Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book Page 8

by Janelle Peel

  Glancing back at him, I looked around. “See what?”

  His fingers relaxed their grip on my wrist and slid down to hold my hand. Leaning down to my exposed ear, he whispered, “How fast you moved.”

  Distracted by his warm breath on my skin, it took a moment to process his words. My face screwed up, moved? I whispered back, “What are you talking about?”

  As the sounds of dishes scraped and murmured voices drifted to my ears, Blaze released my fingers. Pushing on the swinging door, he said in a normal tone, “Never mind, we’ll talk about it later.”

  I flexed and relaxed my hand where he’d held it before following him inside.

  The same stainless steel greeted my eyes when I entered the bustling kitchen. Julian immediately came forward from his post, tapping a clipboard with his pen. Half bowing, he stated. “Good evening Master Blaze, Miss Sora.”

  “Just Sora, please.” I responded with a smile.

  “Yes, yes, Sora,” he smiled back and lifted his brows. “Can I get you anything? Another steak, perhaps?”

  Suddenly, I wasn’t hungry at all. Strange, I was starving a few moments before. I was thirsty though. “Just a bottle of water, please.” I requested, hopping onto a barstool.

  Blaze appeared at my elbow with a disapproving look on his face. “You need to eat if we are to practice magic tonight.”

  Raising a brow, I quipped, “I’m not hungry right now. I’ll be fine.”

  Julian arrived with a cold bottle of water and placed it on the steel bar. “Will there be anything else, Sora?”

  Pleased that he had now dropped the Miss, I grinned, “No, but thank you Julian. This is fine.”

  He turned toward Blaze’s frowning form, “Master Blaze?”

  Shaking his head, he addressed Julian dismissively, “No, I believe we will be on our way.” Touching my shoulder, he jerked his head back the way we’d come.

  Julian issued his half bow once more as we strode through the swinging door.

  I glared up at him, “What was that all about?”

  His face was glacial, “You need to eat.”

  I barked a laugh, “Are you my Mother now? I’m a grown ass woman Blaze, I’ll eat when I’m hungry.” Jerk. What was his problem anyway? Oh, looks like the Master didn’t get his way and is having a fit. The corner of my mouth lifted at the thought and I stuck my tongue out at his back.

  “Where are we going?” I queried, unscrewing the cap of my water and taking a sip.

  “The courtyard,” he replied grumpily.

  Okaaaaay, this should be fun, not. I sighed. One moment he was all smiles and sexual innuendo, the next he was like a marble statue. Hopefully the night would improve.

  As we entered the door to the indoor infinity pool, a breeze rustled the small hairs on the back of my neck. Glancing over for the origin, Jackson was suddenly right next to me. I let out squeak of surprise.

  The next thing I knew, I was behind Blaze’s large body and blocked entirely from view.

  “What did you do?!” Blaze shouted.

  Jackson threw his hands up in surrender and took a step back. “Nothing brother, I came to report on the security of the perimeter.” His brow rose and he sarcastically added, “Like you asked.”

  I peeked around a toned bicep. Jackson skipped his eyes to me and raised his brows in a ‘what the hell’ manner.

  A loud rumbling growl filled my ears. My eyes widened and I turned, looking around for the source. Nothing was there. Stepping around Blaze’s massive form, I looked at Jackson and the rumble increased. My heart rate soared through the roof, fight or flight adrenaline lit my veins. My azure flames appeared, called by my instinctual reaction to whatever threat there was.

  Jackson was looking at the floor, rather intensely studying the silver veined marble surrounding the pool. He made a sly pointing gesture from his hip with an index finger extended toward Blaze.

  Confused, I looked to Blaze. Menace radiated from every line of his body as different portions of him flickered in and out with the glow from my flames. I stepped closer and the rumbling lowered in volume. Bravely, I placed my glimmering palm on the center his chest. It vibrated for a moment more, then stilled. The source of the sound was him… growling. I replayed the scene in my mind for the cause. He was in front of me, then Jackson came and I squeaked, then he was suddenly between us. As if... he was protecting me.

