. It covered an unattached garage, the yard and a two-story home.” Dropping his arms, he continued in an awed voice, “She was glorious.”

  Jackson snapped his fingers and waved his hand in a hurry up gesture.

  With gravity, Blaze continued. “The expenditure of power overtaxed her body, causing her to collapse. As I settled her and her belongings in my arms, I heard the first yip. It seems Mel really wanted Sora. I parsed no less than twenty scents as I zigzagged through Pacific Beach for over an hour to lose them.” Pouring another shot, he quickly downed it and lifted his arm in a sweeping gesture, “Here we are.”

  Jackson gulped his drink and set the empty glass on the bar. “Here we are.” Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he shook his head and turned toward the entryway. “Seems I have a while yet before I can rest. I’ll have a full report compiled by this evening.” His boots clomped through the hallway, clearly unimpressed with the situation.

  Alone with his thoughts, Blaze mentally went through the security of his compound. The Feline Shifters were excellent guards. Taking them into his Clutch had been one of his better decisions. He still couldn’t believe Mel had refused to let any to join his pack, then again, the adage of ‘cats and dogs’ was true.

  The Protectors were also exceptional day guards. By regularly drinking Vampire blood, they were far stronger and faster than any normal human. They trained with military like precision and were more familiar with technological security than any other member of his Clutch.

  His mind swirling with scenarios, he made his way to back to the second floor to rest.

  Chapter 5


  He trudged down the underground tunnel to the Protector’s barracks near the perimeter, feet dragging against the rough cement floor. Usually, he moved through the reinforced steel tunnels as quickly as possible. Not today, day he thought, being the main part of that word.

  Shaking his head, he wondered for the millionth time what it would be like to be Blaze. In control of every situation, more powerful than he, and more handsome. The few females he’d had over the decades had cruelly informed him so, turning from his advances.

  Then to find this Sora, his Mate. Sighing internally, he couldn’t help but think his selfish thoughts. Blaze had bested him, again. Jackson was the older brother. He was turned first after their parents passed with fever; returning for Blaze in his 25th year.

  He loved his younger brother, dearly in fact. However, things just never seemed quite fair enough to him.

  He threw his pity party for the remaining few minutes it took him to walk the length of the tunnel at human speed. If he was truly honest with himself, he wouldn’t want to have Blaze’s responsibility. A Clutch was a lot of work, work that he’d been happy to do without as a second in command. Add in a Dhampir, the holy grail of Vampires, as a Mate? PLUS, the Mage aspect? No thank you.

  As he warred with himself to make the best of the hand he was dealt, he arrived at the bunker to the barracks. Turning the handle, he opened the heavy steel door.

  “Mason!” he shouted.

  Quick footsteps sounded on metal rungs descending from the tube leading above ground. Almost as fast as a Vampire, Mason closed the distance across the underground chamber.

  “Yes sir!” Mason barked, standing at attention. At six-foot-tall, his wiry frame cut a slim figure in his black fatigues. He had black hair, trimmed to the same military style of his own. Blue eyes peered at him above a narrow nose and square jaw.

  “Report on the movements of the Pack.” He ordered, moving to sit on the black powder coated bench.

  Briskly he reported, “Sir, so far they have been erratic. Three Shifters have tested the ward and have been successfully repelled at varying times throughout the night. Bear, Dingo, and Wolf.”

  Jackson questioned, “Was the Wolf missing any fur?”

  “Yes Sir, a brown Wolf was reported, with a bald patch on his left foreleg.”

  Jackson propped a leg onto the opposing knee and sighed. “We have a situation with the Shifters. All perimeter activity is to be reported to me immediately. Protectors and Shifters are to pair and parole the perimeter at 15-minute intervals during the day, with multiple sweeps interlaced along the fence line. I want a roving pair doing sporadic checks, I trust your opinion on how often.” He rubbed his chin, “We may have a war with the Pack.”

  Getting to his feet once more, he said, “Dismissed.”

  With a snap of his heel Mason barked, “Sir!”

  As Jackson closed the steel door and flashed down the tunnel, he couldn’t help but wonder if war truly was on the horizon.


  After some sleep, and a lengthy rain shower with lavender soap, I wondered what to wear. The thought of seeing Blaze made my stomach flip. I wanted to look my best.

  Maybe the new to me off the shoulder purple slouch tee that showed my navel, with my favorite faded jeans and strappy heels?

  No, I’d only ever worn my chucks around him, heels were definitely out.

  Deciding on my silver ballet flats, I quickly dressed. Stepping into the bathroom once again, my fingers deftly wove my wet hair into a fishtail braid down my back. After admiring my ensemble, I plucked my phone off the nightstand and went to the bedroom door. Pressing my ear to the crack, I listened. Hearing no sounds, I stepped out.

  The hall was deserted. I checked the time, 5:30 in the evening. I wondered if the sun had gone down. Should I knock? Did Blaze switch rooms like I’d asked?

  My internal monologue caused me to miss his door opening.

  “Hey,” he rumbled, startling me.

  Blushing furiously, I stammered, “Hi. Um, I didn’t know, what time you uh, rose for the day…”

out a shock of laughter, he smirked, “I think you’ve seen too many movies. I dream and wake like everyone else. Perhaps you would like a crash course in Vampirism?”

  I nodded, looking up at his ever-changing blue eyes. His gaze however, wasn’t on mine. His sapphire orbs roved my face, tracking down my bare neck and shoulder; leisurely scrutinizing my body.

  Fine, I thought as my ears turned pink, two can play this game.

  I returned his perusal with one of my own. The same huge black combat boots adorned his feet, dark washed jeans hugged his calves and thighs. His narrow hips showcased the taught muscles of his abs, clearly visible from his painted-on sky blue tee. Well defined pecs rounded to the thickly corded muscles of his shoulders. His strong jaw had a slight sprinkling of stubble, meeting towel dried wet blonde hair the color of honey. My mind halted, towel dried? The thought of Blaze in a towel sent my blood racing with heat. Mmm…

  He inhaled deeply, propping one corded arm above his head and leaned against the door frame. “See something you like?”

  My eyes traced the thick blue veins that stood out against the skin of his forearm above his head. Yummy, my tongue traced my lips of its own accord. I was starving.

  Shocked out of staring by the reason for my sudden hunger, I stepped back. Hiding behind my fanned lashes, I stammered, “Would you like to eat me?” My eyes widened, “Um, I mean, with me. With me. Would you like to go with me to eat?”

  Grinning like a fool, he closed the door and flipped out a meaty hand toward the hall. “After you.”

  Thankful for the chance to turn away, I hurried down the hall.

  Oh, my Goddess, did I really just say that? I have got to get it together.

  I was so mortified I didn’t even notice we’d already arrived at the kitchen until Blaze snagged my wrist and pulled me to a stop. “Did you see that?”


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