  Jackson let out an audible sigh from behind me. I looked at him over my shoulder and he shrugged as he met my eyes. Blaze’s chest started to rumble again and Jackson dropped his eyes once more to the floor. The growl gained in intensity as I tested my theory and stared at Jackson. I moved my hand up the swell of his pecs, tracing his bulging jugular. The growl cut off entirely and he made a different noise…

  He purred. Shocked, I dropped my hand and stepped back.

  Blaze slowly relaxed, the hard lines of his body softened as he came back to himself.

  “Sooooo,” I drew out the word and extinguished my flames. “That was interesting.”

  He cleared his throat and issued an embarrassed, “Sorry.”

  “Just text me when you want the report,” Jackson told the floor, then flashed out of the room.

  I walked past Blaze to the courtyard and settled my rear on a stone bench. “I’m guessing we do need to have that Vampire talk now?”

  He followed, not meeting my eyes and sat quietly next to me.

  “Care to explain that?” I queried, bumping him with my shoulder.

  He stared straight ahead and replied in a tired tone, “That was a Vampire instinct.”

  “Uh huh,” I pressed, placing my water bottle on the ground next to me.

  “It was a protective reaction. You sounded frightened and I over reacted. I apologize if I scared you,” he said, bumping my shoulder back.

  Deciding to let it drop, I went with an easier topic. “So, tell me about Vampires in general. I grew up knowing about different supernaturals, but have no knowledge beyond the fact that they exist.”

  He let out a relieved breath, “I’ll start at the beginning. Only Masters can create new Vampires, even then they only turn one or two per decade. It’s a large drain on their power and time. Fledglings, is what new Vampires are called. The Clutch helps the transition from human to Vampire, but it can be very difficult. The bloodlust is incredibly hard to overcome; it can take weeks to years depending on the will of each individual. During the bloodlust period, we are little more than animals, guided by the need for blood. Fledglings are constantly supervised and are never allowed human contact until they can master their urges. Only then does the Fledgling start to remember who they are, and is welcome to interact with the Menagerie.”

  “How do they feed then, as Fledglings?” I tripped over the unfamiliar word.

  “Members of the Menagerie donate blood. It’s taken via IV. The Fledgling is given the bagged blood.” He glanced at me to see if I was following.

  I nodded, “And the Menagerie are people that live with the Clutch?” My face screwed up, “Like slaves?”

  He chuckled, “No. Most Menageries are made up of people on retainer. They are paid quite well. They live here, with us. More like servants, though most have tight bonds and are considered a part of our family. Take my Clutch for example, Julian has been with us since he was born. I knew his parents and theirs. Sure, we do take on new people, but it’s very rare. They take care of the household. It’s very similar to a small community.”

  “So, they get paid. Do they ever get to leave?”

  “Yes. They go on vacations just like everyone else.” He raised a brow, “I don’t force people to stay here, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Huh,” I paused, pondering how to say my next question. “How do they, do you, um, feed?” I frowned at my ineloquence.

  He smiled and a snick sounded from his mouth; two fangs appeared where his canines would be. I leaned closer, reaching a hand toward his lips with a curious expression on my face. He opened w
ider in response, showcasing his pearly whites. Using my thumb, I rubbed the tip of one long fang. Just the slight brush pricked my skin, causing me to jerk my hand back and cradle it in my lap. I inspected my digit, watching as blood slowly welled up from the half inch surgical cut. I stuck it into my mouth and looked at him, unhappy with my clumsiness.

  His eyes were hooded as his tongue slipped out to lick the offending fang. Closing his eyes, he sighed, seeming to relish the taste. After a beat, he opened his dark orbs, need clearly reflected in their depths.

  I popped my finger out of my mouth and looked at it. The blood was beginning to bead. It slowly rolled down toward the webbing of my palm. I watched him track the movement from the corner of my eye; even more curious now, I held out my hand.

  Ever so slowly, he gently gripped my wrist and brought my hand toward his mouth, waiting to see if I’d change my mind. I nodded once, not quite meeting his gaze and focused on his lips. His tongue darted out, catching the dribble before it could escape my upturned palm. The sensation sent tingles through my stomach as he it trailed the blood back to the source with the flat of his tongue. He stopped for a moment, waiting to see if I would deny him. When I didn’t, he took my thumb into his mouth and sucked.

  Closing my eyes, I explored the sensation. Heat pooled in between my thighs and my nipples hardened. Trailing his hand from my wrist to my inner elbow, he left me to hold my thumb in his mouth. Then he swallowed and moaned. The vibration sent a lightning bolt of need through my arm straight to my core, setting off a moan of my own. I reached out and stroked the stubble of his jaw with my other hand, shifting it higher to run my fingertips through his damp, blonde hair. The silky strands were baby soft against my skin. I traced my fingertips over the shell of his ear and down his neck. He looked so vulnerable, not a single line marred his handsome face. His hand shifted from my elbow to my waist, kneading the muscles under my ribs. Brazen by his response, I shifted onto my knees and straddled his hips.

  Goddess, he smelled so good. Crisp, like the ocean on a foggy morning, with a musky masculine tone underneath. Delicious. I leaned forward and inhaled, the tip of my nose nuzzling his neck. His other hand gripped my hip and slowly slid lower, cupping my rear and pulling me closer. I groaned in response; he was rock hard as he pressed himself against the juncture of my thighs. I opened my mouth against his neck, swept up in the glorious need alighting my channel and licked his jugular. His mouth pulled on my thumb again and he rumbled a groan of pleasure.

  Something snapped audibly inside me. I was suddenly salivating as I nipped his ear. He ground me against him in response. He felt so damned good. A red haze clouded my thoughts, I felt different, light headed. I needed, I wanted...

  His hands pulled me closer, rubbing my pelvis against his hard length.

  I lost all control. Gripping his shoulder, I sank my teeth into his neck. Pure bliss exploded on my tongue and I swallowed, so thirsty. He purred, sending vibrations through my slick channel, causing me to moan again.

  He stood, effortlessly holding my weight with one hand and the back of my neck with the other. We were moving, but I barely noticed. I needed…

  He ground me against him again and again until a wave of bliss rolled through my body and I moaned my completion while still attached to his neck. I pulled again, MINE.

  Suddenly, I was weightless. Mine, my mind stuttered.

  A shock of cold and lack of air brought me back to myself, causing me to release the suction of my lips. I was underwater, still wrapped around Blaze, and he was kicking us to the surface.

  He had thrown us into the pool.

  Sputtering, I choked on the chlorinated water as we broke the surface. I clung to his shoulders while he pulled us to a submerged ledge. He held one hand to his neck and settled me beside him with the other.

  “What the hell?” I screeched, spitting out pink water. Pink? I swallowed hard. I could still taste his blood.

  Mine, my mind whispered.

  Embarrassed at myself, I ducked my head behind my now tangled hair. What happened to my braid?

  “Soooo,” he drew out next to me.

  I didn’t respond. I didn’t know what to say about my behavior.

  He tugged on a wet strand of my hair. “Hey,” he whispered. “It’s okay.”

  I let out a hiccuping sob, “What’s wrong with me?”

  Hooking me with his arm, he brought closer and murmured, “It’s fine. You’re okay. It’s perfectly normal.”

  I sobbed harder.

  After a few minutes of release, I composed myself as best as I could. “Are you okay?” I whispered, “Did I hurt you?”

  He shook his head and leaned his chin onto my crown. “No, I’m fine. I do need a small favor, though.”

  “What?” I said to his chest and pressed my cheek to his wet shirt.

  “Well, I’m still bleeding.” He stated factually, “Vampire saliva works as an anticoagulant, to keep the blood flowing. It can also seal a wound, any of our kinds’ saliva would work with a human; however, between two Vampires it’s best to use the originators’...”

  In a small voice, I asked, “What do I do?”

  He lifted his chin and replied, “You just swipe over it with your tongue. Is that okay?”

  I nodded, lifting my face from his soaked shirt and causing my ear to pop. Opening and closing my jaw at the pressure change, I finally met his eyes.

  Cobalt blue, they sparkled in genuine concern. Concern for me and how I was doing with this new revelation.


  He turned his head to the side while I got to my knees on the narrow ledge. “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yes.” I said with confidence, trying to ignore the whispers in my head while I waited for him to remove his hand.

  “It doesn’t hurt, so don’t worry about that.”

  “Okay.” I sucked in a deep breath as he released the grip on his neck.

  Two small holes, the size a pencil eraser, marred his perfect skin. Blood welled as I watched, causing my mouth to water. I swallowed loudly, “Um, just lick it?”

  He nodded, “Yes, your saliva will do the rest.”

  Leaning my face inches from his neck, I placed one hand on his shoulder. I inhaled through my nose, parsing his savory scent. Moving closer, I opened my mouth and instinct took over, causing me to latch on again. Moaning, I took a sip. Exquisite.

  He purred deeply and moved his hand to grip my hip. “Focus, Sora.”

  Coming back to myself, I swiped my tongue over the punctures and tilted my head to check them. Right before my eyes, they closed like magic, as if they never were. I checked my thumb, also completely healed.

  Leaning back, I considered his eyes with a hopeful expression on my face.

  “Perfect,” he whispered, not bothering to check the wound.

  I blushed, ducking my head.

  Deciding some naughtiness was in order, I clasped my fists together underneath the water and skipped them fast as lightning over the surface; causing a mini wave that splashed him full in the face.

  Laughing at his shocked expression, I back stroked across the pool, kicking off my flats as I went.

  In a blur of movement, between one blink and the next, he latched onto my ankle from below and pulled me under. I came up sputtering in mock outrage, “You’ll pay for that!”

  “Wanna bet?” He submerged and was at the opposite end near the lagoon before I could utter a response.

  I giggled, “Show off!”

  He swam back as I tread water and pulled me to him. In the warm circle of his arms, with a smirk on his face, he whispered, “How shall I pay, my Lady?” He spun me in a circle, his powerful legs keeping us both afloat. Kissing my cheek, he swam to the edge of the pool and got out.

  Damn, he looked so good, leaving little to the imagination with his wet clothes molding to his massive frame. That’s it, I decided. I was so going to hell.

  Sighing, I followed to the edge and lifted out a hand.

  Blaze easil
y plucked me from the water and my teeth immediately started to chatter. He reached over, snatching a blue fluffy oversized towel and wrapped it around me twice. “Come on, we need to get you warmed up.”

  Taking my hand, he led me back to my room.

  Good thing the carpet is black, I thought while he closed my door.

  I stood there, dripping water as he flashed into the bathroom.

  Pricking my ears, I heard water being drawn from the tap of the tub. I made my way over and peeked into the room.

  Blaze was sitting on the side of the jacuzzi, hand under the flow of water, testing the temperature. With a satisfied nod, he stood. “Take a bath. Warm up a bit. I have some things I need to address.” He paused, brows raised in a hopeful expression, “Text or call me when you’re done?”

  Surprised by the earnestness in his eyes, I smiled. “Sure.”

  His boots squished as he prowled toward me. My heart fluttered in my chest when he stopped and reached out.

  I closed my eyes as his fingers tipped my chin up and he softly kissed my cheek.

  Then he was gone.

  I dropped the towel and quickly peeled out of my soaked clothes. Blech. I was freezing.

  I dipped a toe into the water to test the temperature and sighed. Perfect.

  Excited, I hopped in and waited for it to fill enough to test the jets.


  Leaving Sora alone after she took his blood was more difficult than he thought it would be. Sure, he’d taken a few Vampire females in his time, but never had he let a female feed from him. It was beyond erotic. Her blood in his mouth while she took his vein was almost his undoing. He’d had to stay as level headed as possible, though. He didn’t want her to have any regrets after the bloodlust took her, and take her it did, to the point of orgasm. He released a pleased sigh as he prided himself on her pleasure and subsequent release. The sounds she made were music to his ears as he ground against her with his rigid girth.

  As he shucked his wet clothes and popped into a smaller shower than he was accustomed; he replayed every sensation and sound in his mind. Stroking himself toward his own release, his mind swirled with her scent. Layered like a delicate flower, he imagined his mouth buried between her thighs. Just the thought of how she would taste undid him.


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